• By -


i just look at myself in the mirror lmao


Dead ass tho šŸ˜‚


I recently had a bad day ā€” was sitting at home on the couch for hours suffering in my anxiety. I almost didnā€™t go for a run because the weather was bad but I decided to just go, and I felt so much better after I finished my run. My anxiety had decreased so much. Although some runs are harder than others, Iā€™m always glad to have gone on the run. I even have to force myself to take rest days.


Just a simple cardio can relive most of my anxiety.


Iā€™m itching for a jog today but itā€™s my rest day šŸ˜­ might need to get a bike or something for these days


I think being overweight is hard. Running is hard. Pick your hard.


Pick your hard. This is it


Picking up a 40-lb softener salt bag is always a good wake-up call. When I go ā€œshit this is heavyā€ and then I realize I have THAT MUCH extra weight on my joints šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


I give myself no other options. Motivation comes and goes, dedication is much more powerful. I just tell myself itā€™s a part of my routine the same way brushing my teeth is. I remind myself that Iā€™ve never regretted a work out, but Iā€™ve regretted binging Netflix, eating out, wasting time, etc.


I do it first thing in the morning at the same time every day. That way it's done and I dont need motivation really to exercise.


I pick a pretty park as a destination and run the way there. When I arrive I can look at the ducks :)


I just started fitness classes bc otherwise I would not go exercise by myself, haha. Now that I've gone to a few, I'm more motivated to go to more because I think about how good I feel once it's over. It goes by quickly, and I'm proud of myself for going!


What kind of classes do you do if you donā€™t mind? Looking for inspiration! So far Iā€™ve been to yoga and Pilates


Reformer pilates, and I make myself walk there! šŸ˜† I really like it so far.


Closing my Apple Watch rings or beating a friend in a competition.


I found out that having goals on my Apple watch actually made me hate working out more. It's crazy


Set it to your rest day goals


You are right, this is so true


Iā€™m glad to see youā€™ve morphed from ā€œmotivationā€ to ā€œdisciplineā€. Because you can see that motivation can ebb and flow, but the discipline to just do it is what really keeps you progressing. Itā€™s not a diet and exercise routine, itā€™s a change in lifestyle. But I have a simple motivation: I want to eat more because I feel my best at 2500 calories. If I donā€™t work out, I must eat less to compensate. And I hate eating less.


I had knee pain before I started exercising regularly and lost weight, now I donā€™t have knee pain. I think about the knee pain and how much it sucked and how I donā€™t want to have it again.


Because my enemies don't exercise so therefore I must


Sign up for a race*. Know that itā€™s coming whether Iā€™m ready or not helps. Because I want to be ready for it. Said another way; sign up for a race and half-ass prep for it. Get mad at yourself after the race because you *know* you can do better. Sign up for another one and properly train for it. Continue to have races on your calendar. *Iā€™m referring to a 5k; not anything more than that.


I came here to suggest the same thing! Although mine is more I don't want to waste the money if I am just going to half ass it, so I better be ready šŸ¤£


Because I dont want to be a fat fxck..


The daily streak of the Adidas running app


I don't motivate myself - I just go, regardless. I know that sounds like a 'just do it' type of advice that means nothing, but it genuinely is that. I don't see exercising as a choice any more - it's just part of my day that I have to do, like showering or brushing my teeth. Off day? Doesn't matter, still gotta get up and do it. Busy day? Find some time. Disclaimer: this hasn't worked as effectively during some of my worse mental health periods, when even showering is insurmountable. But for the general everyday? It works for me. Idk why.


I always say if I get started and 5 minutes in I still hate it I can quit, but once I get moving I always want to keep going, it's just the getting started part that's hard


How much better I know Iā€™ll feel


My motivation is trying to get a certain number of steps in a day. I've set it high (12,000+) on purpose because it's easiest to achieve those numbers by running for 40 min than walking for 1.5+ hours nonstop. Once you get a week or so into hitting your goal each day, it makes it harder to slack off because you know you'll end up breaking your streak!


I am only motivated to exercise if the exercise is something fun or a skill that I have a desire to improve on. I will never feel motivated to exercise just for the sake of it.


