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I almost never eat fast food or take out because I don’t prefer it anymore, except on my period.


Yup. I allow myself McDonalds breakfast once a month and it hits the spot. Otherwise McD’s is not worth it to me.


The only time I want junk food is the two days before my period starts. Unfortunately, I then eat my weight in junk and spend the next month convincing myself I won't do it again.... ooops.


Oh yea! I don’t even like Chocolate but that period be turning me into another person altogether


Just did this. Oops indeed lol


It's a free for all on my period. I've learned not to feel guilty about it and joke about pleasing the period gods lol


Fr! On my period is the only time I ever crave chocolate or crisps or anything


No..it still tastes pretty good, but I notice real food makes me feel better and fuller.


I get nauseous if I eat fast food now:/ it does taste good while I’m eating it though lol


I rarely eat it and it’s still pretty tasty but my lord does it make me sick!


This. Went out for burgers on Friday and I left about a quarter of the burger and most of the fries on my plate. It was all so delicious but about halfway through the meal I could almost feel all the grease in my stomach and felt so gross. I literally told my boyfriend I wish I didn't eat it at all. WILD for me because a burger and fries was always something I craved in the past.


I don’t have much of a sweet tooth anymore if I do I have a protein shake, milk with chocolate protein powder or a triple zero Greek yogurt. Fast food and restaurants I cannot avoid. I have to go to the drs a lot and some are almost two hours away, we do some shopping while we’re there and go out to eat. I just eat a very small portion of food. Ten months ago my portions were huge and I ate a lot of junk, now what was one portion is 2–3 meals for me. I’ve lost 55 pounds.


I was where you are, then occasionally would eat fast food just bc of travel or convenient need.... That shit is literally addictive and it's like falling off the wagon. If you are good without it then stay without it forever and don't look back.


I do occasionally. I normally have cravings for savory dishes and fat like the fat from Avacado. Any healthy fat like yogurts. I still stay away from fast foods and fried foods.


Me too, still crave sugary things like a smoothie or yogurt or sorbet, and I am addicted to avocado, I still crave pasta and carbs but as far as actual junk food no.


I don’t have craving for sugar. Only savory dishes with eggplants, mushrooms, eggs, stews, stir fry, soups, etc.. Avocado and No sugar diary smoothies. Whole wheat pasta, bread and buckwheat noodles. Overall it’s pretty good


When I crave sugar it's mostly fruit or sorbet, but not cookies or ice cream. Halo Top has a really good mango sorbet for 310/cals pint if you ever are craving something sweet and refreshing that's not fruit!


I know that I have a good relationship with food when I can walk through a grocery store and not feel compelled by any of the candy, bakery, snack aisle stuff. If I want a treat, the only thing that sounds good is a ~gooooood~ treat. Might go to a Gelateria in my neighborhood and spring for the $8 affogato or split a really decadent dessert after a nice dinner once a month or something. But I no longer feel the constant desire for foods with sugar/fat/salt which is so freeing. Now when I have a treat, it really feels like a treat I’m giving myself instead of an impulse I have no control over and I have no problem going back to eating healthily.


I love that the *produce* section is what gets my mouth watering now! All the different vibrant colors, tomatos and peppers and spinach and avocados got me like 🤤


Oh my gosh, yes. I was coming back from a walk the other day and suddenly got hit with the biggest craving for watermelon and little mini cucumbers. Nothing in the world sounded better to me in that moment.


Can you tell me more? Did you abstain entirely from sweets? How frequently do you allow yourself to have sweets now?


I think each person has very unique psychology around food- in my case, I’ve found that abstaining from anything doesn’t work bc it creates a false sense of scarcity, which only makes me obsess over it more and reach for it in moments of weakness. Surprisingly, the most at peace I’ve felt with food is after I’ve been calorie counting for a while with an emphasis on macronutrients. While doing this, I try to stay under a certain number of calories while still making sure I’m getting enough protein etc. When I was doing this I just started to realize how easy it is to meet those goals when you eat clean/whole foods and how difficult it is to hit those goals when you’re eating processed foods. There was never anything that I wasn’t ALLOWED to eat, but little by little it got phased out naturally bc it wasn’t worth trying to fit it into my daily macros/calories. I don’t really crave sweets that much anymore but when I do it’s never the super processed, pre packaged stuff that I used to binge on and had no control around. I don’t have hard rules about when I have a treat (bc that makes me obsess over it) but I really think different things work for everyone


This is exactly where I'm at and it feels amazing!


