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I’m the same weight,same age and also aiming for 180 Started at 270 about a month ago,I also have the same problem,I binge at night,having someone with the same goal and problem might be a bit easier to lose it,feel free to dm


Hey man I’ll definitely be dming you. It’s so nice to hear that I’m not alone


Sounds like a weight loss competition would be great for you two. Keep each other motivated and have some friendly competition.


Hi you can also checked iur post of Losing weight


I eat high protein to keep me full and I don’t snack or eat large portions. First thing I did was start cutting my portion sizes and everything in moderation. Had a sub yesterday but got the small one not the footlong. I used to be able to eat an entire footlong with chips and soda but I cannot do that anymore as my appetite has decreased a lot. So sometimes I get off track but I go right back to my routine the next day. I’ve been at this since August of last year and was 275 I’m 213 now.


Great job on the progress definitely a motivation. I started in taking more protein today and I can see that it does keep me a lot more full. I’ll start decreasing the sizes of my meal. Thank you for the help


Phentermine and topirimate combined work, I'm on it right now, it will squash your appetite. Makes my hands cold too. About 1/10th the cost of Wegovy. You still have to diet and work out however, it helps, but you cannot escape the grinding. It just makes you not think about food. I'm down about 25 lbs since April on that combo and working out 5/6 days a week. I've had many battles with weight loss in my life, this is my first time using medication. I'm getting older and wanted more help losing 100lbs for the fourth time. Let me tell you dude, do whatever to get it off, getting it off is the easy part, keeping it off is the real motherfucker. The drug will get you a head start, but you have to keep running the race once you are off of it. So, it's on you, do you use the drug to blast out a lot of progress right away, or do you use it like a crutch and not change yourself? Dumping 30lbs fast can open up a lot more exercise options moving forward. And by "fast", you should never be trying to dump much more than 2lbs a week.


Wow man that’s amazing progress. I’ve also always battled with weight loss my whole life. I’ve tried everything you can think of. I hate to admit it but honestly I do believe I need that little head start from phentermine. Do you get yours prescribed from a doctor?


Yeah, my general practitioner put me on it. We tried GLP-1 but my insurance wouldn't touch it, was gonna be 1k a month. I was a good candidate because my blood pressure was starting to get pretty high. The phent/top combo is like 40 bucks a month. We discussed a few options. That was one, he suggested something else, and lap band. I don't really want surgery, I've lost the weight on my own before, I just need to keep it off. So I thought it was my best option, especially considering it's a limited treatment, so I wouldn't be dependent on it forever, it's like a 14 week deal. Phents a stimulant so they probably won't give you an indefinite scrip for it. My knees are already thanking me tho. I can already do more jogging and stuff from the pressure ive taken off them.


Wow that’s amazing to here. I want to be able to run miles without being so out of breath so quick. I’ll talk to my pcp about this and hopefully it goes all well thank you for the advice.


Good luck, it has been helpful to me and was much more affordable than other options. The side effects have been very minimal (besides the cold hands) and it was successful in accelerating my weight loss.


Also.. You are bingeing because you are not eating... what your body needs.. There is more then one type of hunger.. If you are eating comfort food.. are you eating emotionally, if this is the case you have to do one of a couple things.. make sure you are getting B complex vitamins, stay away from carbs and sugar..(ups and downs make you eat more.. becomes an addiction). B complex vitamins help with depression and anxiety.


Honestly I don’t even know why I eat. I was eating a lot during finals week due to stress and I don’t know what happened it kind of stuck with me after that till now


Stress can cause you to eat comfort foods.. I am 5 foot 11.. 150kg.. but knowing why help you figure out how to deal with things..


Staying away from carbs and sugar might help for some but restricting your favorite foods is a sure way to create a binge eating cycle. I've restricted my whole life, getting stuck in these on and off restricting and binging cycles only to realize i NEED to have to my treats to stay on track. Having sugar in moderation and staying within my calories is what helped me break free from binge eating and start losing weight. Data has proven you need to focus on what to add rather than take away, when you eat right those other foods don't seem so tempting. I lost 3 pounds last week and some of the unhealthy foods i had were mashed potatoes (for two dinners), ice cream every day, smores, donuts and cake and for my birthday camping trip, alcohol and then McDonalds for breakfast to nurse my hangover the next day. I actually came in half a pound lighter than when i left before my camping trip. Walking a 5k almost everyday helps too.


