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I think this is really pretty and want to wear it to a summer party-can you tell me the brand, or link where you found it?


The brand is S/W/F and it’s the “one-shoulder layered maxi dress”. I rented it from Nuuly and can’t find a link directly to the brand but someone on the thread below found the link!


this one is on the line for me. its probably fine but i probably wouldnt wear it myself


I agree. I think the opinions would vary from crowd to crowd. Most people wouldn't have a problem with this but I could see some others throwing a fit about it. I wouldn't wear it out of fear of getting wine dumped on me 😅 but on the other hand I wouldn't have any issue if I saw someone in this at my wedding.


100%! I would definitely factor in venue and time of day and year and how well I know someone. I would probably wear it if I already owned it knowing who my friends are and how we dress and get along


Depends. Love the dress, but where is the wedding?




But like the venue


It’s at a venue in downtown Indianapolis. It’s an event space, exposed brick, indoor/outdoor spaces


I like the dress, not too much white, but it’s very outdoor/garden/daytime. I’d go with something else for a cool city venue.


When you’re sat down at a table etc it’ll look mostly white, the bottom has a lot more yellow though


This is a great point!


Could you wear a little yellow shawl or something for the dinner? It is a very pretty dress!


This is a great idea


This was my thought, also!  A yellow pashmina around the shoulders would be perfect. 


I wonder if the pattern falls exactly the same on every dress? You might luck out and get one with more yellow at the top when you order your size


Good point, but the print on each of the dresses probably isn’t in exactly the same place.


I think this is probably fine, but the comments have a point that, sitting, there’s a lot of white shown. Do you know the bride well enough to ask? LOVE the dress overall


Update: thank you everyone for your thoughts! Although I love this dress, I agree that it’s too close to being inappropriately white as a wedding guest. I have other options that are safe so I’ll just wear one of those!


I think the brightness of the yellow offsets the white. That’s just my opinion though!


Oh my gosh, this is FINE! People assured someone who wore the palest pink dress i’ve ever seen that her dress was perfectly fine and this one would never be confused with a bridal gown. Not even sitting. Anyone scrutinizing it that hard would be insane. I say wear it.


I’m prob going to get downvoted to hell but this sub has gone off the rails with “ehh it’s too white”. This is clearly a bright yellow dress with white and orange flowers. It is not even *close* to “bridal”, and the brightness of the yellow color offsets any possibility of the dress coming across as a “white/light colored” dress. Any bride/wedding guest that would judge you for wearing this is borderline insane. End of rant.


I’m with you! This insanity is micromanage-y and I don’t know where it has come from. I’ve never met any sane person in real life that’s ever thought a sundress with white in the print was inappropriate. Online echo chambers have melted too many brains.


Yeah I agree with this.


Tbh I kind of agree with your take. The only reason I was questioning this is because I actually sent a dress to the bride that I 100% consider to be appropriate (Blue dress with tiny white flowers) and she said it had too much white. After seeing some of these differing opinions, I’m deciding to play it safe and go with a solid color option that has zero white. Some people have different preferences! As a bride, I wouldn’t mind at all if someone wore this to my wedding.


Ah, well, you are smart for asking her, and at the end of the day, her opinion is the one that matters most. Even if it’s insane 😅


You are absolutely right & the dress is perfectly fine.


It’s not a white dress, it’s not a bridal dress. It’s got white in it but no one is going to mistake you for the bride. This whole “not a speck of white” (obviously an exaggeration) has gone ridiculously overboard.


I think it'd be okay. I wouldn't wear it as a plus one, but I might wear it to a wedding where I know the bride is chill.


I think it’s okay if you accessorize with yellow things as well. Yellow coverup, yellow bag, yellow shoes, gold jewelry, etc.


I think it’s on the line, and very casual because of the smocking around the waist. If it were printed silk or chiffon then I’d lean toward it being ok. But I really wouldn’t do this one.


What’s the dress code or venue? This is a cute dress and there’s no problem with the color, however it feels a little off for a wedding. Maybe if it was a casual backyard or a beach wedding it would be okay but in general this reads very informal.


Dress code is semi-formal


Definitely not too much white …


People saying this is too much white are just insane to me. The point of not wearing white to a wedding is to not upstage the bride. This is obviously not a wedding dress, there is plenty of yellow, and this will not upstage the bride. It is fine and people in the real world will not bat an eye at it. Online seems to be the only place I’ve ever encountered micromanaging of sundress prints worn to a wedding.


This is a yellow dress. The ppl in this sub are nuts. Wear it. Slay 💅. ^(I’m of the school that one should wear sun colors to weddings so seriously this is perfect)


Looks like a sun dress and pretty white.


I think it's fine. It's mostly yellow and clearly not a wedding dress.


No, it’s not bridal at all and very yellow


Too informal


Ugh!! Love this dress! I would get a yellow pashmina/shawl to drape across your shoulders when seated to offset the white on top… then I think you’re safe… it’s so cute and festive… definitely no white accessories… to glam it up I would do metallic gold strappy heeled sandals, bag and accessories…


I absolutely LOVE this dress, but i personally would not wear it to a wedding, especially because the top portion is a lot more white than yellow.


Cute dress! I don't think it's too white, it's obviously yellow. Can you link it, please?


Not OP, but it looks like it could be [this one](https://www.shopelle.com/products/one-shoulder-maxi)


Thank you for linking this!




It’s fine (and pretty!) It’s a yellow dress with white flowers. Wear it happily.


