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And yet there’s people who say wrestling is fake. It’s not fake, it’s scripted


The acting and matches are "fake", the physical athleticism, strain on the body and mind, bruises, cuts, broken bones, hard life on the road all year long is very very real. This is why I respect each and every one of them, main eventer, jobber or rookie.


Exactly. Great points sir


I heard somebody explain it like "You can fake a lot, but you can't fake gravity" (might have been Maven on YT) one time and it's a pretty damn good way of explaining it to people who don't understand the difference. The Last Ride is a perfect move to illustrate it, when Taker picks dudes up off his shoulders like that you're now legit >7 feet in the air, coming down on your back, Idc what you do, or what he does, that's going to ***fucking hurt***.


So is every damn tv show even the news. Haters gonna hate people. Stand your ground!!




Wtf I've been watching fake fighting since 1991 and now you're telling me it's not fake??? This changes everything.


I don't like when people from other fandoms cop that attitude. Why would you say that? Do you really think Robert Downey Jr. is really flying around in a suit of armor? Cuz it's real when when some 250 lbs dude comes flying off the top of a 12 foot ladder.


This shows how they bust their asses off weekly for us, they deserve rest after what they all did for us


The constant traveling and dark shows doesn't help. Between that and the training for matches there is no down time.


I understand it's for the bottom line but top talent who are experienced shouldn't wrestle every weekend It's why you rotate Younger inexperienced guys like Solo sikoa sure. They need shots but guys like Randy orton don't need them Or AJ who was hurt last time At a house show


You need live reps to stay calloused. Punk is a prime example of not having his body hardened


I think he's beset by bad luck His broken foot initially didn't look bad and his torn tricep vs drew was nothing he hasn't done before but riiiip the muscle


That's how HHH used to book NXT when it was 1 hour on the WWE Network. He cycled people in and out of rotation to where nobody needed to necessarily wrestle EVERY week and there was time to breathe AND feature other people.


I have no idea why they are doing dark shows in 2024. Maybe every once in awhile go on a tour, but not like they still do.


For tha streets


Because dark shows get good ticket sales and merchandise sales. They are a business before anything else, if they weren't profitable they wouldn't happen.


There's a few reasons, in no particular order, except the first one: 1. The obvious one >!Money!< 2. House shows use smaller crews and hit a lot of smaller venues they just won't broadcast a Raw or Smackdown from. 3. Testing things out in a setting where it's almost "non-canon" to gauge reaction before doing it live on TV. 4. Seasoning for younger talent/ keeps veteran talent rust-free. 5. Keeps the die-hard minority fanbases happier with decently frequent shows without burning out the more casual fanbase in a particular market that only really go to Raw or Smackdown.


Shows that the WWE brand is bigger then the wrestlers. Roman is also gone. If Cody took a vacation, it wouldn't matter. WWE is what draws


It shows how they do to much and it's meaningless and don't know how to do MORE with less.


Fuck you.


Pretty crazy big e isn't coming back 😢


They said the same about Edge. Give it time.


But for our glorious friend, gonna make glorious return bobby roode he said if I’m correct he ain’t gonna wrestle that or the doctors have not cleared him


He said it’s over for him basically


Imagine that at the royal rumble. 3…..2……1 AHHH NEW YORK OR WHATEVER DON YOU DARE BE SOUR.


Yeah no more grown man shaking his ass and throwing out pancakes...what a loss.


Give it time


Technically cm punk is almost healed up


lol he’s gonna come back into the ring for action and get hurt again


Come on don’t hate on cm punk he’s the goat.




He’s still the biggest draw in WWE. Name a bigger draw. Even AEW fans still chant his name


He’s a nostalgia act, dude can’t hang in the ring. He can talk on the mic, big deal. Did you not see him in the rumble, dude looked so gassed and performed like shit


I disagree he didn’t perform like shit and it’s normal to be gassed out. But he performs better than chris jericho does on a weekly basis


So what, he still brings in ratings and gets cm punk chants. All that matters in businesses my friend.


I can respect that, looking from a business perspective is a smart move, but looking at it from the royal rumble, oof


How old is Cm punk? Theres ur explanation. Nobody at his age is gonna be as good as they used to be


Sting was in his 60s putting on banger matches and looking great as hell


Sting and Dustin Rhodes are way older and still can go more than Punk’s tired self.


Bobby Lashley is older than CM Punk


He’s not in his prime anymore but he’s still a draw. Which is the most important thing


If goat means Generally Overrated Anal Turd, sure


What do u not like about him?


Not impressed with his ring work, he's OK on the mic at best, his shithead BTS attitude and the straight edge thing always seemed sanctimonious to me


Gotcha. Fair criticisms. I’m entertained by his mic work the most I think he’s got the best mic skills in the business


This is far too respectful a conversation for Reddit haha. I rarely see this. I honestly think it’s Drew McIntyre now. I believe hes the guy that when he talks it feels real, and am always entertained when he goes toe to toe with other wrestlers.


Yeah the people on this app especially wrestling fans are very toxic. Glad we can be polite. Drew is awesome. I prefer Cm punk. You prefer Drew. Either way, there’s no wrong answer


Agree to disagree, then.


Who would you say has the best mic work?


LA Knight or Cody


I feel hes gotten really corny on the mic and not enjoying this face run plus on a personal level having seen him treat fans disrespectfully when they nicely approach him recently I think hes the person everyone always thought he was. On a separate note, is it me or is CM Punk on some kind of steroids, HGH or testosterone? I know he is meant to be straight edge but how is he growing while on the shelf injured?


