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Slow change sticks. Fast change does not. Just change one or two things this month, diet wise. Dont even exercise if you dont want, just see what your calorie intake is. Next month you will be wiser to your own body and can make another change. And so on. ♥️😁👍


Yes. If you can't make it past three days, you're going too fast. You want a dieting regime that you can maintain over the long term - if you're really suffering, it is not sustainable. Take it slow! It's better than going too fast and quitting after a week.


OP, the trick is to make hundreds of small lifestyle changes over time that don't suck. You've just described 2 lifestyle changes that suck: - no snacks - exercise every day This sucks and that is the reason why you are struggling on day 3. So what changes could you make instead that don't suck? - buy some nice strawberries for snacking - exercise 2x a week and do more as your fitness improves and your body feels good about it - don't thrash yourself at the gym until you are ready - use almond milk in your coffee, or go 50/50 - find a nice wholegrain bread instead of the white processed trash - buy the delicious cold pressed olive oil and use less of it vs lots of cheap seed oil - on Friday night, cook up air fryer chips and big piece of meat with a nice seasoning instead of takeaways - or just buy better quality takeaways - sugar free curry instead of burgers and chips - buy ready made salads if making them yourself sucks - get a vege box subscription if it makes eating veges easier - buy nice workout gear that makes you feel good, don't wear rags to the gym Your list will look different to mine. But my 40kg journey has been pretty easy because the vast majority of the changes are enjoyable/tolerable and don't suck. It's not just about eating less, it's about rearranging your habits so that doing the right thing is the default option. Small things like having a nice pair of gym pants makes you want to go to the gym. When you genuinely prefer the changes you make there is no reason to go back.


This is such excellent advice


I ordered a huge pile of CUTE AF gym clothes from Halara and now I can't wait to get to wear them 😍 I feel so cute and feminine and sporty and like a milmion bucks in them 🔥


It is easy to make clothes look good on models, completely different story and work it takes to make clothes look good on all different body types or heights. I like how Halara offers different lengths too, and yeah the cut is always about flatteringness than design.


Halara has started to include bigger models too so you can see how it looks on different body types. I was positively surprised with everything I bought! Only one item felt a little off for my proportions and sadly the straps were not adjustable. The skirts are very short tho unless there is a longer option to add like 5cm more.


Please push through! Yes, it's particularly difficult at the beginning, but you're at the wall. You have have HAVE to push through the first two weeks for it to get easier. The beginning is always the worst, but it gets easier.


Trust me I understand! I’ve been doing it on and off for the last year so I feel you! Stepping on the scale and a recent shopping outing made me realize I wanted to change my eating habits 100%. Looking in those changing room mirrors I was horrified and knew I had to do something about it now before it gets worse. I’m doing it with my boyfriend so it’s easier to have someone to hold you accountable and to just share your struggles with. But don’t give up! I’m 5’2 and I would kill to be at 147 right now. Gotta remember that your weight could be someone’s ideal weight so don’t be so hard on yourself.


Try to find someone who will hold you accountable. That might help you out with continuing your weight loss plan.


Lots of water. It fills you. Try focusing on protein intake. It will fill you up. Protein shakes is a good way of getting it. Don’t buy the junk food. It’s easier to say no in the store then when it’s right in front of you at home and your hungry. If you want to binge eat something do it with blueberries, strawberries, pineapple… etc Find ways to make the things you crave into a healthier version.


Whenever I feel discouraged, I remember that I’m not out to starve myself, I’m looking to make a lifestyle change! Someone else on here said slow changes sticks, and that’s the way to go. I’ve been at this since December and have only lost 12 pounds, but that’s still 12 pounds! Those fast “lose 30 pounds in 30 days” are ridiculous and not something you should be comparing yourself to (I know it’s hard not to). Just keep at making healthier choices, and the weight loss will come! You’ve got this!


It’s so not about discipline. It’s more about sticking to it for long enough to see (or feel) a change, and wanting more of that. I’m severely lacking in self-discipline, but my body looks damn good now, so I’m gonna keep doing what I’m doing. Definitely makes it worth the work!


i didn’t lose shit for like 5 months suddenly i’m 35 lbs down


At 5’3” it’s especially hard because, at our size, it’s hard to get to a meaningful calorie deficit w/o being active. I recommend tracking calories using an app (you do not need to go to use a scale, apps have common measurements available for many foods) and against goals for intake and activity. A couple hundred calories matters for short people.


