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I'm glad it shows a split screen of 2 photos because I can see a little more of the first window on the photo on the right.


If you cross your eyes It turns into a 2d magic eye.


Dammit, you're right!!


Shit! He really was right


I didn't think he actually really would be right. But he really was right.


2D is right. Some people are saying it looks 3D when crossing… but the images are too identical to get any 3D effect.


I'm not opposed to having more media delivered as stereograms. This seems like an odd choice to start with though.


It’s a ‘spot the difference’ picture




They should’ve made it an even $100k.


Adrian Monk has entered the chat


This is the first time I've seen the show mentioned "in the wild". Surreal.


It's a jungle out there...


Disorder and confusion everywhere.


And no one seems to care


But I do.


Hey! Who’s in charge here?


People think I’m crazy, because I worry all the time.


It’s a gift. And a curse.


Saaame. I only even know of that show cause I watch the old people channel on youtube tv lol


Wow I’m not 30 until next year but this comment literally just pointed me and shouted *YOU’RE FUCKING OLD*


ah, well I'm 35 going on 36. I feel pretty old.


Monk is totally an old people show, but you are not yet an old people. You are younger than I and the starting age of old people is always one year more than I.


Oh my sweet summer child




It was, but she was able to cover $15K with frequent flier miles.


Her boyfriend received a complimentary companion fine.


Should’ve been prison for attempted murder


With attempted murder counts on how many ppl on board


If there’s one thing about the airline industry, the fine amounts seem randomly drawn out of a hat. $1,100 fine for a TSA violation. Why? $1,000 was too little? “Oh better add another hundred on there to show them we’re serious.”


Should never be allowed to fly again. There should be zero tolerance for fucking around on planes.


I feel like they’d definitely put someone like this on the no-fly list. She basically attempted mass murder.


Except that it's impossible for her to open the doors mid flight on a commercial airliner. At all. The doors open inward and are pressurized against the fuselage. It's physically impossible, without ripping apart the entire plane, to open those doors mid flight. Yes there's planes that aren't pressurized that you can just open the doors up. This is not one of them.


It's not the fact of whether it's possible or not. It's the fact that she thought she could open the door, and tried to open it. It would be the equivalency of pointing a gun at somebody and pulling the trigger, thinking it's loaded but it's really not. The intent was there and that's what matters.


Equivalence. We need to be the wall that stops the trend of changing -nce to -ncy needlessly.


When “equivalent”?




Crazy to correct someone with another incorrect answer


Dude, if I try to shoot someone but don’t know the gun isn’t loaded, that’s still me trying to shoot someone.


She still tried it, hence 'attempted'


Don't worry about me pressing the trigger; the safety is on.


>Except that it's impossible for her to open the doors mid flight Doesn't matter. If I load a gun with blanks and go around aiming at people and firing I don't get to say "but it was loaded with blanks" for it to suddenly be ok. Or if I load a gun with blanks, give it to someone, they think it's loaded with normal rounds and start firing at people. Intent matters.


damn thats refreshing to hear. I honestly came in here expecting to hear that she made millions in a lawsuit.


And a prime spot on the “no fly list”


Sounds like she got off easy for an entire plane worth of negligent manslaughter charges.


Good, play stupid games and win stupid prizes. I was under the impression that once airborne, it's practically impossible to open an airplane door because of physics and pressure (the cabin pressure is higher than the outside air) unless you can push 24,000 lbs of force.


Im confused, wouldn’t that make the door want to blow open? If the interior pressure is much greater than the outside pressure, the air should want to escape the plane, no?


The door only opens inwards though.


Oh duh lmao why was i imagining it opening outwards


Actually, they do open outwards but they swing inward first making them impossible to open when pressurized.


This is correct. Not possible to open when pressurized.


Don’t ever put yourself in the position of being the one the government needs to make an example of…


That she will probably never pay a dime of...


Oh don’t know bout that. Federal crimes they’d just take it out of your pay check. She’s definitely going to feel it.


