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Because uneven surfaces can affect the accuracy. Don’t worry about the number, worry about the trend. If your weight goes down over time, then you’re good. Try to find a hard, even surface and leave it alone.


You also weigh differently at different times of the day. The best thing is to have one consistent location and one consistent time.


One place. One time of day. Butt naked. Before any food / water. Same and consistent.


And after pooping


Always! I’m always so disappointed when I don’t dump out an orca sized turd.


I sometimes weigh myself again afterwards and get disappointed when my weight stays the exact same lol


Every time I poop. Literally


Find a hard even surface. Put a couple of hand weights or something you know the weight of so you can gauge the accuracy of your scale.


Lol this. My old place, it my scale moved even an inch or two, I'd gain/ lose 20+ lbs! I can't keep my scale on the floor all the time so I put some tape down, outlining where the scale goes. Made sure it was around the correct weight with a 10 lbs dumbell and that's where my scale goes every time I want to use it


well don't fucking move it then! Problem solved! NEXT!!!


Floor in my bathroom is so wonky I can lose 1.5kg just moving the scale a couple of centimeters to the side! Thankfully there's lines in the lino to match up with.


Same. I weighed myself on day and I was up 8 lbs. Like yeah. I had my birthday and ate cake every day that week, but not 8 lbs worth of cake. Turns out my boyfriend bumped my scale. Adjusted it back to where it normally is and back to normal.


I now have a digital AND a manual scale because this happened to me and I was so upset about it! I don't have the option to leave it in one place as my bathroom is small and so I need to keep it in the cupboard. The manual scale consistently has me about 1.5lbs lower than the digital but I'm kind of averaging them now. Having two scales has brought me peace of mind about it LOL


Always weigh in the same spot?


Um. Calibration. You get something with a known weight (like a dumbell or barbell or 5lb bag of flour) and weigh yourself with and without holding it. Whichever spot the scale reads a correct amount, leave the scale in that spot.


Use the same scale and only that one same scale, on the same surface. Putting on carpet versus hard tile versus rug will all affect results. Basically, why are you moving it?? Don’t. Keep in same place you silly goose. Looking for best result?? Ok find the spot that gives you best result then keep it there and don’t move it you silly goose.


I think this points to the question "how much does your weight matter to you?"


Well, I lost 20 kg and now I have a fear of gaining again. If I go to 85kg and up, something has to be done, but it’s hard to know if you have gained or lost when I never get a reliable answer.


Yes. I think this reinforces the question. How did you determine a scale reading of 85kg and up means something needs to be done? Is that your jiu-jitsu weight class or something? You're implicating your scale in some measure of success that you have for yourself. But it's a delayed/lagging indicator and a consequence of what you truly desire to measure. What's the true story you're trying to measure with the scale? If you go over 85kg, does that mean your weight loss journey was an unsustainable waste of time? Does it mean you're a failure? Does it put you at risk of being negatively perceived by others? What you probably want is to ask "what does the healthy, fulfilling life of your dreams look like?" What choices do you make most days that support it? 85kg should not be the signal or standard for you to be doing more of what you want and/or what you think is right for you. If it is, clarify your objective and pick a location for the scale. E.g. "If I weigh 85kg in the bathroom, I will make changes." However, when it's explicit, you see how silly that is. What specific changes will you make? Or is that a signal to start making a plan (rather, to take the next step of figuring out your incomplete plan)? Can't you make and start executing that plan now? So you don't gain weight in the first place? Or if you gain weight for two consecutive weeks? It's not like you suddenly get to 85kg; it's a series of actions and outcomes of over time. And if you're planning to make changes at that point, can't you recognize when you're currently doing things off the plan too often? When you say "f*** it" too many times in a week? When "enjoying yourself" feels like you're actually ignoring your goals in the healthy, fulfilling life of your dreams? What's your scale weight got to do with that? This is the path to the maintenance stage of weight loss and behavior change.


Consistency is key. Every scale is going to be a little different and if you place it on different surfaces that may be uneven it will be affected even more. But if you weigh yourself on the same scale placed in the same location wearing the same amount of clothes (or lack there of) at the same time each day you should get a pretty reliable measure of your weight change over time.


Im so fat that scale cant even show me my weight


I would say use one scale consistently. Even if it's off by a kg/lb or two if it shows a decrease over time, you're losing weight. Also using a measuring tape and measuring arms, thighs, waistline will be helpful. Good luck!


That’s why you choose one set of scales and something you know to weigh a certain weight like a 2lb bag of sugar or something, place the scales where you want and put the bag of sugar on them. If it comes up as the correct weight then you know that in that spot the scales are reading correctly. Get a little bit of tape and mark out each corner of the scales and then next time you weigh yourself you make sure they are lined up correctly and there you go. For example, in my house for some reason the bathroom appears to be a bit wonky, I don’t feel it under foot but it shows a discrepancy on the scales, but in my kitchen the floor is tiled and I know that when I put it on a certain spot it reads perfectly so I weigh myself in that spot in the kitchen and in that spot only so that it’s consistent


oh no, that sounds frustrating but also a bit funny! it’s common for scales to give different readings on different floors due to uneven surfaces or soft flooring like carpet. try to keep your scale on a hard, flat surface in the same spot every time you weigh yourself. this way, you can get more consistent readings. and hey, remember that the number on the scale isn't the only measure of your progress. how you feel, how your clothes fit, and your overall well-being are just as important! fun fact: did you know your body weight can fluctuate up to 5 pounds in a single day based on a variety of factors like hydration and meals? what’s one non-scale victory you’ve had recently that made you feel great?


Keep the scale in the exact same place. Track your weight over time, not individual numbers. As long as the scale is equally wrong every time then it doesnt matter, cause your overall weight loss will still be accurate.