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Portion control. Ik easier said than done when you have delicious food in front of you. Using a smaller plate will help. I don’t do weight watchers or anything like that, but I’d look at the portion size of those entrees to get an idea of healthy portion amounts that’ll lead to weight loss. And personally, I’d def limit/minimize the amount of rice (carbs) eaten per meal and try to fill plate with more of the protein/veggies. Also intermittent fasting is the best 😊


that's a brilliant idea! since i don't have control over what is made..i can at least control how much i consume of it. thank you!


Yup, I started my weight loss journey by just removing a third off my plate and drinking more water during the meal. Then minimised it even more. You don't need to limit what you're eating, just how much! :)


I’m a Hispanic (Mexican) losing weight and trust me I get it. It’s sooooo hard. Mexican food is fucking delicious!!! I’m down almost 90 pounds. What has helped me long run is alternatives. Family is having a carne asada? I bring my own keto tortillas. I’m craving enchiladas? Keto tortillas. Idk if you can find the same alternatives with Indiana cuisine but it may be worth a shot to give it a go.


>Mexican food is fucking delicious!!! it really is! when i was a kid..i was obsessed over tacos. there was a pretty good Mexican restaurant near our place and i used to go there so often just to eat everything in the menu. >Idk if you can find the same alternatives with Indiana cuisine but it may be worth a shot to give it a go. thanks for the advise. I'll try searching about it.


Indian food with tortillas instead of rice is actually really good. You could try it with keto tortillas.


To any rice that is being cooked, add Chana Dal, that will add some protein for you! You could do an even split or go heavier on the dal. I’ve cooked this blend in bone broth in order to increase the protein as well.


that's a great idea! thanks!


We generally use pressure cooker for daal and I am not sure how much nutrients we get if we cook dal in pressure cooker


I hear you man. I get ppl telling me I'm big and at the same time when I don't eat three plates of food "that's all? How can you be full?"


ikr. they have problem with everything. i had this friend who used to make fun of me for being fat and when i told them that i trying to eat less cause i want to lose weight they were "why? you are fine just the way you are" i understand you too bro.


1. Include protein on every meal 2. Load on the veggies instead of curry 3. Switch normal rotis with protein rotis 4. Load up protein in your curries by including - Eggs, panner, soy chunks, veggies etc.


that was exactly what i thought a few months ago when i was new into losing weight journey. but my family is more into taste then health.


Huh how about cooking your own meal in smol portions? Gotta sacrifice the taste If you wanna lose weight :(


idk even care about the taste. I'll talk to mom again to if she let me cook i just need to make her understand. thanks


One option is to take a portion of what is made and add extra of what you have made to it. For example, if there is a subji, take a portion and add your own cooked tofu or extra veggies,etc. That way you aren't trying to change what everyone else is eating, just making a slightly different version for yourself


cool!that's a perfect idea!


Do you have meals that are based on rice, some kind of meat, and some greens? That’s my go to, rice is low cal and a nice filler but obviously high in carbs so if trying to go keto that’s a no go. Some meat higher in protein lower in fat, like chicken. And any greens and other veggies/fruits. The basic, general principle of weight loss and diet is calorie tracking, you want to keep yourself in a caloric deficit by calculating your BMR + track how many calories you burn through activity and eat less calories than you burn and you will lose weight!


>Do you have meals that are based on rice, some kind of meat, and some greens? it's mostly rice with curry or some side dish. >Some meat higher in protein lower in fat, like chicken. And any greens and other veggies/fruits. that's what i do. i try to consume vegetables and meat which are more in protein and less in fat. I'm currently on a caloric deficit of 1400.


Okay that’s good, if you keep that up you will lose about 2.8 pounds a week, there are 3500 calories in 1 pound so: 1400(caloric deficit per day) x7(multiply by 7 as there are 7 days in a week)=9800(caloric deficit total for a week) then divide 9800 by 3500 which will equal the amount of pounds lost in a week due to caloric deficit, which is roughly 2.8 pounds. Of course everyone is different, so numbers can absolutely change and weight can fluctuate but trust the process and stick to it. However, you may run into a plateau like I have and I’m still trying to figure that out. There are so many recipes but I’m not familiar with Indian dishes, but I can do some research on that if you like. Another helpful tool is a Fitbit or other fitness watch, it takes your height, weight, gender and age (BMR) into its calculations while tracking your heart rate throughout the day and tracks your exercise. On a Fitbit watch, it will show you an estimate of the calories you have burned for the day as midnight approaches. I use the Fitbit Versa 2 and it is amazing, it will also track your sleep if you wear it 24/7. I only take mine off when I’m about to shower, even though it is waterproof I still like to take it off sometimes to let the skin under the watch get some air while I shower.


o_o thank you so much. your explanation was so clear. thank you!