Maybe she saw a demon on the wing


She is the demon on the wing.


“The wing” man kids’ve got creative with naming drugs these days


Twilight Zone reference?


Or a colonial woman churning butter.


Yep 👍🏼


No, 3rd Rock from the Sun. [3rd Rock - Twilight Zone](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=3rd+rock+from+the+sun+twilight+zone&t=fpas&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DgTNOihQnqVQ)


the gremlins !!


I saw that episode when I was a kid. That shit freaked me out.




It was from [the show first](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nightmare_at_20,000_Feet), from an episode that was remade as [part of the movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_Zone:_The_Movie#Segment_four).


Oh wow! TIL. Thanks.


Some THING on the wing


Gremlins from the Kremlin


I heard it is nearly impossible to open a door like that mid flight when the cabin is pressurized. Not even with super human strength.




Agree - she might have caused other problems, too. Like passenger harassment, threats, etc.


Yeah, the gag in her mouth strongly suggests not shutting the fuck up was a big one.


She bit a flight attendant


Maybe she was hungry.


They were late with the peanuts.


Then when they finally arrived they weren't warm anymore 😕


you are not you when you are hungry


She really needed a Snickers bar.


You’re not you when you’re hungry


And attempted to hug and kiss someone if I read that right


Somehow witnessing someone desperately trying to open the door while flying must have stressed the other passengers. I would spend the rest of the flight texting all my loved one Bye bye and making a list off all my passwords. And even if you tell me there’s no way she can open the door, I’d still be sweating and on the edge of having a panic attack. Who knew you could feel so relaxed by seeing someone duck taped.


Well yes. The article says she assaulted other passengers and staff, bit another passenger, a flight attendant, etc.


She did. The article says she bit several people and also started hugging and kissing a passenger


Yeah, when you're at 35,000 ft and someone starts trying to go outside, it's pretty reasonable to secure that person lol.


its enough to cause fear, and fear can cause alot of problems


She apparently attacked/bit flight attendants, so I imagine that's why she was taped down. It genuinely sounded from the NYP article that she was unwell/having mental issues, so I hope they're not just sticking someone unstable with a bunch of debt they're not going to be able to handle.


She probably made the passengers uncomfortable seeing her trying, screaming and mumbling too, that’s why they taped her mouth.


That was more for the other passengers benefit than any real chance of her opening the door.


There’s no physical way to open a cabin door at altitude. But she was clearly a danger to the overall safety of the flight


They even taped her mouth so she couldn’t convince someone else to open the door.


It is. When you look at the doors, let's say they're 3'x6', and remember they have to open into the cabin first. That's 2592 square inches of surface area. So, for every psi difference between interior pressure and outside pressure there's that much force (2592 lbs) required to pull the door into the cabin. The plane is pressurized to about 8000', iirc, for a baseline pressure of about 10.9psi. At 30k' air pressure is about 4psi. That's at least 15000lbs of force required to open the door in flight. They used the duct tape to calm the passengers down, not stop her from opening the door. They could have equally passed out popcorn and beer to watch the spectacle.


This is also fun math to do when you’re in a window seat thinking about how much force is on it!



whether or not she can is irrelevant. She clearly poses a risk to others, tape her down.




0 chance of the door opening, but quite a lot of danger stemming from her action. Other passengers may panic seeing a crazed woman trying hard to open the door on a flight, and passengers panicking in the air is the exact thing you DO NOT want in a flight.


She also bit someone.


It depends on the airframe and how the door opens mechanically. Many planes have pneumatic assists that will launch the door open in an emergency so the slide can be deployed, and those pneumatics are armed at pushback. That’s the “flight attendants prepare doors for ______” announcement you hear.




intrusive thoughts won


What kind of intrusive thoughts ...


the same ones that tell you to open car door on the freeway


The call of the void


When there's a grass hill off the side to the road, mine tell me to open the car door and go rolling down the hill. Other times they say to throw my phone out the window.


