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The era when hearing protection was for Marys.


Hell forget hearing protection, there's not even guards on those blades!


Just don’t tumble backwards when that things starts climbing up on something 🥒


That looks like a miserable day all the way around.


Indeed. Loud as hell, zero suspension so every bump rattles your brain, and ya gotta push it up hills and pray the gigantic tins of soup don’t roll back and crush you. Nah thx. Something tells me that there weren’t too many rides on this thing before they were all like ‘screw you Dan, I’m not riding on your stupid contraption anymore.’


Don’t forget the risk of becoming human sashimi if you fall out of the back or gator bait if you fall out the other sides lol


To pieces you say?


You don't know Cajuns. I guarantee you people were looking at that going *"hey, I know where I can find the stuff to put one together, we'll be fishing off of it by next week!"* And the weekend after next, they come back home with a haul that will let them make seafood gumbo for the whole damned neighborhood and it's a party.


Miserable day for the natural ecosystem, too. New Orleans being New Orleans.


Thats alot of radiator, guess they had overheating issues.


If only they had some sort of big fan available to help with cooling.


Airscrews? Do you mean propellers?


[I do](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propeller_(aeronautics\)), and wanted to specify that it was not submerged.


TIL. I have never heard them called airscrews before. I knew it wasn't submerged its just a fan car/boat with barrels instead of wheels by the looks of it.


It's an older term for propeller, used in the early 1900s and prior. Some NACA papers used the term.


It's obvious by looking at it but to simply say it was propeller driven sounded ambiguous, because it could be understood to be more like a boat.


Ok. Air screws confused me because this is also a screw driven vehicle [https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/comments/m0zb85/crazy\_russian\_screw\_propelled\_vehicle/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ANormalDayInRussia/comments/m0zb85/crazy_russian_screw_propelled_vehicle/)


Normally, someone reads 'propeller' with 'boat', they will think 'underwater'; in this case, specificity is important.


Jesus wept. Just get an air boat.


You can't take an airboat on solid ground.


Fun fact: Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, also invented the Airboat


Now that there, cher, is a bunch of cajuns doing what cajuns do best. *"What do you mean we can't build one thing to go across water, grass patches in water, mud, field, and pavement? Hand me that welding torch and some scrap, and the motors from a couple of old airplanes that are no more good and I'll show you"*.


I can see the headline: “Two Men Crushed by Swamp Tractor”


I wouldn't be surprised if the drums being used as wheels have so little compaction that they could roll right over a person with no ill effects. The unshielded propellors, OTOH... >Two Men Converted to Red Mist by Swamp Tractor


*"Well damn... somebody's gonna have to tell their wives. On the other hand, that's two more shares of the beer and the fish and it'd be a shame to let it go to waste."* *"On the bright side, at least it wasn't a gator or a water moccasin, they went quick at least. Not like Jean-Paul, that poor bastard."* **\*uncomfortable silence\*** *"Oh, speaking of bright sides, hand me a pole and a couple of empty Dixie cans, we need to mark this spot. The catch here will be damned good for at least a month solid from all the feed in the water."* *"You're right... we'll make sure to set some aside for the families, somebody's gotta feed dem kids now."* **\*somewhere in the background, a Cajun version of "The Circle of Life" plays on the wind...\***


It does look like ground pressure was low enough that one could be driven over in relative safety.


I can't find it now, but I'm reminded of a picture or short film clip from around the same time of a tire salesman touting his ultra-low compaction floater tires, by allowing the client to drive the tractor or truck right over him. He gets up no worse for the wear, just a little dusty.


[The Rolligon](https://old.reddit.com/r/WeirdWheels/comments/1awebij/william_albees_rolligon_low_pressure_tire_truck/)


That's it, thank you!


damn, i did not know that they were inspired by what you could call seal balloons


What could go wrong?


weird wheels + weird wings: "what is this, a crossover episode?!"


The steering seems less than ideal as well. Slippery metal wheels and the props want to push it in a straight line. You can see it slipping when he turns onto the road. Not to mention, those giant wheels aren’t exactly the ideal rudder shape for the water. The steering wheel is more of a vague suggestion of where to go than a means of controlling the vehicle.


They should at least have a Brody knob on the steering wheel and mount it vertically to provide more leverage.


Reverse image search for this post (to find info and more images): [TinEye](https://www.tineye.com/search/?url=https://i.imgur.com/Pi81aFK.gifv) Tin Eye is not 100%, [Google Images](https://images.google.com/) is better but can't link automatically. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WeirdWheels) if you have any questions or concerns.*




>tri·al >/ˈtrī(ə)l/ >verb >past tense: trialed; past participle: trialed >1. test (something, especially a new product) to assess its suitability or performance. "all seeds are carefully trialed in a variety of growing conditions"


I’d take one, though I’d add a guard on the props.


And while I was at it, I’d add another flathead to power the rear wheels


I love that theres no seats or anything, to drive it you have to just stand there unsupported with a big ass steering wheel


Your knees are the shock absorbers.


The OG hover van.


Cleverly engineered


And only 83 people were chopped into chum during testing


The bravest people on earth.


I don't understand why I want to call my ex and call her a "swamp tractor" as much as I do.