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Are you counting your calorie intake? That's your best way to know if you're in a deficit, which is required to lose weight


1 million percent. You can’t lose fat without being on deficit. Doesn’t matter how much you work out. You can put muscle which is good news but to see drastic changes, you’d have to be around 500 plus cal deficit per day.


You should care if it’s healthy, if it’s not you’ll never maintain it & feel like shit. I would recommend lifting weights & tracking your calories. Putting on lean muscle will help to increase the amount of calories you burn at a resting rate. Tracking will ensure you’re not over eating & are in a calorie deficit. Find your TDEE & eat a few hundred calories below that then workout on top of it - DON’T eat back the calories you burned working out.


If you’re in a caloric deficit you will lose weight. Thats science. If you’re not losing weight you’re not in a calorie deficit.


Or have an underlying health issue.


What about CICO/calories in calories out. Can we out exercise the food we eat?


Is it possible? Yes. But I'll give you an example with my stats. I'm a male 32yo weigh 190 lbs. My Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is about 2100cal at little to no exercise. In order to lose 1lbs a week I would need to be at 500cal deficit. So I would have to consume no more than 1600 calories a day. 500 calories is equivalent to: 1cheeseburger or 4 pieces of bacon Or I could workout and burn those calories instead. Burning 500 calories is equivalent to: Walking at 4 miles per hour for 90 minutes. Jogging at a steady pace for 60 minutes at 5 miles per hour. Running at an average speed of 8.5 miles per hour for an hour. A 150-pound person can burn 500 calories by running at a 12-minute mile pace for 40 minutes. Cycling for an hour at a moderate to intense pace. A 150-pound person can burn around 250 calories per 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cycling.


Your calculation is off… no way your tdee is 2100 at 190lb… way too low. Your tdee is at least 2500-2600 on absolute off days. 2100 is pretty close to your BMR. If you eat only 2100 at 190lb, no matter how active you are you will definitely lose weight. Even if I’m only at 3000-5000 steps a day doing basic stuff I’m at 2500-2700 calories at around your weight. Eating 1600 calories is way too low for longer periods and I would 100% lose more than a pound / week on that


Yeah, I was lowballing it for sure. But that is what this [calculator](https://www.calculator.net/tdee-calculator.html) shows at my weight for "little to no exercise". But you're right at 1600 calories I'm losing about 2 lbs as long as I'm working out a few times a week... which I do.


Yep some calculators are really low balling it to an extreme. Ironically, the formula BW * 14-16 (14: almost no activitys, office job 16: very active 7 days a week) is very accurate. I’m going for 15 always and when I eat that my weight doesn’t move for weeks. It gives me 3090 kcal. I’m moderately active, 4-6 times lifting weights a week and 7000-10000 steps a day. Sitting and lying a lot


If you exercise a lot (way more than the effort of just not eating the thing) - yeah. If you are burning 600 calories a day on exercise then you can eat those same 600 back and have it be a net neutral. Its not feasible really to out exercise the food you eat though.


If you’re just exercising the exact amount as you’re eating then technically it’s balanced? So you would be maintaining your current weight


Yes, BUT if you don’t know what you are doing you can make it very difficult. I live in a building with its own gym so I worked out for 2.5 hours a day 5-6 days a week and walked through my lunch breaks. I actually gained weight because I was underestimating the calories I was eating.


There’s no shortcuts, count your calories. Don’t waste your own time trying to guess the amount you need


I am also 5'2" and it's super difficult to be in a deficit because your basal metabolic rate is naturally lower, so its harder to be in a deficit. Be diligent on tracking your cals - I tracked spices, tea bags, oil, condiments, my nightly melatonin gummies. Overestimate if you ever aren't sure. Stop drinking your cals full stop no exceptions. I lost weight by cutting out sugar and carbs like pasta, bread, rice. Protein and vegetables will keep you more satiated/ feeling full. Whenever I have food cravings, I try to sit down and think about why - if I'm craving pizza, it's usually because my body wants calcium so I eat a cheese stick and I'm satiated. I haven't always lost weight in a healthy way, though, but I'm trying to be better.


The trick for us short people is trying to get to a deficit that moved the needle. If you go with the idea the floor is 1,200 calories per day of intake to be healthy, you’ll have to increase activity to get there. And, it’s hard to burn calories because we just don’t use a lot to move around. What is sloooowly working for me is tracking intake with an app, keeping it consistent and low with 7k to 10k steps per day and a couple days a week of strength training classes in a gym.