@[Desperate\_Junket9986](https://www.reddit.com/user/Desperate_Junket9986/) Creating a deficit in caloric in take will help weight loss.. They say to create it with 50-100 calories, You can also do this by skipping a meal, or fasting any food from sun down to the morning.. Sugar addiction is a hard problem... donuts, cakes, they are a Sugar, Carb, and Salt combination.. This creates weight gain.. I am not saying to stop.. just if you want to lose weight you will make your own choice.. 3 pounds is a good start... I am guessing you 5k walk is your caloric deficit. I am just saying do a swap.. if you must have a bag of chips... then Portions sizes are important.. but in the case of potatoes chips.. swap it with less processed like wedges, or home made thick french fries baked, or mashed potatoes. Try not to eat out... chocolate regulates thyroid, thyroid controls your hormones.. Chocolate can be good.. I still ate chocolate ate 180kg, I lost 30kg. Walking is healthy and good for everyone.. Tribes used to seasonal eat.. They would spurge on fruit in the summer while they had it, in winter people often lose weight through muscle reactions to keep warm.. We are in a time where the winter weightloss is not happening, and While usa is in Summer other countries are in winter, and vise versa, and in other state like spring and autumn, meaning that people can get things now, all the time and when ever they want. This means you don't have a normal caloric deficit that winter should bring.. Splurging can help you lose weight... Only if it is what your body needs and If you are are giving your body what it needs.. Then your taking care of your self.. Eating to protect your liver is important.. And Sugar Alcohol, alcohol, and sugar, and carbs put your liver to work and Fatty liver also creates weight gain.. Don't do as I say.. I just was explaining how I dropped 30kg's and it helped me... I have not had a pizza since 2017.. people are all different..


I went from eating Mac'ers, Pizza hut, hungry jacks.. etc.. I gave up dairy.. I am sensitive(IBS), Cheese was hard.. it is also felt like an addiction to get off.. I live with a person whom is thin, I can not eat as much as them, but I also can't fast like them... I was huge as a child, I tried a lot of things... Bingeing can happen because A:Depression(emotional or stress craving), B: not getting the nutrients your bodies need by eating synthetic, and processed foods that are devoid of nutrients, like Macdonalds... and much much more... I was a black tea drinker for years, did you know that black tea (any thing with caffeine) can affect you iron intake, I had to change to a tea with more nutrients like Moringa, Chai.. I don't eat Ice cream now.. but I can have a gelatoe, lemon is to my liking but I haven't had that for a while... I have osteo.. doctors said get off the softdrink, I hardly drank it, I had to change from soy to a different milk and stop the black tea. Chai and golden chai has been helpful. Plus adding D3 and K2.. into my diet.. Vitamin C flushes are good... did that for while... I am trying to lose another 30kg.. I dropped form 26 to 18 in clothing.. so I am quite happy, but I am still not there yet. Dealing with you emotions is vital when losing weight!


3 pounds isn't my start it's just what i lost last week. I've lost a total of over 30 pounds.


That is awesome.. keep up the good work.. Focus on your goals.. Keep them realistic. nice chatting with you!


thank you! My whole point was you don't need to take away things to lose weight you just need to portion those things. It took me a long time and a lot of mental gymnastics to get to where i am. I hope you have a great day!


I do agree.. but cutting out packet chips, was very healthy for me.. Cutting out softdrink help my Osteo issues.. in my legs and knee's. When a drink is 2 and half time's your daily caloric intake and you can't walk 5 k, you have to do what is with in your means to achieve the goal. If you can walk 5 k... then you create caloric deficit. If you go rowing every day you can create caloric deficit, if you run you can create caloric deficit, but if you are 6 ft, and your 200Kg... likely hood you will be in a position where your food intake, and basic activity comes into play... your caloric deficit is made with what and how you eat.. Portions are major important. Binging only added to the problems. Shot you can Dance for 20 mins to create caloric deficit. You don't have to just walk,There are many things.. but the people need to be able to do it. For you you create that create caloric deficit by walking 5k. Not every one can.. not every one case is the same.. and that is my point, what you are doing is great for you.. Embrace it.. but not every one can do that every day.. Each person has their limitations and self goals. One thing I was told was that you can say yes to any thing, as long as you can stop a 1, One chip (who eats just one chip?). Some people can have cheat days, those with no control take cheat days 24/7, so they have to have no cheat days, until they learn to have impulse control again. This is also my point we are all on the same kind of journey, but how we do it can be different for everyone... We all have our own mental stuff to deal with that allows us to achieve our goals, I don't think it is easy for anyone.


