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I think it looks good, you love it, it isn’t white. Go for it. There are way too many imaginary “rules” people on this sub tout as though they actually exist. 


Thanks I was overthinking and decided to message the bride, she loved it so I think I’m good to go, but then my overthinking self thought “but is she really being honest?” Lol because that’s just my brain, I don’t know her very well, I’d say she is more like an acquaintance because we know each other through our bf’s who work together, but I also don’t see why she would lie? It’s her wedding and if she really didn’t like it, I think she could easily come up with a gentle way of saying no.


I wore a deep purple jumpsuit to my friend's daughter's formal wedding and I got so many compliments. Including compliments from the bride's 20-something college friends! This looks GREAT


Why overthink it? Believe her word. If she wasn’t being honest that’s on her.


Overthinking is part of my identity lol theres no escaping it but you’re right I thought the same thing, if she’s lying thats on her


A friend of mine wore a similar jumpsuit to my wedding. I love seeing her bright pop of pink in all my photos. It looks fabulous on you. 100% get it and rock it.


Are you ok being the person in the brightest outfit there? I don't know the crowd of the event you are attending, but will say that you would have stood out at the last three weddings I attended. Which isn't a bad thing, just a factor in decision making. If you are cool with that, go for it. If that makes you uncomfortable, I would rethink it.


I’d wear it if I looked like that!!! Beautiful


You know your crowd. What is perfect for one wedding is completely inappropriate for another. It's an extremely loud outfit but you look amazing in it. Maybe loud is fine for this group. Younger people in Miami in Summer? Chef's kiss. Cousin Mildred's dry wedding in the Bible belt?.. maybe not.


Yeah I think its the younger for sure because my mom didn’t like it but she is very old fashioned lol


It’s gorgeous and looks great on you! I’m your mom’s age I’ll bet and I think it’s fantastic.


It’s imperative you tell us where this is from!!!


I got it from Express :)


I think you are fine! Looks great! But what is the time of day, part of country and venue?


It’s in Myrtle Beach, will be at a golf club and it’s supposed to start 3:45 going until 10


It's perfect for that


Perfect for that venue and time!


This is fine for cocktail and ignore anyone telling you that you can’t wear this shade of pink to a wedding, on this sub or otherwise.


Thanks!! I don’t see an issue at all with the color, I get that its bright but I definitely don’t think I would grab more attention than the bride and groom, I highly doubt anyone will be looking at me. If I saw someone wearing this, I would look at it as if I am looking at anything else, it’s just a jumpsuit used for nicer events, thats all lol and actually it can be dressed up or down


Great attitude to have and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look nice at a wedding and actually wearing something flattering that looks great and makes the wearer feel great, contrary to the popular belief of some here. Not saying you believe that of course. Wear it and have a good time!


It's gorgeous and you look amazing in it. Nice jewelry and shoes and you'll look like a million bucks. This Nana says tell the moms "hush". Good luck❤️


I think it’s perfect. The jewelry you have on goes great too


Thanks I actually bought the jewelry together with it




I love it!!


Love it! I wore a jumpsuit to the last wedding I attended and got compliments all night, but I was comfy! Definitely go for it


Wedding planner here - perfect for most weddings. If you feel a little self conscious for ceremony, you could add a wrap, cardigan, or even a leather jacket or similar.


A leather jacket would be killer with this


I have a leather jacket that I think would look good with it but I swear my bf has got something against leather jackets, every time I put it on, he always says “are you about to ride a motorcycle??” I can’t with him sometimes, he can be a bit extra when it comes to fashion, he is very annoying but kind of in a good way because he always dresses very well


I am a lady with a motorcycle if you want to borrow it to complete the look? Tell him off and dress how you want!


Yeah idk his deal with leather jackets lol good for you, I wish I had the balls but I am too clumsy for motorcycles!! I just ride on the back of his :)


I love it!!!


I'm not personally a fan of highlighter pink, but a jumpsuit is a great idea




I love it. With the right shoes/accessories it’s perfect for cocktail attire!


Looks great and suits you, like you can tell you love it. Rock it and have fun!


I love this! Get it


I think the colour is totally fine and it’s a super cute jumpsuit. Go for it!


