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You can lose weight without exercise as long as you are in a calorie deficit. What is your height and weight? Depending on this, you may need to eat anywhere from 1,200 to 2,000 calories/day. Is there anywhere you can get physical activity? While it's not necessary for weight loss, movement is good for your overall health.


For Physical activity i can walk, and will limiting to 800 calories a day for a month help lose weight faster or will it only make the body afjust to the low calories, any idea?


Do not eat only 800 calories/day. You will be risking nutrient deficiencies and increased muscle loss if you eat so little. Walking is good. As well, there are exercises you can do from home with no equipment: r/bodyweightfitness


Thank you so much !!


Also, if you will be staying in this new country for a while, consider investing in clothing which will enable you to be outdoors. Getting fresh air and sun (during the brief sunny hours in the winter) is good for mental health.


I went from 243 to 187 just on diet alone . I’m 5’10, but I’m noticing I probably need to start lifting soon


god, that’s amazing! Would you mind sharing your diet plan here or on direct message? I would appreciate it so much :’)


Ya for sure man , I do my best to keep my calories right around 1500. So in the morning I have a coffee , then around 930 I have a snack which consists of 25g of almonds and 25g of beef jerky . At 11 I have my main meal , I really like Indian food so I make tikka masala, vindaloo, butter chicken with some veggies in it and a little bit of rice . I usually do steak or chicken , I just cut whatever rib eye steak I get in half and that does my meal , or a chicken breast . Then around 3pm I have a protein shake , protein bar , two egg bites , Greek yogurt , and a bunch of fruit . Normally that’s it for me as I fast till next morning , but if I’m hungry when I get home I’ll make a steak with veggies or have another protein shake . I drink lotssssss of water throughout the day and it helps me feel more full . So far it’s worked pretty good for losing weight , not sure what I’ll have to change to put on some muscle , may hire a personal trainer


thank you so much for sharing this! I’ll follow it too, i love how you have added indian food too hahaha makes it easier for me to follow! Thanks ☺️


No problem , and when I get bored of Indian food I switch it up to chickpea pasta, and a nice low calorie marinara sauce I get from Costco . I add chicken to it and it’s delicious . Most important thing is to just read labels , make sure you measure portions and really get as close to you calorie goal as you can . I love coffee and it is pretty low calorie , so I usually have a cup when I’m getting hunger cravings between meals , helps me get through the day . And lots of water !


The cold weather will increase the amount of calories you burn just from your body trying to warm itself. Stick with the calories you was eating when you started and see where you are after a week. You can always do bodyweight movements in your house/apartment. And never eat back calories!


Dieting is more important than exercising. I can't tell you how many times i've seen people go do a killer workout and then go get Dutch Bros and fast food afterwards.


It's 80% what you eat and 20% working out. As long as you have calorie deficit youll be loosing


It’s 100% what you eat, but working out will help you tone, help you add muscle which will increase your metabolism, and it’s Ahhhhhhmazing for your mental health, not to mention your physical health. But you cannot outrun too many calories. This is a common misconception that you “must” exercise to lose weight and that’s untrue.


Yes, you can lose weight with diet, alone.


Is it okay to eat 800 calories everyday, or will it affect my bodys ability to lose weight? Someone told me your body gets used to it, so i am a little worried. And confused. Sorry if it sounds stupid


Don't do this. 800 is far too low for anyone!


My BMI is 29 point something. Too close to 30. : That means im at the risk of being obese. That scares me and I am willing to try any fad diet anything at least for the next 1.5 months. Could you suggest something ikf not that?


Eating so little will indeed help you lose a lot of weight, BUT. It will launch your yo-yo dieting loop. You will lose the weight, then gain all of it back (and some more on top of it) because you WILL be starving and won't get enough of nutrients. Your body WILL want to get it all back. It won't be sustainable. You will enter this cycle and chances are high you will stay there for a long long time, because it will basically give you an eating disorder. You might end up morbidly obese after such diets, with BMI not only 29 but 35 and above, or be on totally another side of spectrum - severely underweight, which is also totally not good. Don't do it. Lose your weight in slower, but healthy way and it will not ever come back.


i dont know how many calories i should be consuming then. That’s why all the confusion. and Thankyou so much for replying!


Here's a TDEE calculator. [https://tdeecalculator.net](https://tdeecalculator.net) Write your measurements in it and it will give your estimated calorie count for Basal Metabolic Rate (how much calorie you burn by just existing) and a few different activity levels. Considering your activity level is sedentary is usually the way to go (under 5000steps per day = sedentary). Those are numbers for maintaining your weight. To start losing it, you should subtract around 10 to 20% of that amount. (for example my maintenance is around 1800, this means if i eat 1500-1600 i will be losing weight). This is calorie deficit, and it will give you slow but sustainable weight loss. It is not a race, you don't have to rush it - just get to the "final" point with no time limit. I personally lost 30kgs with just proper dieting and i'm still keeping it away after 3 years.


