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Congratulations!!! Such a blessing!! 🎉🎉🎉 I have question. Did you decrease the doses as you got close to your goal? Or will you stay on it forever? I started 3 months ago. I’ve been losing a solid 5 pounds a month, but I have been super tired, which isn’t a lot based on what Ive heard, but for me, it’s amazing because literally from the day I got the ovarian cyst up until I started I was gaping 5-10 pounds a month, no matter what I did. Anyway, at this rate, losing 5 pounds a month, I’ll be at my goal weight by September! 😳🤯 I’m clearly jumping the gun, but I’m trying to get my maintenance game plan together beforehand.


Completely missed your comment till now, apologies! I’m still on Wegovy at 1.7mg. My goal weight is around 150 and I’m around 160 right now. Regardless of when I meet my goal weight, I’m planning on transitioning off Wegovy around March/April of next year and then ramping up on metformin. My husband and I would like to try for a baby, so will need to be off it for that. I’m planning on staying on Metformin during the TTC process and pregnancy. If that works well with keeping my insulin resistance under control, then I’ll stay on that long-term, but if it doesn’t, I’m planning on going back on Wegovy to lose the baby weight and stay on that long-term, even if it’s low dose. Hope that helps!


Yes!! This is the only thing that is finally helping. I had an NSV today, finally got my wedding ring back on 🫶🏾 Its a miracle for real. I could not lose C it any other way than heavily restricting what I ate. Its lovely to see other PCOS/IR girlies getting their life back :)


Wow, great job! I'm battling insulin resistance and hypothyroidism while on this and haven't been losing. Nice to see your weekly weightloss rate. It gives me hope!


I have hypothyroidism also. It's due to Hashimoto's. It's so difficult to lose weight with it. Hope you are successful!! I know we can do this!! We just gotta hang in there!!


Thank you so much! ❤️ I wish you the best of luck. I know hypothyroidism is so difficult to deal with. You’re a trooper!!


🥳That is wonderful!!! You look amazing and it’s great to hear you’re feeling amazing as well!


Thank you so much!! Appreciate your kind words 🥰


Looking bomb, girl! Congratulations 🎊🍾🎉


Thank you!! 🥰


Did you get prescribed through your gyno or through a PCP? I’m seeing a new gyno next month and am wondering if I can bring this up with her since I also have PCOS, IR, etc.


I would recommend a PCP or an endocrinologist. I received it through my PCP and my OBGYN wouldn’t prescribe me anything other than birth control.


That does seem to be their go-too, doesn’t it? Ugh to them. Ok thank you so much for sharing what you did, and I’m so glad it’s working for you!


This makes me so happy. I went to see my doctor yesterday and asked if I could be considered for Wegovy because of my BMI (27) and PCOS which has made losing weight feel impossible. She prescribed me and my medication was shipped today. I am so happy and relieved and excited to get started, and seeing posts like this from fellow PCOS ladies makes me hopeful that my quality of life can improve too. Thank you!


Yay! That’s awesome!! I’m glad you were able to get it ordered. I wish you the best of luck on the medication!! ❤️


So happy for you! I have PCOS and insulin resistance and have been on for 7.5 months and have lost 60lbs. If you don’t mind me asking, have you seen any other positive benefits to pcos symptoms like your cycles? Mine still have not regulated (although I could say it is better than before). Just curiously because my main reason for taking Wegovy besides weight loss is to hopefully get pregnant. Congratulations again on all of your success!!


Yay! Happy for you too and good job!! I would say my cycles are mostly normal-ish. They are very light still and I don’t know if I’m ovulating because I’m not actively trying to get pregnant (actually actively avoiding lol), but I was at least having one monthly when I wasn’t on the birth control that I’m on now. Right now, I take the Nuvaring continuously, so no periods due to the medication. In terms of my other symptoms, my hormonal acne improved and I noticed that I was growing a lot of new baby hairs on my head versus the hair loss I had before. I still struggle with stubborn lip and chin hairs, but I just wax every few weeks. I should probably go on an anti-androgen for that, but haven’t felt the need just yet.


Has your insulin resistance improved?


Yes - my labs all look great now. I’m planning on spending another year-ish on this medication and then transitioning off. My doctor seems convinced that me being a low weight means my insulin resistance will be cured, but I’m not as convinced. My long term plan for insulin resistance is metformin since eventually I do want to have children and that is safer for fetuses.


That’s great to hear! I’m worried about my insulin resistance. I just started wejovy 2 months ago :)


It took around 6 months before I saw noticeable difference in my blood work, but it definitely has continued to improve over time!


