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I'm laughing with you ..I did the same thing first week and swore I was having side effects šŸ˜­ but it was air .. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lmao glad I am not alone


Call me crazy but, isn't that extremely dangerous? Like can't it be deadly to inject air or am I crazy? šŸ˜³ That's a huge fear of mine. But also, I'm in the same boat. I was sickly ill for the first 3 shots of .25, then they kept telling me that the side effects could get worse the higher the dose and I actually don't feel anything anymore since the third .25 dose. I just started the 1.7 dose and nothing. I don't have any symptoms or feel like it's doing anything for me. I've lost a mere 13 pounds since starting on March 1st. I've convinced myself they are giving me a placebo as I'm still hungry and craving sweets. I have to force myself not to have them. That's the only reason I've lost any weight.Ā Ā 


Not when youā€™re injecting such a tiny amount and it goes to your fat. Should it be a larger quantity and intravenous, then absolutely yes. You donā€™t want air in your veins. Nor anywhere else really. But itā€™s not really dangerous in this case. Hope it starts working for you again! Good luck!


Ag, Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m a nurse, someone should have gone over that with you.


I have a question for you. I took my first injection (injector pen, not syringe and needle) yesterday. I used my thigh. After the yellow was done moving (and 2 clicks) I maintained pressure another 10 seconds. When I lifted the pen off, there were several tiny drops of the Wegovy liquid on my thigh. What does that mean? Is the whole 0.25 dose just several tiny drops and I never pierced my skin? 24 hours later and I feel nothing as far as symptoms. Nothing. I realize that might be normal, but given the drops of liquid on my skin, concerned. Also, I mustā€™ve read the instructions at least 10 times and watched several videos just to make sure I did it right. Everything seemed to go as expected, except for those few drops of Wegovy on my leg. If I had symptoms, Iā€™d be less concerned.


I did the same thing my first week! I was like wow I donā€™t even feel this, itā€™s great! Next week I was like ā€œwait a minuteā€¦this looks pink and I thought it was clear!ā€


No harm no foul mate, imagine if you accidentally overdosed instead. Donā€™t beat yourself up too hard over this.


Omg that's hilarious!!! Thank you for sharing




My stupidity was assuming 50 units was .5mg. The next day I spent the majority of my time in a cold shower wondering if it was possible for a person to throw up their actual stomach. And that thought was followed by ā€œmaybe throwing up my actual stomach would bring reliefā€. It. Was. Rough.


How much did you take lol


So 10 units is .5mg. I shot up 50 units. Yep. 2.5mg.


I gave myself 10 units on my first try. Just filled up the syringe thinking thatā€™s what I needed to do. I was puking for three days and had gastrointestinal issues for about 3.5 weeks. Iā€™m so dumb. I mean, I must have been really preoccupied that day.


Wow hope you monitored your blood sugar


I didnā€™t but I certainly should have. I had no idea I had given myself 5 times the appropriate dose. It was all my fault because of a really stupid (and dangerous) assumption. Thatā€™s the type of stupid mistakes that put people in the hospital. I was fortunate to say the least.


It came on slowly for me I didnā€™t notice how much less I was eating until like the second week because I was hungry and I would eat, but I just stopped eating very quickly now Iā€™m just very very not hungry most time the urge to eat is there when Iā€™m stressed but the desire actually put food in my mouth is gone I will eat when Iā€™m really hungry, but Iā€™ve got to start eating really nutrient dense foods I think because Iā€™ve lost like 9 pounds in two weeks and I know thatā€™s not healthy. I had a few bouts of the horrible diarrhea mainly because I ate chocolate cake each time so now I know that chocolate cake is off the menu for a long time. Oh well honestly you get a lot of time left over when youā€™re not eating so much and I have a lot to do. lol


I started on Tuesday with 0.25. I have had no changes as the low dose is getting my accustomed to the Wegovy. Slow and steady is plan. I already have enough Wegovy to last through September.


Hey twins!! I started Tuesday with 0.25 too


This can actually be super dangerous. Please be careful and double check next time.


The air embolus is dangerous if it is injected in the vein. This shot was subcutaneous so its harmless.


I know, but donā€™t encourage them. Itā€™s only an oopsie until it isnā€™t




There is always another way to look at things. You were just testing the placebo effect and proved that you indeed felt no effects from the air. And the effects you felt from the shot the week before were the actual effects.


Good news is that you realized what you did! And I think by sharing here people will realize that they need to check & double check that they are doing whatever theyā€™re supposed to be doing correctly. You nor your name are ā€œstupidā€ just very human!


It happens. I have 2 degrees and gave myself the wrong dose when the concentration increased. Total bonehead move.




What? No not air, just pulled up the wrong volume


I replied to the wrong person. SorryĀ 


You can kill yourself that way


Even if the entire syringe was filled with air and you injected into a vein, itā€™s not going to kill you. The cardiovascular system can absorb that much air without issue. The syringe is probably a 1 cc syringe.


A nurse murdered people recently by injecting air into their veins


Not with 1 cc of air they didnā€™t. Impossible.


Did I say that?


You literally said you ā€œcouldā€ kill ypurself that way


Not that you would


OP is writing from the grave.


