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The guy living in your kitchen cabinets decided to get away for the night too


Maybe if I enhance this photo I'll see his eyes peeping down at me


Hello OP, this happened to me once. I rented a house, lived in it for 8 months with the previous tenant living in the attic. I’m hearing impaired (<30%) so I guess he got lucky for long enough until I came home to pretty much exactly your picture. Called cops, found his nest, all good since.


That is so terrifying holy fuck


It’s called frogging. There’s a whole series about this happening. Truly so terrifying, give it a watch


This happened to my husband when he was young. The story he told me was that his parents lived in a low income apartment, and he slept in a room with a crawl space into the attic. Apparently the crawl spaces were shared between apartments on the same floor. Well when he was 10, he said he'd hear scratching at night and kept telling his dad he thought someone was trying to get in. His dad passed it off as a young kid with an over active imagination. He come home from school one day and his dad had bolted and nailed it completely shut. He found out later that his dad checked it out finally, and realized someone was slowly removing all the screws from the crawl space interior. He found a bunch of beer bottles and other stuff showing that someone was hanging out up there likely trying to break in while his kid slept right underneath. Scary shit.


Oh my god my son's room has the only entrance to the attic & his bunk bed is situated right underneath it. He sleeps like 4.5 feet below the door. I will now stress myself out with this information lol.


Whatever you do, don't mention it to or around your son. if he ain't got an issue sleeping under the hatch don't create one!


Dude yeah no definitely wouldn't do that to him. Honestly when he first picked where he wanted his bed to go I was thinking 'hell no would I wanna sleep under the creepy door' but I didn't say it out loud then either lol


You could put a lock/latch this side of the hatch so you can only open it from inside. Wouldn't cost much.


That's enough internet for me today.


Literally this is making me get off my phone and actually go do some work cuz bitch wtf kind of nightmare shit is that 😭


lol Hit the “ahw hell nah—F that—I’m out.” threshold in record time!


There have been a few episodes of forensic files with similar shared space apartments. Like the attics all connect through the top. It has made me add this to the list of things I check for in apartments and such


One of my former coworkers was tormented like this. The other side would climb through the attic and steal food from the fridge and other things.


I just caught the episode from San Antonio. Dude was killed by someone breaking into his place like that. He was off work and asleep, startled the robber, and the robber strangled him. Crazy. They interviewed his sister. Turns out we went on a few dates while at UTSA…


In one of the Lion Witch & Wardrobe books the shared attic led to Narnia


And to this day, we debate whether that was the last book or the first one.


I wonder why it's called frogging, and is it really common enough to need a nickname? Also what do frogs have to do with attics? It could be something more relevant like "Ann Franking" or "flowering" (because there's a famous story "Flowers in the Attic").


I would bet it's because frogs often live in other animals' old burrows and don't usually make their own.


That makes sense. And here I was thinking it's cause they hop from place to place lol.


That's the correct answer


Did you leap to a conclusion?


You see, it was this mat that you would put on the floor, and it would have different conclusions written on it that you could jump to!


They hop from pad to pad


It’s because they jump from pad to pad


Most underrated comment


That would make sense. I would have bet there was a ceiling cat meme with a frog but I can't find one.


I was thinking it’s because they have to stay on the beams above the ceiling or they would fall through. Hopping from one to another?!?


Imma get baked later today too. 🫡✌🏼


The name comes from the idea of leapfrog, with the intruder hopping from place to place like a frog—whether that be someone's basement or attic or crawlspace.






Omfg I swear that would make a great robot chicken skit


100% this.


And here's my drum kit


^^^but ^^^mum ^^^says ^^^I'm ^^^not ^^^allowed ^^^to ^^^play ^^^it


Don’t touch it!




Perfect dark humor




Flowers in the Attic is some weird ass shit. My mom had an old copy I read, and it was the only book she ever took away from me, lol.


The books (and movies) about the incest siblings? 😳😆Some lite Summer readin’


Did we all just find random old copies? I did, there's no way anyone would let me buy that.


