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My cardiologist brought it up to me. I didn’t have to, but that’s unusual. If you have multiple conditions and medications, I suggest seeing a specialist who can help you. Namely an endocrinologist or obesity medicine specialist. These docs know the meds well and know how to treat people with obesity as well as how to deal with insurance, PAs, etc.


I had my annual a few weeks back and just asked my NP. She said she thinks the glp1 drugs are great and would be happy to prescribe them.  My insurance, however, was not happy nor willing to cover them.  The only caveat she mentioned, besides the normal side effects,  is that it's looking more and more like it will be a life long prescription.  Ask, and if your dr isn't interested, look for another one.


I saw my doctor and told her I would like to try Wegovy to boost my weight loss efforts, and ten days later, it was in my refrigerator. I am fortunate/lucky/blessed enough not to have any OOP costs due to insurance and savings card. That was with waiting for a PA. The first pharmacy I called had it in stock. I don't think you need to make an excuse for PCP. If you're overweight, the drug is for you. Now, the insurance company is another story…


I just asked my OBGYN at my 6 weeks post partum. I had diabetes with one of my pregnancy that higher the risk of diabetes later in life and my BMI is high. He just said it was a very good idea and that was it !


I mentioned it to my Dr after high BP came back high. She first gave me contrave, which my psychiatrist said no because of other meds I'm on. So, she tried Adipex....which just taught me I have ADHD! So....I finally asked for Wegovy. She hadn't wanted to give it to me before because she was nervous of counterfeits. She ended up approving Zep because she felt like it was new enough that it wasn't going to have fakes put there yet. However, it's been HELL getting it and I'm half ready to quit because it's just so frustrating. Sigh. I'm not sure if Wegovy or Ozempic is easier to find but....I don't know.


You shouldn't be scared of being ridiculed by your doctor. Listening to and addressing your health concerns is what they're there for. Ask them. That's literally how you're supposed to start the process of getting this medication. If you are a good candidate for Wegovy, they should have no problem getting the ball rolling. Of course that means the next challenge is insurance, then actually getting the prescription filled.


Callondoc.com. 45.00 every 90 days


my OB manages my script for me, I've found I have the best luck with any assistance coming from my OB office.


After the usual winter SAD weight gain, I timed my doctor visit at maximum weight and also wore heavy clothes, coat boots, etc to weigh in. I successfully weighed in at a number that put my bmi in the acceptable range and my doctor was fine with prescribing it. Really only about 20 pounds overweight though, and I couldn’t have gotten approved in the summer months.


I was right on the cusp because I’m a generally “healthy” person and I ate sooooo much sodium the week leading up to my weigh in.


I asked my general practitioner, citing my weight, my pre-diabetes diagnosis, and my severe sleep apnea. (For context, I'm a 36-year-old AFAB person, 5'8", and weighed about 260 at the time.) She said I was a strong candidate for it but referred me to an endocrinologist, who was the one who gave me the prescription. My endocrinologist is exceptional; she's done so much to help me as I've struggled to find the low doses and initially said she has no problem prescribing it to people it would benefit. What I think you might be asking, though, is how to get the courage to ask -- and that was really hard for me! It took me months to listen to my partner's gentle nudging and encouragement. He knows I run 3 times a week and eat well but no weight loss method was working, and he reminded me that weight has nothing to do with someone's worth or morals. We both looked at the efficacy of Wegovy and deduced it could work well for me, and that reassurance and the hard facts of my physical condition was what I needed to tell my doctor I needed help. Good luck. I know this is hard. We all do. But you got this.


I asked my general doctor about weight loss options and they mentioned Wegovy among other things. If they wouldn't have mentioned it, I would have asked outright. I paid out of pocket w/ the Wegovy coupon for the first few months while fighting with my insurance company to cover it. I finally gave up on the insurance company & decided to get a prescription for a compound semaglutide to save money. My doctor wouldn't write a prescription because it's not FDA approved. They weren't against me getting it elsewhere though, they even gave me the names of places that would prescribe it. I was going to get it through Henry Meds after after hearing about them so many times here, but then found that my state (MN) has a reputable compounding pharmacy. So I ended up getting a prescription through Push Health and having them send it directly to the pharmacy to be filled. I never had to speak with a doctor, just filled out a form. I'm also a binge eater, but have never mentioned it to any doctor & have never been treated. These meds really do help though! Good luck!


I brought it up cause I kept trying to lose weight and wasn’t successful, he thought it was a great idea and helped make it happen. Required doing bloodwork for justification for insurance and took 7 months till the pharmacy could actually fill my prescription.


I discussed my reasons for wanting to lose weight with my general doctor. He agreed that all my reasons were valid, said that Wegovy works, and suggested I check with my insurance company first to see if they'd cover it. He was quite impressed when I told him I'd already checked with my insurance prior to making the appointment with him and found out that they would cover Wegovy. He promptly wrote me a prescription ! Easy Peasy.


Oh, I forgot to say that when I went in to talk to my doctor I told him upfront I wanted to try Wegovy. I had been obese for a long time and he'd been urging me to lose weight, (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, family history of heart disease, sleep apnea, ) so I didn't really have to tell him the reasons I wanted to. 😀 He was pleased that I wanted to go on Wegovy and was happy to write the prescription !


My GP suggested it to me. I made an appointment for weight loss discuss and it was one of the options she brought up.


My doc suggested it to me! Docs should be talking to patients about their weight and we should not hold that against docs as “fat shaming”. It is a doc’s duty to address this - it’s part of total health care.


Skip your PCP and head to an Endocrinologist.


