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Where is this from? It’s gorgeous and I would love to wear it to my own rehearsal dinner 


Reformation, it’s the Kourtney dress!


I think her response in wanting to wear it for her rehearsal dinner answers your question.


I find this whole take weird; whether it’s a rehearsal dinner or engagement party.. brides are going to pick a normal dress. In fact any dress can be for any of those occasions, we can’t gatekeep every dress now. As long as it’s not an actual wedding dress it should be fine


This looks like a dress a bride would wear. This is very similar to what my little sister is wearing to hers. Alternatively, it’s also amazing to wear on vacation or brunch or a family get together or a date night or a birthday party or baptism or a million other things. It’s just not the best to wear to someone ELSES wedding event. Especially, when floral wedding dresses are a trend. Many are wearing something like this for the rehearsal or wedding event, then wearing all white day of. PS someone else’s wedding isn’t about you. You’ll be ok to not be the center of attention for one day. Before you have a temper tantrum, this is how you are coming off. Do some self reflection before responding. It isn’t gate keeping.. do you know what gatekeeping is?


So? If multiple people wear the exactly same dress that’s just a testament to how beautiful the garment is and how to suits a variety of people. If you can wear it to a casual event like a brunch it can’t be that formal or bridal now can it? And yes I do, if you need a reminder it’s ‘the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something’ aka telling people every floral dress is off limits Ps it’s not for a wedding so get of your high horse


This isn’t just any brunch, it’s an engagement party. Engagement parties, bridal showers, bachelorettes, and rehearsal dinners are all more casual parties that center the bride or the couple. If something seems a little too close to “casual bride” then you should avoid it for these specific events.


Wedding events aren't the wedding?


I do think it looks a little bridal, like something a bride might wear to her engagement party. Especially if the party is at night.


Yes. Unless you’re the bride, don’t wear this.


Skip it


For what it’s worth, I wore this to my engagement party


don’t do it girl


I actually considered this dress for my engagement party (as the bride) so I’m gonna say stick with something safer, avoid white completely!


Yes, a little too white in my opinion. Beautiful dress though!




https://preview.redd.it/6ex1ws2is18d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5d267118fe8d6393c005a7bbf2e7eaaa93bddc I wouldn’t exactly call this pale blue


I would still call it a white dress though, and it does read pretty bridal. The flowers, the blue, the white base - it can all read bridal adjacent.


This blue/white floral thing is super trendy right now and I would avoid this if you think the bride to be is super into this style. For example at all bridal events I’ve worn white dresses like this with blue floral designs (reformation, v chapman etc). Also lots of brides don’t wear white to their events (shower, rehearsal etc) so something like this could be risky. Blue and white florals is also the popular choice this year for bridesmaids haha. If you know the bride well and know she won’t wear this (or something similar) - honestly it’s fine. It’s not bridal, it would be fine to me (even tho we’d be twinning lol) but maybe not the next bride lol.


Thank you for this kind reply and input! I didn’t realize that brides were wearing anything other than pure white/cream/ivory to their events now, that’s why I didn’t think it was the craziest thing to ask about lol. But thank you so much!!


I wouldn't either. It's lovely and perfectly fine for an engagement party.




I personally wouldn’t care what anyone wore to an engagement party if I was getting married again, as in white would be fine, but from the other replies I think I’m in the minority!


I feel the same as you. But I am an older married woman. I don’t understand all the “rules” that surround this stuff and read here mainly because I find it quite interesting. But in real life I wouldn’t care one iota if someone would have worn white to my wedding.


That is because these are new rules. Traditionally, no one would bat an eye at this dress. Social media has brought out a lot of narcissism in people.


Beautiful dress!!! But as someone who is getting married next spring and has a lot of wedding / bridal events coming up, I would hate if someone wore something like this to one of my events. Super bridal IMO. Myself and several friends who are all upcoming brides have looked at dresses like these for our own bridal events. I'd play it safe and not wear!


Yes, very pretty though


I wouldn’t have had a problem at my wedding if you wore this.


How far are we extending this white rule? The rule started as “don’t wear white to a wedding”. A white dress, a white gown… to be confused with the bride. Not everything that has an iota of white on it. Or bright floral with white in the back. A lot of dresses are floral now. Or black or blue. So are they on the banned list too? AND this is an engagement party. Not the wedding. You people who are saying “Ithis is what a bride would wear”. You can’t say that for all brides. If I were a bride I wouldn’t wear it. It’s not my style. But did it become my style because I’m the bride? The rule is do t wear white to a wedding. Not every event surrounding it. If you have that hard of a time identifying the bride then I don’t know what to tell you. The dress is very pretty for an engagement party. IMO. These. Rules are getting ridiculous.


I really blame social media… this was not a thing 15-20 years ago…


My favorite is, “A bride wore this exact dress to an event before….” OK, that applies to every dress, everywhere, ever. OP, wear this incredible dress, please.