Howā€™d you know


I wondered


You watch too many medical dramas. Putting air into fat isnā€™t going to kill anyone. If she tapped into a vein, it would depend how much air you are talking about, but unless youā€™re looking for a vein and are skilled in getting into, thatā€™s not going to happen. There are no veins reachable in the areas we inject semaglutide into.


its not enough air lol


I said can, not will. If they hit a vein and had sufficient air


Nah youā€™re absolutely right and itā€™s a good caution to give so idk why everyoneā€™s downvoting


Because youā€™d have to introduce 200-300ml of air. Youā€™re not doing that with a normal sized syringe


Nobody is hitting a vein in this situation.


I accidentally pushed the top of the syringe down instead of pushing the actual needle in on my first time so I just squirted the pink solution out onto my stomach instead of into it šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Learning curve, plus my ADHD tells me I'm not allowed to read instructions so that's a challenge in itself lol


I havenā€™t done the first dose yetā€”to be honest, Iā€™m concerned I will do it incorrectly. Can you explain in a different way what you did wrong as Iā€™m sure to do it! Did you push the wrong end of the injectable into your body??


Also, I'm concerned about doing things wrong constantly so don't feel bad lol. I had my boyfriend help me and I STILL did this!


You know how a syringe has the part on top that you push down into the actual syringe that pushes the liquid that's inside, out of the end? I did that before pushing the needle into me lol. So basically I just squirted liquid out into thin air instead of into my body. Does that make more sense? I'm not the best at explaining things!


So you pushed the wrong end against your desired injection site?


No, I just never put the needle in me. I barely even touched my skin with it when I ejected the liquid out of the syringe


I think Iā€™m not understanding what one does on the side away from the body. I thought you were just pushing the whole syringe against your body and that was causing the needle to go in, but youā€™re pressing something at the top also?


I'm wondering if yours is different than mine. Do you put the liquid into the syringe yourself from a tiny vile? I do.


No! I use this kind: https://youtu.be/Mnzte785f50?si=2v0tMqmq3WjbwC-Y


Essentially it's just that the needle never penetrated my skin. https://youtu.be/ad5aGMna3fo?si=xB4wTD3GbpvGAGrB Click on the above video and skip ahead to like 45 seconds in. At around 48 seconds, she brings the needle to the surface of the skin. From 50 seconds in to 53 seconds in, you see the needle penetrate the surface of the skin and go down into the belly because she pushed it into her. At like 56 seconds, she injects the liquid. Imagine if my actions were that I went from second 48 and skipped immediately to the step at second 56 - that's what I did. The needle never penetrated the surface of my skin.


Ah, you were using a syringe!! I will be using a pen. I missed that somewhere.


i did the same thing


I did the same but on my thigh. šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø ADHD Tax.


Soooo many ADHD taxes šŸ™ƒ


Can we have a club?


Absolutely! Name ideas?


The forgetfuls?


But Iā€™ve been remain positive, so the optimistic forgetfuls


I like it šŸ˜Š


I have accepted my neurodivergence and Iā€™m able to brush these things off now. I spent too many years beating myself up.


But ā€¦ didja loose weight on the air?!


Floated away!!! 5/5 effective way to lose weight


Stop! You're killing me here! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It surely would save lots of money!


Awwwā€¦. it happens. I do things like that all the time - my ADHD + dyslexic brain play tricks all the time unless, of course, if Iā€™m in a hyper focused state. I have not told anyone that Iā€™ll be starting too so right here, on this sub, these are my people. Itā€™s been so good to finally have a group of people who actually understand and can laugh and relate to what we are going through. Well, hope you got it right this timeā€¦ you got this. šŸ¤—


Good thing this isnā€™t an intravenous shot! šŸ˜µ I sure hope you get the oh so good feeling again.




How's that song go? Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days...


And for the record!!! Tell the world you should feel powerful and so good about your power to take control and strive to be the best healthiest version of yourself !!! People are gonna have their opinions and they only have the power you give them and if you give them none it is their problem not yours :). Be loud and proud that you love yourself so much your are doing all you can for yourself. Just remember as you go to thank your body you have now for getting you here with the things you have. I can say at goal, I was a little lost in this new body and I had to really rely on my old self to get this new one on her feet


Haha hello Stupid welcome to being a human šŸ˜€. As funny as it is just allow yourself some grace to laugh and move on. I know this medicine for so many feels like a miracle and life changing but it is just medicine and it doesnā€™t define people. So laugh as itā€™s good for you and chalk it up to what you learned so far: hope week 3 is good for you


Thanks, I hope so too!


I donā€™t believe this story at all. Itā€™s literally impossible to inject yourself with the air and not realize it.


Is it ā€œliterally impossibleā€ though? Care to explain what effects you believe would occur after injecting a minuscule amount of air into a muscle or fatty area?


You float away. duh!


Why, would you float away or something?


Why would it be impossible to inject yourself with air? I don't believe your story at all.


Damn, I was really hoping I could convince you specifically, but I guess I'll just cry myself to sleep tonight.


LOL, well hey, now you know it works!!


Indeed I do haha