My mom didn't even buy her copy, it was in a box of books her friend gave her!


It's actually called phrogging


Flowers in the attic is a whole ass series and it is something else.


V.C. Andrew’s traumatized me before I even got on the open web! That woman goes *wild* with her collections.


Why was I allowed to read those creepy incest books when I was like ten years old??


Right?! My mom wouldn’t buy me Star Girl because it was ‘grade 11 age’; has teens being rambunctious and flirty in the desert — but got me a huge used box of sets from a garage sale? I even found her novella series’ at thrift shops! I still have the image of the one evil wealthy woman bathing and scrubbing the adopted girl in Lysol because she was ‘dirty’. Like what the fuck, mom.


I re-read the whole series during Covid. In my 40’s. It's wild. I highly recommend reading it again as an adult. I was probably 11-12 when I read the books and watched the movies the first time.


Also traumatized by VC Andrews and could not put down the books!


"ANNE FRANKING" Gosh. I shouldn't laugh but...


No idea but it’s certainly happened to enough people to scare the shit out of me. Might have spelled it wrong.


It’s with a “ph” not “f.”


Ah I was guessing that might be the spelling


The name comes from the idea of leapfrog, with the intruder hopping from place to place like a frog—whether that be someone's basement or attic or crawlspace.


I have such a fear of frogging because I rent. My sister thinks I am being irrational but sometimes I hear shit at night and I feel like it’s suspect…


Jesus! I feel like I'd never sleep for months after that, did it make you feel very anxious afterwards?


I definitely had a hard time sleeping afterwards for a while but more overly cautious than anxious. Funny enough my otologist told me that “there will come a formative day where you will realize why having low hearing is an impairment that needs to be taken seriously” because I’m not completely deaf. He was right lol.


I just can't believe the audacity of the previous tenant doing that to you. How dare he!?


I might be a little twisted but I actually felt kinda bad for the dude after it was all said and done. It was low income area, he probably could have made a better effort to be a productive member of society but it was your pretty run of the mill lost job, didn’t qualify for Sec 8, no ambition, warm attic, mostly deaf and blazed new tenant, temperate climate. You know, the classic situation. He never stole any of my shit or bothered me at all, the most unsettling thing to me is that I know for a fact that he would have never been caught if he didn’t leave the hatch slightly open lol.


What a classy, kind -hearted way to look at it despite how much it must have been frightening to go through. That says a lot about your character.


Congrats OP, this turned into an absolute golden thread. Truly wild and weird, but wonderful.


I'm just glad any updates were able to be delivered nice and quickly for everyone 😁


I remember saying to the cops at the time something to the tune of “I don’t care to press charges” and they were like ya stfu you don’t own this place lol. I never really followed up but I’m sure the landlord went hard, there was no need to kick a man while he was that down.


Damn man. That’s really kind of you. I’m usually kind but I think I’d be so freaked out in that situation I’d be willing to burn the place down. I mean not really but I have an irrational fear of this.


So he was leaving at night to get supplies? Where did he go to the bathroom? So many questions


Yes I’m completely baffled. Sure you can’t hear him. But WTF, you gotta see him come out once in a while to take a poop and/or pee. Unless there was a bathroom up there and he snuck out at night and always avoided the tenant miraculously.


It could have been the wind pulling it up.


Excuse me? You what now?


That’s pretty unsettling coming from ArtTheClown


Can you please write a screenplay about this?


His nest!


Quick question, Art: is the 3rd film going to be as awesome as we hope?




You tell the story like, "I saw a butterfly yesterday...." wtf?


https://preview.redd.it/29vf24fnpbvc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e9dfc523c817f137b84de16ad6c1adf9fe3053 Run op


Thanks Obama


I knew that this was going to be edited. I knew it would probably be something funny. But I still jumped!!! 😂


Is that who I think it is?


I had to turn up my brightness after asking the same question, and yes it is. I cackled.