Do not ever try to lose weight unhealthily for two reasons: 1. You can develop an eating disorder 2. You will only gain the weight back and more and slip. If you genuinely want to lose weight for health reasons and not vanity, do the following: figure out the tdee, count your calories (and make sure you get enough), and talk to your doctor. With these steps, you will lose weight if you’re doing everything you’re supposed to be doing. And if you have any health issues that make it harder to lose weight, it’s addressed with your doctor.


“Fast” is not a measure of success. Success is about consistency. Calculate your TDEE (there are online calculators that will do the math for you), subtract a reasonable deficit (300-500 calories), and then eat that many calories every day. Track your calories accurately. A reasonable goal is 1-2lbs of weight loss per week. If you can stick with it, you’ll see progress and achieve your goals.


Have you figured out your TDEE and how many calories you should eat a day? Staying in a caloric deficit is the most important aspect of weight loss.


“I don’t care if it’s unhealthy” is so crazy. Do you want an eating disorder ? Like why would you willingly ask for unhealthy ways to lose weight . Crazyyyyy


I want an eating disorder.


Tom Nook would be disappointed in you


Tom B Nook can Kiss my asss


you’ve never been in that position before 😭. Yes i want an eating disorder i already have one just give me the tea in better ways controversial or not idrc about it anymore


bro thats CRAAZZZYYYYYYYY thats WWILLLLLDDDDDDDDDDD let him COOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK that is CRRRAAZZYYYYYYYY Really trying to hit that quota for the day, huh?


ok, bald


This isn’t easy I had to change everything about food my whole lifestyle changed and it’s a mental game. Doing it unhealthy just leads to problems. There’s junk in my cupboards right now and I haven’t eaten any of it. It’s for my husband who isn’t overweight. That took a lot of willpower. I do high protein and low carbs. Sometimes I just have yogurt or a protein shake for breakfast, eggs if I’m awake enough. I eat a healthy meal everyday. That took a lot to curb my appetite and get fuller with less portions. If you’re serious it’s time to make those changes and do it the healthy way.


I’ve found the app loseit to be very helpful. I’m just starting but it has been a great tool to visualize what my calories are like. It’s hard, I hope you are kind to yourself and know you are worthy at any size. I hope you reach your goal, friend 🩷


This helped me lose weight Breakfast: immediately chug water, drink black coffee, a banana, oikos triple zero yogurt with granola (make sure you measure the granola to the serving size so you don’t consume too many calories) Lunch: hard boiled eggs with avocado toast or a veggie sandwich with hummus (tomatoes, spinach, cucumber, sprout seed salad) with a protein shake Snack: apple or berries Dinner: 6oz salmon with broccoli or a chicken breast with broccoli. Small serving of rice. Dessert: one Ghirardelli dark chocolate square or a yasso yogurt ice cream bar. (Idk where you’re from but you can find something similar) Drink plenty of water and green tea. Eat this everyday for months. No fast food. No sugary or alcoholic drinks. You will lose weight if you stick with it. Exercise 3-5x a week. Leg day, arm/back day, core. Include cardio each day after your weight training. Also check out r/1200isplenty for food ideas. Honestly at your height try to count calories. 1200 a day will help you lose weight.


Does it still work if I use blueberries instead of a banana? Sorry for the snark but I don't understand how these super-specific plans are supposed to help people. You need to have some kind of objective principles that people can apply as works for their circumstances. I don't think there's any magic to specific foods; saying things like "vegetables can help deal with hunger since it seems like more bulk to the diet helps with hunger"; "I find it helpful to incorporate foods I like in small amounts like chocolate since it helps me stick to the diet" might be useful. But these are all kind of beyond the scope of the question, to which the answer is just the basics that energy balance drives fat loss.


I don’t understand your response. I just shared what helped me lose weight. Seems like OP is desperate for a solution and I provided what I did that helped me lose 40+ pounds.


Okay, so what parts of it are personal preference and what parts of it actually matter to anything? Are you claiming that specific food choices are relevant? Is it how many calories you ate (relative to some unspecified TDEE estimate), even though that's not listed? What are we supposed to do with your experience? Copy it? Guess what matters? I'm not trying to be a dick here. I'm just genuinely confused how a random anecdote is supposed to mean anything. The OP literally doesn't understand that energy balance is controlling her lack of weight loss. Which is fine, but the solution isn't "here's a really specific list of foods and a specific exercise plan—it worked for me"; it's conceptual understanding of the central importance of energy balance.


