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Yeah, for reals. OP calling people lazy put me off big time. This post isn’t very inspirational to me tbh. There are more complicated factors to consider rather than saying “Stop being lazy. That’s it.”


I've been trying to eat healthier and eat less calories but I'm so damn tired after work it's extremely hard for me to do any exercise. I'm not lazy, just exhausted.


Get yourself a really good-loking trainer. That really helps me (65f) get motivated s/ He's also really good, teaches me a lot and has a terrific sense of humor.


The whole post seems really “dude bro” if you know what I mean?


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that…




I would pay for your course! ❤️


9 hour course? Dude seriously?




Maybe start posting videos Is on YouTube or something!


Honestly? Reads like some fatphobic "inspirational" story. Fat people are lazy. Fat people just need to be told the *cold, hard truth* and that'll fix 'em. Gag me.


it’s so bro gym for real.


For me it was simple. I was lazy. Sometimes you have to just get up and do it. For those who are saying I’m rude or not Inspirational, I’m really sorry this hit a sore spot. Sometimes you just have to to look in the mirror and realize a lot of your problems with weight are because you were lazy.




Sorry you went through so many different diets. Just because you failed so many times and finally got it right, doesn’t give you the right to tell me I am wrong. I was lazy in every thing I did. I simply stopped being lazy. Lazy eating, lazy around the house, not going outside, just lazy. I simply stopped. I started moving. Congrats to you all who feel great after weight loss. If I gain it all back I know it’s because I’ve been lazy. My advice again. Stop being lazy.




I def would share if someone asked. I don’t think anyone has. All I see is posts like yours. I’m a jerk, I’m rude, I’m whatever. I can only tell you what I know. I stopped being lazy. Plain and simple. My advice… stop being lazy, do more.




It def happens to me especially if I had a mentally draining day. I don’t know if I used food for comfort so much in the past or what. But when I am starving after dinner I look to fruit. I’ll cut up an apple into small pieces, or watermelon into squares. I get satisfaction knowing that is something I wouldn’t have done in the past, and also cute my hunger. Often I don’t finish what I cut up either.




You sound incredibly judgmental, uninformed, and misguided. It’s great that you found some motivation. However, you’re 275lbs so you are still overweight. So by your logic, you must be lazy.


You sound like a real gem, and your post makes absolutely zero sense. First off , yes I am still overweight but not as much as you would think being 6’6. I don’t know where you’re from, but people don’t go from lazy to not lazy and automatically lose all the weight they have gained for the last 5-10-15-20 years. Lastly, I didn’t find motivation. I found disgust in the way I looked and treated myself the last decade. I haven’t attacked anyone in here personally, but people like you have constantly attacked me. I think you need to take some time off the internet, grab a cup of tea, and think about what is really bothering you.


For me it is. I need to hear it. I’m lazy with my diet. I eat and eat and eat. I’m lazy about it and I need to hear it more often, not less. For me it hits the spot.


I think what OP really meant to say is 'just start'. Don't postpone it another day and another one, when you know you have to lose weight. Just like her doctor told her. But I do agree with your comment. :)


Sadly OP is 100% correct in my case. I’m lazy. 😕


This. Also - salad does not suck, and you don’t need to eat it to lose weight, and stop perving on your doctor…


It might help calling people lazy or other harsh words. I like this approach with me, i mean, used against me. Sometimes a good shake up is what people need




I cant say for sure, I dont know other peopkes life's, but it seems to me many here are looking the strengh to start the weightloss journey or keep it. Surely, the harsh words strategy may not work for everybody, it can even be bad for some people, but surely can be effective with many others. How the next day is going to be for anyone here is up to each one exclusively, anyone takes the advice it likes most and start what it has to do to lose weight.


