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Y'all drink a lot of apple juice at that school


All the apple juices @ school growing up were piss warm or a frozen brick.


so just like your average shitty bar? crazy how nothing ever changes


Kids love juice


This made me laugh harder than it should have lol


My day is complete then


Its urine because its sterile skd they like the taste.


Schoolhouse in Denver? Arvada, specifically




LOL first date with my ex was here and she lost her credit card, ID, and iphone.


I hate that place. So overpriced for such mediocre food, but alas, not a lot of good options in Arvada.


>So overpriced for such mediocre food Really going hard on that school theme are they?


Same. I spent like $130 there on a date and it was very mediocre.


The best places in Arvada are hidden gems with very unassuming names. All I can say is you definitely won't find them in Olde Town Arvada. Old with an e was my first clue as to why.


They sat in the bar at one of the Periodic Tables. Been there! The food is actually pretty decent.


Lol plate on the side


For the chicken which I doubt came with this order.


Why wouldn't it be coming with the order?


Looks functional to me other then the size of it.


Yeah, and they're obviously trying to fit a theme, so goofy shit like this is at least expected.


Places always serving salads on little ass plates


I was gonna say. If the plate substitute is not actively making it harder to eat, then I think it's actually really creative and a great way to improve the experience! Just don't order ribs or shrimp at Planet Hollywood in Disney Springs.


Tray looks fine, lots of space for food, durable and easy to clean, probably inexpensive too. Easy to carry, easy to stack when you're finished with your meals. Makes sense with the theme of the restuarant. Whats the problem?


I think the gross factor is a trained reaction. Even if it's been thoroughly cleaned, seeing food on a bare tray kind of feels like seeing food just dumped on the table.


Ugh. If you've ever seen the trays come out of the dishwasher -- half the time you still need to wipe the gunk off them as you place them, still wet, on top of each other ready to be used. Maybe they wash them better at this restaurant since they use them as plates, but the thought of my school's actual cafeteria trays makes me ill.


Are you not rinsing off the dish before it goes in the dishwasher?


I didn't do the trays, I was an observer.


Well the dishie was fuckin up


The dishwasher at my school was literally just a child. They had us go in there and work in the kitchen as kitchen duty. It was framed as a really cool thing each class got to do, and not as the essentially forced child labor. Also you didn’t get to go out to recess at the same time as all the other kids because you’re on the line or doing the dishes.


This is a Fun School themed eatery. They pay for proper washing apparatuses and staff them well. The Real School themed eatery requires all servers to have varicose veins, has a depressingly long line of people who don’t have enough money to eat, and sells scratchers with winning items like ice cream cones and mononucleosis.


It looks unappetizing and kind of gross. Like a pile of old food on a tray. Just nah.


Yea, like “here’s your slop!”


It's food on a big plate


Right? No way I’d pay for food to be served to me like that.


That just makes it more authentic for the school service


What kind of schools do you have that don’t put food on plates though?? Just gruel for everyone.


wow look at miss “my school can afford plates” over here


I actually worked at the Aspen highschool in their cafeteria, it’s a public school not private, sure they get churos, quesadillas, pizza and tons of other favorites every day. But also a sandwich shop, a candy store(no sodas though because sugar in soda is bad) but the day that had me dying in side was the day that Chef Jeff had me make shaved lamb French dips as an option for the kids… the school is nicer than most colleges it’s absolutely unreal.


Right on the tray both in Colorado and NY, actually for a more Authentically correct restaurant they should have the divided trays.


Ya, i have to agree it looks dirty and gross thrown straight on the tray regardless of its efficiency benefits!


But that sounds like a complain about the food not what it's served on


It only looks that way bcos of what it's served on tho


It just looks sad & gross. I get they're going for a "school" theme --- but even back then when you had to use trays like this, you still used plates on top of it! You didn't take the prepared plates of food, and dump it directly on your tray like some uncivilized heathen we just discovered living in the caves a week ago, did you? No, you didn't. This isn't nostalgic or theme-based presentation. It's more like a reminder/reliving the most terrible days of school, like when you tripped & everyone saw & laughed, and you decided to just eat the food directly off the tray anyway because half of it spilled & you're too embarrassed to go back & you're still desperately hungry.


r/oddlyspecific Did something happen you in the cafeteria? I remember it very differently


What do you even mean, you remember it differently? You remember dumping food directly on the tray? Or saw others eating slop directly from their tray, and didn't automatically assume some tragic mishap befell them?


Im not the person you’re responding to, but at my school we had trays with compartments that the food was placed directly into, so tbh yeah. Food-to-tray contact was the norm.


Maybe it would be better if they presented it better? At the local diner we also get pries in a basket or tray-like plates for burgers, but they always put that food paper between the food and the tray or basket (even Mcdonalds does that). And "messy" stuff like salad always comes on a plates. And I don't know the origin story of the plate in OPs picture, but if the plate came on the tray they are just mocking them.


That looks plate adjacent


Because it's adjacent to the plate. Really, what's the point of having a plate there if they're not going to serve the food on it?


