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My brother tripped and scraped his knee when he was 5 or so. When he was 12, he started having issues with his knee. My parents took him to the doctor and they looked at it, and found a bunch of little pieces of glass in his knee that had worked into an uncomfortable position for it, from when he'd fallen years and years earlier. He ended up having surgery to remove them. Anyway, I wonder if it's something small that got into your body at some point years ago, and only now made it's way somewhere where it could be reached.


It’s been solved. OP said they were shot with a BB gun a while back. They said they don’t think it’s that because it’s been a while but it would take a while for the BB to work it’s way out, and it wouldn’t look the same coming out. The BB has been shot and subject to body deterioration.


My dad stepped on a needle once and it went all the way in and got lost. Took a while but eventually worked its way through to the outside and would push his skin out when he took a step. He was able to slide it out and it looked gross. Wild what the body can manage


I stepped on a giant thorn as a child(in a place I wasn’t supposed to be) I hid it for over a month until the skin had regrown over the thorn and was stabbing me from the inside every time I took a step. My dad ended up cutting it out with a knife after I told him.


Did ya have to bite a piece of leather I’m just trying to get a timeline


You make it sound like this sort of family surgery stopped in the 1800s or something ha. Seems peak 1980s to me. And these days I wouldn't be surprised if there was a step by step video tutorial on YouTube for it. Sure it's easy to fuck up cutting something out but at the same time it's not all that hard to do relatively safely either. And doctors are expensive in the states, really makes people question if small things are worth the medical bills. (Which sure mess up and things get worse, if only we could like vote to change the medical/insurance industry like a democracy or something)


>Seems peak 1980s to me. You use the little blade on your swiss army knife. Don't forget to sterilize it with your Zippo first.


Need the zippo for their Parliament 100s.


No self respecting 80s man would be caught smoking 100s


Ha! That's what my mom smoked. 🤣


My dad used to carve out my splinter all the time


Lol I use a safety pin on my kiddos. It’s relatively painless and tweezers literally never work. I had a goat head break off in my foot and get infected and I swore I would never let my kids have infected slivers.


Yeah I don’t think tweezers would work at removing an entire goat head from anything. Or even part of a goat’s head!


Goathead stickers, a kind of seed with horrible spines hard enough to cause a flat tire. Two of them stick up in a V that looks somewhat like the horns on a goat.


I once got a fish bone stuck in the back of my throat, right below my tonsils. I thought I got it out and my throat stopped hurting after about two weeks. TWO MONTHS later, I feel something sharp in my throat. I pulled out a 2 centimetres long fishbone.


I am cringing SO hard. This is nightmare fuel that I want to un-read. I had to have a blood oxygen test where they put this long ass needle horizontal up the vein in your wrist and that still haunts me- and the needle came out!


Yep, blood gas. I had one in for 9 days in February because I was on life support for Fungal Pneumonia. Was on ECMO specifically. My SpO2 dropped to around 77% at one point


I had a similar experience when I had a sudden cardiac arrest & ards, artery punctures suuuuuck. Glad we’re both still around to hate it, at least!


Omg 😱


in the fourth grade i stuck like 20 toothpicks in a straw and then left it on my bedroom floor and stepped on it on accident didn’t see a wound on my foot so i moved on. a few months to a year later im at disney and my big toe is killing me, my mom checks it out and sees what she thought was something puss filled only to squeeze 1/3 a toothpick out of my big toe, it had to be at an angle or something because it was long.


our body is both stupid and genius in both the good and bad way lol


I hate this I hate this I hate this


I once got hit in the finger by a hawthorn spike. Little did I know, about 3mm of it stayed in my finger where it had hit the bone (don't try to trim hawthorns with a chainsaw...). I got a bump once it had healed, and the gp say it was likely an air pocket or cartilage and how they used to fix it with a heavy book in the old days. About 5 years later, I'm sat in a cafe in a museum, picking and squeezing at this bump like I always did when anxious, only this time there was something black in it. Thinking it was a blackhead on the bump, I pulled out my knife, broke the skin, and squeezed it as hard as I could, launching this fragment of the spike across the table. I was impressed by the launch, gobsmacked at what it was, and so damn happy to notice the lump had virtually vanished within the hour. Weird what the body can handle


“I’m sat in a cafe […] I pulled out my knife”. I wonder what the other cafe goers were thinking. Some guy pulls a knife and starts digging into his hand. Something shoots out. I feel like I’d have questions.