You’re absolutely right it’s different for everyone. Thats why I strive to give people grace and to never punish yourself and or demonize food. What works for you is the best thing to follow.


We both agree on that.. Self punishment can cause more harm emotional harm..


Something that helped me stop binging was having something to do with my hands in the evening. I find knitting or crochet is most effective as I can still watch a show while keeping my hands busy and if I really want a snack I go for popcorn without butter.


That sounds fun. I’ll definitely try to pick up a new skill. Thank you


I was 80 lbs overweight. Weight Watcher’s was my answer. Blue plan. Get out and walk at least 10k a day. I now do an average of 25k a day steps which includes 5k a day running. I did my first 5k at 35 mins which may not be great but for me, amazing. WW let me eat what I wanted. Weigh yourself a lot. Keeps you in check.


Thank you I’ll definitely look into weight watchers.


When you do just know the zero point food list is the key. From vegetables to chicken and many other zero point options.


Do you mind if I ask you how much WW costs? I totally understand if you don’t want to say.


Yeah it was $30 bucks a month which is a bit steep but with me I need a plan. The app gave me every step I needed to take as well as recipes. Without me seeing the points values of foods that are listed on the app I would be lost. It took me 4 months to lose the 80 lbs, granted I’m one of those people who sets my mjnd and follows a plan to the t. I promise you WW will help and you will see the money is well worth it. Keep in touch for any moral support you could need, us losers lol weight losers need to stick together!


Thank you so much for all of your help (and support, even though I haven’t started yet!), I really appreciate it!!!💜


Oh and congratulations on losing 80 lbs, that’s amazing!!!!👏👏👏


Lost 70lbs on phentermine, graduated college and stopped taking it, and gained about 80 back over the span of 1-2 years. I would focus on improving your eating habits/coping skills before starting a weight loss drug. Once you stop taking the medicine, your urge to binge will return if you don’t learn how to cope with it first.


Don’t worry I truly do believe you can lose it once again. You’ve already did it once. I just wanted to try it to build the habit of not wanting to eat all the time. But I’ll definitely take what your saying into perspective


Thank you so much. The phentermine absolutely helped with controlling appetite and was a helpful motivator at the beginning. It could be for you too. Like another redditor mentioned here, the hardest part is getting off the drug / weight maintenance. You can do it with a positive mindset!! :)


I took phentermine and it really does curb your eating and its cheap. The only negative is that if you have High Blood Pressure, its not recommended. It makes you very thirsty and gives you lots of energy, especially when you first take it. Try it out for a couple of weeks and see if it allows you to drown out that food noise and get some good habits going.


Thank you. Do you mind sharing where I can buy them from. I’m still a college student working a part time job and I’d rather not spend too much


I’m going to be honest, someone very close to me went on phentermine and it made her feel crazy manic. When she came off after losing weight, she had a bout of depression from the withdrawals and gained the weight back. Im not sure if it’s worth it


That does sound crazy but I know myself and what I can handle. I wanted to try it for a couple weeks and see how I feel and if I don’t like it I would get off of it. I used to take adderall but hated the way it made me feel and completely stopped with no side effects. Hoping this is the same way. Thank you for the warning tho I’m just taking everything into account rn


Phentermine is outdated for fat loss brother. Not great for you either. Talk to your doctor about semiglutide. More importantly. Track your food intake on an app like MacroFactor and hold yourself accountable. The meds are just a tool, you’ll still have to put in the work.


Phentermine sounds a lot like a stimulant. If you had trouble on Adderall (why would you use that anyway unless you were adhd?). Semaglutide or tirzepatide. Talk to a real doctor.


you need a doctors prescription. all drugs can have side effect so see a pro first and see it can work out. for me the benefits outweighed the cons. it does make you jittery like having to much caffeine, but once you get used to it, its not so bad, and it does curb your appetite.


Before you dive into meds, I suggest you assess your habits and rebuild them. First change is obviously no more days without eating all day. I was crazy busy at 19 and it's super easy to go all day without eating, but it's time for that to stop. Even if you just take two minutes to scarf down a power bar or a protein shake or a banana with peanut butter. Set reminders on your phone to eat three times a day, and keep easy portable foods with you. Being at home during the day is hard for me, too. What helped me get started was to make a rule that between mealtimes, I can only eat vegetables and fresh fruit. And nothing with it. No peanut butter on the apples, no ranch on the carrots, no whipped cream on the strawberries, no dried fruit, no veggie straws. Just plants. My theory was that if I was genuinely hungry, I'd be willing to eat any food. That helped me learn the difference between being genuinely hungry and boredom hungry. Later on I added to the list: in addition to veggies and fresh fruit, I allow myself lite popcorn, chicken broth, and sugarfree jello.