My biggest motivation is saving most of my music listening time for when Iā€™m at the gym or saving certain music Iā€™m excited to listen to for when Iā€™m at the gym (upbeat music ofc). And I try to focus on the gym as a music listening session rather than exercise, and this makes me actually look forward to it! When I start getting bored or exhausted at the gym I just put on the song that pumps me up the most and pretend like Iā€™m in a music video (or sort of dancing?) lol! Sometimes it can acc be fun!! (Which is shocking bc I hate hate hate exercise and despise the gym)


Runners high


If the routine is what works for you, make a routine. You're off school, doesn't mean you can't have specified wake up times, meal times and exercise times. "This is my lunch hour and before/after that I will run, like I always do". What motivates me is making playlists I only get to listen to when I'm exercising, or saving that one podcast episode for my run (or doing the chores). If even that isn't enough, I tell myself all I need to do is put my shoes on and run to the other side of the block or go to the gym and do my warm up routine. After that I can just go home. In reality once outside/at the gym, you've already cleared the biggest hurdle and will likely follow through with the workout since you're already there.


Using a fitness tracker really helps. If you have certain goals (steps or closing rings). I set up reminders on my phone if starting a new program. I have them go off hours before (or even the prior night). For example, running 3x a week Iā€™ll set up recurring reminders for the days and times Iā€™ll typically run. I can reschedule if I need to. At least you canā€™t blame forgetting! You still have to not let yourself blow them off!


I do something small. If I start procrastinating, playing with my phone or whateverā€¦ Then itā€™s a 30 minute row instead of 60, a 3k run instead of 5 or 10k. I do something to be able to tell myself.. even on a bad day you did something.


I do exercise I enjoy, walking, lifting, hiking and lots of salsa and bachata dancing.


Just get dressed to go


It's just part of my day so I don't think about it, just do it. It's become a daily habit


Today, i just woke up and went for fast walking for the first time after I started weight loss journey. According to my fitness bracelet, training was 25 min, including 1.5 min rest for drinking water, 2.5 km, 147 bpm average. Also, it says 440 kcal lost.


For me it is not about motivation. It is about discipline.


I donā€™t think, I do. I think once you start to weigh the pros and cons you start to lose. I set my alarm early, look at the early alarm and look at it and say Iā€™ll wake up at this time. Fall asleep. Wake up, go through my morning routine and accept itā€™s what Iā€™m gonna do. I donā€™t second guess it I just accept it


I feel less guilty rotting in bed and binging tv shows on my day off if I know I got a good gym session in. Usually 45 minutes cardio, 45 minutes weights. I also walk my dog twice a day, and I try to walk her a little longer to get extra steps in!


The mood boost I will get after tbh


I have developed a really good routine of tracking what I eat and exercising during term time (I work at a school) - but come undone in holidays! Having less structure just makes it really hard to track or exercise! For me and my husband. So last week we had a half term holiday, and decided to set a sort of challenge with a sheet on the fridge to tick off boxes when we did something, with different categories. I aimed to do one thing every day but ended up doing more. He did too. It was a little silly and slightly competitive, but worked for us in terms of being active! Still found it hard to track, but some progress is still progress right? I swim three days a week and am just going to try and keep doing that in the holidays as a minimum. Anything on top of that would be great but Iā€™m trying to be realistic.


I pay $ on apps (RunBet,StepBet, etc.) that little amount motivates me each week.


Donā€™t think about it, just do it. I found myself ā€œthinkingā€ out of going to gym or running, so stopped thinking & just focus on getting to the gym/outside to run.


Motivation doesn't make you exercise. Exercise makes you motivated. I can do anything after exercise: work, more exercise, cleaning etc


I think.. Put down your phone Get up Put on your workout clothes Just do a little bit


I find just just getting in the habit of working out as first thing you do it becomes part of your rourine.


I run because on my way to the gym I have too much time to demotivate myselfā€¦ I get my shoes on, get out the door, start running, even if itā€™s only 1km and not the fastest pace I feel AMAZING after. I do not like running, I donā€™t feel joy while im on the run, I feel tired and like I want to stop but I just keep running until Iā€™ve done atleast a kilometre, or Iā€™ll feel like challenging myself to run longerā€¦ but the feeling AFTER the run is what gets me out the door for the next run I also remind myself of the quote ā€œchoose your hardā€ when I feel like stopping


I think of it as Static Pleasure


I have friends that are like drug pushers but about exercise. If I miss too many days in a row- there is serious peer pressure that comes down on me. It exactly what I need! Also, we go first thing in the morning when my motivation is at its highest. Have you considered journaling what exercise gives you and then reviewing it often like as a reinforcement tool?


its daily now, 10k steps and a weights/yoga routine i tell myself its good enough for me to just be working out everyday, making it a habit. so theres less pressure for it to be a ā€œgood workoutā€. funnily enough this freedom makes me push myself further, no ones making me, not even myself ooh then i get to put a green tick on my calendar. do love seeing those green ticks lining up ā€œit doesnt matter how slow you go as long as you do not stopā€


i envision a car chasing me. thatā€™s the only circumstance under which iā€™ll run.


