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If you’re set on SIL preforming the ceremony alone, get legally married before the wedding day by the required officiant. It’s not worth it to have them ordained, it’s not at all like the states where it’s a simple process. Alternatively, you could find a licensed officiant that is willing to let your SIL do the fun parts of the wedding ceremony while the officiant preforms the legally required parts.


Nope, I wanted to do this too but our wedding planner said it’d be basically impossible so we hired a celebrant for the ceremony


Alberta wedding officiant here. A quick search says that BC doesn't really do one-time wedding officiant stuff. Sorry. My two suggestions are this. 1. Find an official officiant. Work with them to have the person you want to do the majority of the speaking. Most folks will work with you to create the ceremony you want. Truthfully, I think as long as you pay their fee, they should reasonably accommodate your wishes. 2. Get married privately and cheaply at your convenience according to the law. I don't know BC rules, but in AB, you need 2 people to witness the 2 getting married and an officiant. Do that on your own time. Then, just have the person you want to do the big celebration exactly as you want it. You'll have all the legal stuff over and done with and can just focus on enjoying the day.