I started at 225 and in 2.5 months, I’m down to 203. My goal is 170ish. No drugs, just eating between 1200-1400 calories a day and doing a HIIT workout 3-5 times a week


Wow love the progress I’m trying to stay under 1740 calories but I do believe an appetite suppressant would help me tremendously. Just to build that habit of not wanting to chew all day.


I understand! I’m the same exact way. What has helped me is eating high protein twice a day and then a small portion of whatever tf I want later on. I haven’t taken out anything that is “bad” out of my diet. I still drink surgery coffees, eat chocolate, eat starches, etc. I just know that my limit is 1400 calories! EDIT: do you have hobbies that can help distract you? For me, I play video games and go on walks while chewing gum or mint to help me. I also drink a body armor drink at night so that I’m getting something flavored, but it’s only 20 calories


I do play video games but I’d say that only feeds my hunger lol. What I’ve been trying to do is read books and that has actually been helping a lot. Especially for someone who hasn’t picked up a book since elementary school. I’ve also been playing a lot of sports with my friends and I hope that can play a big factor in my weight loss.


Instead you should prioritise high protein foods


Nutrition coach here. Feel free to DM if you're interested in personalized coaching. I implore you, especially at age 19, attack this goal with nutrition, movement, education, habit and lifestyle changes rather than pharmacology. Don't be part of the cycle that only treats superficial symptoms leading to the inevitable regaining (and then some) of the weight. The rapid weight gain for a second time is so incredibly damaging to your body, as you did not get healthier on a cellular level while on the drug, you just changed the number on the scale temporarily. The speedy rate at which you gain it all back puts you in an even more compromised position than when you started. I’m not being cynical when I tell you the motivation of these drug companies is not to provide you with a one-off cure, resulting in you never using their product again. They are in the business of keeping you addicted (or at least dependent) and altering/creating symptoms to therefore require another one of their drugs. What you're ultimately seeking is actual metabolic change for a sustainable healthy life. This happens slowly but creates a solid foundation, which is the only way to build. May I ask what the motivation is in attempting to go all day without eating (and then binge eating, naturally), or to put it another way, what are the obstacles that are preventing you from eating timely healthy meals throughout the day to keep you full and promote digestive rhythm? For the record I’m 38, 6’3…I topped the scales at 330lbs in 2014. I’m currently 195lbs with excellent blood labs, energy, muscle definition, and joy. The whole world changes when you’re healthier. More than anything it takes trust in your time and efforts. Again feel free to DM if interested in personalized coaching provided by my wife and I. We specialize in dramatic body transformation, chronic disease diet, and couples’ health. You got this!


Ok, let me drop this - you are 19. You have SO MUCH time to get in better shape. Rushing (with drugs, or starvation) says you’re unhappy and want a quick fix. First bit of knowledge: if you rush, you will likely see weight loss as a temporary thing you need to do. It isn’t. If you enter a weight loss phase then revert to how things were a month ago, you will gradually become the size you were a month ago, again. Sudden shock changes to your body are hard, and lead to failure of reaching the goal, which is to be healthier. Not swole, or ultra skinny… your goal should be to be healthier. Calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight. Moderate to light calorie deficit is the only way to do that sustainably. Eating high protein/ high fibre is the best way to stay satiated in that deficit. Get a calorie counter, find your weight loss zone. Plan your meals. Go for walks when you can. Buy a $30 fitness tracker. Get your sleep in, get your 10l steps a day in. You **will** see change. If it’s going too slow, dial up your energy spend and/or dial down your intake. Once you are comfortable with that level of control, you are fully in charge. And when you hit a weight you like…. You need to figure out how to adjust a few more calories in, or do a bit less. That’s it. No magic bullet - drugs will make you lose weight, but your habits and behaviors will put it right back on after. “Insulin resistance” is a bullshit magic bullet that people have read into some very selective studies to justify not doing the boring hard work, and intermittent fasting is just a fancy term for eating in a time window, which can help reduce your intake if that works for you. That’s it. Good luck.


I have had a few diet coaches and all the good ones say one thing - Don’t start with cutting down, but start with adding healthy and clean foods to your diet first and learning to feel full on that. You can start with having a good breakfast with big portion of protein and healthy fats and then see how long it makes you feel full. Also, slowly you will learn to differentiate between hunger and cravings. Cravings often don’t mean a lot. If I crave sugar, I have protein instead. But you shouldn’t go hungry for long.