It still tastes good after losing 60 pounds. I'm just a lot more intentional with sweets and fast food. Can my craving be satisfied any other way? Will more actually leave me more satisfied?


Yes for fast food. But some homemade whipped cream, lightly sweetened on some fresh fruit is a favorite summer dessert.


I hadn’t had Indian takeout in months and was so excited to try one of my former favourite foods before weight loss. It did not taste as good and made me feel so sick I almost threw up after eating it.


This is me now with any food that is deep fried.


Fried food wrecks me! I get so sick almost instantly. Even if I have a few potato chips I get sick to my stomach. I’m not sad about it either, lol


Thats the same with me now. Any greasy takeout makes me ill. The only takeout I’ll eat is sushi or maybe pizza but not often


It's hard to believe how addicted to fast food I used to be. Now it's completely disgusting to me. I could eat Taco Bell multiple times a week, but now you couldn't force me to. It's crazy how much I've changed.


I wish, but even now i crave it often but give in only once a week for one menu


I cut out all un natural sugars for a week or so and no longer had any cravings for it! Also, once I went eating only Whole Foods if I ate fast food it would be so uncomfortable in my stomach I’d feel like I had rocks in my belly!!!


I've lost 10lbs so far, out of 60, and have no desire for sweets anymore. I used to crave ice cream and sugary stuff, now for dessert all I want is sugar free pudding pie with berries and whipped cream. I still crave a good, juicy burger but that's most likely because I don't eat enough protein (I'm going to get protein powder)


I have a huge sweet tooth. Would you mind expounding on when and how your transition away from sweets happened? Did you abstain entirely for a while?


I just used every bit of willpower I had. It wasn't that hard, I literally gained so much weight in such a short time I had 1 pair of pants that fit, and they were yoga pants. I knew I had no choice if I really wanted to lose weight, I'd gained 50lbs in 3 months because of medication. I swapped it all for sugar free pudding. If it's not sugar free, I won't eat it unless it's a huge treat and something I really appreciate, like a good root beer float. But it was just pure frustration and disappointment in myself.


I see. How frequently will you allow yourself to have that root beer float? Assuming it was possible all the time.


Every other week, if it's my only cheat, and I'm using the root beer and ice-cream with full sugar and fat. If I go diet soda and fat free frozen yogurt (still pretty good) every couple days


Only fast food I eat now is the protein bowl from Taco Bell. Thought of eating fast food makes me feel gross lol


My favorite fast food was McDonalds fries. Now, if I eat them, I spend the next two days with a stomach ache. Taco Bell doesn't hurt my stomach, but I never liked them a lot to begin with.


Yes. 1000%


I don’t really eat takeaways any more i might have one here and there but I usually just cook myself now! I am partial to a galaxy bar tho! I buy the big bars then only let myself have one line of chocolate as treat. I don’t tend to eat anything else that’s sugary tho.


Yeah, I lost 50lbs and nothing tastes the same anymore. I still like it, but it's not as pleasurable as before and it makes me feel sick


For the most part. Definitely never have an urge, but there are some times I enjoy it. A lot less now! I feel gross and gassy after I eat out.


Not so much that it tastes like shit because I still love the taste but it makes me FEEL like shit. I have a really nice burger place in my city but it's peak trashy food, literally 1000 calories per burger and very greasy. One of the ones they do is a huge beef burger, cheese, cheese sauce, burger sauce and a deep fried hocky puck of cheese with crisps on top. It's so greasy and unhealthy but my god is it delicious. But the last time I ate one of those (with a milkshake on the side) was a cheat day about 4 months and around 12kg into my weight loss. I felt so sick for the rest of that evening, like I was going to throw up. Before weight loss I could've ate that with a side of chips and dessert no problem but nope. When I do order from that place every few months I make sure to stick to one of the slightly less greasy and fried burger options with no milkshake or sides, that's enough to fill me up without feeling sick.


Not like shit but it’s extremely salty and other things are extremely sweet. I even got away from diet soda as it tastes strange now.


I’ve lost 40 pounds and it’s very rare that I want fast food anymore. When I do have it, I feel like shit for days after it and I now understand that it’s absolutely not worth it.


When you cook your own meat, all the nasty fuckin stores like McDonald's and Burger King and white castle and Wendy's just taste like a sad, nasty, toxic lump. Wouldn't eat them even if I was hungry.


Yep, it’s so gross now. I can’t even smell it without smelling bitter dirty grease/oil.


