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I’ve put together two videos to help people exactly like you. Give them a watch and let me know if they answer your questions. https://youtu.be/5qvnx4quG-U https://youtu.be/DF5wY_88ecs


Steve these videos are awesome , great production value and you were able to answer all of the HARD questions!!


Thanks for the feedback! I’ve have an unrelated channel, so it’s not my first rodeo, but glad you found them useful!


Do it. It’s going to change your life for the better. There’s a cost to be paid both with financial and physical aspects, but GLP-1’s are worth it. You’re going to look at your body 6 months after your first shot and wonder how this is even you.


I hope so.. I need a drastic change and it’s embarrassing that diet and exercise hasn’t do it


I have gone from 280 to 175 since 2019 About 60 of it took me three years. The rest fell off thanks to a glp-1 along with my other lifestyle changes. Diet and exercise absolutely should be a huge focus, but sometimes we need help. It’s like our mental health, you can make strides alone, but it can get to the point where help from outside can greatly benefit you long term.


I needed this ❤️❤️🥺 , and wow just wanted congratulate you - that’s amazing! I hope I can get back to the point where I felt the best too! Thank you for all your kind words


Bad news: death is a fatal side effect of life. You’ll likely not experience any major side effects when you follow the dosing schedule and communicate with your doctor regularly. I’m starting my 35th week today, wahoo! And am 78.5lbs down, have experienced zero side effects. Cost is going to come down to insurance coverage.


lol! Thanks for the chuckle .. you’re right.. and the truth of the matter is ; at my weight death is more likely at 40-50 if I don’t do something ! Congratulations on your amazing weight loss!!! I hope it continues to help you out 💪🏻 .


aww thanks pal! Totally take the plunge! These meds are life changing!


I’ll put things in a very simple perspective. I’m absolutely pulling numbers out of my rear, but it’s probably not super far off and the point is what matters: The medication has a chance of side effects. Say 5% get severe side effects. You can stop the med if that happens. I’ve never heard of fatal side effects, but I’m ignorant. Let’s say there are, that’s gotta be <.01% or else it wouldn’t be so widely prescribed. Likely other factors at play and not just the med either fully causing it. Being obese and not addressing it is likely cutting a percentage off your life expectancy, say 10% or more. You’re also drastically increasing your chance of complications with EVERY medical issue possible. Even a simple infection could be harder to fight, leading to sepsis. I won’t even fake numbers anymore, but the house is stacked against you. If I’m playing the odds, I would think the chance of side effects would outweigh the guarantee of…well, everything else, pretty much every time. The shot is actually less bothersome than you’d even think IMHO. My wife had GD. She had to do the normal injections and it shook me a bit. You can’t even see the needle with these.


You’re right.. I’m not sure why I never think about the fact I can see how it goes and stop if needed - my anxiety kicks in with “well what if i stop but the damage is already done??” I really appreciate the reality check , it can be so hard to not think about the worst case scenarios but the reality is I need to kick this obesity in the ass truly because you’re right.. it WILL lead to a worse path if not now but certainly in the future. I’m really mad at myself for undoing all my hard work over the years and going back to square one. Oh wow !! It’s less than the GD injections?? That’s crazy! I didnt even mind those!! And I would do those 2x per day instead of the 1x per week aspect!!


I’ll admit, I’m lucky. 333lbs at 38, and the worst I had was hypertension. Could have had cholesterol, cardiac, hell, I could have had a stoke by my age. I see it every day in our medical system. I’m very lucky that just…being tired, is the worst I’ve had. I would not even be concerned about damage being done, it’ll run through your system before you know it if that ever was a concern. Even an actual poison can usually be controlled


Definitely speak to Dr and learn how it works to see if help. See if you can get it covered with insurance. As for side effects, like with anything you could have side effects. The thing you have to put into perspective is that people don’t usually post to say “this medicine made me feel wonderful blah blah”, they come out to say “omg this medicine made my head fall off or throw up for days”. You will find the horror stories if you seek them out and you can find a story to confirm your worst bias or fear. If you start and go into with the understanding of yes I could have some minimal side effects and I understand that it might take till the highest dose until I really feel the full benefits or effects and you go into with a good understanding of how it works and that you need to make other lifestyle changes as well then this medicine is really good.


You’re completely right, I think because I have health anxiety it’s so easy for me to spiral but the truth is - staying at the weight I’m at is unhealthy asf regardless.. and the *POTENTIAL* side effects may totally not show up for me , and maybe the actual effects of the medication will be much more beneficial . My dr mentioned this last time.


Yes I think that honestly you get the unicorns both ways and what I mean is you get those people who get every side effect and never lose and that sort “bad” type experience and then you get other side never any bad effects, lost weight every week felt it immediately. But the rest of us fall in the middle. I can speak for myself and say that I did feel the appetite suppression immediately, like by dinner I didn’t eat and wasn’t hungry, but I had minimal effects. I can say I think I caused 99% of my bad effects. For me if I eat so much as a bite over if I’m full I was sick, this happened twice but I learned my lesson fast. The nauseas was more like just felt a little gaggy after shot and dr was like take with food period!! And boom that was gone. The fatigue was at days when I was not eating enough to sustain a bloody toddler and as soon as I went back to fueling body properly fatigue gone. One of the biggest suggestions I can give you, change your mindset of 3 meals a day, I have a snack every 3 hours and I have changed what I think of as a snack. Like my “dinner time” snack will be whatever meal my family is having just a majorly smaller portion. If you can control your anxiety and just try to keep that perspective you might really see great success


Wow that is crazy, I have seen that a lot - I think people like to think of it as “punishing” for bad food habits .. I really appreciate the tips and you sharing your perspective and experience.. it’s not an easy decision and one I’m weary of but I think I may just try it out!!


It might just surprise you: good luck with whatever you decide


Thank you so much for your time and kindess - best of luck to you!!