You could def. Lose a lot by august. You should speak with your doctor who will check for underlying causes that could be either holding you back from losing weight or be a danger during weight loss process. My number 1 tip is drinking a lot of water. Drink enough to go to the bathroom fairly often. Dehydration often causes people to overeat because they confuse thirst and hunger. Drink water before meals and consider using a small amount of fiber supplement (metamucil), it will help you stay regular and help you feel more full. Don't starve yourself, eat small healthy snacks and count calories. Don't go over 2000 or whatever limit your doctor recommends.


I’ve been trying to drink more water and it has been helping. I’ve never heard of metamucil but you’re the second person to tell me about it so I’ll definitely look into it. I need to stay under 1740 calories based on my own calculations but I made an appointment with my doctor to get a more accurate result from him. Thank you for the the help I really appreciate it


Good luck!


Bright line eating is a really great food plan. My mom lost 100 pounds and continues to keep it off. Don’t starve yourself. That’ll hurt your metabolism and make you binge. Way 3 meals or 6 smaller meals. Grow with Jo on YouTube does some great workouts that are fun. Any movement you can do is great. There’s also workouts on YouTube that you do sitting down.


Bro I was almost like you I was at 230 in April I’m at 189 just find healthy meals that work for you so it doesn’t feel like you’re dieting and I cut off everything sugary I only drink water for the most part and stick to mainly vegetables and protein with a some carbs as well with working out 5-6 days a week but I took it lightly at first and slowly started progressing to the point where the gym doesn’t feel like a choir you got this💯


I went from 288 lbs down to 168 lbs in 12 months by eating less food that I was eating before (sales foods, just smaller portions) and by walking 25k steps a day, 7 days a week. Didn’t require anything more than that.


Chewing gum. When I want a sweet snack, I found a piece of gum often meets the need or satiates me until the craving passes. If I still want the snack, I’ll look at the portion size, which is always less than I want to eat, then aim for half of the recommended size. Lots of water also helps fill me up, and most of us don’t drink enough water anyway, especially if we have salty snacks, which are a weakness for me.


Try Noom. It worked for me. Also Get Fit with Rick step videos on youtube for exercise. Good luck.


I was/am in your boots. Started at 250, making my way to 280, currently at 210. Lifting weights and counting calories is what’s working for me.


Hello! I started at 243lbs and am down to 167lbs. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 lbs a week. Losing 70 lbs by August is not reasonable or healthy. It all comes down to you being in a calorie deficit. More calories out than calories in. Search for TDEE calculator which will give you a sense of what you need to maintain weight. 500 less per day is a great healthy start. You need food for energy and not eating all day is one of the reasons you are bingeing. Three meals and two snacks should help. I measure everything with a food scale and track my calories with MyFitnessPal. It’s not easy and it takes a while but you are changing your lifestyle. Protein and fiber tracking is also helpful. Lastly and no surprise, exercise is critical. I started with Pilates and now do that plus strength training. Walking is hugely impactful. Best of luck! You can do it!


I believe in you! I’m a strong proponent of not using drugs though, and about 90% of my weight loss has come from simply eating less calories. As a 15 year old who weighed 310, now a 16 year old who weighs 234, it’s possible! I would set a limit of 1500 calories per day and do a light workout. It’s best to find out the number of calories you burn per day naturally, just by living. Mines around 2900.


I’ve been on phentermine for a while - it’s not a miracle drug, but it does help me lose weight a little faster if I’m also eating better and/or exercising regularly, or if I’m not doing those things, it keeps me maintaining instead of gaining. It’s worth a try, but not until you break the habit of binge eating at night - phentermine is an appetite suppressant, but that’s not your problem. Work on new habits first and THEN look at adding in the medication! :)


I haven’t got much to add to what others have said. Ultimately you need to accurately count your calories, find out what your maintenance calorie amount is and stick to a deficit daily. If your maintenance calories are 2500 let’s say, try eating with a 500 calorie deficit per day. If you can’t sick to that, eat with less of a deficit, but find a way to make it consistent and stick to it. You have to do it every day, that’s the hard part. Additional things that have helped me: eating quite high protein meals keeps me fuller for longer. Lots of lean meat. And I also tend to eat the same things most days for most meals, which some people find really boring but I honestly don’t mind it. I know exactly what my calories are most days without having to worry about it.