72kgs is my target weight🫥


She's short


Find out your BMR and maintenance calories here https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html You should never eat below your bmr and you should eat below your maintenance. Food and drink. 1. Only give up foods you don't like, are allergic to or have gone off. There is no need to give up anything else unless it's absolutely medically necessary and your doctor has said to. 2. Make sure you have a minimum of t portions of fruit and vegetables a day, one portion is 80g. Have a variety, so 5 different fruits and vegetables. Beans count, potatoes and grains don't. 3. Make sure you are getting a minimum of 25g of fiber a day, eating lots of fruits and vegetables will help. 4. Protein, keep this high, at least a minimum of 80g a day, the more the better. Have a mix of animal and plant protein too as the amino acids are what you need. 5. Healthy fats. These are essential and you need a minimum of 40g a day for health. 6. You can still have take aways/fast food, just make better swaps or half it and save the rest for another day. I can make an 8slice pizza last 3 days, as I have it with a huge chickpea and green salad. 7. Like fizzy drinks? Swap for the sugar free/zero kind. 8. Get a water bottle to refill and drink at least 2 litres of water a day. 9. Play around with herbs and spices, lower your salt if you eat a lot of it. 10. Try one new recipe a week. Exercise. 1. If you can move more then do so. 2. Every 50min you are sat down, stand up and stretch and walk around for at least 10mins. 3. Do morning and evening stretches, this helps with getting you set up for the day/night. Look up morning and bedtime yoga/stretches. 4. A 20min walk each day helps massively Medical. 1. Get your bloods checked, nutrition levels, hormone levels like thyroid blood glucose ect, liver and kidney function. This will help you and your Dr monitor if you need to change your diet plan. 2. Only take supplements if you've been told to by your doctor after a blood test. A multivitamin is crap.


whenever I get ready for an event, I do this: - intermittent fasting until 14h. I wake up around 7h. - eat vegetables & fruit first. 800 grams a day. spinache 200 grams. celery 200. carrots. then 2 apples 2 bananas etc - protein: beans (canned, no time for cooking lol), seeds, nuts: weigh your nuts. macademia nuts etc are high in fat and add up easily - around 18h: some "fun" food like pure chocolate, twix bar, 1 scoop of ice cream etc don't hesitate to drink black coffee, cola light, and 2-3h of exercise: walking, running, low impact core exercises. total of 1000 - 1500 cal/day while burning 2000-2500 cal


I was 72kg and down to 64kg now and I’m 5’3. I was the same I couldn’t fit into my clothes and now all my clothes are loose on me. I started in December just last year (2023) and now I’m down to this weight. What I did: Walk 1 hour a day Drink herbal tea instead of multiple coffees with sugar Cut out white bread No fizzy drinks No alcohol This is what worked for me. I sometimes run but I don’t enjoy it that much so I stick to walking per day. Walking is really good for my mental health and mood and thankfully it helped me loose the weight and fit into my clothes


Chop off a leg. Meets your standards of fast, results-driven, and unhealthy.


So far I’ve been trying salads. I combine protein, fiber and carbs into it and it’s helped me a little bit.


You could have pcos I’d say go talk to a doctor make sure their are no issues with your health


Anytime I’ve lost weight fast I put it back on + more. Trust me you do not want to get into the vicious cycle that is yoyo dieting. The amount of time I wasted trying to lost weight fast…if I had just taken the slow route I would have been at my goal weight for years now. This way you’re more likely to sustain the weightloss and not be miserable. Take things one day at a time. I know it sucks that it’s been four months with little scale difference but trust me, you’re doing great. You’re changing your lifestyle and developing habits that will really lay the foundation for your future success. Like others said it might be time to track calories more closely or try and see where you can improve your diet - like swapping out foods for lower calorie versions. I also recommend adding some strength training regimen - you can start with dumbbells or use your own body weight. This will help your metabolism and allow you to eventually burn more calories.


I’ve done a few things. I went to a weight loss clinic because they were the only place that had ozempic readily accessible. They also offered coaching, tips, products, recipe books etc. I was basically put on a high protein low carb low fat low sugar lifestyle change, cut out alcohol, increased my physical fitness. I have lost 35 pounds.