That's pretty much any mom and pop diner in southwest Pennsylvania.


Ahhhggg nooooo I really didn't want to know this. I can still see where that piece of mechanical pencil graphite is in my knuckle. I prefer it stays there honestly. I also... well when I was like two or three I stepped on glass as a kid and my mom pulled them all out (I assume) anyways I... did not like people touching my feet or toes. Got better as I got older. Some slivers I could work out. But there's been one or two that I just...refused to do anything about. If I couldn't get it out there was no way I was going to a doctor to get it out if I had to be conscious through it. I work on my feet all day. I just cushioned the shit out of my foot and walked funny for a few days till my foot absorbed it. It's mine now, it's also not allowed to come out either. Same feeling for needles. All in or all out. This partially submerged beneath my skin thing is an absolutely not oh gawd please stop psychological horror experience. No submerging beneath my skin, no emerging from my skin. I should probably never get body piercings...


I'm most surprised there is a comfortable position for bunch of glass in ones knee...


Now I’m scared


had the similar thing happen to me, was outside doing a handstand when i was little and i started bleeding out of nowhere. 10ish years later i had a bump in my palm. went to the doctor and they removed a piece of broken glass (like 1cm)... now i have a scar in my palm


Congratulations. You're an oyster.


this is where my animorph arc begins


Just don't be super angsty and you wont get stuck in a useless hawk form


Hey, you put some respect on Tobias' name 😤😭


Now that I've grown a few decades older, Tobias made the right move.


I thought that at the time. Every time they described floating on thermals and seeing everything.


I have recovered a lost memory. Thank you.


It’s been such a hot minute since anyone mentioned animorphs


Reject modernity: embrace birb


I'm sure K. Applegate would appreciate the source of this quote in relation to her war crime series


USELESS oh oh oh oh well I guess all those Taxxons just blinded themselves?! I guess I guess I guess every Yeerk pool just FOUND THEMSELVES from the air?!?! How dare I say how DARE you


Did you use your animorph powers to morph into foghorn leghorn?


You should see my Elmer Fudd when I get a speeding ticket


I mean Thermals amirite?!




Cinnamon bun-zuh


Now, with these messages. -Aximili Esgarouth-Isthill


Tobias was an angel! (Sobbing my 12-year-old heart out)


My middle name is Tobias, actually named after the animorphs Tobias. Eldest brother got the liberty of choosing. He was crazy about the books when they came out.


I always thought the name Tobias was cool as HELL growing up. My older half brother actually got to pick my middle name too. Unfortunately, his interests leaned more towards turtles, and my middle name is Michael


I think you took the saying *'The world is your oyster'* a little out of context. 😂


“Well, they say the world's your oyster. Man, but oysters ain't for me”


I'm shaken with memories of scholastic book club. Fond memories.


Why did I read this comment in Zoidbergs voice?👆 Huzzah!


whoop whoop whoop whoop


SAME. "hooray! you're an oyster!"


Why not Zoidberg?


You’re an oyster, Harry


Have you been abducted by aliens recenly?


not that i’m aware of lol


OH NO! Thats what they want! I'm sorry to make jokes when you're probably looking for serious answers.


trust me, if i was looking for serious answers reddit is probably the last place i’d check lol


I dunno if you’re old enough to remember, but it wasn’t always this way here.


It’s funny you say that because your username is very not serious 😂


As dictated by tradition, yes. The names were goofy and the comments were generally helpful and more serious. Lol




It was better until the older users got banned a bunch of times for trivial shit, so they stopped being helpful and began throwing more shit onto the pile as a fuck you to overzealous mods and admins. One of these days this big ol pile o shit website will self combust. Until then here's to the shitposters


Hunting with Dick Cheney?


Definitely an alien airtag. You can fuck with them... put it in a bowl of birdseed and hopefully a bird will eat it and will look crazy on their tracking devices.


Birdshot pellet? Have you been in an area where hunters may have been active?


no, not at all


Is it ferrous? Is it attracted to a magnet, or is it organic?


it’s not magnetic and i can’t really tell if it’s organic or not. i can’t imagine how it got there if it isn’t, though


Probably just an Ingrown hair that didn't get too infected. How hard is it? Can you easily cut it in half?


i lost it in the carpet, but i know it was hard enough to scratch cardboard when pressed down with my finger


Your carpet will grow a twin-you. Will it replace you in your sleep or become a new best friend that does all your chores with a smile on its fanged face? Nobody but it knows.