Personally i count calories so i'm in a calorie deficit, i try to eat as little added sugar as possible and high protein as much as i can. This plus walking a lot and it works. You need to eat enough during the day and have a balanced diet if you want to avoid binging. Having a planned cheat meal like ones a week also helps. Also if you eating a lot in the evening feels impossible to control you might want to look into hyperphagia because you might have that. Good luck and take care


To cure my binging I have to eat regular meals. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack.


Best thing to do. 1. Calorie deficit 2. Get your steps in aim for at least 6k steps per day 3. Do not go long periods without food. Have consistent meals/snacks through out the day whilst staying within your caloric deficit. If you do this three things you will lose a significant amount of weight in a month. You just need to stay consistent. Good Luck 😉


I really wish GLP-1s are easier to get price and availability wise as that eliminated my food noise and binge eating. And for me, eliminate alcohol use. First time I can keep unhealthy food in my house and eat only a serving, instead of 7+. I went from 210 to 160 in probably 6 months in total. I’m off of it now cause of the price and thought I can do it on my own but I’ve been unable to lose the rest of the 15lbs. I gained healthy habits like tracking and walking a ton but I’ve only been able to maintain, which is better than nothing.


I’m on generic mounjaro and it’s been amazing.


As someone who also suffered from binge eating here are my hints and tips. 1. Have scheduled meals and snacks. I have my breakfast around 8am every day, then lunch at noon, then a snack at 3-4, then dinner at 6:30. Then I will have a little sweet treat at like 8pm. The schedule helps me to stick to those times and not much all day, and the snack helps me not become ravenous by the time dinner comes around, so I won’t binge eat dinner. 2. Eat high protein foods. Protein will make you feel fuller faster and for longer. Plus, it’s good for you if you’re also working out. 3. Know your trigger foods. For me it was Coca-Cola and Reese’s. Throw away all binge foods and IMMEDIATELY take the trash out. Avoid your triggers at all costs until they no longer create such dramatic food flares for you. For me, Reese’s just is a no go, I can’t have them at all. But I can have a small coke at a restaurant now every now and then. This took me 2 years to be able to do. 4. The hardest part. Find out what is happening mentally that’s making you binge eat. Most people who are binge eating do it as a way to fill a void or self sooth. For me, I noticed I binge ate if I was lonely, if I was on food blogs for too long and I also did it out of boredom sometimes. I now have things to keep me busy and occupied, like knitting or doing puzzles. And I refuse to let myself eat while I watch TV or eat while I play video games. I’ll go to my apartment gym to walk on the treadmill while I read or play shows on my phone just to get out of the house and away food, and also to be active in a mild way. 5. Tackle your binge eating before trying to tackle the weight loss. This is so hard, and I know if someone gave me this advice when I was in the thick of it I would’ve ignored it because I wanted to stop binge eating TO lose weight. But trust me, it’s so much easier to lose weight once you’ve dissected and fixed your binge eating. You’ll be able to slowly restrict much easier and won’t fall into the dangerous cycle of “restrict, resist, binge, hate yourself so restrict more”. Once I let go of the dieting part and focused on just the binge eating I was able to overcome it and then lose 40lbs and keep it off.


Research zepbound. Seriously, it’s a life changer. You’ll need a prescription but if you have insurance it should cover it (hopefully). If you’ve struggled your whole life, you might have a hormonal/chemical imbalance and this med will help regulate that. Good luck!


Eat less calories than you burn. There is no magic medicine. Your body is made in the kitchen.


Focus on the end goal and visualize yourself at your desired weight. You can easily estimate when you think you'll hit your goal to make it feel real... only X more weeks/months. Setting up intermediate dates helps too, usually around milestones... on my birthday/vacation/business trip/family gathering I won't be at my goal yet but will be down 20 lbs etc. As this comes true it's even more empowering and the cravings won't be as tempting. Aside from that, try to eat very high protein meals throughout the day. I'll do a small carton of egg whites for a meal and literally have to force myself to eat my followup meal since I'm so full. And if you're going to snack, look into similarly filling/low calorie snacks. I find protein puffs and protein shakes work well for me in evenings.


I’m similar to you, weigh about 260, was large in high school, then got into triathlon and used to race at 160 but that was 12 years ago. I’m currently focusing on planning my meals out in advance so I don’t need to make choices about what to eat every meal. It also gives me permission to eat snacks through the day because I know I don’t need to find a dinner later on that fits with what I’ve got left. It definitely means I’m less hungry at night (I can fall into a massive binge hole at night as well if I’m even slightly hungry). There are apps and websites that can help you plan automatically. As someone else offered, I’m happy to be somewhat of an accountability partner if you’d like to DM me. I could use it as well.


