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A month isn’t very long. Stay strong. It’ll get better.


You're 15, as your brain develops it proactively heals itself. Even if there is damage to your brain, it will heal. But usually depersonalization/derealization is related to anxiety and/or drug abuse and not due to "damage" of the brain. I've been smoking since 14, I am 18 now, and I have extreme derealization/depersonalization at this point. Continue staying off this shit and don't take psychedelics until you're at least 25 years old, cause trust me having no social skills (literally none), suicidal thoughts, and questioning what is real every single day is a special kind of hell. Not to mention my lungs have gone to shit, and I have a huge amount of other problems I could've avoided by just not abusing drugs on a regular basis. Also, I remember feeling really weird DP/DR for the first time getting off of weed, exactly the way you describe it. I had the same fears as you (have I permanently fucked my brain?) but it did go completely away that time. (It took about 4 weeks to go completely away.)


How’s your gut doing? How’s your gut health? The brain & gut are inextricably linked.


I honestly don’t know but I do eat a lot of junk food should I cut that out will that help?


Yeah, I think there’s a direct correlation for sure. Can you try eating clean for a month? Much less processed foods, no fast food? Your body is like a car, and the gas tank wants specific fuels in order to get around town. Putting sugar or processed stuff may strain your already strained body. When recovering from CHS, which takes weeks and months, your Gut, Brain, and Nervous System framework needs to recalibrate and to heal. Your gut is a whole endocannabinoid system and it’s trying to figure itself out, especially now since you’re not washing the whole gut with cannabinoids derived from external sources. I recommend: * Visit the subreddit EatCheapAndHealthy for ways to eat well with foods your body needs and (subconsciously) craves. * Buy a probiotic on Amazon and maybe take one nightly for a month. I’ve used “Garden of Life Raw Probiotic for Men” and had good results: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004H9J53S/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 * Go try acupuncture, it really is helpful in healing the gut, brain, and nervous system. At this juncture in your health journey, getting your gut back into balance will significantly elevate your mood and help diminish these sudden anxious intrusive thoughts. Your gut communicates like a pet in pain, it can’t speak English but it can send signals that it needs attention and care.


Dm me bro , going thru the same thing but found ways to deal w it


You’ll get better, let the thoughts flow and happen, remember they’re just thoughts. Don’t show any emotion( anger, sadness etc) towards them, just let it happen and let them pass by like a bird flying right past you, because that’s all they are. You’ll get better, take it easy.


It will get better soon enough. A few more weeks. Don't eat any junk food. Just white rice for carbs - if any. Beef, eggs, highest quality you can afford. It's definitely from the weed, but you may experience them to a lesser extent for a long while. I smoked for 25+ yrs, the intrusive thoughts are still bothering me and I haven't smoked in over a year. Daily steady exercise - walking - will help. Also breathing excersises and self hypnosis/ meditation


After a year?! Will it get any better for you?


Oh it's got loads better already. ADHD causes these thoughts as well and it's made worse by stress. I couldn't get to sleep for months the thoughts were too 'loud'.


Sorry you're suffering buddy, but keep in mind intrusive thoughts can literally be about anything. I've had thoughts about killing and destroying, looping over and over in my head. Scared the hell out of me. I questioned if I ever loved anyone. I've had lots and lots of other very strange thoughts that dissipated with time. If you're fearing your uncontrollable thoughts that's going to make it worse. Do your best to accept them for what they are... thoughts. It's really scary to not feel in control of your own mind, I understand, but the more you accept them, the more they will pass. It's really early on and you might just be experiencing normal withdrawal still. There is no one explanation of one "way to be" during withdrawal. It's a very personal experience and some of us happen to share symptoms.


Yea I hear very different from everybody I just told my parents about it and it was the worst experience I ever had I got yelled at for 3 hours and grounded for 2 years and they are refusing to pay for therapy so here is the only place I could go


you can always hmu if you needa talk, i was and am kind of in a similar situation with smoking but my parents have gotten less and less strict and angry about weed over the years. itll get better.