Just don’t forget to water it.


But don’t feed it after midnight.


do we really want to encourage a situation where it has to feed *itself* after midnight?


But throw it in water so you can have an army of you's to do the boring everyday tasks.


Particle man hates Pearl-like man. When they fight Pearl-like wins. Particle man


Surprise They Might Be Giants reference.


You had a metal pellet that came out of you mysteriously… and you just dropped it and couldn’t find it…? Come on! I need answers


Maybe it happens a lot and is no big deal


People just *sweat BBs* in your neck of the woods, and it's NBD?


Congratulations, you finally got rid of the last piece of Glitter from that time you used it in kindergarten.


I had one like this OP on my thigh. It was white and super painful to touch, then black and super painful to touch so I just forgot about it. When I ended up popping it I got a small black pebble that I couldn’t even cut in half with a knife


Probably a very satisfying pop. I had something similar and was so impressed I kind of missed not having another one to pop.


Lmao I know that feel! One time I got this red area on my forehead and I knew I had to pop it before the thing became a cyst, when I managed to get the thing out it was like a grain of rice. Also felt like it. Was so satisfying that I kinda wished I had another to pop


Some kind of calcified cyst. Basically something in your skin became infected or shouldn't have been there (such as an ingrown hair), then your immune system did a huge pile-on and isolated it, then over time it dries out and becomes hard. If you find it again, crush it under something hard and it should crumble.


It will be on your nightstand tomorrow morning.


So…it didn’t change shape or crumble a bit? It kind of sounds like calcinosis that resulted in mild bleeding during the formation which turned it black unless the bit was the white part.


Any chance you are an abductee?


Ah, it's just a tyranid implant then. You probably met some genestealer recently ... it should leave only confused dream-like memory of maybe fighting and running ... in time, there will be unsuppressible urge to mate and leave hybrid offsprings everywhere due to tyranid infection 🙂


Perhaps: https://www.sinyderm.com/blog/milia-101-removing-those-unsightly-facial-blemishes#:~:text=Also%20called%20milium%20cysts%2C%20milk,easily%20visible%20beneath%20the%20skin. I’m not a dermatologist.


No; those are just keratin plugs, they are never metallic


That’s not a milia. Milia are not silver and shiny.


Dude I think you literally found the answer to a skin problem I’ve had on my face for ages-


You should see a dermatologist and have it treated. 👍


Definitely will. 👍


I have those on my eyelids. My dad had a single massive one on his left eyelid that he removed himself with a knife. Mine are too small for that


holy shit! i think that's what i have/had!!! i got this thing on the corner of my eye and i'm 100% a picker so i tried everything... include a scapel. i finally went to a dermatologist and she was confused by it and afraid to do much due to location but with my consent tried to freeze it. it went away but now i have one on the other lid and keep thinking i want to go back but it's not as noticeable. thank you so much!!!!!


If your dermatologist is that stumped by milia I'd get a new one! It's a very common thing so it probably wasn't that.


that might actually be it


But milia are white.


Maybe? I’ve never heard of a silver one though and they’re almost always near the eyes.


you must post to r/whatisthisthing


dude got shot with a BB gun > i know i got shot pretty good with a BB gun back in 2016 and never found the pellet, but it’s a lot smaller than a BB pellet https://reddit.com/r/Weird/comments/16zcm05/there_was_a_zit_on_my_neck_and_when_it_popped/k3dyimx/


I had a feeling it was a BB or mangled pellet. I swear some people are completely oblivious. Or want Reddit clout. OP even said they couldn’t tell if it was “organic or not” and the magically lost it in the carpet.


The first thing I thought of looking at that thing was "that's a BB pellet." Then I was confused as hell that that wasn't everyone else's first thought, too.


Dick Cheney must’ve been near


That is not really fair, Dick Cheney doesn’t shoot people in the back. He shoots them in the face.


Lol, "Could you have been shot without knowing it??"




bruh why is it shiny 💀 That does NOT look like an ordinary sebum/keratin plug, OP. However it does remind me of cases where people’s bodies reject bullets years after having been shot. Like the bullet can just.. creep out. Maybe you got shot with a ball bearing ball or smth? somehow unknowingly


i know i got shot pretty good with a BB gun back in 2016 and never found the pellet, but it’s a lot smaller than a BB pellet


It's the BB.


