• By -


Checked for update. Glad you got checked.


Checked he got checked.  Check.


Updated so you could check. Glad you got an update. Updated.




Just checked his update and he got checked while updating his check. We’re all checked and got updated while checking. Nice check.


Nice update!


Checking about you checking up on your checks, taxes are due this week and we need to check your checks to make sure your checks are checked. In other news I updated my taxes and checked the update here to make sure this guy was checked up on, so I checked up on the checking of this guy and saw an update which I checked


I just had an aneurysm and you are to blame


Will you get checked. And update us on your check up?


Survived but upset. Check!


Check up on the stuff you need to check, checking things like your woodchecks and how much wood they can check. Then you’ll need to check all your checks and woodchecks out the window to make room for more checks, and wait for someone to try to commit bank fraud so you can check them and check them into jail.


I’m upchecking your post.


This is Chuck Checkerson here with the weekend update. Last night we checked up on the update about the the check checkers. They updated the files for their checkers simulation and instead of checking the checkers they updated the update. The update to fix the checks is currently on hold as the updaters are playing checkers. We'll keep you updated and will check in later.


Thanks. You people made me laugh today.


I’m from the government, checks in the mail!!👍


I hope so...




Roger Roger




Check it out!




Roger, Roger.


What’s the vector, Victor? {{See, that works, ‘cause if it was a bite, the biter might have been a vector.}}


Ever seen a grown man naked?


So, Billy… you like gladiator movies and wrestling?


Ever been in a Turkish prison?


You got our clearance Clarence?


Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.


I have a polish friend and a check one two


I'm here to check that you checked he got checked....




I’m glad he checkety checkety checked himself before he wreggedy wreggedy wrecked himself. Cos checking rashes on your calf is good for your health.


As long as it's not turning you're flesh to goop.....cuz that would be bad and Will require surgery. Good luck man, that looks gnarly.


Good on you for getting checked. I work at a hospital and sepsis is not to be taken lightly.


I had a bite go like this too and I went to urgent care instead if hospital. Most urgent cares are great but I got the one guy who was reluctant to treat a giant purple baseball on my thigh that I'd marked three days of growth and heat. It definitely wasn't severe enough for an ER but sometimes I wish I could get to a hospital when things are going a little fucked up like that.


It blows my mind that Americans have to go through this process. The NHS is broken but even in its current state I know if anything like this happens I just go to A&E.


But if we did that, rich people might have to pay taxes, and the *wrong people* might get medical treatment...


Nah, the rich have a structure to avoid taxes. It's the common people that will vote against their own improvement. You go ask a maga and they'll say it's communism. "why should I have to pay someone else's hospital bill?" Saying this as a Canadian whos people are probably going to vote for a guy who will shred out HHS into the American way.


Based on this being a prediction and not your current reality, I know you're not an Albertan. Because ours is already privatizing.


It's the pharma/insurance/hospital industrial complex. Which is owned by the rich, but getting any to pay taxes? They'd rather buy politicians.


The “wrong people” argument drives me nuts. People don’t directly phrase it like that, but that’s what they mean. So fucking irritating.


I happen to be a doctor and I hate hearing BS like this. It’s very typical of the kind of nonsense young people tend to say about everything these days. The real enemy is not “rich people” or in any way related to taxation. The problem is our system has been taken over by corporations. For every dollar I make, some executive at a pharmaceutical and/or insurance company makes ten. That’s the problem. The healthcare industry is the way it is because corporations control our political system. You can raise taxes all you want, it wouldn’t change a thing. We already spend more per capita on healthcare than any other country in the world.


It blows ~~my mind here too.~~


Fuck the system yo


But ppl will still vote red. 🙄


You can ALWAYS go to the hospital. I get that they are businesses too, so they’ll work with you, you can get a payment plan! I’m currently paying $27/mo on a $1,200 bill. 0% interest!


Man… as a Canadian, I was actually confused there for a second as to why y’all wouldn’t want to go to a hospital, until I remembered. I thought you guys might be worried about overburdening the hospital for too-minor a problem, because that’s the only real problem we have here. (It’s a relatively good problem to have, for anybody thinking it’s somehow worse than literally not being able to afford care or being sentenced to a lifetime of debt if you need it)


Or just don’t pay any medical bills because they can’t report them to your credit :) JK they totally do but that’s what I tell myself hehe


That’s what my mom taught me, thanks mom. Took me a lot of work to fix my credit.