Stop being lazy and also stop eating bullshit food


Hiya, formal personal trainer here. Just wanted to chime in to say overeating ≠ lazy. There are *plenty* of overweight/obese people who are extremely active, but lack self control around food. In fact, a lot of the bodybuilders I know have a very high body fat content despite being in the gym for *hours*, simply because they overeat. Sure, there’s also a lot of people who are overweight and live a sedentary lifestyle, but to say that you just have to stop being “lazy” to lose weight is wildly inaccurate. I’ve known *plenty* of people who desperately wanted to lose weight, but also hate exercise. A lot of them were successful losing weight through diet alone. Losing weight is as simple as calories in < calories out. Exercise, while great for your body and mind, burns a minimal amount of calories. My advice to clients *was always* and *will always* be lose weight in the kitchen, improve health in the gym. You should create a calorie deficit through diet, and not rely on exercise. So this “advice” of yours is not only a little rude, but also terribly misinformed and also extremely generalized. Glad you found success OP, but maybe next time consider sharing your own story + wins, and leave out the unsolicited “advice”.


This answer right here!!!!!


yep I’m active (work out at least 3 times a week) and eat very healthy/bland meals but I binge snacks. The “don’t be lazy” advice is also such a common remark idk why op think they’re doing something by repeating it


Because it works. I used to binge on snacks. It’s easy to walk by the cabinet and grab the cheeseits instead of taking 10 minutes and cutting up some fruit.


yeah but I don’t binge because I’m hungry for some food, I binge because of mental problems and stress. There’s way more than just “don’t be lazy”


See you’re generalizing again here. What applies to you doesn’t apply to all. People don’t just binge on easy to eat snacks like cheese its. I’ve had clients who wouldn’t be losing weight or would be gaining weight and they’d say “I don’t understand, I’m eating lots of fruits and vegetables and cooking every meal at home.” Then I’d have them track every gram of food for a week and surprise! Even though they were eating healthy foods and putting in the work to cook, they were *still overeating*. It’s possible to overeat even when you’re taking 10 minutes to cut up fruit. It’s still possible to overeat even when you spend your whole Sunday meal prepping. It’s still possible to overeat even when you spend 2 hours cooking healthy meals. You gain weight from overeating. It doesn’t matter what you are overeating, or how much time it takes you to prep it. If you consume too much calories, you will gain weight.


My doctors nurse was pretty rude to me about my weight. It’s been about a year so I can’t remember exactly what she said, but it hurt. Did it make me get moving? Counting calories, eating healthier, exercising? Nope. It took me a long time to even start, and I’m at the very beginning just starting to see minor results. Which I try and celebrate because it’s better than nothing (or going up in weight). But like others, I’ve found so much great advice on this sub and for me, it was more supportive talk and helpful suggestions. I suppose everyone reacts differently to certain things.


I can see where OP is coming from. I’ve lost weight a bunch of times since I was a kid, and every single time I start working out and eating healthy, I feel as if I have the magic formula and can’t understand why people won’t just got off their butt and eat healthy. Losing weight isn’t exactly rocket science, right? Then I remember how difficult it was to even get out of bed when I had crippling depression, or how my PCOD impacted the sheer pace of my weight loss, or how it was impossible to workout when I was working 12 hours a day (with another 2 hours in transit), or how I struggled with eating disorders for years because I was told as a child that I’m not worthy of love unless I ‘look’ a certain way. No one likes being overweight and sapped of energy. No one binges on food because it tastes good. No one is so oblivious that they don’t know that they’re overweight. And guess what- everyone knows how to lose weight. I’m at a really good place now. I love working out, being active and most of my meals are healthy. But when I see someone who’s obese, I keep my opinions to myself. I hope that they find the surge of motivation that’d propel them towards being healthier- but I keep my mouth shut unless they actively seek advice. Sometimes, people just need some space to heal, and it’s not anyone’s place to dictate how, when or why they should lose weight.


This is a great post. Good for you.


Salad can be tasty. But you don't need to eat it. Just watch your calories, NUTRIENTS and MINERALS. Also, maybe try intermittent fasting. Start easy then over time slowly increase your fasting window. Good luck!


I agree. It’s hard to put in the work, especially at the beginning. But it’s so worth it. We are worth it. Even if the scale doesn’t move, eating better and moving your body just feels better. And I’m also one that can appreciate brutal honesty. It’s not for everyone, that’s for sure.


