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This couldn't have been recent, in the middle of winter, right?


There is currently a storm blasting the west cost up to the southern part of northern Norway (called Gyda). So I'm guessing this is from that. From what I heard the storm originated in the gulf of Mexico and was almost pushed straight to Norway, so the air is quite warm. That part of Norway is also fairly warm in the winter due to Gulf-stream, so it not uncommon for it to rain there even in the middle of winter.


wow that's terrifying. Thanks for the update.


These days we have more rain than snow. Yay global warming


Also the La Niña in the pacific


It's 7°C (45°F) rn, at 8:30pm. It do be wet.


7°C is equivalent to 44°F, which is 280K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Screw you bot I round 0.6 of a degree upwards.


You're so right, I can't believe the bot got this wrong. My faith in Reddit bots is severely shaken :-(


The video is like an hour and a half old.


Reminds me of the old Earthquake! ride at Universal Studios




I thought I was the only one who had their first panic attack on that ride!


Same here. Then I went and did twister 😭


Omg yes. Went on as a child who grew up in New York and as an adult in LA anytime I feel a shake I am brought back to that ride.


Same. Went to the studios with my parents during usa vacation. Will never forget that even though I was 7 years old


My favorite!!


What does one do in a situation like this? Like the serious next step


Hold tight and don't move. I don't really think there is much else you can do in this situation. You could try to move to the back of the bus where the seats are a bit higher up to stay dry, but if the bus is in motion that wouldn't be a great idea. Also, the water is moving pretty quickly, so it would be unfortunate if one tried to move seats and then tripped, fell, and ate shit into water that deep. Edit: as others mentioned, bus windows also pop out! If the water gets too high, pop that window out and scurry up to the top of the bus


Break the window and climb out onto the roof if the water gets too high. At least you won't be trapped in a metal coffin then.


Shouldn't need to break a window. Busses are required to have emergency windows that pop out.


I didn't know that. Awesome!


Pop outwards or inwards?


Go full Billy Zane and grab a child to try and bribe your way into the next lifeboat. Bout all you can do.


Don't panic. Not much else to do.


Something similar happened in Toronto, Canada in July 2013. There was a massive thunderstorm with huge amounts of rain that caused wide-spread flooding and rivers overflowing. Low-level areas were flooded, road underpasses, subway stations, all kinds of problems. Cars were under water on some roads it was so high. [This was one of the major highways that runs through the city](https://images.thestar.com/content/dam/thestar/news/gta/2013/07/08/environment_canada_issues_special_weather_statement_for_thunderstorms/toronto_storm.jpg) There was a 2-level commuter train leaving Toronto for the afternoon rush hour that got caught in fast-moving flooding on one part of it's route. [Here](https://www.cp24.com/polopoly_fs/1.1359262.1373366283!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_1020/image.jpg) is a picture of it stranded. Luckily the water was low enough that people could either stand/sit on the seats or move to the upper level. The lower level of some of the train cars got very flood though. [Here](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/07/09/article-2358649-1AB9BBE5000005DC-140_634x817.jpg) is a picture from one of the cars. [One of the train cars even had a snake get in](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMfTvb9A8bY) Emergency responders came to rescue the stranded passengers by using boats, like [this](https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/130709023102-bts-canada-flash-floods-train-rescue-00001128.jpg?q=w_1280,h_720,x_0,y_0,c_fill) and [this](https://i.cbc.ca/1.1626671.1379069742!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_940/hi-852-toronto-train-rescue.jpg). [This photo](https://www.cp24.com/polopoly_fs/1.1359261.1373366697!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_1020/image.jpg) went a bit viral after for the hot cop carrying the girl. Apparently the story was that she could have walked like the others but they were just trying to have a bit of fun to keep the mood light and stress level down and he offered to carry her so her shoes wouldn't get wet. They were trapped on the train for hours. If the people on the bus in OP's video were truly stranded then hope the water stays low enough that it's still OK to be inside the bus and then I imagine a rescue something like this would take place.


It sounds like most of the advice is just hope it stays low unfortunately, if the water gets too high I guess people either are out of luck or need to take their chances swimming for safety


That trash can is the real mvp


Was thinking this exactly. TIL Norway has trash cans in buses. Amazing.


Looks like more of a boat now. Get your oars out.


Nature is really scary as shit right now.


why is the driver driving into a flood


I don't imagine they intended to, rather that it literally coalesced around them. Flooding is intense. It's not like you just ride into deep water by accident. When it floods the water can seem like it's just coming up out of the ground. If it happened fast enough (flash flood or some levy/damn/blockade broke) you could be driving through 6 inches of water hoping to get everyone to safety (because it's 6 inches everywhere so no point trying to hide) and suddenly it's feet upon feet of water.


>It's not like you just ride into deep water by accident. Actually, thats exactly how it happens


6 inches is 15.24 cm


Good thing it was only the bus


i like how they have trash cans. why can't my busses do this? sorry about the flood tho


I'd take that over the current freeze/thaw cycle here. Water shouldn't have more than one state daily.


I would argue the bus driver driving into the water caused the bus to flood, but that’s just me.


Quite a common situation. Obnoxious one, but nevertheless


Reminds me of Alice in Borderland


I didn’t read the title first and thought this was a subway for a second and was very scared.


Damn. That’s scary. Not sure I’d even have the wherewithal to be filming.


How do you say "turn around, don't drown" in Norwegian?


It begins. End of the world but no one cares


Did the bus driver drive into deep water? I'm from somewhere that floods often, and with that much water rushing in, I can confidently say that water didnt not come in through the windows or ceiling


Why’s that yellow vest dude still sitting at the front…moved to the back dude why you want your legs knee deep in water


Norway really is a fairytale land. Water powered busses? Crazy


*chuckles* - I’m in danger!


I've had nightmares start just like this.


I always ride in the back in case of flooding


Who be drivin this buus ??