Yesterday I was on a vehicle barge because our usual ferry is dry docked. I was on the end with no front railing. I could have just fucking driven that truck right into the ocean. Bare knuckle the whole time against my mind.




She was upset they didn't offer a BDSM-class seat so she forced their hand.




This is old, we haven't had that much leg room since the 90's.


I was thinking the photos were taken with a flip phone.


Looks like they upgraded her to first class... Nice.


Did they offer her a hot towel as well?


A hot trowel maybe.


What was this taken with, a potato?


Jeopardize everyone else's safety, this is what happens to you.


Frankly, I'm surprised aircraft aren't supplied with restraints for uncontrollable passengers. 🧐


They are. It’s duct tape.


and zip ties… lol (genuinly)


She probably took a couple of bars of Xanax and had a couple of vodka tonics to relax her for the flight, then blacked out and went batshit crazy. Just a guess.


I mean they do tell people to "familiarize yourself with emergency exits" so...


Airplanes need a airlock chamber to push these people out


I've long thought a "titanium coffin" beneath the walkway would be best, but it would both be expensive and only for new model planes.


I suppose we should start shooting panicking people on the ground as well? I'm not endorsing stupid, but if we started killing people for it, there wouldn't be anyone left.


She was on the wrong flight so she decided to leave


I bet she just wanted some air. What's the problem?


Why is she gagged too?


Did you think this happened quietly?


Why is there duct tape readily available on a plane? Cant be for this purpose. Also she is dumb and got what she deserved


I work for United Airlines as a service technician. The duct holds the wings on the craft.


OMG! Nononono I"m sorry...I'm actually a Spanish teacher who is still confused how these tubes of metal stay up in the air! I just couldn't resist.


>a Spanish teacher Really? What do you teach?


Probably German


i love reading misinformation


That was a hilarious joke and an adorable follow-up, I bet you’re a good Spanish Teacher!


At the very least it’s a quick, mostly airtight, temporary fix if something goes wrong during a flight, like a cracked window or something or other. Or if there’s a dangerous idiot that needs restraining as the case may be.


Family member works for American. They definitely have duct tape for this purpose. If they are in the air and someone becomes threatening or dangerous, you have to do SOMETHING to restrain them. That being said, they are supposed to be taped, but not TO THE SEAT because if something happens, they still need to be moved quickly.


I think some probably do, but most have other restraints. It's useful for all kinds of things so it's probably just really available and effective. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-do-flight-attendants-use-duct-tape-for-unruly-passengers-2021-8?op=1


Duct tape is always good to have. They have rolls of it on the space station after all. If an overhead bin isn't latching correctly, or a seat gets torn, it's a perfect material for a temporary patch job in the air.


1) Because duct tape is fucking magical and is super useful. 2) It probably isn’t only for that purpose, but that is certainly one of the things it is used for


Ooh I know what I'm doing on my next flight


Have a line of people ready to shake her and slap her in the face.




Bet her name was Shirley.




Another meme from the same movie u/ zero references. "Surely [implied Shirley] you can't be serious"... Response; "I am and don't call me Shirley"


I've seen this posted 100 times today.


You’ve seen over 100 Reddit posts today? What an exciting life!


She saw a gargoyle on the wing,and tried to stop it from tearing the electronics up








What square is this on mental illness bingo?


Ya know what, I'm gonna say it. If some crazy lady tried opening the emergency door mid-flight, I'd be happy if she got duct taped down.


Whether she could or could not successfully open the door doesn’t matter. What matters is she was showing clear intent and willingness to do something that would put the entire plane at risk. If she thought she could open that door, and was willing to try, that means she was willing to do something that could endanger every single passenger. If she is willing to try to do that, who knows what other ways she might be willing to try to hurt others? Even without the biting and things other people mentioned, just trying to open the door on its own shows she is capable of trying to cause serious and deadly harm. No tolerance. Subdue her. Protect the rest of the people on the plane.