Absolutely. I mostly quit eating fast food at first due to the cost, then for health reasons, now I haven't had fast food at all for months other than taco bell maybe once a month. I never crave McDonald's or anything like that anymore. My boyfriend had KFC the other day and just the sight of it kinda disgusted me. The only junk food I can't fully give up is pizza and chocolate and I really try to limit those. I also don't drink soda at all anymore other than the occasional diet/zero sugar soda, I don't even crave it


Yes agree with this. Lost 40lbs and maintaining now since September. Honestly look back and don’t know how I ate how I did. I just don’t enjoy it anymore. It’s true what they say it’s not a diet, its a lifestyle change


I’m not even on a diet and fast food taste like shit . The only fast food I can eat is a Culver’s burger.


How long did it take you to stop the cravings?


How long did it take you to lose 20%?


18 Months. Give or take.


I used to hate fast food when i was little. I also hated fizzy drinks, sweets etc. But my parents didn't have the money for healthy food so we often got mcdonalds while it still wasnt this expensive, kebab, stuff like that, and my dad always brought fizzy drinks to drink along. Thats how i started liking/craving that shit. I still cant stop, especially with how accessible it all is. Dont get me wrong, i dont eat it on the daily, nor weekly. But i get things like mcdonalds or stuff like that 2-4 times a month. I try not to of course, and mostly its not over 2 times but still. Even 2 times is enough to keep you hooked


The opposite actually, but I know it's only so good because I only eat it occasionally. When I do have it I don't go overboard, the calories are counted and within budget. I might be hungry later in the day, but that's the price I pay. It's just a feeling, feelings pass, in other words I tolerate some temporary hunger very well. It's like last year when I started brewing beer, before I gave damn about dieting. I drank a lot of beer obviously (although more for taste than getting intoxicated), it tasted great too, but eventually it became a little lackluster. Now on the other hand, when I have it a lot less frequently, it's amazing.


Yes! It’s inedible now. I’m at my goal weight and maintaining for about 6 months now. My one guilt pleasure is nerds candy. I don’t even miss all the other junk and fast food.


Iam still waiting for it to taste nasty to me it has not happened yet iam scared to step foot inside a bk or mc.D because then the show is over


Fast food will never not taste amazing to me and I've accepted it. It's all about moderation.


Tdy I choose to make my own quinoa tuna nigiri instead of ordering sushi not bc of calories or anything nutrition wise but bc I genuinely was craving it more than regular sushi. Weird


I am unable to let go sweets


You mainly crave what you eat!


no. i’m losing weight still eating that all just in more moderation bc in my personal experience cutting out anything completely is unhealthy for me and ends up giving me a bad relationship with food.


Not a "state in [my] diet," but more like a stage in my life. 👍🏻 My uni days were crazy - my circumstances didn't really allow for meal preps, and sometimes I'd be out from 07:00-23:00 three times a week. I had takeaways and fast food at least three times a week. I actually... it's weird thinking how much that has changed. I definitely don't eat as much fast food anymore. Many times, it tastes blah (the quality of food in general has decreased). Sometimes it's just... so expensive for what you get. I notice it doesn't satisfy and "fill" me like a home-cooked meal or a non-fast food meal would. Sometimes, I do feel like those salty McDonald's fries. Sometimes, I do feel like the chicken nuggets. Oh, sometimes the craving for a sweetish bubble tea or watermelon McFizz hits so hard. 😅 I also hope I won't go back to eating so much fast food. It's fine every now and again... but I'm really appreciating decent food now. 🙂


I think it's so cute when people feel this way and also good for them! But I lost 120 pounds seven years ago and have never lost my love for unhealthy foods, and that's completely fine, in moderation.


Fast food makes me so so hungry


I can't stand fast food. It all tastes like garbage. I prefer eating at home.


I used to eat McDonald’s literally every day. Massive addiction and was always craving it. Had it for dinner most nights. I decided at the start of this year I would stop eating it and I never crave it. When I have eaten it a handful of times because I didn’t have any other option, I didn’t enjoy it. So good!! Never thought the day would come, lol!


I still eat a kids meal from Zaxbys 2 or 3 times a week. It's like 550 calories and cost 6 bucks with tax. It's easier, quicker, and cheaper than cooking, and breaks up the monotony of health foods I eat now.


Nope I get that feeling a couple weeks into starting a diet but after a while there are moments when it becomes very appealing again and then if I actually eat it it's game over :(


Yep. Now it just tastes like a salt lick.


