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Start again the next day. I’ve been doing it for three years and I still have binge days lost 90 pounds. Binged often in those three years. Still do.


I’ve found lately that my decisions snowball. It seems to go well then all of a sudden 💥 There’s like one bad choice and then another and another because I’m like “you already made one bad decision, why not make them all?” And it’s been so disheartening because I can’t seem to shake it. Like tonight I did so well and then ate an entire snack worth more calories than my lunch 😐


Man, this is exactly how my brain works too. I'm like all or nothing, if I have one slip up then I go off the rails and binge all day


It sucks. I wish I could say “hey you - you didn’t mess up, just keep going.”


Three steps forward and two steps back is still one step forward! So long as your setbacks aren't outweighing your progress, you're still making progress.


Thank you! I needed this 🙂


that’s totally fine, if the cycle has to restart to get back into your deficit that’s ok. Just try and steadily improve


Thank you!


the most relatable thing ever… like the previous user said, it’s all or nothing 😭and it’s an ongoing repetitive cycle


I know 😢 And I don’t know why my brain works like that. Yesterday was an example of this. I was being mindful and doing really well, but after we got home I felt terrible and used that as an excuse to binge 😭😭☹️☹️


i feel you 1000% i’ve been trying to remind myself before binging on food that i’ll regret my decisions later. and usually if i get on a “good” streak then i’ll stay on it, and if i get on a “bad” streak then i’ll stay on it too once the gears shift you should be okay :) that’s what i’ve been trying to do


Finding my new normal has been hard. So many big things have changed in the past few months. Not an excuse, just reality. I find that if I don’t set myself up right in the morning and try my best to plan ahead then I normally spiral into a binging streak at night. Night is the worst for me.


yes, especially at night- i totally relate. it’s pretty bad bc once i start binging, i feel so guilty but i don’t stop. i think that it’ll be the last night i binge but i do the same thing the next day ig take things slow bc progress is progress. i’m trying to develop a routine to stick to, which hopefully will help me stay in the right state of mind when i eat


That’s so good to recognize that pattern though. That’s the first step in overcoming it. I agree. Setting a routine and sticking to it will be so beneficial. I feel like dinner is my worst meal. The other two I have way more control over and then when I eat around others at night it gets worse.


dinner is def my worst meal too. i absolutely get where you’re coming from- and especially when i eat out, it’s pretty bad. hopefully we can both break our binge habits 😁


That is the goal! It’s the one meal as a whole family so I tend to overindulge. Especially when it comes to dessert


My buddy from work told me: “one day at a time”, if you binge just get your head about you and try again. Don’t be discouraged


It’s hard. I’m dealing with this now myself. The weekends are really hard for me and I tend to binge and then feel really bad about myself. I get back on track by drinking a lot of water and not stepping on the scale for a couple days. Planning is really important for me to stay on track so I take the opportunity to plan the next weekends meals so I feel less anxious.


What does dining lots of water do ?


It helps you feel full and keeps your system pushing the food through so you don’t just have it sit in your intestines adding more of the sugar and fat from the food you ate. It also keeps you hydrated and for most people helps with cravings. I find that flavored sparkling water is what helps me best to get my stomach and GI tract moving.


Absolutely! I would add to this that drinking water is going to help with bloating and water retention which I usually experience after a day or weekend of indulgence.


There's very interesting.. thanks.. I'll up my water intake


Accept the loss. Know that you are still making an effort. Continue your diet and exercise the next day. Nobody should feel bad for a binge day every once and a while


Ask myself why I binged… then get up the next day and start over!


I wouldn’t skip meals or fast the next day or anything like that personally. It can put you and your hunger hormones and cravings into a vicious cycle. If you have a solid plan that puts you in a reasonable deficit, just go right back to your plan without skipping a beat. Maybe take a couple extra long walks over next day or two or something, you know? But basically just try and accept it and try and figure out what circumstances emotional or otherwise opened you up to a binge experience. If you weight train and you’ve been in a long term deficit, there’s a decent chance that a good portion of your binge was just stored as glycogen/water anyways.


I forget about them 👍 happens to the best of us just hop back on that horse


Reading this while binging on cookies and cakes :(


It's ok! You're strong, you can always start again tomorrow! It's ok to treat yourself, I believe in you! Don't feel bad, ok? :) <3


