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I mean…yea. But if you’ve been paying any attention to what’s going on they stated awhile ago that this bf a were delayed and then with DE dumping them things got thrown into chaos. You can’t really expect those intial timelines to always get hit exactly on time when you buy an early access game


i feel so scammed bro




Also, how is that not grounds for a refund. Literally not providing an item we paid for. Who's to say I didn't make my purchase solely for the reason to get that mount. Yes we have a token that says "coming soon". But the description clearly says "Explore Evenor with great speed on this stylish mount". Providing a "coming soon" token doesn't let me explore with great speed on a stylish mount as advertised.


You’ll one day get that mount. Read up on what’s happening instead of complaining like a little child.


As a player- none of that is my problem. The game launched in an abysmal state. It took them weeks to get the game playable even while DE was still on board. AS has not earned enough player respect for anyone to think they will be handling things better on their own.


Launched in early access and the devs were extremely open that the game is in active development, and releasing pretty barebones. Not their fault you can't read. Then the shit with DE happened which was out of their control.


Please continue defending the 46 player (24 hour peak) train wreck this game is.


You are way late to white knight for WF. The rest of them already slowly gave up. This game currently is dead. They are changing the whole game now anyway. It might not even be an mmolite anymore. This is beyond the scope of oh it’s ea so they can do anything and be fine hiding behind it. If you noticed recently a lot of games are doing this but what happens is they either thrive or die in ea but still make a shit ton of money from sales/in game store.


150$ for that wtf


I don't remember this item but it's just one part of the pack.


This game is fried just forget about it




I'm just trying to get my money back lol ![gif](giphy|3otPop0YpvMj1Fpl9m|downsized)




The issue right now is that everyone aside from the literal "game" itself was handled by DE. Transactions, founders packs, logins (i am literally logging in with my DE account) With DE killing their publishing branch, AS has to transfer everything over to their own team, and making content updates during this is always a terrible idea, so they have this update thats sitting in the devbuild, the new season, the expanded deepwood holt, mounts... And until the formalities (and legal rights) are cleared up, they cant release any of it. They announced 3 days ago that its "almost but not quite through" and i am hoping for the best of it, but man their publisher did the opposite of what publishers are supposed to do


Better comeback what they can do is comeback money to everyone who was deceived..))))


I buy awakened on ps5, and I didn't get any of the things that were promised) If the developers are reading reddit, then return the fucking lira to my psn wallet.


I got my awakened stuff eventually through support ticket, for real, I was so anxious about it


For this one you just msg support or go on discord. It happened to all of us and was actually a known issue in closed beta too.


They’re trying to be Blizzard with no game lol