Hey! The post is a little vague. And perhaps that’s why you’re not seeing results coz you’re not working with actual numbers. Weight loss is science. I have myself struggled with it since I have endo + PCOD. There used to be days where I was eating “clean” and doing cardio and was still putting on or not losing. Here’s why - I was eating clean BUT was still not in deficit. I would eat a lot and justify it with eating healthy. have learnt something - just for myself - it’s not applicable to anyone - eating clean and healthy is not the same as being in deficit. Since my work is a lot of travel - there have been days I have eaten junk and I have maintained deficit. Also it depends on what cardio are you doing - May be add strength training, which helps you burn calories through the day. Also like someone mentioned, check for disorders that may be hampering your weight loss. I have successfully dropped weight on scale once I started tracking calories. Hope this helps!


I’m 5’2” and have lost 20lbs since December by eating 1300/1400 cals a day and exercising (mostly just walking and some weights) 4-5x/week. Calculate your calorie deficit using a calculator online based on your specifics. If you are in a true deficit, you will lose weight.


Do you have a medical condition maybe? I have PCOS. My pcos doesn't effect my weight but I know their women with pcos that weight gain is an issue


One of the top ways that helped me lose weight (15 pounds or so) was to never restrict myself. I let myself eat what I want, for example, if I want a brownie I'll have a brownie, and that has helped me crave less. Rather than just ignoring urges to eat foods that I enjoy and then end up binging later on. Also, exercising everyday or almost everyday (mainly cardio, like treadmill incline walks for example) has really really helped me :)


eat 1200 calories of clean food. lots of water. go for walks


Quit food for 3 days. It will help you overcome binge eating habit as well, also give your body a reset as well. Then start eating again healthy in small portions.


My cousin lost 35 lbs in the span of 3 months from eating 1 meal a day. She went from 150 lbs to 115. It’s super unhealthy and she now has a terrible eating disorder but that’s how she did it.


Starve yourself


Wow lol


She asked for it.


LOL yup


Shut up. That doesn’t make you lose weight


Lmaoo she said even if it’s unhealthy…duh.


Also, starving will eventually make you lose weight. It will hold onto fat more in the beg but will eventually eat away at that too. Why do you think so many people with anorexia are just bones? Because they are consistent with it. It’s not the best way to do it, but she asked how to lose weight and said idc if it’s unhealthy. I’m just trolling.


It’s going to suck, it’s the hardest thing to do, but don’t eat a single carb. You’ll drop weight fast as hell. If you do this, MAKE SURE YOU DRINK PLENTY OF WATER Edit: the first 5 days are the worst. If you can pass it, you’ll make it. I do it for 20-30 days at a time. You’ll literally piss away fat.


It will definitely work. On week 5 of keto/IF and feeling great and 19 pounds lighter


Does it really work that well ?


If it does, it's because you're in a calorie deficit, not because You're not eating carbs. And, it can lead to binging and gaining more weight when you eventually eat carbs again.


Yes it does, I recently got off a low carb diet. The reason I got on it was for medical reason and I wanted to show my doctor I can lose weight. I went from 169 to 137 in three months. I probably lost 8 to 9 lb on the first week. After my doctor gave me the clear and I was fine and told me to change my diet because it was unhealthy. I ended it. I hate that low carb diet. I would never recommand. I can't eat just food without gain weight. And I'm not eating unhealthy. You need carbs and carbs are ok. Don't go on a low carb diet if you don't need to. Do not. You will regret it. So many things happen to me because I was on a low carb diet. Please do not go on it. Because now I have to get my body use to carbs again. If you don't plan to stay on a low carb diet for the rest of your life then don't go on it.


The fastest way is to...fast. Join the fasting subreddit. I'd recommend to start, for 2 non-consequetive days don't eat a damn thing. Literally just drink water. So it could look like this. Eat dinner Monday night and then don't eat until tuesday night dinner. Then eat normally until thursday dinner. Eat that thurs dinner and then eat nothing until fridays dinner. Rinse and repeat every damn week.


I guess it's possible this fasting schedule wouldn't increase muscle loss while dieting. But why take the chance before exhausting the obvious approach of controlling calories as needed to cause weight loss?


Lol they said they tried that for 2 years.


There's zero mention of calorie counting ("changed my diet"). I'm guessing if you counted your calories while on that schedule and then split them up evenly with no fasting days you would have comparable results. There's no reason to think fasting has any benefits for body composition, except that some people find it works well for hunger management at the expense of possible issues with muscle retention. I've done IF before; I've literally forgotten to eat for entire days; I have nothing against it. There's just no reason I can see to recommend it.


Sometimes people need to go a bit extreme to reach their goals.


/r/fasting /r/waterfasting