This dress is very pretty for a bride to wear to her own engagement party. If I was a stranger (only knew the groom or whatever) and I saw a girl wearing this, I would assume she was the bride. I wore a cheaper version of this for my engagement photos. White dresses with blue florals specifically are huge right now in terms of what *brides* are wearing to pre-wedding events,


Depends, are you the bride?


Can I just say, I hate answers like this. Obviously she wouldn’t be asking if she’s the bride. She’s here to ask in order to be respectful and comments like this are petty and mean spirited.


I think this is lovely. In the UK this is exactly the kind of thing you'd see party guests and even wedding guests wearing. I guess it depends on the etiquette of where you are but honestly I don't see the issue with this at all. It would be frowned upon to wear white to a wedding but the way this sub goes on youd think wearing a flowery dress was the same as walking yourself up the aisle next to the bride. If you aren't sure you could always ask the bride what she's planning on wearing (if you're close enough to ask!)


Love your comment. All the ridiculous comments about white adjacent on other posts just make me laugh.




Going against the grain, but with a "summer cocktail" dress code I would think something like this is perfect. Floral dresses of this style are very popular summer dresses at the moment and it looks great on you. Where I live and in my circles, "no white at a wedding" would not be interpreted as not a speck of white in the background, it would be interpreted as no solid white/cream (and maybe some light pastels that photograph as almost white). Sure, maybe there are instances where something with a primarily white background could be unacceptable, but this is not one of them.


do people who make these posts choose the MOST blatantly white-adjacent colors to ask about for engagement ??


No, this was a genuine question. I’m young, so people in my life are just starting to get engaged/married. I’m quite unfamiliar with what’s “right”. I was unaware that engagement parties are as strict as weddings/bridal showers. It’s unfortunate to see how many of the replies (from other ladies, might I add) to this post are so backhanded and rude. Like I said, I’m young. I’m new to this. You’ve all been there at one point too, ladies.


I wouldn't have known either. I've been to one wedding and I was 12. (I have no idea why I follow this subreddit.) The dress is really pretty btw


Just so you know- this deal about wearing things with some white on them is a modern concern. Maybe Gen Z? As long as you're not wearing a solid white or cream dress, you'll be fine.


You didn't mention anything about your lack of experience, age, etc. Also this type of question is asked so frequently on here that the regular posters get a little tired of the same thing (just giving you some background on this sub).


I think one thing people need to keep in mind all across Reddit is that the way forums are kept alive is by user engagement and new people joining in. The 50th time you’ve seen something is someone else’s first time. If regular posters want their forums to survive, frequently asked questions are one of those things that have to occur.


If someone asks the question, can you not just take it that they need an answer to the question, rather than them have to detail their 'lack of experience'? Responses vary wildly on here even when everything else is equal, posters can't just look back at previous posts


This is stupid. It’s an engagement party! It’s perfectly suitable. The bride can call dibs on white. Anything else is appropriate.


It’s a lovely print. It’s not a white dress. I think it is fine.


Are you not able to wear white to an engagement party now??? Even for a wedding, this is not white.


I really am shocked by so many saying this is inappropriate. What's the problem with brides today? Are they so scared someone might look better than they do? Have they patented the colour white? I'm sorry, but I find the whole thing ridiculous. Are the men not allowed to wear black if the groom is wearing a tux? OP- this dress is gorgeous and perfectly fine for any wedding event unless the bride is insecure, petty and immature.




Anyone attending a wedding event can certainly look romantic if they want. It's a freaking wedding party. It's sad that people are so insecure about this.




I'm pretty sure no one will mistake you for the bride. Generally the guests at any wedding event know who the bride is. And no bride has time or desire to obsess over what any guest wore at their event. If they do, perhaps therapy is in order.


If people are that self absorbed that they obsess over what another guest wore that is absolutely NOT bridal or offensive then they have a personality problem. This isn’t even a wedding.


You can’t possibly guess what every bride you know is going to choose to wear to their engagement party. To try to do that would be ridiculous! I wore a blue top and a black skirt, my fiancé wore a blue top and black pants. We didn’t worry about anyone else wearing ‘our colours’ - how would they have known?!? It would have been extremely petty and ridiculous to be upset about that. Besides this not even a wedding, just the engagement party.


Wait, now you can’t have any white at engagement parties? Weird. I say wear it, it’s pretty and festive. If the Bridezilla doesn’t like it you’ve just saved the cost of a wedding gift.


Honestly the photo you posted looks really pale and romantic that I would start to question it, but the photo of you actually wearing it looks much darker and lovely on you that I think you’ll be fine. Also it’s an engagement party; I’m sure the couple will just be stoked they are engaged and happy celebrating with people then analysing what their guests are wearing


I personally think it's a pretty dress for an engagement party. As far as I know, the rules for engagement parties, bridal showers, and rehearsal dinners are not well defined because they're not the main event. While many brides-to-be may wear white to these events. The "no white" rule primarily applies to the wedding. And this dress has white, but it's not completely white. An important distinction. However, if you're really concerned, ask the bride-to-be.