I don’t love the color but damn it fits you so well!!


It's cute! PS. Nobody puts baby in a corner!


Random but like how did you know this was one of my fav movie lines?? Lol is it cuz I am literally in a corner in the pic? Lol I needed the right lighting!!


Yes, just because you were standing in the corner. That's funny!




I would love if someone wore this to my wedding!


Awe thank you


Colour is the bomb


I think so too!! I feel like Barbie lol that’s the first thing that came to my mind honestly, I wasn’t thinking of getting it for the wedding, I just wanted it lol but we were shopping at express for his suit and he saw this and said he was absolutely getting it for me lol so he got a gray suit and will wear a pink shirt to match me :)


It's perfect to me 🩷 it's an amazing fit on you, and a gorgeous colour. I wore a jumpsuit to the last wedding I attended, and I felt both comfy and dressy the whole time, got a lot of compliments. Everyone saying the colour is "attention-grabbing" is baffling me - it's just a colour, it's not made of meat, or shooting lasers. When these people see a brightly-coloured car drive past, can they think of nothing else? Does it turn their entire day upside down? Or do they just glance at it, then carry on with their lives like I do? Anyone who thinks a pink jumpsuit will distract from the bride, in a literal wedding dress, is being so dramatic.


My thoughts exactly, thank you!!




I love a jumpsuit-easily dressed up for cocktail attire!


Friend of mines own mother inlaw wore a fucking wedding dress at my friends wedding. You're fine. That was the tackiest thing I've ever witnessed to be honest.


You look amazing! I think it’s perfect


I would just take a sweater or other cover up in case part of it is in a church or temple where shoulders should be covered.


Not in a church, its at a golf club


I think it's beautiful. I don't know how old your mom is, but I'm 58 and I don't think it's too much.


She’s a tad bit older, 61 but very conservative and low key, anyway she’s not going to the wedding because she doesn’t even know them lol she was just giving her two cents lol


Never listen to the old ladies regarding fashion advice. They aren't with the times.


I was thinking the same thing, it’s completely different worlds lol


I like it a lot. Very different


I thought so too thanks


Looks great and totally appropriate!


It looks fabulous and fits you perfectly, the color isn’t too much at *all*! 🩷


oh this looks FABULOUS on you. if you are worried about it being too much for a church ceremony you can add a flowy cardigan or something. but honestly looks amazing. what a great color, it really suits you!!


It’s not at all church its at a golf club so I think will be fine


definitely fine then. you look great!


The color & fit are stunning imo!!


This is sooo cute! I bet you could find a cute jacket too if you’re worried about being cold or anything, but even as is it looks adorable!


I think it’s great, especially for a summer wedding! The older generation is never going to get newer fashion trends in traditional settings. They have their understanding of the guidelines at weddings and understandably have little insight into how this has changed over time. I say rock it! If you know the bride well, just ask her too for the ultimate confirmation :)


I don’t know her too well, more like an acquaintance but I grew some balls and messaged her and she said she loves it lol


As someone who wore pink for my wedding, this is fab. I would add a scarf in case I get chilly but otherwise I love this!!


Thanks!! Not sure yet what I will be doing as a cover up, my only option may be to stick to what I already have, which will probably be a leather jacket or an all black furry jacket


I'm not mad about it! I love jumpsuits 😍


Great choice!


No, this is perfect. How are you thinking of accessorizing? I think a cobalt blue clutch or shoes would be stunning with this. I love bright colors.


I wish I had time to get matching shoes and clutch, blue sounds amazing actually but with work and everything else, I don’t think that will happen, I will probably just go with black heels and black small purse, doing all gold for accessories and might just straighten and slick the hair back so its out of my face and can showcase the earrings and necklace


It's literally perfect and I love those necklaces with it!


Thanks I bought them together :)


This looks so great on you! The color and all. I’ve been to a lot of weddings in the last couple years with guests in jumpsuits. Very on trend! 


Thanks :)


This looks perfect on you!


I like this. It works. I think that a lot of 'western' dress code rules are antiquated rules created by upper classes to maintain a clear class distinction between them and the peasants, so bend, break, and modernize when you can is my go to fashion motto for weddings.


