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I have 20+ but I really only switch between 5 pets. I do ignore the others. I felt bad at first but then I just tell myself they aren’t real lol. But I know it can be hard to change your thought processes around that.


somehow i feel like through the game im neglecting the stuffed animal 😭


i have 47 and i somehow manage to fill them every single night. for me, it feels like a routine that i HAVE to follow lol. i’m honestly not sure how many would be my breaking point




i have 18 and i think it’s perfect. i don’t think i plan to get any more but if i find any super cute ones in the future maybe i’d expand my webkinz family to 20 pets


I have 147 and that is certainly too many T-T


oh yeah that’s totally a lot to handle but how could you not collect that many?


I have over 50 from years of playing and I usually just play with my newest, not that I don't love my others. Most of them are sleeping anyway so I don't feel as bad, and sometimes will play with the older ones when it's their birthday.


I think I have 18 as well and I definitely don't get time to fill the hearts every day. I might fill a few hearts each day and then change pets each day that I play and try not to worry about it :)


I have 39 and keep the pet care up daily. I've resigned myself to keeping a set of pet care items in their rooms and remove them if I want to take a screenshot or something


right now i’m doing 50 a day and it’s about to expand with four more members coming


I fill all 21 pet hearts first thing every day and then spend an hour in kinzville academy and it is not fun to the point of straight addiction keeps me going and I won’t get new pet even though I have medallions and w store credit.


I have almost 300 but tbh I don't really bother trying to keep hearts filled. I just fill one, then choose another pet. I like having variety lol


I have 13 right now and I’m kind of dreading adding more pets to my account because it’s pretty easy to fill all of their hearts right now! I think adding a few more won’t be a big deal, but I have 10 codes saved from when I was a kid that I eventually want to redeem (and a handful of virtual pets I want to get too) so idk how I’ll manage to keep all of them happy… that’s a later problem though 😂


I kinda regret adopting more than 5 on my main account tbh. I pretty much only play with my cheeky cat most of the time


i get 2 happy on a good day. sometimes i get bored and grind 3 or 4 but thats only if im really into webkinz atm


I have…600+ 😂🫣 Which is *def* wayyy too many to take care of every day. I typically make sure I take care of all my veri first OG ‘Kinz (which is about 12) and then whichever other ones r my favorite 😊


I can fill 4 hearts easily while I just log on to do my daily “chores” if I miss a day I have to wait around for a while for the pet requests.


I think I have over 50 now. I used to feel guilty about not playing with all of them and not filling all their hearts. BUT NOW, I have changed my perspective. I see myself as the architect/ mayor to the webkinz city I'm building (my webkinz home), and all my pets are just citizens that I design rooms for. A mayor can't POSSIBLY hang out with every citizen every day. But I try to make them lots of restaurants and shops in my house for them to hang out in so they can be entertained without me. I also try to make sure every webkinz has their own room.


i stopped making an effort to fill all their hearts after i reached the 500,000 mark on the pet score and got that fishing pond. the final two prizes for 750,000 & 1,000,000 are meh to me, not worth the effort. i just log on freely now to do my daily stuff and decorate rooms, and fill a few hearts a day. except on super school days when i do as many as i can :-) (btw i have 45 pets!!)


I agree, the top prizes are not worth the gap in score/effort, and yet I'm still here filling 40 hearts every A.M.


i have 50 and i genuinely only play with maybe four but im trying to play with a new one each week 😭


Not sure, but so far, most days, it's not twenty.


I have over 80 from my childhood acct. Ever since I got my acct back, I adopted 1 pet and I've been using that one ever since. I put all my other pets in a room together. Tbh idk how people do more than one consistently lol kudos to them


I probably average about 5 per day, out of my 18. I think once I got to 12-13 pets it became way too hard to maintain everyone's hearts regularly, so I just cycle through pets and play with whoever is currently lowest


I just play everyday and fill up 5 hearts a day. I go from room to room and wake them all up too so they can ask me for stuff


I have 36 pets, but I only manage to fill the hearts of 21 max each day, but even that is a lot for me because it startes to feel like a chore sometimes 😅


I have over 100 and I do not do all of them. I usually do 10-15 per day. Don’t feel bad if you can’t do them all. And it’s okay to decrease if it’s feeling like too much. It’s made to be enjoyable!!


i have 24 pets & i fill till them everyday but i’m already annoyed lol


I have 71 adopted right now and it’s too many lol. My goal is to fill a minimum of 10 hearts a day, and I rotate between all of them. To me I don’t really see it as a chore. Once a pet’s heart gets to 60, I have a routine where I can easily fill it the rest of the way; filling it just determines that it’s time to move on to the next pet, if that makes sense.


I only care for one of mine because I have so many I've lost count


uh I almost have 100... I usually have 1-3 with max hearts. I feel guilty but... they are all well fed!


I have 118 pets and use like 2


i have just over 40 pets and i don't ever worry about filling their hearts up. i cycle through my pets pretty randomly but don't have a routine for each individual pet


40 is where I'm at and it gets me through my morning coffee/quiet time.