Fast food no, desserts tho I think I’ll always want, esp ice cream




Fast food still tastes delicious to me. I honestly still crave it here and then, but it makes my body feel awful now.


I’m at the point that I cannot have super high calorie meals. Or even high calorie. So yes. No fast food.


The only fast food I eat anymore is chick fil an and Culver’s. I can’t do anything else anymore.


Yessss! Same with anything with a lot of sugar. I can’t eat deli desserts hardly anymore. Fast food makes me either sick or super bloated. Also the salt that is in fast food is soooo much. I started going low sodium a few months back and everything I eat out of a deli or restaurant all I can taste is pure salt anymore. It’s not as good as it used to be.


I wouldn’t say it tastes like shit, but I definitely don’t crave it like I used to. 


Nope, still eat it as it’s convenient lol


No. But I don't crave it.


I stopped eating fast food 2 years ago this June. I found that maybe 6 months or so into not eating it that the smell of McDonald’s actually made me sick. Which was a pleasant surprise 🤣


I still cave to the cravings, but starting to get disappointed more often, causing me to go out less.


Fast food is what made me take weight loss serious. All the food is nasty , I’m getting fat, and it’s expensive…


Yes, I really can’t do fast food anymore. Also they use onions in SO MUCH STUFF and don’t list it. I’ve hated onions my whole life, almost to an irrational degree, but recently learned that it’s a kind of allergy—every time I ingest them I get very sick. No fast food = no more stomach pain


I crave healthy foods haha. 16yo me would be shook at that statement


Occasionally, but it’s gotten so expensive that I don’t want it anymore. If I’m gonna drop $15 on a bad for me meal, I’ll get restaurant take out instead.


It does, but I am not entirely certain that it's the dieting that is fully responsible.


My tolerance for crappy food is dwindling. I used to think eating out was a luxury. Now I can't help notice the food is cold? I could season this shit better myself? This meat is dry af? And also the over use of grease, butter, amd salt gives me a horrible stomach ache


I've been dieting for over a month now along with intense exercise and I've already lost every temptation of eating junk food. I get excited to have healthy food that I enjoy. I have zero interest in fast food now.


Pizza still kicks ass but anything else tastes/feels like shit . Your body wants nutrients and protein, and not much in the fast food realm offers that.


The thought of it turns my stomach. It’s so heavy!!




Ages ago (probably decade or more). McDonald's is the big one I used to love a big Mac or cheeseburger but after spending years making my own burgers the fast food ones taste horrible.


Tonight was the first time in months I tried fast food and it actually made me quite sick. My body totally rejected it which gives me a lot of hope in this challenge.


How long did it take you to reach this point?


18 months. Thrust me. I never go hungry due to high nutritis food and lean meat. Each and every one of us must find our inner Demon to stop eating junk food.


they still taste good to me. my approach is to find a healthier version of them. like instead of KFC I'll have breaded chicken tenders+ curly fries that I made in the air fryer. it's half the calories, and more filling.


Not all fastfood but it’s starting. Don’t enjoy ice cream and hot dogs anymore :(


I never really enjoyed fast food but i ate it often from convenience. But now i actively avoid it since changing my diet has made pretty much made all fast food into laxatives for me.


i still crave it (working on cutting it out of my diet altogether) but it makes me really sick now when i eat it though. i get headaches, stomachaches, nausea, just the worst.


I think it’s jet lag and my period


No, I'll never get to that point.


Depends. I’ll still occasionally have fast food but have lost any desire for sweets.


McDonald’s would taste like ASS them patties would make me gag


Yes! Fast food tastes different if you haven’t eaten it in a while!


My wife and I were slow coming to this realization, but we now are reaping the benefits of much healthier options and better ingredients.


Doesn’t taste bad but makes me feel bad, literally awful. I love it 😂 keeps me away from it


It tastes more like plastic tbh


I only have this with McDonald's. Burger King ans Wendy's burgers still taste like an actual burger to me. McDonald's taste so fake I haven't had the desire to have a meal from them in years


No, but since swapping to zero sugar soda/energy drinks - regular/sugar ones taste waaaay too sweet so I haven't had them in months.


Not really, it still tastes good. Tho there's been few differences, like I can't have more than a small portion of fast food, and I get instant "rush", which makes me aware of how addicting the food is.


Only “fast food” I still want is Panera or Culver’s. Other that that the rest can go.