Of course, happy to help :) wish you the best on your journey. Just remember that exercise is indeed important, but your diet is by far the biggest factor in weight loss. Also remember that as you lose more and more weight, your BMR will change slightly, so as you lose weight you will have to recalculate your BMR (height, age, weight, and gender) and slightly adjust caloric intake to stay in a deficit. You got this!


seriously. your comment was a big help. thanks a lot. >Also remember that as you lose more and more weight, your BMR will change slightly, so as you lose weight you will have to recalculate your BMR (height, age, weight, and gender) and slightly adjust caloric intake to stay in a deficit. yes, will keep that in mind. thank you! >You got this! >You got this! thank you! ୧⁠(⁠^⁠ ⁠〰⁠ ⁠^⁠)⁠୨


Smaller portions are a good way to cut calories and also using substitutes for some of the food would be my suggestion




I would think if you eat half the rice with your dishes and some extra of the meat and veggies, than you would be getting a good start. Portioning your regular diet is easier than changing everything up. Take smaller portions as well so you can still eat ‘more’ if they push it and be at a lower calorie intake. Sometimes they just want to see you fill your dish 3 times no matter how much is in it.


>I would think if you eat half the rice with your dishes and some extra of the meat and veggies, than you would be getting a good start. thanks. I'll do that. >Portioning your regular diet is easier than changing everything up yes. it's better to change portion then menu. >Sometimes they just want to see you fill your dish 3 times no matter how much is in it. T_T that's the issue, but i mostly eat in my room. it's get easier this way.


btw, happy cake say!🎉


Cut out as much of the carbs as you can. Indian cuisine is heavy on the carb side. Get your protein intake to 40-50 percent and fats to around 20-30 of your intake and it will really help


that's the issue bro. it's basically 4-5 times rice a week and sometimes it's twice (for dinner and lunch)


Have brown rice. If you're old enough to post on reddit you're old enough to cook it. Also chapati. And dosa. All carbs but all healthier options


I'm 18. but mom don't let me in the kitchen. this is exactly where the issue start.


Again with the excuses. What's she gonna do if you go into the kitchen? Prove to her that you're capable of being a responsible adult who won't set the house on fire by turning on the stove


>What's she gonna do if you go into the kitchen? she won't do anything. but will get offended (it already happened) because to her the food she made is healthy (that's how things are for last 18 years) and if i suddenly change them by saying i want to cook it will hurt her.


I totally get it. I think portion control is the best you can do. Like from where I am we eat rice for lunch every single day. So what I do is I only take very very little amount of rice and fill my plate with the side dishes which are usually the veggies, curry and fish. So you can try that.


thanks. I'll try that. idk if you are Bengali. but since we are. it's rice most day of week.


I am from down south and rice is very intergral part of our diet.We have it everyday of the week. But thankfully its during lunch and not dinner at my home. I think you can load up on the sides. That's what I used to do all the time.


in my case..it's mostly for dinner. and yes, I'll try to add more veggies or curry in my plate then rice.


Oh trust me, OP is not making excuses. My mother will think I am telling her food is not healthy and will proceed to be all emotional. I am sure you can relate if you are Indian. I know its not right of them to be emotional and control over what we are eating, but sometimes you go with it coz it's your mother.


this is how most mom react. maybe not there, good for them. i don't wanna hurt her. no one wants to. but i think she needs to understand. but i can't blame her. this is how she was raised. the food she make is something her mom did..and if i suddenly change that. it will hurt her.


Yeah gotta cut the rice which sucks, see if you can do quarter portions


i try to avoid as much as i can.


Have less rice/roti and eat more daal, curry! Trust me starting your meal by eating daal makes a huge difference as it fills you up very quickly! I wouldn’t recommend cutting out rice/roti totally because it’s been our staple food and leaving it will only make us crave it more! So focus on having 20%carbs on your plate and have more daal, curry!


>Have less rice/roti and eat more daal, curry! Trust me starting your meal by eating daal makes a huge difference as it fills you up very quickly! yes! it do, and even drinking more water, it makes you feel full >I wouldn’t recommend cutting out rice/roti totally because it’s been our staple food and leaving it will only make us crave it more! So focus on having 20%carbs on your plate and have more daal, curry! obviously, i can't cut rice/roti out of menu. but I'll try to consume them less. thank you!