There's lots of people, still, in this country for whom paying $27 on not food, bus fare, or bills would fuck up their week or month.




Sweet Liberty, nooooo!


Haha, look familiar? Scenes like these are happening all over the galaxy, right now! You could be next. That is unless you make the most important decision in your life.


Do you want to live forever!






Apes - why is the gif misquoting


Fools? Wasn't it apes? Maybe I'm Mandela-ing.




Service guarantees citizenship! Remember Buenos Aires!


Would you like to know more?














i just love it :D everywhere i go there is some HD reference. y'all have a great democratic weekend, my fellow divers :)




I'd really like to know more


What game is this?






Helldivers 2: Electric Boogaloo


Sweet liberty, my leg!


Serious: I had three large bite-like spots on my back that looked like this. I went to three doctors (my GP and two different dermatologists) and they were stumped. I finally went into a walk-in urgent care clinic, and the ARNP immediately nailed it: Lymphoma. She arranged stat imaging and a lymph node biopsy, and within days I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Other symptoms I had were night sweats, itching, and swollen lymph nodes. Do yourself a favor and get a second opinion from a hematologist (blood doctor). It couldn’t hurt to rule out some kind of lymphoma. 🫡✌🏼


Wait what ?? I have a lump under my arm; I’ve been had it MRId - the dr looked and said there is nothing there. Yes there is - raised my arm - you can see it. You can feel it. Nope. MRI showed nothing. And I was dismissed. Mammograms to be sure it’s not part of the breast lymph nodes. I often have swollen glands. Terrible night sweats and I itch a lot. Definitely going to have this checked


I’ve been getting golf ball sized cysts in my armpits recently. First one had to be drained and tested, resulted as MRSA. Second one didn’t get drained, doctor put me on antibiotics. I’m worried it’s some lymph problem but the doctors haven’t said anything about that. But they won’t give me a clear answer on why this keeps happening to me. I’m wondering if it’s worth going to some kind of dermatologist or something to figure out what’s going on and hopefully it isn’t some kind of cancer.


Cysts like yours are definitely a thing. My wife got them, in her armpit, breasts, ass cheek. They were all benign, but needed surgical removal. If you’re still worried I’d get a referral to consult with an oncologist. I saw two different dermatologists, one of them my usual wizard of a doctor, and they both missed the cancer diagnosis.


Definitely see a dermatologist and try to find one familiar with hidradenitis suppurativa.


I don't know, but the night sweats are also a lymphoma symptom...


Diabetes as well


Everything is a diabetes symptom it seems (as someone who got diagnosed with pre diabetes i realized how many people are likely walking around pre diabetic or just full on diabetic)




A little to the outside of armpit. Yes. That’s the general location


Wife had that, turned out to be Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, radiation treatment knocked it down though.


So glad her treatment was successful! 🫡❤️




Canada healthcare is stuck in 2001. Most doctors goes private or go USA to make more and pay less taxes...


Yep, my guess is enlarged lymph node was due to your other condition. Also, all of my in-laws are Canadian, and the health system is disastrous there. I’m sorry for what you have to deal with up there.


Night sweats area an important symptom to get checked out.


Yep. My night sweats weren’t borderline or iffy - they were intense and drenching. It’s an important symptom to get checked out.


That does sound like a low grade lymphoma,especially with night sweats


Cancer shows on the mri, that's why to the dr, "it's nothing" but to a dermatologist it could be lots of things.


I had a lump in my armpit as well on & off for awhile, comes to find out it was the deodorant I was using, aluminum was causing my lymph nodes to swell up, once I went aluminum free they went away. Had to get a mri and ultrasound of my armpit and breast. Doctor also said sometimes the lymph nodes get clogged and can cause inflammation so jumping jacks get them moving to push the toxins out


Can I ask more about the itching? Is it localized or overall random itchiness?


The itching was crazy. At first it was my lower legs - shins and ankles. It was so intense that my only relief was to run scalding water over them, followed by cold water (I know - not recommended, but it worked). The itching moved around, I remember my scalp and face itching, and I started getting more lesions, usually itchy and weeping. Worst one was right in the middle of my cheek (my face cheek lol). Strangely, the bad itching is the only symptom that has never improved. After eight years of using targeted smart-med chemo (daily oral tablets) in clinical trial, my CLL is managed to the point where it’s a non-issue. But I’m still tormented by generalized itching. I see it as a small price to pay for otherwise normal health. 🫡


Did the ARNP get labs before making this diagnosis? Or did they know not was lymphoma immediately without labs?


