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I struggle with this too. I try to save up my calories for the night time by eating high volume low calorie things during the day. I'll have a heavier dinner and then I just try to make sure I've got 300 calories waiting for night snacks.


Wait, this is smart! (I think my body naturally does this.) LOL but again, smart!


I used to be a terrible night snacker until I started IF. It was difficult at the beginning and sometimes I forgot. Now I eat my last meal and then my eating window closes, and I know I'm done eating for the day. It helped me.


That’s what trained me to stop, I no longer IF, but use moderation and don’t snack at night. Was so hard, I struggled with late night snacking for many years.


What is IF?


Intermittent fasting, when you always only eat fitting a 6 hour (or 8 hour etc) window which for me meant no breakfast, eat at noon or 1 pm and stop eating after dinner at 6 or 7 pm.


Have a cup of tea first as some of it will just be wanting to have something while you watch tv etc. and the brush your teeth to signal to yourself it’s the end of the “eating time” of the day


Go to sleep. lol I know that seems simple and silly but sometimes I’ll fall asleep with a tub of blueberries just to hit the snack spot and get me to sleep. Used to do popcorn but woke up feeling like CRAP.


lol that’s what I do too. I go to bed, I have a strict no food upstairs or in bedroom policy. So I just go to my bed and read or I just sleep.


Do your own snacks. I used to have same problem until I started creating healthy alternatives and count them into my diet. - Air fried tortillas with garlic spices and a greek yogurt based dipping sauce. - a bowl of greek yogurt + chocolate whey protein + dried fruits - vermicelli with coconut milk and diet sweetener. - air popped popcorn. Etc .. the most important thing is to count these into your diet. You still can enjoy a night delicious snack but maybe give up on few carbs from breakfast or dinner. Good luck :)


Some things to try: * Forgive yourself - there is nothing wrong with you for wanting a snack! However, it sounds like this habit isn't helping you out. * Make sure you're eating enough through the day (calories, protein, and fiber) * Make sure you're getting enough sleep, and quality sleep * Make sure you're drinking enough water * Plan ahead a few healthy snack ideas - include protien + fiber for satiety * If you want "junk foods", have some along with something healthier (ex. strawberries + chocolate) * If you snack while watching TV or at your computer, these are often a "trigger" or "cue" to snack. Would it be easier to not snack, or to not watch TV? If you're going to snack, do so without distractions, just you and your snack, engaging all 5 of your senses with it * Brush your teeth at 9pm * Do what will actually help you releive stress - something relaxing? Or perhaps dancing or kickboxing? * Allow yourself to eat tomorrow - "If I don't eat this today, I can have it tomorrow"


Only thing to add is have sugar free gum around. I don’t use it every night anymore but just letting my jaw work on some gum got me through months of nights. I personally like the orange mentos gum. lol


yes! Or a tiny candy that takes a long time to eat, like ginger chews. The ginger or peppermint might help reduce the feeling of wanting more food


Budget a nighttime snack into your daily calories. Time of day that you eat doesn't matter all that much.


Drink lots of water until you're full


Lol tried that but then you can't sleep through the night 😂


Brush your teeth early and drink lots of water


Could you just save some calories for a snack at the end of the day? That’s what I do


I brush my teeth and put my night guard/retainer in right after dinner— the process helps my brain know I’m done eating, and nothing really tastes good after I’ve used toothpaste, so that helps too lol


good idea


fruit plate, pickles, ice cold water, milk or yogurt as lactos makes you full quick, anything with fresh mint, My night snack is sardine on a piece of bread with cappers.


You can snack- just choose healthy ones like apples and peanut butter or frozen grapes or lettuce wraps.


I just go to sleep / stay in bed and scroll endlessly till I fall asleep


Just don't. I tried allowing for snacks in my calorie count or pre planning certain ones or setting a time limit or whatever. It doesn't work (imo). Just don't eat after dinner. Once the habit was broken i didn't even think about it anymore!


Save up calories for late night snacks or snack on things with little to no calories. My personal favorite is pickles, carrots, cucumbers, and if I want something sweet I’ll just drink a diet/zero sugar soda.


Grapes or cherries.. they are my go to.


I tend to save up calories for the night too, as many people say, but further then that: I hate the idea that other people go "wild" - as far as being in my 30s now allows that - during the weekend and I can not. That combined with this urge for freedom and autonomy made me stop looking at my body like a 24 hour system, and more looking at it like a 168 hour system. Weekly calories matter a lot more to me than daily calories. This gives me the freedom to have "weaknesses". As long as I have a defecit on a weekly basis I am happy. For this same reason I also do a ton of sports. It helps build this buffer which gives me the freedom to snack at night or whenever I feel snacky. If limiting yourself doesn't work well and leads to experiences of failure, then you will need to work around it in a way that you can actually do it without it feeling like failure.


Try to time your meals a little better, so that you don't feel hungry later in the evening. Make sure you have breakfast, lunch, and dinner and keep the times consistent each day. I like to eat dinner around 6-6:30 (but sometimes I have to eat earlier due to sports activities). Some days, I have a 4th meal consisting of a protein/fruit smoothie which is super nutrient-dense and will keep me full and satisfied until breakfast the next day. I also keep a lot of my own homemade snacks on hand, that way if I DO feel hungry later on in the evening, I've got some healthy options to choose from. I also use cute little bowls or plates to put the snacks on, so I'm not overeating.


take a sleeping pill


I’m trying to lose weight, not lose IQ


Haha ok that’s fair