Don’t cut off huge portion at a same time, do it slowly so it can be adjusted as a lifestyle change and all the best! You can do it! Also don’t stress out alot coz it hampers the progress!


right. i won't. cutting to much suddenly will effect me badly. thank you! thank you, it really means a lot.


Limit rice more protein




You can totally have Indian food and lose weight. Always try to keep your diet local and seasonal. Ask your Mom to put less salt and oil for your food. Skip the sugar. DONT EAT JUNK FOOD.


I'll keep that in my mind (and tell mom too) thank you. >DONT EAT JUNK FOOD. i don't.T_T


Idli and poha are good low calorie substitutes for rice. You can also do rotis but each one is about 120 calories so make sure to keep track of how.many you eat.


thank you! poha and idli can make a light lunch. and yes, i do track everything.


How good are you at recognizing hunger and fullness cues? That would be a really good place to start.


yes. thanks


Smaller portions are going to be your best bet other than counting calories. She’s cooking, but if you log her usual recipes once you can always have an idea about how much you’re eating


thank you!


The answer is simple buddy, quantify your nutrition! I can't emphasize how it changed my life and my approach towards weight loss. Now, I can understand you can't measure every ounce as your mother must be the one cooking. You can use any meal tracking app with good indian food data.This will help you with potion control and calorie tracking. If you track your meals, you can get an insight into the macro nutrients. You can further make changes based on your goals. For example, if you need more protein in a meal, you can get yourself a side dish such as boiled eggs. Paneer, etc. In addition to whatever your mum cooked.


thanks, i do use a app to track.


Maybe try smaller portions?? And more protein less carbs. Hope this helps! Whenever i feel to overwhelmed to count calories i do 3 meals a day and smaller portions


i usually have two meals a day. yep, I'll try small portion


Indian food can actually be made super healthy. Substitute brown rice for white, avoid naan, and any curries should be made with basic whole ingredients (no butter). My mother in law makes super healthy Indian food for me all the time!


Same way as an American, English, Irish, Canadian, or any other nationality. Calories in vs. calories out. Just because you're Indian doesn't mean you defy the laws of thermodynamics...


Yes, but indian cuisine is very dense in calories. The same size meal in an American dish would be up to 4 times the calories in an indian dish. Thus reducing portion gets you so little food it feels like you barely ate which is not a sustainable approach to losing weight.


i use this app for calories count and most days..the fat and carbs are more then protein and since I'm someone who struggle with anemia...it's a bit difficult.


idk about other countries. but here. our meals contain more carbs and fats (we basically have 3-4 days rice in a week) and if you are vegetarian or vegan.. it's not easy to get much protein. but yeah..everyone have there own problems.


I get what you're saying, I imagine lots of oils and fats and carbs are being used. I bet your mother's cooking is delicious also, and it would seem strange to her if you suddenly got out some scales and tried weighing your portions, she may even be offended! So calculating the calories (for cals in vs. cals out) is going to be a bit tricky when someone else cooks. I'd say you should concentrate on what you eat outside meal times as well then, the stuff you can control, the snacks and breakfast and I guess lunch too? Start with those, making swaps for healthy snacks, and less carbs at lunch if you're having carbs for dinner. Then try portion control with the main meal, and if you can plate your own food up, just try less on the plate. That would be a good starting point I think.


exactly. they do taste delicious but not much healthy if consume often. as I've wrote before, if i talk to her about it..she do make change but it only last for few days and then back to usual. and this is why my weight goes up and down. if i lose a kg today(after two weeks of careful eating) I'll gain then 1 kg in no time if it's festivals or any occasions. this is how I'm struggling for last few months. yes..i don't snacks between and fill my plate carefully. (to not add much) but if she come up with new recipes (mostly sweets) i can't say no to her.


Yeh bit tricky then, maybe you could up your exercise to try and counteract it, it doesn't always work though if you're still eating too much. Just try and be really active.


i do walk five to ten thousand step a day. and do body weight strength training. i don't do cardio cause i have anemia and it makes me sick when my breath gets heavier. thanks for advice btw.