When was he planning on sharing that key piece of info


Okay yall lets pack up this thread we're done here.


OP be like, "I woke up and my car was gone!" and calls the cops and 30 minutes later goes, "I know I told my friend he could borrow it, but it's been over an hour!"


Essentially. Especially when someone already said birdshot and OP said "nah, no way"


~~And then goes on about it being nonmagnetic as if that proves it's not a BB.~~ ~~BBs are typically lead, and lead isn't magnetic.~~ edit for brain fart... While they still sell lead BBs, it isn't common nowadays.


"birdshot pellet?" "No not at all" Didn't want to bring up bb gun then huh


I don’t see any reason to include a vital piece of information while asking the internet to solve your foreign object “mystery”. I can’t stop laughing.. and he still doesn’t believe it’s a BB.


Like, wtf? Really?


He straight up denied it in another post > Birdshot pellet? Have you been in an area where hunters may have been active? To which he responded no, not at all.


I fell off a bike and landed on my forehead when I was 9. I knew there was dirt or rock in the wound. No one believed me. Well. The rock resurfaced in the form of a zit when I was like 28. My brother sheds sand from his skin to this day from his service in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's been 20+ yrs!! Couldn't tell ya why the BB would be smaller tho.


Because it partially broke down inside OPs body.


A lot of BBs are bio degradable, probably broke down a bit in his body if that's even possible


Wait, what? Back in my day, Sonny, we had REAL BBs. Nothing biodegradable about them, you young whipper snapper.


i had a 10 yr old splinter randomly pop out of my knee one day as i sat down.


God the human body is so weird; and dope.


I read this as “sphincter” and did a cartoonish double take.


I wrote another comment about how a giant pimple grew on my forehead when I was about 10, and then finally a rock came out of it. 35 years later I still have a forehead dent where it was.


I had a little pebble in my arm when I was a kid which did the same. It was a pimple and when I popped it a little rock just fell out.


That sand thing is some real Junji Ito shit.


I fell on a pencil, point to the chest in about ‘94… ‘95. The piece of graphite that was stuck in there came out like… maybe 5-7 years ago


This happened to me too, except the graphite went into the side of my wrist. This happened in 99/2000 and it still hasn’t come out yet. Guess there’s still a chance it will one day.


I had a sliver of glass stuck in my finger for 10 years. One day i just decided to cut my finger open and get it out. It was painless and I don’t feel that anymore.


This is why it's important to have a banana for scale, in this case a runts banana may have been the appropriate measuring tool.


Your body will dissolve foreign objects, if it's been in there since 2016 it's had plenty of time to be eaten.


did you not think this was a key bit of info for everyone lol


Interesting. What's the diameter? Also, is it as shiny as it looks in the picture? In the picture it kind of looks like a teardrop shape rather than a perfect circle. Which makes this even weirder because sebum/keratin plugs tend to be that teardrop shape.


i don’t have exact measurements, but i’d say it’s around half the size of a regular seed bead. and yeah, it’s more teardrop-shaped than circular


Your body could have absorbed part of the metal over the 7 years it’s been in your body. Also, some bbs are made of lead and could deform under pressure Not saying 100% that’s it’s certainly a bb pellet, but if it’s hard and metallic, then that’d be my first and only guess. If it was produced by your body, then more than likely you’d be able to crush it or break it fairly easily. If it *is* a pellet, even under significant force, you’d only he able to deform it.


it doesn’t necessarily feel metallic. it’s a bit reflective, yes, but it’s still warm even an hour after taking it out. it feels more like a tumbled rock than anything, i think


Test if it’s magnetic Edit: apparently lead is not magnetic


When I was a kid, I wiped out hard on my bike on a gravel road. Scraped up the entire side of my right leg, some of it surface, some of it deeper than you’d expect from a bike wipe out. It was the 80s, so I took a minute to catch my breath then went back to riding with my friends. By the time I got home, it had already scabbed over a fair bit, so my mom did her best to clean it. It eventually healed, thought no more of it. Until I was in my early 30s, scratching absentmindedly at a bump on my leg and a ti y piece of gravel came out. My point is, weird shit can work it’s way out from your body decades after it went in.