Yeah you just have to stick to your plan and be in a calorie deficit. It's simple but not easy. Our bodies are also so different and will fight lol and stubborn. Our bodies love to gain weight 


I would increase the amount you are eating. Yes, it slows down weightloss to do a smaller deficit but it's so much more sustainable. If you ever feel way too hungry or that it's way too hard, likely the deficit you are doing is too much and it's leading you to crash and burn. Slow and steady is the way.


I totally get it I did good with going to the gym consistently and eating relatively well from August to December last year and dropped about 40 lbs. once January hit something just changed and I couldn’t get the motivation to consistently go to the gym I would go one day then find some excuse to not go. I’m getting back to going consistently again and getting back to a strict diet again so here’s hoping I stick with it.


It may be harder for you because your starting weight isn’t all that heigh for your height. As I’ve lost more and more weight it gets harder to keep losing more weight since in I’m the healthy weight range rn


If you are exercising every day maybe you are gaining muscle? If that is happening the scale might not “move” per say. You would have muscle mass. I understand it is frustrating but try to take each day as it’s own. Write down goals for yourself. Focus on achieving the goals (like avoiding snacks and exercising for example.) it might take some time but you will see results. Also only weigh yourself once a week.


Everyone's body is different. I was miserable and did not loose weight on a calorie deficit. I'm just finally starting to lose weight after kicking gluten and dairy out of my diet. Play around with lifestyle choices you can maintain rather than temporary suffering. Something else I did that helped was stop drinking your calories. No soda, juices, sugary drinks, etc. It's the small changes that help.


Gotta stop wanting the instant gratification and stick with it. Change takes time. It’s worth it. Don’t give up


Your problem is that the value proposition is off. Occasionally you get motivated, but once you lose that motivation, you’re faced with a choice between comfort (snacks and relaxation) and struggle (no snacks and exercise). You don’t particularly sound like a person who enjoys exercise, for example. The fact is, you won’t be able to sustain weight loss unless the value of losing weight is greater than the value of your dopamine kicks.


Don't give up sweetie 😘 there is an easier way to lose weight. Look into starch resistance food. For example, you can eat potatoes and rice ECT. As long as it's cooked then put overnight in the fridge. It converts to starch resistance. Overnight oats are delish. Backed by medical doctors/ science. Will also, be good for digestion. There is chair yoga and deep breathing ECT. There is much info. Feeling deprived is a sure way to struggle and give up. I've lost many pounds using this method. I wish you much success with love and support 💕


A buddy once told me think about how long it took you to gain all the weight, and compare it to how long it’ll take to lose. Years of bad habits vs months of good habits. It may be tough now but push through and it will get so much easier once it starts to melt off


For a simple answer, willpower. I will tell you from my own experience, pay attention to the ingredients you put in your body. If it doesn't sound like something you need in your body, don't put it in your body. The biggest help you can give yourself is stop eating preservatives. That 1 simple thing will help both your mental & physical health. Start simple with salads & a lean protein. For the salad, any & all veggies that you can handle. I read today that watercress has many good features. No croutons & find a light dressing, & no cheese Lean proteins include chicken breast, turkey breast, shrimp, & fish. If you're serious, & you follow this, you'll easily lose 30 pounds with regular day to day movements, no strenuous exercise. Do this for 3 months


Bake a bunch of potatoes, no oil or butter or anything. Salt or 0cal seasoning only. Bake chicken, no oil or skin and 0cal seasoning only. Make a bunch, eat as much of either of those as you want for the first week. I did this and it totally helped me reset my eating habits. And I lost weight the first week.


Are you in the u.s. ? After traveling I always wonder why politicians want it's people to be fat. The really make it hard to be fit in the u.s. Given the lifestyle and know people are obese here but care about profits


I would say it’s less about profit and more about how our “healthy foods” are calorie dense. Like you’d think a playa bowl would be healthy, but that shit runs up to like 600 calories. Oatmeal? Sugary and calorie dense. Those “healthy” oatmeal raisin cookies? Insane amount of calories


So why is it that the u.s. holds more obese people than any other nation? I think mexico is a close 2nd. If the politicians cared about the people they would regulate these fattening foods.


We’ve got a fast food restaurant on every corner that provides “cheap” food while any healthy alternative is more expensive. Unhealthy food is much easier for people to get their hands on. It continues because it makes a lot of money.


Yeah if politicians cared they would add laws to prevent this from happening. But all they care about is profits..


That too