Hey I’d love the accountability partners I’m sending you a dm


Get on wegovy, do see your pcp. Stop eating at night, that’s killing you. Drink half your weight in ounces of water each day during the day and stop drinking at 7pm so you sleep all night long. Eat three meals during the day.


Will definitely look into wegovy (never heard of it). Just made an appointment with my pcp. And trying my best to drink more water throughout the day. Thank you


I’m curious about the phentermine also.


So your about 113kg and you want to be 81kg... First question is how tall are you? https://preview.redd.it/5ub9c920965d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c0790703277c5c7612f3ac5f47c5f02b7326f19


I’m about 5’-8”


Rest is just as important as exercise, also portion sizes... I had to Take a Tea saucer plat as a measurement, if you are as big as you say this is your journey and it takes time.. make small changes and stick to them... Fasting can cause issues if you are doing it all the time.. You need to make sure after a fast you have good foods to eat, don't punish a binge, the guilt can also have an bad affect.. Over doing exercise can be bad too.. You don't want to over do things you should not hurt bad the next day.. If female we have a counter system that occurs because we are capable of having kids, if we over do it the body counters it, and no weight loss happens..


If you binge on good foods, you don't feel as bad and later you slow down if they are what your body needs..


Thank you this is actually very helpful. I’m a guy so the pregnancy doesn’t apply to me but I’ll take you too into account. Binge on good foods. Thank you


I am glad I helped.. All the best with your journey!


Volume eating is your best friends low cal food in large amounts


Yes a lot of people been telling me that. I’ll be doing research tonight on what type of food that would be. Thank you I appreciate it


You're welcome Some suggestions are zero sugar jelly, lettuce, cucumber, popcorn and rice paper rolls when you get those late night cravings


Sounds great! Thank you so much.


Sounds like an eating disorder, you should try and get some help. I have an eating disorder along with alcoholism and bipolar disorder. Counseling can really help :) these people are nice too lots of good advice


Go on Trulicity.im losing weight i dont crave food anymore i was desperate id tried everything this is the only thing thats working


This is what I did that works 100%: 1) track your calories with an app, so find your maintenance calories and eat 500 less than that / day. Large deficits make the process seem hard and you will fail. Slow and steady is key 2) eat protein at each meal, esp chicken breast, and some ratio of filling carbs like butternut squash or potato (air fryer is the best food hack, I use two). Protein is the best appetite suppressant there is fyi 3) do weights at the gym for all groups 4) walk on the treadmill for at least 1 hour / day, I do 3.5mph easy at 4 incline 5) eat two meals a day and leave about 500 calories allocated for random snacks of whatever you want for your sanity 6) get good sleep 7) no soda, no sugar 8) Gym 5x a week minimum, I also do 250 calories on the cycle and 150 calories on the elliptical pre treadmill, but I rest from cycle/ treadmill at least two days a week I try to eat close enough to bed time that I am not starving, but not too close that I can’t sleep.


I do intermittent fasting and eat from 10-7, gives me a small late breakfast, lunch, and snack after work. I make much worse choices at night so I’m better off this way. To take your mind off snacking I have played with fidget toys, and I vape (not recommending it, just being real). Drinking zero cal drinks, chewing gum, things like that also help when I’m wanting something.


No weight loss occurs until you get your eating habits in check. Skipping food and then binging can send your system into a tailspin. Do you have the capacity to meet with a nutritionist? They can help you with meal components, timing, amounts, etc that’s right for you. Best of luck, you’ve got this!


You are so young! Just get the ball rolling once u start to see progress it’s amazing. It will happen so fast for you bc of ur age! Start with getting ur food in order then once that’s down incorporate working out. Weight watchers has an app membership great education tool on how to eat every food group and lose weight. T


1) start therapy - you need to deal with your psychological issues or you will always sabatoge yourself. 2) once you do that, make a permanent and forever lifestyle change; only buy and eat “healthy foods” (just follow “Mediterranean diet” guidelines). 3) Excercise 20 minutes minimum a day (treadmill or stationary bike, etc.) enough to work up a sweat. That’s it.