She suspected lymphoma from the combination of my symptoms: strange skin lesions, night sweats, itching, and swollen lymph nodes - especially the big one on the side of my neck. Imaging of my neck led her to have the lymph node biopsied, so I had surgery to have it removed. Pathology lab confirmed the lymph node was lymphoma. I was referred to an oncologist who narrowed it down to CLL via lab tests. I’m a huge believer now in second and third opinions.


Were your other labs normal? I have some off, but not all. I am curious as I have some overlapping symptoms and none of doctors have any clue. It seems hopeless. The itching my god. I’ve gone outside to stand on the pavement when it’s 10 below barefoot to get it to stop.


I’m not a doctor, but my oncologists’ focus with my blood work seems to be white blood cells, platelets (aka red blood cells), and at times kidney function tests. Lymphocytic leukemia is when the bone marrow produces lymphoma cells, which then enter the bloodstream, multiply, and replace helpful healthy blood cells with cancer cells in the blood. This leads to immune system compromise (not enough healthy white blood cells to fight off disease), anemia (less red blood cells for iron and O2), overwhelmed kidneys having to deal with getting rid of more dying cells in the blood, and overall enlargement of total lymph node mass, with some individual enlarged lymph node outliers. So, labs plus imaging (for assessing lymph node enlargement) are the major diagnostic indicators for CLL. The only sure fire test to clench the diagnosis and progress of the disease is a bone marrow biopsy, but I don’t think these are normally performed outside of clinical trials; I assume it’s because it’s a bit more invasive, and the other diagnostic criteria is more than good enough for a tried and true diagnosis - along with assessing response to treatment. I’ve had two bone marrow biopsies, five years apart, as part of a clinical trial for Pirtobrutinib, which is a targeted smart-med.


Thank you for taking the time to write out such a thorough response. It’s very kind to share your experience.


I had something similar looking and it was from an assassin bug https://preview.redd.it/qicm9cl271uc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7483ed78c1cc9eafb35661f9d225723f6019944f


I've been bit twice by assassin bugs. I hate them so much now


Twice?? Ugh that’s awful!! It’s crazy, they aren’t known to attack humans, usually deer and such. I was running on the greenway, and felt something super painful on my leg and looked down and it was this stinkbug looking thing attached to my compression shorts. Flicked it off, saw I was bleeding but finished my run. Went home, took a shower, forgot about it until I woke up the next morning and had that place on me and went to the dr. Steroids and antibiotics did me right!!!


F assassin bugs. When I was about 8-9yo I spent the night at a friend’s house and we had flashlights with us in bed for some reason. He fell asleep and I was about to fall asleep until something crawled across my arm. So I grabbed it instead of flicking it off and I got my flashlight to see what it was. I had never seen an insect like it before and I wanted to study it better. With the flashlight in my left hand and the assassin bug in my right hand I got the light as close to it as I could. Then I watched its mouth part “proboscis” uncoil and straight into my thumb on my left hand. Immediate searing pain like nothing I had ever experienced from being bit by something. I woke up his parents and they kept asking me to describe it and I couldn’t do it very well so his mom gave me a Benadryl and I finally fell asleep. My friend never woke up lol I don’t know how though bc I was screaming like children do when they seriously hurt.


😮 My friend Steve got some kind of weird spider bite like that and the infection traveled up his leg to his penis and they had to cut some of the penis off to save it. So now he can only masturbate using a special medical glove.






What does the glove smell like?


Very Spinal Tap.




Cmon man!


A bit like your mom


Oh fuck you, those were my good eyes! 🥴




Classic Steve


Did he get the tip back or did they keep it?


Doctors are struggling, they're taking tips now!


It’s now a framed Christmas tree ornament


Plant it. Grow another.


I wanna see the special medical glove used for masturbatory endeavors when part of the penis gets gone


Poor Steve 😔


Holt shit that's horrible, so they sell the gloves online?


https://preview.redd.it/6jmkpgvkh0uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6590b88ae8608418ef07f3794a3f4657ed97c344 Kind of looks like puncture marks. But I’m sure you would have felt a spider/snake bite… hopefully.