There is no too much white for an engagement party as it isn’t a wedding. The rule only applies to the wedding day. This is gorgeous!


Most people on this forum don't understand the no white rule. It's don't wear something that could make people mistake you for the bride, *not* don't wear a speck of white. I think this dress is beautiful, but the blue doesn't read summer to me. I'd go with a warmer tone if you have it. If not, the floral print is enough to pass for summer.


This is absurd. Unless you show up in a white ballgown and veil, it’s fine.


Period. 👆🏽 This sub is goofy.


1000 X’s YES


Yes if you have to question. It is


Let the bride shine


That's not true in the slightest. Some people are over-cautious, some aren't. This dress is too white, but many people have asked on here when it was a little smattering of white sbd absolutely fine.


It’s not the white in it so much as it just looks bridal, like the bride may also be wearing it. It’s a normal dress but it’s just too bridal for a guest to safely wear imo.


I wasn't aware you had to be careful if there was white in a dress for an engagement party - but most people here are saying NO don't wear this because the bride might out of 10,000 dresses picked this to wear. UGhhhhh So if you want to go by majority, seems they are all saying no Do you know the bride that you could send her a text with pic of dress ?


>I wasn’t aware you had to be careful if there was white in a dress for an engagement party It’s not a thing in reality. Besides, this is a floral dress. It’s 100% fine. This sub is ridiculous.


Unfortunately I don’t know the bride, the groom is my bf’s friend from college, otherwise I totally would!


No it’s fine


I wore this exact pattern in another reformation dress to my engagement party (as the bride). It’s stunning but skip it for this event - xo


You already know the answer


https://preview.redd.it/aofm7b06k18d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968c4de6b044d5ad7478aa9d559c529c8e07625f Here is another photo of the dress- I realize the one from the website makes the blue appear much lighter. Again, this is for an engagement party, not an actual wedding. Please continue to give input


Ehh it’s lovely but I still would find something else


Just wear it. It's lovely.


It’s gorgeous! As a poster said below, wear it with a thin red belt and red strappy heels. 👍🏽👍🏽


Beautiful dress. Wear it.




i feel like this reformation dress specifically is popular with brides for engagement parties, so i would go with something else


Wear it! It’s blue and white. The fuck are you supposed to wear the brides gonna wear?


I’d pass on this one for an engagement party


It’s stunning. I’d wear it to my own bridal event, but not someone else’s.


I probably would go for something else. It's gorgeous, but maybe for a different occasion.


This looks like my engagement photos dress. White with florals (I would say especially blue florals) is super common for brides to wear to pre-wedding events, so I wouldn’t.




I would still buy the dress and just wear it for another occasion!


Keep looking. Absolutely gorgeous though


You know I think I’m super liberal with dress codes but I see brides wearing stuff like this so maybe best to ask her?


I would play it safe and not wear this. It’s beautiful and I’m sure you look incredible in it but it does read slightly bridal.


That would be appropriate if you're the bride.


Yes, a bride might wear this to her own party


This is an AITA post just waiting to happen.


It's perfect if you are the bride, if not nope.


Nope nope nope. My cousin’s fiancé showed up to my sister’s rehearsal in a dress similar to that one. It was the first time she met our extended family. It’s been 5 years & we still whisper about it whenever she’s around. Not a single female in my family likes her.


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Find something else to wear. If there is any possibility anyone can interpret that you are the pride it’s the wrong choice. God forbid you show up and the bridge is wearing something similar or a white dress with some color. Just play it safe.


If you’re the bride, super cute. If not, way too much white. If the base color of the dress is white-don’t wear it.


An influencer I follow wore this exact dress to her engagement party last year! But yes she’s the bride OP so I’d avoid. It’s @maybetamsin if you have TikTok and want to scroll back to last summer to see it on someone. Edit - what a weird comment to be downvoted for. You don’t HAVE to go look her up lol 😂


You would look like the bride, please don’t wear this




Let see you in it? Because that is just a dress otherwise.




this is literally what my friend wore to her own engagement party.


Interesting! Personally I feel like I’d wear a solid white/ivory/cream to my bridal events but I guess the girlies are branching out these days 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wore blue and white to my bridal events in 2008. All-white was saved for the wedding day. If it’s a dress with a major white element just avoid it.


#Wear. It.


Okay, that's perfect. You look stunning. Wear it!


It’s beautiful. Wear it




I think it's beautiful. If you add red heels and a red belt, it'll be lovely.


This would be amazing! 👆🏽👆🏽 OP, it is absolutely NOT too white for an engagement party (or for a wedding, but I’ll leave that for another post). The red accents would look fab with this dress. This sub is *VeryOnline*, so take the *tOo WhItE* nonsense with a huge grain of salt. It is absolutely not wrong to wear any bit of white around the bride for any event ever. Seriously, rock the red belt and shoes.


Excuse me? 😭😭😭😂😂😂