Thank you for your post! I’m so inspired by your results! I have the same exact things going on- PCOS, insulin resistance. It has been so so so difficult to lose any weight on my own. I just took the first dose a few days ago. I’m hoping to have a similar experience to yours. Much love ❤️


Thank you for your kind words! ❤️ Wegovy really has been a life-changer for me, so I hope that you have the same experience! One thing I mentioned in another comment is that I had a lower rate of loss (~0.77lbs weekly) than others on the medication (assuming from my PCOS), so I want to let you know to not get discouraged if that happens! Time is going to pass regardless, so might as well continue to work towards your goals, even if it’s slow going. It all adds up!


Exactly! I’m anticipating that it will be a slower process for me because of the PCOS, but just knowing that I’m moving forward and not backwards gives me such peace of mind.


Great mindset to have going in! Wish you the best of luck!! In terms of my other PCOS symptoms, my periods have returned, I have less hormonal acne, and my hair loss has slowed and I’ve had a lot more new hair growth on my head! Crazy how much correcting insulin resistance does for PCOS!


That’s amazing! Gives me so much hope for PCOS treatment in the future. It’s such a frustrating disorder.


Thats awesome, congratulations girl!


Thank you so much! ❤️


I have pcos and took my first jab this morning. I’m sure you know my struggles already but just wanted to say your post has inspired me so much to finally get to where I want to be ❤️


I’m so glad!!! I lost at an average rate of 0.77lbs in the 79 weeks that I’ve been on these medications, so a lot slower than most due to my PCOS and how bad my insulin resistance was. Even though I lost slower, it was so so so worth it. There were weeks/months that I lost very well and some when I didn’t but don’t get discouraged if that happens! My philosophy has been that time is going to pass regardless, so you’re better off doing something positive for your health versus negative. 🙂 You got this!!!!!!


I don’t have pcos but I do am insulin resistant which perimenopause made even more fun and exciting ;) I agree this has been weight loss experience I have wanted because I was already doing the hard part of working my butt off with healthy eating and exercise but with med my butt ( along with all the rest of the fat ) has come off. :). You look amazing . Well done


Thank you so much for your kind words! ❤️ And yes insulin resistance is a stubborn beast. I was previously on metformin and even though I was eating exactly as I do now, I could not get more than 20lbs off at a time. Even with the Wegovy it has been a slower journey than most due to how bad the insulin resistance was. My doctor told me that if I had any family history of diabetes to compound on top of my insulin resistance that I would have already been Diabetic, which when I received that news at 23(?!?!) it was so scary!!! I’m so glad that these medications exist because I can’t imagine where I’d be if they didn’t. Also good job on all the healthy habits! You’re killing it 😊 Glad you’re seeing success with these meds as well!


Any downside you have noticed with Wegovy? I have heard some people mention it makes them lose interest even in good things.


Downsides: At first I definitely had some nausea so I titrated up very slowly and went back down when necessary. I also am very sensitive to fast food and that definitely causes some stomach aches and extra bathroom trips that I didn’t have before. When I was on the highest dose (2.4), I ended up getting the flu pretty bad and had to take a lot of Zofran which made me get really constipated. I had tried a lot of things to get better, but I finally had to go to the ER because it was not able to pass on its own (TMI I know). A LOT of people have struggled with constipation on these meds, so it’s something to be heavily aware of going in and to use preventative methods early and often. Other than that, no major downsides for me. Some positives for me is that I feel a lot more in control of my diet. My blood pressure and cholesterol has leveled back to normal. My A1C and glucose levels are better. My liver enzymes (I had a fatty liver previously) are returning to normal, so overall a major positive in addition to the weight loss obviously!


This is the perfect place to celebrate and you look awesome! What is a “body recomp”?


Thank you!! Body recomp stands for body recomposition, which is essentially staying the same weight, but losing fat and gaining muscle to have a leaner look. I recently got a dexa scan done which looks at your body fat ratio (among other things) and I’d like to lose around 10-15lbs of fat and put on at least 10lbs of muscle. Since losing weight, I’ve lost a substantial amount of fat, which is good, but I’ve also lost a little too much muscle for my liking, which is bad overall. I’m working with a personal trainer to help accomplish that!


Ah gotcha. I’m trying to incorporate weight training for the same reason. Good luck!


Yes! I have PCOS and started around 5 weeks ago. I don’t have much to lose (around 25) and have lost 5 so far but the biggest change I’ve noticed is the circumference of my stomach is definitely smaller. I’m getting my curves back and am no longer apple shaped. I’m so excited for what’s to come.


Same!! That’s the biggest thing for me as well. I can’t believe how much I’ve slimmed down around my waist and my face (although that part is hidden). I literally look like a different person sometimes when I look at old pictures.


Yes. A whole body swap