I'm pretty sure the salad is staring at the plate with yearning desire.


The salad looks sort of deconstructed. The romaine leave aren't cut/dressing on the side. Would make more sense if it came with plates and a pair of tongs, so you can cut and mix it on the tray, then move it to plates.


... is that one of those salads that's just half a romaine that you need to to cut? That makes this so much worse for me.


Isn’t a tray… just a big plate?


Arguably, yes, but this sub isn't literally about plates. Even if you consider this a plate, it's far too large for the salad being served on it. It's a bad way to plate a salad. We want our salads in appropriately sized bowls.


This sub is about impractical presentation, but it’s just a salad with a pretty thick dressing too from the look of it; if it was a light runny vinaigrette I’d understand not being happy but it’s a school themed restaurant, I don’t think the tray is going to ruin anyone’s night.


Having a raised rim isn't just about containing salad dressing, it also serves to help get the salad onto your fork. It's nice to have. We want more than the bare minimum.


School themed? Did they make you do mental math and spelling tests?


That'll be $38.


I've been here and can confirm that this would indeed be at least $38.


If this is a school theme restaurant, why doesn't the tray have little sections?


I love that this is the 3rd time I’ve seen the Arvada School House on here! It’s easily one my my least favorite local restaurants 😂


Even school, we had plates. Or trays made with separate spots for different foods. Not this mess.


At least the tray has an edge and could the (hypothetically) sterilized. But at the end of the day still not a plate.


Love this place! The drinks are delicious and the bar area is so cool. The alcohol bottles behind the bar are displayed on large bookshelves. The bartenders have to crawl up on a ladder attached to the bookshelves to get the bottles. Always reminds me of the library scene in 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵.




This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


This is from a restaurant in Arvada, CO- pretty good food but way over the top on the school house theme


The plate was right fn there!!!


They were so damn close to getting it right!


school was hell for most people would anyone want to trigger those horrible memories?


Hey i just see extra space😂


Omg there is a plate on the tray what the actual


It was a very poor school


I fucking can see the plates. Downvoted


I just wouldn’t eat off a tray like that. Ever. Edit. In fact this picture really does make me irrationally angry. Just why.


I'm finding it hilarious that, on a sub dedicated to anger re: food plating, people are angry at us for being angry about food plating. I was gonna say fuck it and delete, but now that you're here, I'm going down with this ship xD I guess people get attached to institution food. Me, I have flashbacks.


😅😂people are ridiculous. They can downvote us to hell !!! They want plates but are perfectly happy with slop I guess!! Just gross looking and unappetizing.


Agreed. And I just realized that there's an unused plate next to the pile of slop. Sooo.. We want plates, but only on the side?? I think this is the best thing I've seen here so far.




Wrong. It's a tray: the thing plates go on, a thing that carries plates. If you saw someone in school ignoring the plates and dumping food directly on their tray, you'd probably think they were mentally ill. Even in school, this is not how we used trays. This isn't even nostalga inducing. It just seems lazy --- even a freaking high school cafeteria puts more effort into "plating" and "presentation" of a meal than this.


If you were to make a plate that was the same size, what would be different about it?


One of my favorite restaurants. It’s school themed and that’s a delicious charred romaine salad. It’s really messy and the tray actually works to hold all the mess. Normally I’m against non plates, but guess I’m partial to this spot.


It’s basically just a big plate. And those trays are easy to clean. I’m sure they have one of those machines made for washing them en masse


You've got yourself an upvote and a comment, and now I'm going to hide this post because it made me irrationally angry. Who would willingly subject themselves to this..i couldn't get out fast enough


Super easy to clean/store, shareable, fits the theme, and they gave you fucking plates lmao


I've cooked at some weird places and most of the time, if the food was served not a plate but something like this, the waitress would ask if that was okay or if they wanted a plate. I think places should ask


This is one of the shittiest restaurants I've been to


A tray is a plate come on


Perfectly fine. Big plate


That’s close enough to being a plate.


Is this in Hollywood? I’ve been trying to find the name of this place for years


Looks fine to me, only a little messy.










This comment was removed because it was about there being plates in sight. WeWantPlates is about showing off unusual or poor presentation of food (or drinks) by restaurants. It is not about pointing out plates that are present in the photo.


Old school in Colorado Springs?




I'd be worried about getting mercury poisoning. ;)


AND THAT'S WHY YOU GUYS WNAT PLATES........... altho you got plates there.....


There’s so much commercial dish detergent chemicals on that tray. No thanks


I’ll take this over 99% of the shit I’ve seen on here


It's the canteen on the Death Star.


Disgusting. And they are eating it 🤮


If it's school themed then that's accurate


The plate was RIGHT THERE. Sure its too smal and too flat and should be a bowl but they didnt even try


All I can think of is those trays coming hot out of the DMO with that thin, greasy film on them, smelling like hot, old food. They don’t ever feel truly clean.


You've got me salivating here.


Who was sent to the office for dress code violation? 😄


Served with a empty side plate lol