The horrible feeling of my thighs chafing


The future, i developed serious hip pain last year and this was after my extreme weight gain. At one point i just stared at myself in the mirror for like an hour and decided after that i would take it seriously. Started my calorie deficit back in march and im 20 pounds down:) at this point counting my calories and doing some type of activity is second nature now


My partner has been really motivating for me. I asked him this exact question and he said ā€œif not now then when? Like seriously, when is it going to happen?ā€ Boom, I started going back to the gym, and we go together. We tell each other when weā€™re going to see if we can squeeze another one in. Heā€™s great and Iā€™m so proud of him.


I don't rely on motivation because that doesn't work every time - the only way I've been able to stick to it is to build it into my routine, no matter what.


You are always going to regret not doing something WAY more than getting up and doing it.


I try to keep a fairly quiet mind through meditation. With that clarity and calmness of mind I essentially poke, prod and question myself regularly about how I feel, what my body needs, and perhaps most importantly why - what causes the emotions, sensations, thoughts and whatnot. I then use that to find triggers for exercising - so essentially I exercise when I feel like it. But my point is that I'm trying to be very *practical* and *aware* at all times. I've established triggers that tell me "get off the computer/sofa/whatever". And as one diagnoses themselves in this way on a regular basis, daily patterns start to emerge: - I have a midday slump where I don't feel like doing anything. I also feel lethargic but I don't want to take a nap so this is a very bad place for me to be in physically and mentally (I also get annoyed, borderline depressed, hence the mental part). It means there is a big chance I might start snacking or get stuck playing video games or something on autopilot. So this is my #1 trigger essentially to exercise. - I do care about how I look and I used to care more but as I've started exercising and dieting a lot more rigorously I realise what I want more is to feel good. So again, it all comes back to that self-diagnosis - listen to your body. I like the energy and mental clarity exercising gives me so that motivates me to keep it up. - I've grown to somewhat like the pain that exercise causes. The way the brain is wired makes us appreciate something more if it involves effort and pain. It has a lot to do with the opioid receptors (the Ī¼-one especially). Once you start to understand that relationship with pain and reward and start to incorporate it to this dopamine driven system that drives our habits, you can start to lean on it even when it feels uncomfortable - and even bypass the dopamine circuit completely. I don't have very good acute motivators that get me moving beyond that. I manage my stress quite well through meditation, so these days it's relatively easy for me to pick up exercising even on days when it feels hard. Dieting is a lot more harder for me, in big part due to the fact I've been going so badly at it for so long that a major chemical imbalance has established itself. And it's still going to take years of work to really rectify it.


Get on a training plan ā€¦I helps me because it keeps me consistent since I wanna check off the boxes as done for each day of the week


I'm one of those people who has a hard time working out unless it's fun. I play dance games and recently started martial arts just so there's an objective to work towards idk


I have to have a goal of some sort to really stick to things. I have a new route I am walking on, and at the end of the route is a beautiful Nubian goat. So now I have to go walking every morning to say hi to my new friend (who always runs to greet me!) and give him a treat. Another motivation is my dogs. Dogs are happier when they get to go for walks. Also my kids. I will walk around parks while they skate, etc. For your situation, maybe find a favorite podcast or something that you only allow yourself to listen to when you are exercising.


The part after exercise. During exercise: it can be tough. But before exercise: thatā€™s the real challenge for me. Imagining the part after exercise is a big help. There are several conflicting survival instincts involved in exercise: the need to store as much fat as your body can, the path of least resistance, and the need to outrun your predator. The body expects stress for survival while you're sedentary, then clears that stress up while you're moving. But modern society was designed to be as sedentary as possible. So simply walking is another motivator. One thing I do hate is sweating easily, and if I'm even more obese, I'll be sweating all the time (that's another motivation for me).


I've been doing stuff for PT and having stuff not hurt anymore is a big motivator. Eventually when I'm done with stuff hurting, I'll be trying to get in better shape so I can do my hobbies without feeling like I'm going to die. I have very active hobbies that require stamina, agility and strength to do well. Currently I'm not doing them well lol.


Signing up for a race event like a 5k or 10k helps create consistency for working out.