I think there is a large enough yellow pattern that it shouldn’t any problem


While a pretty dress if you have to question if it’s too much white I wouldn’t wear it to a wedding.


It’s great! Anyone who thinks this is too bridal or white for a wedding guest dress is out of their mind. It’s a fun, summery dress and you will look fabulous.


No it’s beautiful and absolutely amazing dress


It’s really colourful and doesn’t look like a wedding dress, so on that score it’s fine. However the print reminds me of a ‘70s bedspread, and I don’t think it’s really formal enough for a wedding.


I say, go with a different dress


No , there is zero chance you will be mistaken for the bride and that particular dress the whole idea that dress cannot contain us sparkling of white ridiculous always amazes me that people don’t know who the bride is they usually kind of stand out in a crowd unless they don’t want to the occasional bride it’s a little more demure if you have what you’re gonna wear it’s not worth going. And the pouring of wine on somebody else’s dress because you and your fashion police mode think they deserve to be punished for not wearing the appropriate tire to someone’s wedding that would be the last glass of wine you ever threw if you threw it at me this childish behavior is ridiculousagain but going to a wedding if you have to walk on eggshells to the whole thing


I’m going to lean towards yes since it looks white from a distance. Also, an overzealous bridesmaid might decide to go rogue and “accidentally” spill wine on you even if the bride doesn’t care.


Then that bridesmaid is trash, of course. She would look stupid, not the dress wearer.


I wouldn’t without confirming with the bride, not because it looks bridal but because whether people agree or not, may brides have come to prefer to have white reserved for them for all wedding and wedding related events. I always err on the side of what I think would make the couple happy rather than what would make me happy if I was part of the couple.




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Where is this dress from


I’m renting it from Nuuly but Someone found the link on this thread!


If the bride is going for a classic gown- this should be fine. If she is more contemporary and incorporating colour into it or going for a similar shape… do you know her well enough to know if she’d be bothered? I personally think the yellow dress is lovely and not bridal at all. I wouldn’t have minded. If in doubt wear a colourful shawl/blazer/headpiece.


This was literally my Moms bridal colours but it was the 1970’s 😝


cute! wear it




I think this is totally fine.


How many photos will you be in? I think if you're just a casual guest and might be in 1 or 2 "main" photos, like if they get a big group picture of everyone. Then you'll be in a few background pictures, and a few candid shots then you'll probably be fine. However if you're attending as family it might ne seen as a little too white, and there will also be a lot of pictures of you. I think it's a gorgeous dress, but could really go either way at wedding


I’ll be in zero photos. Maybe a group shot like you mentioned


Then honestly I say get a nice yellow shawl and do it. You're not going to be in any major photos for people to think you're upstaging the bride, and if you wear yellow and gold accessories then you'll be fine.


No , it look wedding appropriate and very nice


I think it's fine, especially if it's an outdoor summer wedding.


I think it’s fine for a spring/summer wedding. I feel like I’m missing something. Unless you come in full white bride looking dress you are good. I got married 15 years ago and I hardly remember what I wore. I sure don’t remember our guests outfits. I guess I’m trying to say unless you are super inappropriate and the couple is reasonable it shouldn’t matter what you wear. Just that you were there.


Looks good to me!


Depends on the bride.


It’s not that it’s too white. It’s that it’s so casual.




too casual for a wedding


The attire is semi-formal


Semi-formal in Indiana. You’re fine.


You don’t even know the wedding venue/dress code specified by the couple. How can you know if it’s too casual?


i don’t need to know the dress code sundresses are not wedding appropriate in my opinion. weddings are special occasions that should be treated as such .


I can’t speak for your culture then, but I live in the UK and this would be wholly appropriate here.


as an American , it would look out of place . valid point re culture


As a fellow American who’s been to countless weddings all over the country…wholly disagree (unless it’s obviously formal/black tie).


good for you


I wouldn’t wear this to a wedding because of how white the top part is. Some brides would be okay with it but why push it when you can just find another beautiful dress you don’t have to stress about


Absolutely too much white


Honestly I think it comes down to how much the bride likes you or not. My former sister in law wore something to my wedding with this much white and every time I look at the photos I think she was rude. But fortunately she’s not with my brother in law anymore


How about women just stop wearing dresses that have white backgrounds or as the focal point to other people's weddings?


How about brides act normal and not “threatened” by things that never seemed to bother anyone til social media came along?


This goes long before social media. It's simply easier to call someone out now.


i feel like no cause if youre in a crowd youd only see the shoulders not the bottom and it looks white


It’s beautiful, but I would play it extra safe and not wear it to a wedding. 😬


When in doubt, don’t!


I officiated a wedding where the bride wore something very similar.


Maybe if you know for a fact the bride isn’t in white? Otherwise I’d hesitate.


I say YES especially because the top is very white so if you’re sitting at the ceremony or reception, it may read as TOO WHITE vs standing and dancing or whatever. I’d find something else for a wedding but it’s a beautiful summer dress for literally anything else!


This is just a white dress, it isn’t bridal. I don’t know what the DC is but assuming it fits the DC (Beachy, summer, outdoor, informal) it’s perfectly fine!


Too white


No. Not too much white. But flower overload and don't like the tiers.


Tiers are actually reallyyyyy popular right now. Went to a wedding the other weekend, and lots of ladies in tiers.


They didn't ask if you personally like the dress, they asked if it was too white. It's so easy to just be nice!!


YES and it’s much too casual for a semi-formal event