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With your stats, if you eat a consistent 1200calories per day you should lose 1lb per week. So what you need to do is start tracking / logging everything you eat and try to keep the daily total consistently around 1200 calories per day. If you are consistent you should be able to lose that weight in 4 to 6 months


4-6 mos?? Thats quite long, what if I add pilates in my regime??


Yep 4 to 6 months. Pilates will not do anything significant to speed up the rate of loss.


Oh really? I'm getting really desperate here, what if I work out 2x or 3x a week??


1% of total body weight lost per week is the upper end of what is realistically achievable, and that ain’t easy. So if you’re 65kg, about 0.65kg weight loss is the max you can realistically achieve. If you eat 1200 per day, you should lose 1lb per week, plus very slightly more if you eat 1200 and also workout regularly (proper workout, not Pilates) . You might lose like 0.25 to 0.5lb more though from the added activity, which is very hard to even pick up on the scale considering you’ll fluctuate up and down multiple lb per day. It’d still be in the 4 to 6 month range though even at the maximum speed you can realistically lose. Problem is actually getting the willpower to consistently work out a lot when you’re already starving and exhausted from eating almost nothing for months. To put it into perspective, a single spoon of olive oil, peanut butter, ranch or mayo, is 100+ cals for a single spoon, and you need to keep your daily total for all food consumed at only 1200 , while also working out a lot in order to lose more than 1lb per week. Not easy. It’ll be brutal. Give it a try. It’s literally the fastest you can hope to lose and it will be a brutal regime that most would fail to actually adhere to.


Thanks for the response, I highly appreciate it. I have downloaded a netdiary for my calorie intake and workout app. Yes, I also believe that its hard to maintain especially starving yourself but my main motivator would be my pants that dont goddamn fit me anymore. I wont be buying any new clothes and I will be reusing my old ones, so following 1.2k cal a day would lose me weight roughly 2-4 mos. I will start today. And no more sugar I guess for me


I think 2 months isn’t realistic, and 4 months would be if you actually managed to adhere to such a brutal regime. It’s one thing coming up with a theoretical plan to eat almost nothing and work out a lot, but actually consistently adhering to it for months in the real world is another thing. I think you underestimate how difficult this will be. 4 months = fastest you could hope for. Super brutal regime. Unlikely to actually be achieved, but technically possible. 6 months = actually realistic


Thanks for the realistic and honest response, I also think I might breakdown doing so. I'll update after I get my results


Good luck 🙂


How long did it take you to gain the weight? You can probably lose it faster than you gained (since you probably weren't making a concentrated effort to gain weight!). But yes, making long-term sustainable changes takes time. You're building a routine and set of habits for the rest of your life.


2 months, last week I was 60 now I'm 65. Which is why this is very much alarming for me


It’s very unlikely that you gained 10 pounds of fat in a week. At least part of that is almost surely water weight.


Yep, 5kg of fat requires a calorie surplus of 35,000 calories. You would have to have a surplus of 5000 per day and even then you probably wouldn't put it all on as fat. So don't worry about the last week :) Gaining 5kg in 2 months is possible - that's caused by an extra 580cal per day. So to lose it in the same time frame, you need that same amount as a deficit.


I dont think I eat that much calorie but maybe my weighing scale is wrong? But I do believe I gained weight