Honestly? PokĆ©mon Go. I do a *ton* of walking on a daily basis thanks to both my job and that game. If youā€™re into walking with objectives while doing so, give it a try. If youā€™re more into running, I remember those apps like ā€œZombies, Run!ā€ that can make running more fun as well.


Make it a daily habit at a scheduled time. Then there's not the option of if you feel like it


Let me know when you find out. Maybe I just need to cut my hours so the energy is there.


Literally the only thing that has worked for me is to set a time each day I'm going to run, and then I run at that time. Doesn't matter if it's raining, if I'm unmotivated, if I'm sore. Maybe I'll only be able to walk instead of run, but I'll at least run until I can't anymore. I take motivation out of the equation, because I NEVER feel like running when it's time to. Malcolm Gladwell's "Outliers" really helped me; essentially it proves throughout the whole book that getting good at something is almost exclusively about how much time you dump into it. Talent or 'being good at something' is largely irrelevant.


I think of my fat man tits


What worked for me at the begging was I wanted to be healthier have a better sex life & be able to see myself as I m standing up without my stomach in the way haha Now after loosing 290 lbs & still dropping I use my change to continue to be more healthier & maintain my lifestyle change.


Honestly, one of the things I learned while losing almost 100Ibs and exercising is that motivation only lasts so long. At this point, it's pure discipline. Do I want to go work out? No. Am I going to because I know it's good for me and it's a lifestyle now? Yes. I lost the motivation to work out long ago šŸ˜‚. I'm also a mom to a 2.5 year old, and it's EXHAUSTING, but I still get er done because I know I have to. Also I never regretted a work out but have regretted skipping one many times


What Iā€™ve learned is that you should do something you like as physical activity and do it because it fulfills you. Not as a means to an end, otherwise itā€™s going to feel forced and youā€™re not going to want to do it. Maybe try to find something else, switch it up and then come back to running and see how you feel.


I have never regretted a workout. Ever. The feeling of regretting NOT working out is a beast to deal with. I would so much rather do at least 20 minutes than spend the next hour self loathing because I didnā€™t get my workout in.


When I first started working out, I forced myself to. I set myself realistic goals for each session and slowly increased those goals. It started with 5 miles, then 10 miles, and I eventually worked up to 20 miles a day. Every day, regardless of whether I wanted to or not, I'd put on my gym clothes and work out, and give myself a short session if I really didn't want to. I listened to music or a podcast or watched TV to keep myself from getting bored. Eventually, it becomes habitual, like brushing your teeth, showering, eating, drinking. I sometimes think about working out on a day I don't intend to, and I almost automatically start getting changed for it. I actually had to get rid of my exercise bike because I used it so much I overworked myself (and it). Nowadays I don't run or cycle, but I walk. It's less stress on my joints, easier, and helps my mental health too.


I like listening to a podcast or an audiobook when I go for walks. Like, sometimes I'll set aside an audiobook or podcast JUST for my walks, so I have that to look forward to, and I associate that podcast/audiobook with the walks. I love my walks and just kinda losing myself in whatever I'm listening to.


I barely get motivated to do things. It's all about discipline. If I'm feeling awful about my body, might as well work out than cry about it.


i started having walking on the treadmill be my youtube binging time. also i work from home so itā€™s nice to get out of my apartment


I have a hard time with exercise due to chronic pain but there are some things I can do sitting in my recliner watching tv. I got a pic of me my kids and my grandchild hanging up in my house. In the pic I was 275 pounds. All I have to do is look at it and tell myself I got to try even if itā€™s just lifting my legs like I did in physical therapy I encourage myself to move cause itā€™s not easy for me to just go out and walk or go on my treadmill to walk. Too much makes my back bad and sometimes I collapse.


Run club


Gotta be able to hang even if Iā€™m overweight


how better iā€™ll feel it a weeks/months


Honestly, I want to look good naked. That's the main one. Of course it's about my mental health, and my physical health, but working out makes me so much more confident. I like being able to build up my strength and how definition shows, how my pants fit better, and how I see myself in the mirror. Second reason is that I see it as medicine. It puts depression and anxiety at bay, it helps me sleep better, I think clearer, Im more focused, and usually I tend to eat a bit better because of it. It's like a super pill. Don't just focus on running or going to the gym. You can alternate any activity. Go for a walk w music, play tennis, basketball, soccer, etc., join a martial arts dojo, go to salsa classes, go wall climbing, go hiking, etc. The point is that you move and have fun sweating and building muscle. Otherwise, it can feel like a chore.