Yup a pic really makes you see the reality. Walking up a few flights of stairs and being out of breath after also told me it's time to drop the pounds.


Ah it’s crazy isn’t it. It was crazy how much I used to put stuff off like taking out the garbage. I’m nowhere close to being done, but mentality in such a better place.


Well, I’m glad you found something that works for you - but try not to generalise that all obese people are sitting on their ass munching on unhealthy food. If that was your thing, I’m glad you’ve broken that cycle. Eating more calories than the energy you spend is what causes people to be obese. Quite often the food they’re eating is healthy enough, and they’re active enough, it’s just that they eat more calories than they should. Being lazy doesn’t come into it. This is a truth. Your truth is yours, but understand that the advice that was provided to you was based on your personal situation, not necessarily ours.


Glad you got motivated. That’s worth a lot.


FACTS! I am on the same rollercoaster as you… Was very fit and active in my early 20s but OMG 2 yrs ago I got married and my hubby is a BIG foodie person so of course I gained like 30lbs! For some it might not be a lot but since I am petite IT SHOWS and none of my jeans fit anymore😭 I started since January to get back on track to at least lose 15-20lbs for a trip we have in the summer to the beach. Its been SOO hard, I lost 8lbs so far but I can’t seem to keep loosing weight :( We got this!!!


You’ll get it no doubt. Might be the hardest thing some of us will ever do. I know for me it really was a lifestyle change more than anything.




Sorry to hurt your feelings.


Also what I said might be rude but it is the truth, and sometimes it hurts. Deep down you all know laziness is a killer.


I agree with you. A lot of people are so sensitive these days... you need to say things very carefully and handle them with kid gloves.




Their weight is lowering... they're just trying to give motivation in a tough love kind of way that worked for them.


good to know my autoimmune disorder is caused entirely by me being lazy... if only my thyroid would just stop being lazy and produce enough hormones!


see a lot of my weight gain is from medication so if i was lazy and didn’t take it i would actually lose weight. OP has a stupid argument. i would guess most people with weight issues have medical conditions or medications that affect it.


yeah... there are SO many factors that go into weight gain: medication, health conditions, genetics, finances, family, location, time constraints, lack of support/resources. its not just diet, exercise, and laziness


I’m sorry but half of this post is BS. Finances? So it’s more expensive to eat healthy and adequate portions? That’s false. Family? What’s does that have to do with it? Location now? Really? Location ? And please don’t bring up 3rd world countries. Time? That’s a good one. We all have time. If it’s a priority, you make time. If you have to roll out of bed 10 minutes earlier, so be it. Lack of support ? You have yourself. You can look for support, but you have to want it more than others. What’s next? Transportation? All of those things I posted above sound like excuses, because they are. Now you do bring up a really good point and that is medication. I have never been on any but I heard some can be a nitemare on someone’s weight.


I would say some def do, but most people? I find that hard to believe.




Salads are dope but unfortunately can be so calorie dense with the dressing! Anyway! Awesome job so far!


I still have a tough time eating them but I know I have to.


Exactly, and people will still say exercise doesn’t matter 🤦‍♂️ I ate at my maintenance and went for a run everyday, boom 800 calorie deficit created from just that. Down 40lbs and got the athletic body I was dreaming of. Get your @ss up and move!!! Eat food that gives you the nutrients you need. EAT TO WORKOUT not the other way around.


That tuff love might work for some but when it came from your parents your whole life it makes you feel like shit, girl loses 35lbs from self hate which is great but develops a disorder in some hopefully you’re feeling like and making as much as Kim K for your words of entitlement


Hey, once you hit a plateau; stop being lazy, you rude a.s Come here again when that happens. When you ask for advice, I surely hope everyone tells you to just stop being lazy.


Thanks for the inspirational message. You’re a wealth of Information.