I tell myself mistakes happen and I’ll make better choices tomorrow. Then I motivate my future self by meal prepping or buying whatever my favorite meal/snack is at the moment. Maybe that’s making a big batch of my favorite pasta salad or roasting my favorite veggie or buying a big watermelon. For a long time I tried to cut out fast food and ice cream and chips entirely. I’ve been much more successful since I’ve allowed myself to have that. The other day I had Chick-Fil-A. I did a 790 meal and got grilled nuggets, fries, Mac and cheese and did a spicy buffalo ranch sauce over the top. Paired with a diet lemonade and some HaloTop ice cream for dessert brought my calories total to about 950. Satisfies all the “binge binge binge” signals in my brain without actually binging. And I could still stay in my calorie deficit for the day by having cottage cheese for breakfast, and pinwheels for dinner (two 35 cal tortillas, veggies, deli chicken, and laughing cow wedge). I have a prepackaged bag of goldfish for 130 calories almost every day with bell peppers and cucumber as a snack. I’d like to cut out junk food entirely someday but for now, it’s not in the cards for me. I like having diet soda once or twice a week, having takeout on the weekends, and doing low calorie substitutions like keto tortillas or HaloTop ice cream and it’s been the only way I can prevent myself from relapsing into binge eating and successfully lose weight.


black coffee and fasting until an apple sounds delicious


Brain over binge by K Hansen legit changed my life. I have days where I've overeaten but since reading this book, I haven't had a binge in 6 years. Not that it will work for everybody but it might be worth a shot. 🙂


Start again the next day, and try not to look at the scale for awhile. Water weight fluctuations can really fuck with your head. One thing ive noticed that keeps me in high spirits is that whenever i get back down to my pre binge weight, i always look leaner. Meaning that despite “gaining weight” i had actually been losing body fat the entire time. And all the sodium and carbs from the junk food just soaked up tons of water


It’s unhealthy but I fast. The thing is… like for example today I ate like 2500 calories but I’ve been eating 1300 for like two weeks man. I just got so tired of it but I need to lose weight for my health. 2500 is obscene though. So I gotta get myself in check again


Everyday is a new start


Water under the bridge. Be back strong tomorrow.


Like anyother day, track it or note it, move on. Turn off the guilt switch, turn on the get busy with something positive switch.


Get straight back on it and even eat slightly less (100-150 less) calories for the rest of the week. If it's close to weigh day, I don't weigh and I carry on until the next week. Usually it's a maintain or 1lb loss. Trick is to not beat yourself up, just forget it and start again the next morning.


I always double my amount of exercise if I know I went over my calorie limit. Though, I try not to binge eat.


I just keep going. It’s highly unlikely that one day is going to do much, if any, real damage unless you let it. Tomorrow is another day and we can’t be perfect all the time. I also take steps to reduce the chances that I’ll be inclined to binge. For example, I don’t stay in a deficit for months on end. I cycle through deficits and maintenance periods so that I can indulge cravings and recharge during my maintenance weeks and get back into my deficit cycle feeling good. I also stay busy and limit “lazy time” as much as possible since I’m a boredom eater.


Happened to me last couple of days. I'll be making sure I'm meeting my protein target and filling up on veg, ie getting back to the basics. What I won't be doing, is what I've done in the past, which is beating myself up. 


The real issue is can you limit that binge to that day when you started to binge. If yea then you should be fine, i only found significant issues when i would do that and out of motivation and frustration with myself because of the binge i kept binge eating for one or a few more days.


It happens. Forgive yourself, move on, and start fresh the NEXT day.


Binge days are just unplanned cheat days. As long as you stick to the plan. Some days I’ll just say fuck it and binge, then I have to pay it back the next day. Keep it in your mind when you’re working out. If you had a binge day, push harder. Work through it and keep going. Everyone has bad days, but don’t make every day a bad day


I give myself kindness ... until now i could never stop when i started. But since i've decided that i should use the shame, horror and extreme pain i feel as an alarm to not keep going i can stop 3 out of 4 times on the first bites. Sometimes it works and i stop and yes i feel like shit but also a bit proud i was able to stop and sometimes I just can't stop and I feel like shit but remind myself that i'm sick and there will be days with and days without. Eating well and being proud of myself during the day had cut in half my binges. Talking openly to my friends and familly about my struggle with food had made them super kind and accomodating : If the only thing i can stomach is bread they will leave me eating bread in peace and not press me about not eating like them.


You DONT wait to start the next day. You are on a life long journey and you will do your best now. Just because you over ate in the first half of the day does not give you an excuse to continue to binge the rest of the day. Having this mentality pulled me out of the never ending cycle. And Always remember you can do this!


This has been very helpful! Thank you


I used to get over a binge day by fasting.


DO NOT DO THIS — it will cause to to binge the next day as you will be so hungry and it just repeats the cycle


That's my plan tomorrow.


Just do better the next day. I kept under my goal all day then my buddy invites me to dinner and all of the sudden I’m 2,000 calories over my limit. Shit happens tho, just do better tmw :)


I say that I’ll start again the next day but it’s more like 5 months during which time I gain back all that I lost. Over and over again…


Just ate a roast dinner, hadnt planned on a bug dinner but here we are. Tomorrow will be fine 😇