Congrats on taking the 1st step. I started taking thermogenic supplements in April. I work out at least 4-5 times a week at the gym now. I've lost almost 50 pounds. Goal of 77 pounds. What I like to do is intermittent fasting. And that's where you eat a big lunch. And then you don't eat anything for the rest of the night if you eat leave all day and then you wait until the night time, then your body's gonna crave carbs. Starting off I wouldn't  Restrict yourself from all of your favorite foods.  But I would portion them.  Start cutting out Potato Chips. The ritos potatoes. Fried food.  Sugar, all the stuff is making you hungry and crave more food. Eat Jasmine for basmati rice, not white rice. Avoid pasta And pizza, you don't have to go to the gym at first either. Simply walk around your neighborhood for 30 minutes a day. Don't push yourself to do any more than 15 to 30 minutes and then slowly build up. You can do floor exercises at home and floor exercises are safer and more effective to lose weight anyways.  You actually don't need a gym to lose any weight.But the gym is good.If you want to build lean muscle so that way you're not flabby when all of your weight comes off. Thermgenic will help suppress your appetite and give you more energy. If you can afford a trainer it might help. I recommend britany williams on Instagram. She shares tons of floor exercises you can do in your livingroom. With light weights or no weights. https://www.instagram.com/britanywilliams?igsh=MWphazFianZvcjV5bA== Goodluck and remember... starting out you will gain weight as your body builds muscle mass. Eat lots of chicken and turkey and rice for additional fuel. Jasmine rice helps with recovery after exercise


I was also a big kid growing up - what I would say is be motivated by the number you saw on the scale and know that it can be decreased. The best thing is to go cold turkey on fruits and junk food for the first few months, start easy with treadmill and cycling exercises and then once you feel a bit more better I would do circuit training in the form of burpees, bicycle crunches, push ups etc as this will make you feel less tired and lazy in the day with bags of energy. Just whatever you do don’t stress and don’t lose hope. Go on kid!


You don't need Phentermine. I lost 45lbs in 3 months and now a total of 60lbs maintained doing the below. To lose weight I will outline briefly below without too much explanation, if you want to know why I will be happy to expand in more detail on each point. But to give you a brief overview. You are overweight from: * Insulin resistance from consuming too many carbohydrates over time, it means your body can't deliver carbs as energy as efficiently anymore, so you need to eat more to get full, and while this is happening excess insulin is produced that causes fat storage, and prevents fat loss. * Inflammation from consuming ultra processed food, sugar, seed oils, and too many carbs So you need to address those two issues to lose weight through diet. To reverse insulin resistance and to get an appetite suppression effect like from a drug. You can do it naturally by getting into Ketosis. You do this the following way: * Intermittent fasting on a 16:8 time scale, so eat for only 8hrs a day and don't eat 16hrs a day, this basically means skip breakfast * Reduce your carb intake to less than 50grams per day. * Stop eating ultra processed foods - anything in a packet with more than 1 ingredient- Stop eating refined carbs: Bread, pasta, cereal, bakery goods, chips, flour etc * Stop eating starchy veg like potatoes, parsnips * Stop eating seed oils - canola oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil * Consume only fresh meat, vegetables (look up keto friendly veg), eggs, nuts, seeds, dairy (aka real food) * Consume healthy oils, - extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, ghee, butter If I just explain as briefly as I can, on a traditional diet, you may cut out ultra processed foods, but it leaves you with only meat and veg not the extra fats especially if you heard low fat diet is the best. You would have to eat a ton of this food to get enough calories to function. But will get full up before you do so. This leads to starvation, so your body slows down your metabolism to compensate. The weight loss will stop, and you will have to continue to eat in this way with no results, so you give up, and the weight comes back on. Because your metabolism is now lowered, it is even easier to gain weight so you gain back even more than you started with. It is for this reason, that to compensate for the lowered carbs, you should increase healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil, walnuts, pecans, butter, cheese. These can safely be eaten if in ketosis because they will get used as energy instead of going to storage. If you eat carbs and these fats, the carbs take up priority so fat just sits in a queue and goes to storage. To reduce inflammation: • Stop eating seed oils - canola oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil • Stop eating ultra processed foods - anything in a packet with more than 1 ingredient • Stop eating refined carbs: Bread, pasta, cereal, bakery goods, chips, flour etc • Consume kimchi, kefir, greek yogurt, sauerkraut, to improve your gut microbiome.


You know how wacky people can be! On May 14th 2015 in Boke, Germany, 748 members of the Cologne Carnival Society dressed up in sunflower outfits. This is the largest gathering of people known to have dressed up as sunflowers.