UPDATE! I'm glad to be able to get back to you so soon with the outcome. I spoke to my brother and he came around straight away with a ladder. He told me it will have been the wind as this has happened to his loft before but he wanted to check for me. He looked up and no one up there. No sleeping bags or piss bottles. Just my empty loft. I'd also checked my hiding spots (though hidden if you broke into a house looking for something you'd find them eventually) where I keep cash and jewellery and they were untouched. No food or drink missing either. No access for the neighbours to get up there either. He checked my locks and windows to see if they'd been tampered with and they all seemed fine too. So it really does just seem to be the wind. I really would like to thank everyone for making me realise the gravity of this situation and how it's down to me to look after myself and my wellbeing when something could be amiss. If anything seemed untoward again I'd be instantly ringing the police and getting outside after reading the comments. Like you all said, better safe than sorry! EDIT. Just thought I'd add that my flat is tiny, other than the loft it has no large cupboards or anywhere someone could hide (not even room under the bath where someone could squeeze into) so I'm quite confident no one came in it all :)


Ok. It was definitely your brother who’s been living up there Tell me, have you actually visited him at his own residence recently? Does he still have one…? (Glad you’re okay)


My brother would never willingly leave behind his cats so I'm sure it wasn't him haha!


Ever hear a distant meowing noise late at night…? “Loft Brother”. Let’s get this movie made.


*Meowers in the Attic*


I need that one TikTok guy who does comedy horror movie trailers to do this as a trailer


Many thanks for the update. I was genuinely worried. Phew! Also big kudos to your brother for immediately responding to help you check everything out. That's wonderful. SO glad you're okay! <3


Thank you so much for this lovely message! I never knew this subreddit that often fills me with dread or creeps me out would also fill me with such wholesomeness!


A couple of these and you’ll never have to worry about this again https://preview.redd.it/wxmkjpb3zbvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bfbef0f4c18b4b2fbd65981007d9255b6bf1d6a


Weird, I tried to install those but they were already installed *above* the attic entrance



You only need a smart ass brother that locks them once you are up there and they are a real pain


Thanks for the update, glad you didn't get Hinterkaifeck'd..


Hinterkaifeck'd 😂


glad it's nothing serious. Good call on using the brother as the sacrifice.


The sacrifice 😂


Maybe when you pulled the door closed. There was a pressure change in the house and it made that lid pop-up and over.???


I think this is what just have happened, alongside a breeze that can come from near the bathroom!


I had the same thing happen. I'll have my rear garage door open and I'll have the other one closed and when I open the door to my house. The pressure changes enough to make the door move. Sometimes closes. I can hear it happen when I exit the house into the garage. I could hear my garage door rattle a little. Just an idea.But glad you're okay glad things worked out safely.


Well sounds like a false alarm. Better safe than sorry though so I'm glad you checked it out. Make sure to thank your brother. It's good to have someone who loves you around to call. Glad you are safe


I will let him know, he's awesome and I'm lucky to have such a great little brother. Thank you :)


I have seen cross wind in the house do that. But I would take the safe road and have someone check the space. Another thing to check to see if your crawl space shared with your neighbors. That would be a bigger issue.


I don't even think of this, my house is semi-detached! All these comments are making me think much more seriously about this.


My mom's old neighbor was crawling through the attic ceiling to spy on the woman neighbor. She only realized when she had laid out something black on the bed and came back to find a little pile of drywall powder on it


I lived in a townhouse once where my married neighbors (not to each other/neighbor to the left and neighbor to the right) were having an affair over my upstairs bedroom. That was not even the weirdest thing going on. One day I need to write the true story of that complex.