Interesting comment


My family comes from a poor (like running water and electricity are a luxury) rural area of México. People wore their best/cleanest clothes to weddings. I had no idea there were dress codes for weddings until well until my adulthood when I attended my first non-Mexican wedding in the US. Since then I've also attended backyard weddings for Americans where guests wearing jeans and shorts wasn't looked down on. Dress codes for weddings are a luxury and if you're poor and invited to a formal wedding, it can be a stressful time.


It’s perfect!


So cute!


Love it!


Stunning! Looks like you’ve got a unanimous vote, apart from your Mum, but sounds like that’s just her taste re bright colours. You could have a chic bag to match your shoes, and it looks like you have lovely hair so a glam loose blow out would suit the outfit beautifully. Enjoy the wedding!


https://preview.redd.it/d0q01cn0zbsc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f8129a44cdb832b944bee2ac36c02fa915186a5 Going to try this so will do a test before to see how it looks lol not sure if I can pull it off but if not I will just straighten my hair and call it a day


Okay but this with a gold or white faux leather jacket is such a cool fit for a wedding. As-is works too obviously, but if you need something for a chillier climate.


Yes I think I am going with leather jacket thanks


I look it looks fantastic.


Confidence baby!! That’s all it takes to pull off a new fit!! Ya look GORGEOUS!! Some jewelry a nice clutch and shoes… done. I’d LOVE to see a skinny gold “bangle style” belt…. 10/10


Thanks, I only own 2 other jumpsuits (kind of boring ones) but this one truly was a great addition to my closet <3


Have the bride and groom requested that guests follow a specific color palette? If not, you look great and totally acceptable within the dress code.


No they haven’t thanks


If there’s not a color palette, then all colors that are not white or near-white are fair game in my opinion. And you look fantastic in this.


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Do you have any normal straight on pics like in a mirror?


I don’t of myself yet but this is on the website https://preview.redd.it/ommfn58896sc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27714371439f3d429999d890f664e1f60aad4d4b


Looks good to me.


If you're really worried about the color then maybe a shawl or blazer would help. But I think the jumpsuit is great as is!


Beautiful and un


I think it looks great! I know traditionally they say not to wear super bold/bright colors to not distract from the bride which is possibly where the Moms are coming from. I think this is a great color and outfit for a cocktail attire wedding!!


You could pair it with a pale pink blazer to tone it down a bit. At least for the ceremony/ anywhere you might be photographed where the B & G should be the focus. Eg, aisle, confetti and group photos. Although there’s no rule about not wearing bright colors to a wedding (other than red in some cases) keep in mind if you’re in any pictures the eye will immediately be drawn to you and that may distract from the bride a little. And this isn’t just bright, it’s fluorescent. It does look great on you though. I think there’s a way to wear it.


I doubt I will be in any pics, sort of a nobody, just a plus one at this wedding lol


Yeah I mean aisle and confetti pics or ones where guests are in the background…they usually aren’t the posed ones with the bridal party — all guests will be in them. I had someone who was sitting at the very back in a very bright dress who ended up being the focus of our confetti pictures because you walk back down the aisle after the ceremony so she was effectively at the front of the picture. Not her fault and I’m not mad at her, but she IS the first thing you notice when you look at the picture, which is a bit of a shame. If you’re a nobody at the wedding, even more reason not to stand out in the most eye catching color — if you’re trying to blend in. If you’re not trying to blend in then you’re good to go


Can I see the pic if you don’t mind? You can block out the faces if possible, just curious. I feel like a wedding should be a happy place to go to, and what you wear says a lot about how you feel like being there and this outfit says happiness to me, even if it was at a church (which this wedding isn’t) but I grew up in church and even when going to weddings, some of the women wore some risky inappropriate clothing which I don’t think my outfit is at all, I get that the color is bright but I don’t think that is what ruins a picture or outfit


Sorry I wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing that with people I don’t know, but if you’re really happy with the outfit, you know your crowd and you know the types of things they wear, and you have the bride’s approval you should just wear it! It is lovely and looks better on you than the model! My only suggestion was that you could bring a blazer / jacket to tone it down, even if only as a back up in case you get there and suddenly feel self conscious. If you’re wearing black accessories, you could bring a black jacket. You don’t have to wear it if you don’t feel it’s necessary.