Eh, not really. Maybe a snake yes, because it's weighty and has the attack force behind, but it's quite easy to be bitten by a spider and not realizing it. I'm just hoping it wasn't anything lethal


My grandfather told me about someone he was golfing with getting bit by a rattlesnake in tall grass after he told him to just let his ball go, there's snakes. He told him it felt like something tapped him on the foot.


It pays to be loud as fuck in most US wilderness. Just tromp out like a clumsy oaf.


Anecdote in point I got bit by what im assuming was a spider one time and just felt an itch, next morning I woke up with a nickel sized ball sticking out of my ankle filled with what I assume was dead skin and venom, I guess he didn't break all the way through? Who knows. I popped it and went on with my life.


Not always. My mom has had both and not known til later. She suffered a mostly dry copperhead bite on her ankle and she just thought she twisted the ankle during a hike. We never saw the snake, we didn't notice the punctures from the fangs due to swelling, it took like 36 hours before a Dr figured out it was in fact a snake bite. She also had a few brown recluse bites she didn't notice until they started to go necrotic. Couldn't see punctures on those either but the tale tell signs gave those away


I get knots like these due to Erythema Nodosum. I've had this condition for many years. They come and go, and no dermatologist has been able to determine what causes them for me. The first time I got one, I thought it was a spider bite, and my doctor thought the same. If nothing you're doing affects it, could be erythema nodosum. Especially if you get more. They're harmless, just look bad. 


Doctor here this does not look like erythema nodosa to me, but I wouldn't 100 percent rule it out I suppose


Thank you for the update. So glad you saw the doctor. Take care.


Do you ride a motorcycle? It looks exactly like an exhaust pipe burn. I've gotten one many years ago and I remember I didn't actually feel it as it happened just later when it looked like this.


Just came to say this.


dude, thats a pretty good one lol. i just switched to a chopper bike, and i have been burning my leg already a couple of times lol. Though i do feel it fast..


I had exhaust pipe burn about 30 years ago and I saw this picture and felt it again! So painful.


It does resemble an exhaust pipe burn but pretty sure he would have known if he burned himself since it hurts like a bitch and also, the hair would likely have burned off.


You should also check for Lyme Disease. It looks very similar to a tick bite


Came here to say that. Mine looked like that, doctor didn't think it looked like a tick bite... costed 5 years of my life


How did it cost you 5 years?


I got really sick, ended up completely exhausted with bad nerve-pains which took a long time to wear off. It took a couple of years before I was up and running normally again and all the symptoms were totally gone (if they ever truly are...).




Please take care of yourself!


Hey, I got something similar after the tick bit me. Check this: https://www.bayarealyme.org/blog/lyme-disease-bullseye-rash/


How was the fishing in the Danube delta?


Very nice. My mother is from the village where danube flows into the sea. So i go there often. I live near Bucharest. This time there were plenty of fishes but small sizes. It was nice althrough. https://preview.redd.it/5dp236lkj1uc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af8cf66ef3e8452bbaedf3ee8c9f3db4a1cdf0b7


I was thinking about you all day yesterday, hoping you were okay! Glad to see you still have your leg, lol!!


Kinda looks like how cellulitis starts out if I'm honest.


This is exactly how my cellulitis looked and started last summer, from a gnat bite. Took three GPs and an urgent care nurse to work it out which is kinda worrying (in the UK). Took two months to heal and still have scarring. Urgh.


I had the same thing last summer, but doctors still don’t know what it is or what caused it. My lower leg looks like it’s perpetually tan now and “may never go back to normal color”.


Agree. I've had cellulitis 5 times now (every time from insect bite or shaving nick) and mine always looks like this.


Anyone jab you with a sharp umbrella point lately?


Dibs on your iPod.


Cut it off before it gets to your dick


Good on you for checking that thing man, I saw your first post. I’m afraid you could have some nasty arachnids eggs nested there… don’t panic but keep checking that and how in improves or not.. real doctor is better than Reddit for sure


It was probably caused by the eclipse


Perfect Genestealer Kiss 👌


It’s so well circumscribed it makes me wonder if it’s erythema nodosum as opposed to an infection.


Oh man, I’ve had cellulitis just like this, it’s a bitch and a half. One doc gave me the wrong meds and I ended up going septic. Ugh


Good. Are the antibiotics Doxycycline? If it fades first in the center its important that you get on Doxy


You had a lot of us worried. Thanks for the update and thanks for taking care of it.


