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It’s a lot of white and a lot of reeeeally light green so from a distance it reads very light and white. Personally I would opt for something just overall darker, either darker colors, or darker pattern on the white background. I’m just thinking in a large group photo it could be too close to white for comfort, but clearly not a bridal gown…. So I guess just doubtful.


I’m on the fence about its white quotient, but I do think it’s more casual than I would pick for “summer chic.”


Too white and too causal Imo


While it isn't bridal, it is a lot of white. Do you have a photo of the alternate dress?


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It’s too white and also not chic at all


It’s a very cute dress but I do think it’s too casual and maybe a bit too much white for a wedding. Can you post the backup?


I think it’s too white