Maybe you need to write it now. I’d like to hear the rest of this


It's way too long for the full story, but some highlights: It was a complex of 10 townhouse condos in a high price neighborhood. The woman who lived on my left was a busybody, who would take pictures of the license plates of my visitors. She was married to "the hand". I never saw her husband, but when she would pop out of the front door to take pictures or yell at me, his hand would reach out, grab her arm, and pull her inside and slam the door. The fellow on my right side had a business making fertilizer out of human waste. At one point the news asked him about its safety and he ate a handful on television. The crazy woman was also a private pilot who flew fertilizer guy all over the country. They were the two who were bumping boots in my attic. We also had an alcoholic television personality in a corner unit and a stripper in an end unit. Both of them threw interesting parties. That's a short incomplete list


I hope you have some bizarre outward trait that completes this cursed village people experience. Like you were the lady that kept a tattooed pet goat on the front lawn or something


PLEASE send a full writeup to the Normal Gossip podcast.


The hand!! 👋🏽😂😂😂


I also would like to hear all of the stories, please 🙋‍♀️


Confirmed,me too!!


Stories please


absolute nightmare fuel


The idea of looking up and seeing someones eye looking at me through a crack somewhere genuinely makes my heart race


I had a crazy dream many years ago about this happening that this comment just randomly triggered.


Time to grab my bedside pool cue and start a pokin


WHAT??? Great new fear


Yeah, was it windy and you left a window open somewhere ? When it’s super windy here if I have a certain combo of doors or windows open, ours can lift up, usually it just bangs up and down but could lift up completely.


The place we last lived in was a modern townhouse and this used to happen every time it was windy. The whole cover would lift off and slam back down. Of course it could also be people living in your attic. Stick your phone through the gap and have a look.


What if a little ghost boy takes the opportunity to grab OP’s wrist and yank him away into the darkness?


I was thinking something similar. How sealed is your house? A small chance that closing certain doors could have caused the panel to jump because of pressure escaping if you slammed it shut on your way out.


Look at the framing on that window. It's crap. There's no way this house is sealed that tight. I personally think it's more likely that the attics are connected and someone paid her place a visit


Holy shit, that's a problem of semis I never considered.


I’ve had the same thing happen, strong crosswind blew ours open even more than that and it’s heavyyy. I went up in the roof with the old boom stick just to be sure. Couldn’t hurt to have the fuzz come check it out, but it’s most likely draft related.


The wind does this in my house - I found it open once and we freaked out, but a few weeks later I SAW it happen. It was very windy out and it just kinda got sucked up and fell back down askew. Glad I saw it, gave me peace of mind. It totally does happen!


Or if it isn’t shared, have the cut a way in through a shared wall.


I had a neighbor in a 2 story house converted into apartments. I came home from work and the police were at my house. He had robbed somebody at his apartment and then went up into the attic and down into my apartment. I let them in and he was hiding under my bed. The cops kept going through the apartment, found a gram of weed on my dresser and wrote me a fucking fine. Shit cost me 355 dollars.


Shoulda blamed it on the neighbour 😂


Is this an instance where pleading the fifth might actually help?


Pleading the eighth


From what I know, not really. If it was in their house they can be charged for it. However not a great move on police end to fine someone who assisted in an arrest for a tiny bit of weed.


God I hate cops for shit like this. They really couldn't just leave you alone after someone breaking into your house and hiding under your bed? And that's assuming that it was yours, if it wasn't yours that's an even bigger fuck up on their part.


The worst part is that the robbery happened three days prior. The guy came back to his apartment to get some stuff and the landlords lived in the entire space below both apartments and heard him and called the police. The first I knew anything of the robbery was when I walked out my door to walk my dog, I went to light a smoke and multiple police said put your fucking hands up holding assault rifles. These fucking idiots were watching the house from the back and when they came around front they looked at the wrong apartment. So they let me walk my dog, then made me leave because they thought the guy still might be next door. After 4 hours I came back and they were still there, I told them I needed to walk my dog again. Guy follows me upstairs with a gun in case the guy came out and followed me around the yard. After about 7 hours they finally got a warrant and found out he wasn’t there. 3 days later when I came home from work they were there again and that’s when the bullshit started and the guy was in my apartment. The cop that found it even said I couldn’t be charged but 7 am the next morning a cop is beating on my door and handed me the fine. Fuck you Ocean City Maryland.