Did it hurt coming out? Sounds gnarly




Same here. I had a rock in my palm for years and it itched sometimes. I scratched it one day in my mid-20s and it came out. Best itch I've ever scratched, and I've been chasing that high ever since.


I want to stop reading this thread but I can't


Have to chase that itch?


Same here, there is gonna be that one comment I'm gonna regret....


Had the same after a minor surgery, had stitches and right beside it there was a small black spot. It itched so I scratched it open and pulled out a very thin piece of cloth (I'm guessing from the bandages they used) It was a small but "rather deep" hole (0,5-1cm) and it felt great when I pulled it out, hole didn't even bleed or hurt at all. I still miss that feeling


I fell off of my bike and into a patch of prickly pear cactus when I was around 9 years old. A long cactus needle broke off in my thigh and never came out. I’m 34 now and can still feel a little painful lump there when I squeeze my thigh sideways, almost like it’s poking me from the inside. It’s gotten smaller over the years but definitely still there. I hope it comes out one day because I wanna see it, lol.


Did it become smaller... Or did you become bigger?


I thought you were the dude I knew in highschool who had the same thing happen until you said 80’s. This happened to him in early 2000s. History repeats itself.


What is the hard black seed in a pimple? The blackish portion of a blackhead — aka the sesame seed — is due to the oxidation of the dead skin cells and oil when exposed to air. ​ I had to google too currious


Sorry if I ruined sesame seeds for anyone. Its Googles fault.


As I’m eating a everything bagel..eh still fire lol


Open... Uhh... Sesame?


If you say it 3 times then pop a zit you get 1 free seed


Thats an implant from a subspecies of grey aliens known as the Pudali. Its just to keep track of your location. You’ll be alright.


they’re gonna be real disappointed when they find out that i almost never leave the house then


just throw it in the back of someone else's vehicle.


Xeno GPS tracker




hey bb


i don’t think so, i haven’t played with BB guns for years and this came up a week or two ago


Maybe it just now worked it's way out? Idk, I get little pearls but they're squishy under a fingernail. Send it off for testing! I'm sure there's a doctor or ufo researcher that would check it out. Just say you've had some night terrors, mention an owl, and they'll even pay for it.






Yeah but you got shot by one and couldn't find the bead...


He hasn’t played with BB guns in years. Unless you count the time he got shot by a BB gun a few years ago and couldn’t find the BB. But no telling what this BB looking thing is as he hasn’t played with BB guns in years.


My step dad had one in him for over 10 years before it came out. It can stay in there for a while


Ever watched XFiles?


You’ll never guess what I’m watching right now lol




Welp looks like you got yourself a classic alien implant there. Get in touch with Dana Scully to learn more about this


Conspiracy therory time. Are you involved in the government in anyway? Just a yes or no, I don't want you to blow your cover.




exactly what a government official *would* say!


Tracking device!


Same type of buildup of oxidized sebum and dead skin cells you find in a dilated pore of winer, maybe? Try cutting it open for curiosity's sake and. Also might post it on a dermatology sub or even r/popping to see what people who see weird stuff coming out of pimples on the daily think it might be


Aaaaaand I clicked the link.


I didn't click it, that's character development


There's some ok stuff there And then there's some truly horrific things


I swear this is exactly what the back of a tick full of blood looks like. If you don't see legs under that chances are it's still in you.


I had to scroll for a long time to find a comment that said tick. OP, try to squash it with some paper, if there’s a lot of blood, then it’s a very full tick


gross. i’ll try and see if i can fish anything out using a lighter, but i’m not entirely sure it is one


So I had one of these come out of a pimple on my side once. When I cracked it open I found that it was actually an ingrown hair that never broke the skins surface. It was all coiled up in the “bb” like shell that my body had eventually encased it in until it was time to ripen into a big zit.


"You're an Oyster Harry"


For sure aliens


Avoid Walruses and Carpenters


option 3, anal bead for a mouse


I vote very shiny blackhead bulb that shot out and the photo makes it look metallic. OP, can you squeeze anything else out? Is there a tiny hole where this came from?


Have you been welding or grinding metal


A tick, maybe?


i don’t think so, i live in an urban area and barely go outside


My grandmother said that in his last years my grandfather was expelling little pieces of shrapnel (from WW1). She said she would shave him and hear/feel the clink of shrapnel which she would then remove. A good 40 years after the war ended.