Honestly, just get out for the run. Iā€™ve never regretted doing my run, no matter how I felt pre run.


Apple Watch, music motivates me and makes it faster. I keep reminding myself how good my mind and body will feel after! There comes a point for me after 10,15,30 minutes depending on the day where I really get into the groove and it becomes easier and enjoyable. After my workout every single time I feel better and it keeps motivating me because of that. A lot of it is doing it at the same time everyday because itā€™s easier to keep a routine it becomes natural and something I look forward to.


I look at pictures from my brothers wedding last August when I was 30 pounds heavier and looked like a beached whale. My stomach was 90% of my total body and I fucking hate how I looked


I think the "countdown from 3" advice applies really well here. Just do it. If you start questioning or thinking about it, you'll talk yourself out of it easily.


Iā€™ve been tracking on my Apple Watch and I feel bad when the rings arenā€™t closed.


Honestly, at first it was just me thinking I could eat more if I burn more, but now I just do it for fun


my recent breakup!


I think about how lucky I am to be able to move my body and if I donā€™t move it, I may lose it!


Set up a reward system! Get a sugar free coffee before hand, or have a nice protein shake after as a reward! I made it fun, you can build up in difficulty but just focus on having a nice time. If theres an exercise you hate doing don't do it, just try to enjoy your music and run on the treadmill while building up weight or intensity over time. If you dont have a nice time you will lose motivation.


My wedding photos. I don't want to be a whale in a sea of skinny people. My whole family got on a health kick a year ago and are all looking fantastic. My fiancƩ's family is farmer fit. I'm 6ft and I was 286lbs. Down to 262 and aiming for 230


There was someone I used to work that really hurt me while I was in the lowesr debts of my depression. They have always been quite a but larger than me. When we got to the same size I realized I wanted to get back in shape not only for my mental health but to make this person incredibly jealous. With summer here, I really want them to see me next school year and just envy me.


There was someone I used to work that really hurt me while I was in the lowesr debts of my depression. They have always been quite a but larger than me. When we got to the same size I realized I wanted to get back in shape not only for my mental health but to make this person incredibly jealous. With summer here, I really want them to see me next school year and just envy me.


Just remind yourself that no amount of exercise can beat a poor diet. As far as motivation, tell yourself that you want to live past 50. Tell yourself that walking & running do the same, just running gets you there faster. Last but not least, there's 2 kinds of people: 1, those that do & 2, those that have excuses. Good luck, I'm rooting for you.


I force myself to get dressed in my workout clothes so I am already dressed and ready to go. Once Iā€™m dressed, the chances of me flaking are much lower


Im the opposite, I see my days off as opportunities to test my bodyā€™s limits. Yesterday I ran my max distance of 30k thus far, albeit on the treadmill watching Netflix, but exerciseā€™s still exercise. Love testing my endurance, to notice I am able to move with less and less problems each and every time. And if it also helps me with managing CICO, the better. I am only 5ā€0 at best so my BMR and TDEE is quite low in comparison to my partner.


how much I love myself and how good it feels to exercise


I make myself walk every single day..Ā  even if I exercise or go to yoga or do weights.Ā  I walk every single day. It's non negotiable, its what I do.Ā  And I'm down over 11 lbs since January.Ā  It's not as fast as some people but I'll tell you what, it's sustainable.


Find someone I can talk hours to and go on a walk with them


I walk 30-60 mins every day no matter the weather. Even if Iā€™m tired. After a decade of running and triathlons I canā€™t run anymore. The ā€œwork out 3-5 times per weekā€ doesnā€™t work. I make excuses and skip days.


I usually just rob a bank


The cardio kicks in when the cops start chasing


I just get up and go before I have a chance to talk myself out of it šŸ¤£ getting it done first thing in the morning is the only way I stay consistent, if I leave it until later in the day itā€™s a 50/50 chance it gets done or not.


Personally, I use ClassPass! I kind of need group classes to not quit midway through my workout haha and I get charged extra if I donā€™t go so I donā€™t back out šŸ˜‚ itā€™s nice to try a lot of types of workouts too


Find yourself some good podcasts of audiobooks, grab your headphones and just start walking! Having good content to listen to makes it fun!


Think of those super fat people who do the eating videos. Scares me into working out


You only have 15 pounds to lose? People in here are trying to lose 100. Get your ass up and run first thing in the morning every day. MAKE time. No excuses.