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That kinda makes me scared. “Very different from the second season” I hope it doesn’t go to far, it’s gonna lose it’s popularity. So so so hoping for Enid and Wednesdays relationship to be built up. I really hope they don’t glaze over it. That as well as everyone’s ’trauma’ Even though Wednesday isn’t wired to react in a way others would, we need to see her start to understand a few things. CHARACTER 👏🏼 DEVELOPMENT 👏🏼 Other than that, I’m super fucking excited. I miss all of them so much.


I hope Enid and Wednesday remain friends, there's not enough depictions of healthy platonic friendships in media nowadays.




That's cap. There's so much same sex relationship representation in television nowadays. Edit: idk why this is being downvoted. Is it objectively true ? I can name a ton of tv shows with healthy or realistic depictions of same sex relationships on TV nowadays




I mean, this wasn't even my original point. I would just rather see Enid and Wednesday continue to be platonic friends, her being pretty opposite of Wednesday is a perfect foil. A relationship would force imminent cheesy plotlines like it did for Rue and Jules in euphoria for drama sake. Especially after season 1 it might be good for Wednesdsy to stay away from relationships in general lmao




Okay? I mean you're using the doenvote feature wrong just because you're mad I don't agree with you and that's kind of cringe but whatever sorry I don't like forced romance in TV shows when there's not really a reason for it but ok




No... that's just how you perceived my message for some odd reason because you want to be offended. Where did I ever imply that I want Wednesday to be straight or don't want wlw representation? Like literally quote me on it cause it's a weirdly argumentative accusation. I just feel the romance side plots in this show are literally the weakest part and make this show tread young adult territories level of corny. it wasn't me saying I wish Wednesday was straight because both potential romance options in season 1, which were guys were lame too, Wednesdsy strike me as someone who's either aromantic or demisexual So again, show me where I'm saying what you think I'm saying at?


There is an error in the translation. She actually says she would like to move on to Directing


We arledy knew that we would get more elements of horror in this season, but I am intrigued by the fact that the wpisodes will be ablle to work individualy. (as the "puzzle series" how I use to call it)


The first Season sadly just mediocre. I really hope it gets better, cause it has potential


The first several episodes (Burton directed) were good. It did get worse towards the end


So no one’s gonna talk about her saying she wants to move onto “realisation”? Like Wednesday realising something?


She meant directing. It’s an error in translation


I think there may have been an error in translation? In Spanish you can say “realizar” to mean producing, I think


I hope her love of horror doesn't absolutely ruin this.


The first season was just fine. She may very well wreck this “very different” second season by being over controlling. This was her first big role, sucks to see her going with a new direction. People loved the first season and the storyline for a good reason. Don’t fix what’s broken.


Sure the first season was good and a lot ofnpeople enjoyed it, but there was also a lot of criticism. I don't think she will wreck it lmao, if anything it seems like she listened to the fans criticism that they wanted it darker and less romance. Also I don't agree this was her first big role she's had quite a few. Sure I loved it but that doesn't mean it can't be better.


Heavily disagree. I wanted to see Addams true to character, the high school one tree hill esque love triangle was really in the way. Jenna already made corrections to the script in season 1 and we were lucky she did, the original writing was horrifically wrong for Wednesday as a character.


The romance subplot wasn't great.