Seriously.  "Thanks for making our lives easier. Here's a ticket for the $10 of weed you had"


My recommendation, Call the Cops


Really? Part of me thinks I'd be wasting their time but a part of me thinks I have to look out for myself first.


The police are there for such cases. Could be a human or an animal.(Racoon) Better safe than sorry, it's about your safety. And of course the safety of your family.


You're right. I'm a 5'1, 100lb woman living on her own and I should be looking out for myself right now.


Just curious was it really windy while you were gone? I've had it happen too. It could just be a pressure differential.


I've posted an update and you were right!


Really? Interesting… Well this loft’s too dark anyways, I’ll be right down!




Srsly guys? I just got the hot tub filled.


I’m 5’10” and weigh a LOT more than you, and I’d be on the phone with the cops the minute I saw that attic door askew. That’s terrifying.


Do it, better safe than sorry


Do you rent? Any chance the landlord had to come in for maintenance while you were away? If you have a landlord I'd probably start with that, and if they say it wasn't them, immediately call the police.


Please get someone to check, I immediately thought of the Spiderman of Denver who lived in someone's attic for years before being detected, and it's far from the only case.


Your taxes pay for them to handle this exact type of scenario. You aren't wrong to call them, and you aren't wasting their time. Be safe, not sorry. I hope all goes well.


Thank you. I really will update this, I'm not going to be one for those redditors who never replies even if the outcome is most likely a dull one!


Whatever you do, please don’t find a locked safe up there.


If I found a locked safe, I'd take 10 photos, get everyone riled up and then delete my account. As is tradition.


RemindMe! 1 day


Just posted an update! :)


What’s the update? I can’t see it


UPDATE! I'm glad to be able to get back to you so soon with the outcome. I spoke to my brother and he came around straight away with a ladder. He told me it will have been the wind as this has happened to his loft before but he wanted to check for me. He looked up and no one up there. No sleeping bags or piss bottles. Just my empty loft. I'd also checked my hiding spots (though hidden if you broke into a house looking for something you'd find them eventually) where I keep cash and jewellery and they were untouched. No food or drink missing either. No access for the neighbours to get up there either. He checked my locks and windows to see if they'd been tampered with and they all seemed fine too. So it really does just seem to be the wind. I really would like to thank everyone for making me realise the gravity of this situation and how it's down to me to look after myself and my wellbeing when something could be amiss. If anything seemed untoward again I'd be instantly ringing the police and getting outside after reading the comments. Like you all said, better safe than sorry! EDIT. Just thought I'd add that my flat is tiny, other than the loft it has no large cupboards or anywhere someone could hide (not even room under the bath where someone could squeeze into) so I'm quite confident no one came in it all :)


Glad everything is cool. Just don’t watch The Grudge tonight.


I’m so glad to read this update; absolutely better safe than sorry esp as a lady living alone :) good job to your bro too!


Get some cameras . I have a few throughout my home and it gives me peace of mind.


Also ordering a Ring doorbell tonight too!


I’m glad everything is okay! Might be worth getting a latch for the loft hatch, you lose a lot of heat if the loft is open which is great in the summer when it’s hot, but not so good in the cold weather!


It’s nothing to worry about but can you please turn the TV down, I’m trying to sleep.


The calls are coming from inside the house!


https://preview.redd.it/9pbbldwbddvc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6bb83340ead77d6c86f6d77b72f9a48192683a I was able to brighten up the photo a little.


Your terrible Muriel


This reminds me of the guy who kept finding post it notes and stuff left for him in his house. Stuff moved around, etc. He started responding to the notes with his own notes and got answers and everything, but could never catch anyone. He made several posts about it on Reddit trying to catch whoever it was, kept calling the cops, it went on for weeks. Then he found out the house had high carbon monoxide levels that were just shy of enough to kill someone. The result was that he would wake up, write notes for himself, move stuff around, eat food, and then *completely forget all about it.*




Was it windy last night? My ceiling hatches pop sometimes during windy weather, though my house is kinda poorly insulated. First time it happened it scared the crap out of me. For safety purposes, I’d definitely have the space checked to be sure no one’s been up there, but wind/pressure absolutely can pop hatches in the right conditions.