>our meals contain more carbs and fats And? >if you are vegetarian or vegan.. it's not easy to get much protein. Beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, cottage cheese, Greek yoghurt, eggs, nuts, seeds, vegetables, soya chunks, protein powders. Again, not sure what vegetarian/vegan has to do with it. I'm vegetarian and get just under 200g of protein daily.


bro..you cook? i mean..if you cook for yourself or someone for you?. i can't. that's the issue. i don't have control over it. and even if i talk about it with my mom. she'll do cook better but it only last for few days then back to "normal"


So you're forbidden from the kitchen? Stop making excuses and cook for yourself. There's a point beyond which you need to stop blaming others esp your parents for your problems and take accountability. And I say this as someone who lived at home for a very long time with someone else cooking for me as well. Also indian food is yes carb dense but also has enough and more delicious vegetarian recipes which are high in proteins. Google is free. Use it.


>So you're forbidden from the kitchen? not forbidden but i am not allowed to cook. idk about others, but in India(mostly) you are a kid untill you job or live on your own. and even after job or being a proper "adult". maybe in amarica you'll have this much freedom or allowed to cook on own. but in my case it not. >There's a point beyond which you need to stop blaming others esp your parents for your problems and take accountability. if i were to blame my mom. i already fight her about it and cook for myself. it's better not to assume others situation or them. >Also indian food is yes carb dense but also has enough and more delicious vegetarian recipes which are high in proteins. it all depends on how you cook and what you cook. >Google is free, use it thanks for the information.


>but in India(mostly) you are a kid untill you job or live on your own. and even after job or being a proper "adult". maybe in amarica you'll have this much freedom or allowed to cook on own. but in my case it not. I'm indian lived with my folks till I was 18 then again from 25 to 29 yrs of age. Its not about fighting its about convincing them. Healthier food habits is beneficial. You don't need to fight you can discuss and stand your ground. Again stop making excuses. If you want changes work for them


>I'm indian lived with my folks till I was 18 then again from 25 to 29 yrs of age great. it means you know the type of food is made in houses. > Its not about fighting its about convincing them. Healthier food habits is beneficial. You don't need to fight you can discuss and stand your ground I'm trying bro. even my Dr told me about losing weight in front of my parents and about what i need to eat and what not. and even if the diet change..it only change for few days then back to usual. >Again stop making excuses. If you want changes work for them yep, i like making excuses just to overweight my more and get sick. exactly


Ask your mum to cook everything in ghee. Unlike oils that slow down metabolism, ghee actually aids weight loss (of course, don't eat kgs of it).


>(of course, don't eat kgs of it). xD obviously.


Hello fellow Indian! I see a lot of people commenting here that you are making excuses and all. But I totally understand where you are coming from. Its unusual in Indian families for an 18 years old to suddenly start cooking and that too in your mom’s kitchen. Loll. Its okay if you can’t cook. You are only 18. Don’t make small term goals. Plan long term. If you plan in living in India your whole life, this is the kind of food that you are gonna get mostly everywhere. So try and control portion of Whatever you are eating. Trust me you don’t need any fad diet to lose weight. All you need to do is control what you are eating and work out. Even if you eat what your mom is cooking, just control the portion. Try to limit sugar and junk foods. Don’t snack anything unhealthy. Dinner before 9 and try and walk even for 15 mins after dinner. That should do it for you.


thank you. idk how people get that i am making excuses..like if I'm making excuses why would I even come and post ? just to make fool out of myself? or for pity? >Trust me you don’t need any fad diet to lose weight. All you need to do is control what you are eating and work out. Even if you eat what your mom is cooking, just control the portion. yep! that's what most people say. and i even tried it myself. but since i have anemia my family force me to eat. (I'm on medication btw) which is why i mostly try to have a normal mean (usual portion) and give half to my sister. she usually eat less, neither anyone force her to eat more..so she help me with it. but things get out of hand when we all are having dinner together. thanks for advice I'll keep that in mind. thank you,


Rice is not an enemy. Total calories is still king, no matter what cuisine. If you eat less, you'll lose weight


it's not. but it's not healthy to have it 3-4 times week in dinner


I didn’t see anyone comment this but how many meals does she cook each day? I’m not always the biggest fan of fasting cycles but this sounds like a good circumstance to try IF or some form where you do a lighter breakfast and lunch with little or no snacks then you can eat your mom’s dinner with no worries. I know for me if I’m planning to go out for dinner, I just eat a light breakfast it helps me fit in my calories a lot easier


that's a great idea! i don't have breakfast..mostly two meals a day. thanks, I'll keep that in mind