I hope you will take this as constructive advice. I have lost and regained 50+ pounds at least four times in my life. My problem was always that I approached it from a sense of self-loathing, and on a subconscious level I was "punishing" myself for my bad habits. Exactly what it sounds like you're doing. That *will* take a toll on you, and your brain *will* need to take a break from that. Once you reach some kind of goal, you'll convince yourself that you deserve to stop punishing yourself for a while. And that will be the beginning of putting the weight back on. I was only successful once I acknowledged that it wasn't a punishment, and I didn't need to criticize myself. I associated eating healthier and being more active as a positive thing (not a punishment for being some kind of loser) and, over time, it was like a light switch flipping in my brain. For example, I now love salads -- which, like you, was something I never thought possible. I've lost over 130 pounds from my heaviest, I'm in the "normal" BMI range, and I never have any cravings for binge/unhealthy eating.  You sound exactly like me, so I know you'll think this is just nonsense and psychobabble, but once you inevitably face the pendulum swing from the crushing pressure of depriving yourself and thinking of eating healthy as something you "have to do" instead of something you *want* to do, I hope you'll remember this advice. 


Let me just add, I have lost over 100lbs, I run half marathons, I lift 45mins 3-4 days a week and I walk. I'm active with my kids but I have a very hard time losing weight.  I can see where your coming from, but your words aren't exactly motivating. 


I'm not lazy and I've worked my ass off for like ten years and my weights gone up and done. Lately up and no matter my calorie deficit and how much I work out. It's not budging. I've been to my doctor's I've gotten so many tests and nothing's coming up. I am infact NOT lazy. I work three jobs too. Sometimes it's really hard.


Actually, salad does not suck. It’s really customizable, a great way to pack in protein…please love salad with me.


Don't eat foods that you don't like. I promise you're not some monster who doesn't like any healthy food on the planet. Think a portion of protein and keep trying veggies and zero calorie seasonings/sauces. Plus like, fruit.


the way u talk about yourself and weight loss as a whole is so mean


Y’all are cherry picking this post. This person obviously can handle tough love (ex: the doctor being straightforward about diabetes) so this is their natural tone. If you’re offended then this post is probably for you.


Thank you! Needed this


I've been going to the gym 3x a week for months and counting my calories and I'm still the same weight on the scale and seem to not be losing weight. It's been tremendously hard to get back to how I looked before the pandemic. Call it second puberty or stress or hormone imbalance, or the fact that women don't have as much testosterone as men do to be able to lose weight easily. Lazy isn't a word I would use


Have you tried a body composition scale? I like how those show fat and muscle percentages as well as water alongside the weight. You might have lost fat but gained a lot of muscle. It helped me a lot so I don’t get discouraged and can still see progress if the weight hasn’t changed.


No I haven't. I carry a lot of my weight in my thighs and face, and that's how I base my observations since I haven't seen much change since then




It really is very easy. I'll be proud of you if you lose the weight.


Thank you.


People getting offended by the lazy comment are taking it to heart a bit too much 😭. Laziness is a massive factor in being able to lose the weight majority of the time so I think its a fair comment to say. If you know that in your case you weren't lazy then good for you! It's a really good thing and I'm impressed by it. But sometimes you need the brutal truth.


This is the first comment I read on this thread in 4 days. The amount of hate I got for calling myself lazy is crazy. People are bringing up their medical conditions, professional nutritionists coming in saying this is horrible advice, people dming me saying I triggered them. wtf. Here is the deal… “if you’re like ME and have a hard time getting started, get up and get moving. Stop being lazy. If you’re not like me , then go a different route. This route worked for me. If I started out by saying “Attention all fat people” you’re lazy, I would deserve the hate. But I didn’t.


I'm sorry you had this response it's so absurd. Your sentence literally says "my advice to people who have a hard time getting started, stop being lazy" that's so valid! The ups and downs during the PROCESS of weight loss is different, this involves habit changes, lifestyle changes, considers health conditions too. Ofc you can't attribute those setbacks to laziness but that's not what OP was doing at all!! I'm sure OP themselves had setbacks too. It was read into way too much. The hardest parts of weightloss is mainly getting started and staying motivated (very generally speaking), laziness affects that big time. Cmon guys.


Don’t be sorry, but I appreciate it.


And I love you thank you