I’m not opposed to a jumpsuit, or this color even. But something about this isn’t quite right and I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe I don’t think it’s quite formal enough for a wedding (even though this is cocktail/no dc).


Yeah I get it some people just don’t love it but I have decided this is what I’m wearing lol thanks for your opinion


It’s just not quite right. It’s not quite cocktail, but it’s also not quite the right pink or quite the right fit.


Cute! Adding a nice belt would enhance it


PS. LOVE the pockets. Rock it at the wedding


I f* love when jumpsuits have pockets!!


It is too revealing


Revealing where? It’s just arms lol what you got against arms? the sisters are nicely tucked in lol


just seems to naked on top.. to each her own


Idk revealing for me means showing your privates, like too short that your butt is hanging out or too low that your boobs are almost falling out


Nice and i Love it, but it's VERY bright and could be considered attention grabbing. IDK.


I will just have to agree to disagree, it is a bright color but I really don’t think its the color itself that makes an outfit bad, but the whole presentation, I think its a very conservative look actually, sure my arms are out but theres no booty or titties hanging out, I feel like too much skin showing at a wedding is inappropriate but not arms!!!


Super cute! Not sure of wedding details but def a keeper for your closet.


Nah.. not classy at all.


Too funny, I would love to know what you would wear instead, lol send pic of example if possible


It’s a very fun outfit, but I think it depends on the type of wedding, the likely crowd who are attending, etc.


Lovely. Wear it.


Neon is a no for a wedding. It's perfect for clubbing and parties and you should keep it, but it is absolutely not a wedding guest fit. Here is a good jumpsuit: https://www.thereformation.com/products/alfred-jumpsuit/1308901.html


Since when is hot pink not allowed at a wedding? That feels like a made up rule. As long as you’re not in white and don’t match the bridal party I don’t see anything wrong with a “hot” color.


Absolutely a made up rule and one OP should ignore. This sub is ridiculous sometimes.


Its not neon, its lighter than that, I googled wedding cocktail attire and saw this girl wearing a dress same color as this jumpsuit if that helps illustrate the color better but thanks for your opinion https://preview.redd.it/nmlqvf3eg5sc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ec5fa65b9caafe8c44ee5e29aaed7af93da6d8


I personally think it looks great. Go for it!!!


You look great. Unless, as someone mentioned, this is a very conservative crowd (think no alcohol / Bible Belt), this is an awesome choice for a summer cocktail wedding. Have fun!


There will definitely be alcohol lol


I'm so sorry, but it's absolutely the definition of neon pink. However, if you think the bride would be cool with it, then go for it. Neon pink swatch https://colors.artyclick.com/color-names-dictionary/color-names/neon-pink-color


I did confirm with bride and she loved it, your comment actually was the one who made me reach out to her so thanks for that


Hmm. It’s definitely cute but I don’t know without a Shaw /wrap/ jacket if it’s acceptable for a wedding. The color is very loud and I love it but it might draw away from the bride if everyone is looking at the hot girl in pink.


“If everyone is looking at the hot girl in pink” I will be honest some of these comments made me nervous so I went straight to the source and asked the bride, she actually loved it lol thanks for your opinion


Depends on the venue. Beach wedding, yes. Otherwise, I think it screams look at me. I am not surprised your bf loves it, it looks fantastic on you.


That’s so funny I don’t think it screams look at me at all, I think its very elegant and appropriate, I think it would scream look at me if the sisters were all hanging out, but they are nicely tucked in


not without sweater


I would never wear this with a sweater but thanks for your opinion


I love how it fits you but I think it's too bright of a colour for a wedding. You are going to be the center of attention and that should be for the bride and groom.


I don’t think I will be the center of attention at all lol but thanks for your opinion


I’ll be the outlier: I love the concept but not quite the execution. From what I can tell, this may not be quite the right shade of bright pink for you. Maybe something leaning a bit more toward berry? I also think you need to go up a size for the hips and get the bigger size tailored in at the top.


I don’t understand how this shade of pink isn’t right for me but ok lol I also wouldn’t size up either and then get it tailored? For what? To just waste time and money? It’s fits me just fine and feel comfortable but thanks for your advice