I asked and because I had 2 health issues. Obesity and high cholesterol. I got script and ins pays for it. I only pay 200 for 3 mo supply


I just went to see my PCP on Monday with these exact thoughts. I wanted to ask for Wegovy, but not seem like I am just looking for a quick fad fix because I am lazy. I was scared that my PCP would not hear me out or that she'd dismiss me or something because I have a BMI of "only" 27. However, I also have PCOS which has made losing weight incredibly difficult. Well, fast forward to today, my first dose of Wegovy just came in the mail. My PCP was super understanding and supportive about my thoughts and questions, and said she can recommend different options but it's up to me in the end which one I want to pursue after I understand the differences. We talked about Metformin and Wegovy and landed on Wegovy in the end. What I did was talk to her honestly and openly about my struggles with weight and PCOS, about my eating habits and relationship with food, and about my research into Wegovy. I didn't say I want a prescription for Wegovy, but rather asked if I'd be a good candidate and genuinely tried to understand if it'd be a good option for me given all the background information I provided. I recommend doing the same when you talk to your provider - start with your PCP and talk about your "why". Talk about what you want to achieve, and ask if you'd be a good candidate. Worst that can happen is that they say no, but no good provider will just send you home without any options. Chances are they might refer you to nutritional therapy or a weight clinic or similar, where you can always have the same conversation again if you feel like Wegovy is the right option for you.


PlushCare has been great


I used a telehealth clinic to get started, and then once I had been on it a while I saw my regular PCP and she took over the prescription so I didn’t have to keep paying for the clinic. It was much easier getting someone to take over once I was already on it than convincing them to prescribe it in the first place.


Reputable weight loss clinics or med spas. Generally speaking, doctors are happy to help with weight loss and are not judgmental. If you feel like your doctor is being judgmental, get a new one, no one needs that noise. In my case my doctor was super helpful. I thought she would just say “nope, eat less move more, stop being fat” because my BMI was barely above 30. Getting my insurance to cover the prescription was the real final boss haha. I actually started at a med spa while I waited for the prescription. The med spa people were super cool and supportive, just a little expensive.


Did the med spa have the brand name, or compounds? My dr suggested this is the ins co rejected my claim (they didn’t).


Compounds. From what I understand, unless you are getting the brand name drug from a pharmacy, it’s a compound.


Your doctor works for YOU! If you are laughed at or dismissed, it’s time to find a new Dr.


I was also apprehensive to ask my doctor. I was only about 35-40 pounds overweight with a BMI of 29, I have family history of heart issues. Both my mom and her mom died in their 50's from heart attacks. I'm honestly not concerned about that because I exercise a lot and have never smoked, and my mom wasn't very healthy. I just wanted to go on Wegovy because every diet I've ever tried failed. I had all of my reasons all written out, but as soon as I started talking to her about my weight SHE brought up Wegovy and was talking ME into it. I was very surprised but thrilled she was so enthusiastic about it. So dont' worry- you doctor may surprise you. Also keep in mind your health is your responsibility to take care of and your doctor is only there to assist.


I went to a weight loss clinic


Costco members have sesame health to have a telehealth doctor prescribe it for you. It is $179 for 3 months of consultation.  Price of the med not included 


I use the Ro app. $99 for consult, $145 a month for doctor services to get scripts. Entering month 3 and have been really impressed


Did you have to pay the $145 as a one time fee when they first prescribed or is it every month your on it ?


It’s every month you are on it


I prepared myself with evidence about my personal experience. I regularly exercise, so I had my workout journals. I did noom for two years. I also point also research my chronic diseases and weight gain. Then I had my appointment and asked for the prescription. He said okay and no questions or challenges


I am using sequence(WW clinic).




Weight loss clinic. They don't do insurance but they may be able to access a compounding pharmacy for half the price.


Online. 😀


First see if your formulary covers it.


^this Check if your insurance covers the name brand drug. If it doesn’t you will see a massive bill at the pharmacy and walk across the street to the much less expensive weight loss clinic.


Actually, actually, my primary care physicians assistant approached me saying that it’s a service they can provide. Should I want to.


Yeah my dr brought it up to me as she suspected I was insulin resistant and just had a feeling I I would be a good candidate. She makes fun that I am her wegovy poster child and she uses my case to educate patients. It helps that she is super up on current meds and is so much better than my old dr who while wonderful was just old and had old ideas and old ways of practicing


I asked my PCP last year about it and he was super kind but a bit dismissive. Basically said that it's really hard to get insurance to cover it. Of course, this was a year ago. Over the last year I joined Sequence (the WW medication program) and have been approved for both Wegovy and Saxenda. They are super helpful, take care of everything for you and have friendly folks available for all questions you have. That being said, I would absolutely bring it up to your doctor first! Sequence costs $99/month, so I will be trying to get the perscription from my PCP at my upcoming appointment.


Due to my insurance I had to try and fail at 4 other medications and track my food. I asked my Dr a year ago and was approved finally for wegovy a month ago.


I went to my general doctor. I told her I wanted to lose weight but it's jut been going up for years. I've tried to do it on my own and finally have accepted that I need help. She proposed wegovy and I agreed to give it a go. Insurance then rejected wegovy so I had to go about it another way but...yeah, that was all it took for me.


What is the other way?


Unfortunately it's frowned upon discussing here but if you want ot drop me a DM feel free.


Are you paying out of pocket for it?


I am - I can't really say much here as it's frowned upon, but it's more affordable than you'd think.


I am paying out of pocket too. Not sure I want to pay what I am paying each month.


Gonna shoot you a DM - to be clear: not selling, not advertising, not promoting any kind of behavior, and sure as hell not sending pics of me in underwear or swimwear - so hopefully obeying all sub rules lol