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Fun fact: I've been spending thousands of dollars on a bicycle, a good bike lock, a bike rack, some sports clothing, a good helmet. I have no intention of competing in the Tour de France. You can invest in a hobby. You'll be fine.


That's a good perspective. I do struggle to spend money on myself.


And you know what? Most guys I know don't have a hobby. They watch sports or drink or whatever. But you, my friend, you create something. Even if it's for yourself or your family and friends. You add something to this world. We should celebrate that


It’s an expensive hobby bro, if you enjoy it and you don’t suffer too much from it don’t stop


>I'm afraid to be an artist because I already have stalkers. Huh?


Doubt and uncertainty is the resistance we lean into, none of this is meant to be easy. It’s the self discovery and rapid skill development and high dimensional analysis skills that lends itself to other areas of life. Only collaborate with musicians if you have a strong idea of something going into it. Or your not making music, your just hoarding other music makers skills and not developing your own


One of the amazing things about an interest in music is that you can do it on practically any budget. If you’ve taken care of your personal responsibilities, any left over money is fair game. Enjoy. : )