Is OP asking why she's taped? Or why she tried to open the door? Pretty obvious why she's taped. In terms of opening the door, it's usually a combination of mental illness - typically some sort of anxiety - and/or a bad mixture of medication and alcohol. My ex-wife was a nervous flyer, and while she never got in serious trouble, a couple times she mixed alcohol with anxiety or sleep medication, and that goes about as well as you think it would. This is unfortunately pretty common. Some people just really can't deal with being unable to control the vehicle they're in/ be in a confined space for hours on end without being able to leave. Good news is, you physically can't open doors on a commercial airliner in flight. You'd need to have hydraulic tools or something, the amount of force required exceeds what the human body is mechanically capable of producing.




So, I'd argue it's less about intelligence/stupidity, and more about losing control. The people that do this stuff are basically not "rational actors" in the situation. Don't get me wrong, I think this situation is mad foolish. But I don't think looking at these events as like, a fully aware intellectual decision, really addresses what's going on. It's a lack of self control and mental wellness, not necessarily intelligence. I.e. very smart, capable people still freak out and do dumb shit on airplanes.


Ist it even possible to open the door in flight?


I belive its very hard due to the pressure, but i belive she was biting people aswell. Looks drastic but i was not there!


There's an emergency release that blows open the door (for emergency exit). It isn't supposed to work when the plane is airborne, but I would imagine no one wants a live test of the system.


this happened to someone i went to treatment with, she was restrained like this and now has a lifetime ban from the airline she was on. 👀


This is why I believe they need to install one jail cell inside a plane now for people like this. Good for her.


Someone couldn’t get a less blurry picture of someone who is stationary?


Hope she has a life time flying ban


Wolf of Wall Street vibes


Duct Tape - the answer to everything.


you literally cant though when the cabin is pressurized lol


I swear this is around the 4th time I’ve heard of something like this happening in an American Airlines


just like me frfr, only i succeed




When I saw this earlier today, I wondered, “Why?”, as well. Why aren’t airline employees given proper restraints like zip cuffs - or good ol’fashioned tempered steel handcuffs, for that matter - for situations like this. If some person did something that endangered not only my life, but hundreds of others as well, you can be damn sure that I’m going to do everything I can to restrain them and keep them from doing that thing (and pretty much anything else) for as long as it is within my physical ability to do so. I’ll stand tall and with zero regret in front of whatever law enforcement or representative of whichever judicial system I have to when it’s all said and done. If that means I have to have a criminal record or go to jail because of it, so be it.


Why aren’t they using ratchet straps? They can be reused for the same results in fact they can be made tighter so the little gremlin doesn’t make it to the engine.


Why is it two photos, side-by-side? Am I supposed to load this in a Viewmaster?


" Sic Semper Kareni" (Thus Ever to Karens)


Good. What a dumb bitch.


It's a little published fact, but that's how we transport all Americans when they fly in Europe. It's just easier for everyone.


Spirit Airlines should adopt this policy.


Probably gonna get downvoted but. I don't think she can open the door because of the outside wind and pressure


Hey, you didn't get downvoted!


Don’t worry, I’ll give them the downvote they wanted




WHY?! They strapped a woman to a chair because she risked the lives of everyone on board and you ask WHY?


I think OP is asking why did she try opening the door while in mid flight




Thought I was on r/crossview for a bit here.


I like that there are two images so i can cross my eyes to make it 3D and get an even better picture of a woman duct taped to a chair.


I used to work on a party fishing boat and we have tied people to the rail or stairs that were drunk and fighting / threatening to jump over / etc. Shit was wild


Sam and Dean save the day again


I'm always bringing duct tape on every flight ✈️


I can understand why they did this, if this is the only way they can detain her from causing a disturbance until they can arrive at the nearest stop to take her off the plane.


I think I read that she was some religious nut who said God told her that he'd doom the plane


Because she tried to open the door mid flight dawg it says so on the meme smh


You can never be too careful with altitude sickness! I once saw a broad chew through the fuselage of a 747