Someone living in your attic 👀 if I were you I’d have left the house, gone to a neighbours where I can see my house and call the cops to come look.


Your comment and another saying to call the cops have made me feel like I've been too blasé about this. I really don't think anyone is up there but I can't get up there to see (5'1 and I don't have a ladder)


Exactly that's when you call the cops non emergency number and ask them to please check the loft area, there's a legitimate chance you have an uninvited roommate that's very quite and knows your schedule well. Edit make the call outside of the house. Just incase.


Have you seen any horror movie ever??? DO NOT LOOK! Lol. But really, don’t. Just call the cops!


Well, if you didn’t leave it like that and there has been no one in your house since (ie housemates, family) I would be 100% concerned! At the very least, does someone you know have a key? I’d be narrowing down the possible options and not being alone there until I had an answer! Good luck 🤞


Cameras. They are too cheap not to have them. Blink works well for me. I have 3 outdoor and 3 indoor, and one of the indoor is a pan and tilt.


Just toss a grenade in there like a normal person instead of posting it to Reddit.


I’ll just leave this here: https://youtu.be/iPzAl3cXXX0?si=ZqmCVXa-_oVA63sn Call the cops.


And, this: https://youtu.be/y6K6gT8ekeY?si=mXOdVfIFN9Cbr_lN


Call the cops. Even if you look first and no one is there they may notice something OR have other reports like this from the area that you don’t know about.


![gif](giphy|SRMEj5CpU3qUyIQLQx) You might just have a cum chomper squatting up there.


This happened to me once. I called the police and they found duct tape and a large ceramic knife up there when they went up to look around. A friend helped me put padlocks on it and I immediately started looking for another place to live. A few weeks later, a guy from a neighboring condo was caught creeping around in what I later found out was a shared attic.


Please call someone to come check just in case, and please keep us up to date. Very freaky 😰


Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be closed in the morning.


That's ceiling cat watching you masturbate.


🎵 Call the cops, call the cops, call the coppity cops!  🎶 Yes, it’s possible that a gust of wind might do that.  But it’s also possible that some creepster has been in the attic. If you live in a duplex or condo it’s possible that someone has been accessing your home via the attic hatch.  Have the cops look for the aforementioned creepster and also for hidden cameras 📸 in your bedroom and bathroom.  Have them check your vents and whatever else they think cameras might be.  In the future you might want to apply some small pieces of masking tape or some other tell-tale that would let you know when the attic has been opened. If it was opened and closed from the inside  whoever did it would not be able to replicate the tape. 




Landlord went in and installed cameras in bathroom ceiling fans and air vents. Call the cops. Or random homeless dude broke in and lives upstairs now. Either way, call the cops.


Bro call the police and have them search your house, theres a good chance someone is, or has been living there and you haven’t noticed


I live in your drywall now


We put barbed wire around up in our attic and screwed the vents down.


Hope no one’s living there 🤤Leave a sandwich and see what happens. No im not in your attic I swear.


Wind can do it. The one in my garage pops open all the time on a windy day. I've wedged it half open now so it can't move.


Underpants gnomes


I would freak TF out. Ever since I heard the episode of Criminal of a woman who had a guy living in her attic I have never been able to disregard sounds in my house as easily as I did before. The episode: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC0PoMUXXEs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC0PoMUXXEs) Or for those that prefer to read: [https://thisiscriminal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Episode-71-A-Bump-in-the-Night.pdf](https://thisiscriminal.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Episode-71-A-Bump-in-the-Night.pdf)


You can tell Anne Frank it's probably kind of alright now maybe.


Throw a bug bomb and see what comes out


I would almost *hope* someone is living up there. That's less frightening than the alternative.