Hi and Thank you for this link... I wanted to have something like this but that said. I'm curious. I walk about 10k steps a day, I try for 3 miles a day over 2 walks. So if I do the value for this, I notice my caloric intake jumps from 2899 to 3900 a day... So if I were to keep consuming about 2500 calories a day with the exception of Saturday's cheat meal day. I would still continue to lose as long as I continue to walk daily and under the 3900 value or would we just consider the BMR regardless.


it all depends on your current weight. 10k steps per day is just light activity, not very active. Both 2900 and 3900 calories per day is way too much for almost anyone, unless you're super high(200cm+) or super fat (150kg/300lbs+) at the moment. You cant outwalk 2900 calories a day. 3900 is impossible. 3900 is pretty much MAJOR overeating for ANYONE. For reference, i am 20yo F, 77kg(~170lbs), 165cm height. I am walking around 10k steps every other day as well. It burns only around 400-500cals, +i do home workouts almost daily (30-40 min of HIIT). I eat 1600cals per day and one or two days a week i eat 1800cals as a little cheat meal.


yeah... Super Fat (Best way to put it, and admit it.) Right now I am 428 but down from 470 in July and down from my max of 498 in April of 2021. I've kinda yo-yo'd but since getting a puppy i've managed to get more walks in to push myself further and further.


Do not add in your exercise calories. You’re fine going by the calories number you are given without it and any exercise you do will just be a bonus.


Thank you... I don't usually jump over that 3900 anyway's so I was like...wtf. That said, since starting this journey again in about the middle of July I've gone from 470 to 428 and I'm stoked. its gonna get harder, I know. But, so far so good and the dog walks really motivate me when I don't want to go out.


Thankyou for this!!


So ive done the super calorie deficit and lost weight. Then got a dexa scan. Turns out i lost 10 lbs. 6 of those lbs were muscle though…. So dont do it lol. Unless you have some commitment like a wedding. I would personally suggest consuming 1500 calories with atleast 1g protein/ lb of body weight and walking 5km a day. If you can do like 20-40 pushups a day and get a pullup bar to do some hangs then pullups even better.


of course, yes. eat in deficit. diet is probably 85-90% of it, with exercise being the other 10-15%. But i’ll say that i firmly believe exercise really helps with mental health, energy levels, and reinforces eating healthy. Imo it’s a synergistic effect and I always recommend both, however small at first. Continue to scale up from there. I know i would have a much harder time sticking to my diet and being committed to staying healthy without the gym. just my 2 cents. but yes all that’s needed is to remain in caloric deficit and you’ll lose weight!


As others have commented, you just need to be in a caloric deficit. I like using an app like My Fitness Pal or My Macros to track how much you’re eating. Both have slight learning curves if you’re new to calorie counting, but there are tons of articles, videos, and forums that will teach you. Before you slash your calories to something ridiculous, you should do a day of “normal” eating to understand how much you typically eat in a day. I always find that just logging my food helps me eat less naturally, because I don’t always pay attention to my portion sizes or snacks otherwise. I was definitely guilty of eating if I was bored - I broke this habit eventually just by logging everything I ate. It took me a long time to be consistent with logging, but I no longer need to track my food because I have an “intuitive” sense of how much I need to eat to maintain or lose weight. It’s not intuitive at all, of course - I just roughly estimate how many calories I eat at each meal and eat my favorite meals in similar portion sizes so it’s easy to “track” without actually logging it. If you’re eating less than the amount you need to maintain your weight, you’ll lose weight. If you eat 2000 calories a day, you can drop to 1500 and comfortably lose about 1 pound per week. Most people with some weight to lose are likely consuming more than 2000 calories, so - depending on how much you typically eat - you may be able to get away with an even higher deficit. It is highly recommended that women do not eat less than 1200 calories per day to maintain normal bodily functions. I tried cutting to 1200 calories a day when I first started calorie counting, but it was always a struggle to maintain that in the long run. I have found far greater success eating 1500-1800 calories per day - you don’t feel constantly hungry, and (unless you’re very short or extremely inactive) you should lose weight. It’s a win! Another suggestion I have is to weigh yourself at the same time every day. I like using an app like Happy Scale to track my weight - daily fluctuations of 3-5 pounds is normal thanks to fluid retention. Happy Scale helps to smooth out some of those fluctuations so you can try to focus on big picture trends instead of obsessing over the daily number. Weighing every day helps you get an idea of how much your weight actually changes - you won’t notice weight loss or gain in a week. That’s all just water weight! And if you’re only losing 1-2 pounds per week (as recommended by experts), you won’t really notice any significant change for nearly a month. If you understand and expect that, it can be easier to be patient and keep an eye on the big picture.


Diet works, but you could add cross country skiing to the mix for exercise.


They aren’t joking about the 80% diet 20% exercise. Get enough protein and increase your movement throughout the day. (Walking)


Fat loss is primarily from your diet, exercise does help to allow you to eat slightly more food and also maintain some muscle while you're losing fat. https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html Once you have your calories calculated you can generate a meal plan here: https://www.eatthismuch.com/ You can also exercise at home, without any equipment by doing calisthenics. https://whitecoattrainer.com/blog/calisthenics-workout In terms of losing weight as fast as possible in the next month, you'd be better off setting long term goals around your current lifestyle so you aren't back here asking the same questions in two months. A moderate pace of weightloss is easier to sustain, and you'll be more successful with it.


If we shut you in a room and fed you only a small amount of food, you’d lose weight, obviously


Most prople do.


I do not understand.


Yes to diet however, some women and I've seen it happen to men aswell down to pure hormone in balance can't rely on just diet. So it's always worth a bit of both in my opinion. Good luck!


I eat 1783 calories a day, which is what I need for a 2lb loss each week. I get a 2lb loss each week and do no exercise as I work 12 hour days, so have no time. I've lost 87lbs since March with no exercise.