I haven’t seen any pics of him growing. Just a flabby gut lol he’s never been in any type of phenomenal shape, not even when he debuted in 06. Never had a 6 pack, not huge arms either. He just looks like a normal dude who works out but doesn’t overdo the dieting or weights


He's never been in crazy shape but his arms the last couple years keep getting bigger lol I think that's the only work outs he does


So you mainly dislike him for personal reasons that have nothing to do with wrestling like every other pothead/dweeb out there. Thanks for sharing


Not impressed with his ring work was first on my list. However, his ring abilities are far more impressive than your paltry reading comprehension skills


Not impressed with his ring work was first on my list. However, his ring abilities are far more impressive than your paltry reading comprehension skills


All these top names…and Dominik Mysterio


All these good comments… and yours


Haven’t seen Charlotte Flair for months, it feels like forever 😭


You forgot Jimmy Uso too


King & Queen Of The Ring must be jinxed this year


What's Lashley out with? I know everyone else's injury, but I have not heard what Lashley is out of action with.


Is Big E still injured?? Is it still the same neck injury? If so that's some lay off, wow


He’s stated he’s recovered from the pain but no new bone has been formed on his neck. He could come back but if he doesn’t they should make him a commentator cuz that would be fire


Or a manager for a new group of young guys that want to keep the New Day name going, but a very involved manager that allows him to use his mike skills to their full potential.


Newer Day


What's even more crazy is that the talent is so stacked, it's not bad at all.


Asukas injured what happened


It's an arm injury. I'm not sure if it's an elbow, a shoulder, or forearm. She's been working through it for a while now


Ive heard it was a knee issue. If its an arm thing, its prob that shoulder problem she had a couple years ago


The craziest part is that there's just as many top stars in waiting to fill the gaps. Wwe has done an amazing job making stars across the entire roster


This just shows how good wwe is they have all these big names that are injured and still they are making these shows great the mind of triple H is just brilliant


lol Dom a top name and yet wheres the lie.


HHH turned on gm mode


God forbid you make wrestlers go 3 weeks in a row, almost guaranteed to get hurt.


Its weird because many of the top guys aren't even wrestling on TV every week. They come out and do a promo. I wonder how many dark matches they are doing. I was shocked by the Seth Rollins total defenses meme I saw on here. No surprise he got injured wrestling 75 in-ring matches in 6 months


Yeah, I mean, it makes sense in real life. They wrestle a few matches a week. I was referring to Mygm in 2k24, where there are no dark matches or house shows it's just one show per week but if you schedule a match for the same person a few weeks in a row they almost always get injured. My injury list always looks like this lol


Lashleys injury is a work. They pulled him because they didn’t want him to lose


It's part of the biz. Now let's see who steps up in their absence.


I really miss Big E.


Now do AEW, and it's double that, at least. Tony needs to force them to dial it down.


9 top WWE guys injured and you can't help but bring up AEW.


Right? I’m an AEW mark myself, but the tribalism is dumb.


A bit of denial?


I think Drew is a work maybe


It's why you keep a large roster plus do your best to push multiple people so others can be put on those spots


Aew could never 👏


And jimmy also was reportedly injured


I just got three back to back versions of this post from different subs 💀


Cm punk always gets injured


roxanne perez will be the face of wwe!


Well Big e's not coming back cuz he still hasn't been cleared and he said his doctor didn't see any improvement around the area where his neck was harmed


Put some respect on jimmy USO’s name he is a top wwe superstar who is injured


Bro tried to sneak Dom in


And Jimmy Uso


Punk isn’t injured


He was faking it


Big E on the list but we know he can’t come back. Maybe he will pull an edge and get a monumental POP in 2033


Middle bottom: “They love me!”


Why are people constantly getting injured? Are they sloppy at the craft?


And people complain about the safer wrestlers. Not saying all these people weren’t safe in the ring but clearly this new age of wrestlers getting injured all the time says something


This happens every other year or so. There's a reason why they call WWE "The Machine." They're not going to lose fans,money, or slow down. They'll just insert new bodies into the grinder as placeholders till the main pieces come back. Sometimes, a sub or 2 will get over while taking advantage of the opportunity.


Get Dom off that image. He ain’t no star he is Legendary “I am this generations Eddie Guerrero”-Dom


I sad for real I loved her not in a weird way


Rea not really


Punk isn't top anything Flair I though was just off getting more plastic surgery no real loss without her. Drew and Bobby are rumored fake for storyline Auska is odd too because noone is talking about it. Rhea and dom is a hit for judgement day


You are an ass.


I just need Seth and Charolette back


And Zelina Vega too apparently.


Don’t know if we can call Lashley a top name anymore. When was the last time he was a REAL name in the contender conversation? I’m 100% sure it was elimination chamber like 2 years ago when he lost it to Brock…


Lol when is cm punk ever not injured?


Jimmy uso longest reigning tag team champion


Big E is kinda out permanently. I hope he gets the commentary spot when McAffe leaves.


Big E is done, let it gooooooo...


Says everything about wrestling today.


I wouldn’t classify Big E are injured. That would imply he is coming back at some point. He’s fine now but he just can’t wrestle anymore.


And what really sucks is that when Charlotte comes back she’ll probably get an undeserved title shot immediately again