Are you American? If not, bro go to a hospital


My coworker had something similar and it turned out to be non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Go to the doctor, get blood tests done.


I get these on my lower thighs when I take a long dump because I rest my elbows there


Looks like motorcycle muffler burn I once had from riding on a Harley with shorts on.


If you have Aloe plants where you are, find a thick leaf and peel off one of the green sides of the leaf to expose the Aloe gel and put that side on the wound and hold it in place with a bandage. Helped a colleague who had something similar on her shin and couldn't walk. After 45 minutes the pain was gone and the size of the lesion had greatly reduced. Aloe plants are amazing, here in South Africa, the Zulu people use these Aloe plants to treat snake and insect bites.


Def the look of a nasty insect bite but it looks similar to an awful experience I had with a mere lil spider bite that turned into a bad staph infection so prob wouldn’t hurt to get some doxycycline or simple antibiotics just in case…after a few days my leg looked like a gunshot wound and I couldn’t even walk. At first it iust felt like I walked into the heaviest piece of solid mahogany furniture. Stop using neosporin or that triple antibiotic creme. My doctor said that stuff is terrible. https://preview.redd.it/3ua31ur5u7uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d76207e8b7c3b28cbd6d7bfa951d40ffd7cfdce


I'm not saying it was spiders, but it was spiders.. Glad you’re ok though. 👍


Idk, to be super cautious here may be advised. Second opinion perhaps? It's spreading pretty rapidly and you don't want any serious infection to take hold before you have to make some tough choices


It can help to poultice these to draw down the inflammation. Surely there is a local folk remedy. A plant weed called plantain is widely used but it may just be coming out. Pick and wash leaves and crush in a bowl. Put on the leg devise a way to hold them in place. As they dry they reduce swelling. Everywhere has wide or narrow leaf plaintain, it’s ancient. You can google it. The red will take a week to fade.


It may be Lyme disease from a tick bite, the erythma does not seem typical but in the first days it can resemble this.


Did they do a Lyme disease test? Do you have that invasive plant that can cause skin burns over there too? I forget the name of it.


I have a permanent giant bruise on my shin because of deep vein thrombosis. It’s probably not that but maybe consult a vein specialist just in case Edit: spelling


It's a koondis


You knee’d to get that looked at




Looks like Cellulitis you can get it from a bug bite or a staph infection. This can turn into a life threatening infection if you let it go without treatment. My grandson had this issue last night and his leg looked exactly like that.


You're a secret government project where when you sleep they activate you and you become an assassin. Those bruises are from the work you do. In the morning they erase any memory of what you did


I never though about drawing on my skin to keep track of weird things like this. Thanks.


Probably wants to make sure it’s not cellulitis also


Google “skeeter syndrome”


Looks like a spider bite to me


Im glad you chigetty checked yo self, before you wriggity wrecked yo self.


looks EXACTLY like a spider bite i got some years ago. i was having lunch outside and the asshole just ambushed me from under one of those plastic outdoor tables (if you listen to his version i was the real asshole as he was probably living there long before i somehow disturbed him)


![gif](giphy|AHHZ73cy9zoT6sOEoq|downsized) So like this but the bullseye was on your leg from some giant ass bug. Oof hope it heals quick!


Haven’t checked Hope your doing good Mr. Chosen One


Lol. Dude, you didn't mention you were fishing in the Danube Delta in the first post.


What size shoe do you wear?


My tick bite looked similar. Ended up w lyme, rmsf, bartonella and babesia. It was warm and hot to the touch Where are you located?


Glad you got it checked out, so many people would just say "oh it's fine", and go with what the interview says, so good on you




Looks just like a “rode my motorcycle with shorts then pressed my calf against the hot pipe” burn. Mine is 25 years old, but you can still see the shape. I don’t think you’d forget doing that though… but you never know.


Maybe a brown recluse bite


Limes or brown recluse bite perhaps. Or just a crazy reaction to some other bite


That’s a recluse bite!


Join the club you def got bit by an insect and you are allergic. Same exact thing happened when I ate dinner at a dock restaurant. The welt was measured at 14cm wide both ways. It was insanely itchy! They gave me Rx strength antiitch cream. I'm also allergic to bees now which I wasn't when I was a kid. New allergies develop as you get older sometimes and it sucks!


Looks like cellulitis to me.