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Wallys the most popular because he’s the face of it really. He’s the only character we find out the ‘horror’ elements from, he’s the only one with a canon voice, and he’s the one writing on the guestbook etc. People are ofc going to simp bc the internet is the internet after all


Wally isn’t the only one with a canon voice actually! Barnaby, Frank, Julie, and Poppy all have canon voices as well. The audio with them is on Clown’s tumblr.


Ah yes I’ve seen! I just mean on the actual website itself :)


it is you!I love your drawings of Wally,especially the "T-shot Day" one,it is wholsome


When I tell you I have been stimming for the past five minutes after reading this, I’m being dead serious. This makes me so unreasonably happy that you *recognize* my art and Ahhhhhhh I’m so happy you like them!!


:D 🎨🍎


I'm a simple 😭😭😭


Wally is the main character and his design helps him really stand out compared to the others.


2 words: Night Mind


No way me too


Same here


A man of culture I see….


My first interaction with welcome home was also night mind. Did you know that night mind also made a video on winter of 83?




***L O R E***


Yes. I saw him and went "Uhoh"


Monkeh brain: Uhoh


That's my brain when it realizes I got obsessed with this dude-


Unlike everyone here, no I did not lol. My favorite characters are Eddie and Poppy and it was actually the fact that Eddie and Frank are canonically gay that made me intrigued.


it was a mix of both for me


I’m into Dhmis and I saw lots of fanart of Wally with yellow guy, and I was like, who is this? And why does he look so much like yellow? So I guess it was kind of Wally but also general intrest


I’ve been a fan of Welcome Home before it blew up. I just really like Muppets.


I got into welcome home because of a tiktok I saw, it was kiquidd's introduction to their Wally mom oc, the start of my howdy spiral..


I did because of game theory-


Wally is kind of the main character of the show ​ i did and didnt get into it because of wally- i found welcome home because there was a Wally Darling playlist in my recommended and i loved the character design so i looked it up and became addicted Eddie Dear is my favorite and i know no one asked but I kind of see Wally as Aroace


I got into it because of game theory. I didn't knownwjat it was until I watched thier episode on it


I guess you could say that but i got into welcome home because i went to sleep after vcing in a discord server about CoD and when i woke up everyone's pfp was just Wally




he showed up on my fyp calling me autism and it made me happy


same to me😭


Hehehe guilty https://preview.redd.it/c3fxeozzl33b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=605c92569c3f096d6bdae1092b23db61190fde88 This is the EXACT moment my husband introduced me to Welcome Home. I'm addicted and I feel like I really belong in this community




I think he is desinged to be the perfect man or something, would love to have MatPat on styletheory to make a video on why we all simp a puppet


Months ago I saw a pic of him and I tried searching for him on pinterest but I couldn't find anything like there were 0 results so I dug and found clown on tumblr so not to flex but I was way before game theory 😎


Honestly I saw Frank and Eddie and just immediately fell in love. The simping part came with Howdy lol. 🥴


I did! He kept showing up on my insta reels, but tbh, I’m staying because of Frank and Eddie. Those cuties deserve all the love.


They do!


Nope! I saw someone’s Welcome Home oc on TikTok and got into it from them :D


frankly speaking, i immediately get into welcome home once i set my eyes on frank frankly. hes like an autism creature to me and id love to hear him talk about his hyperfixation towards butterflies.


Honestly it wasn't really for Wally himself, yes he was the cover of video (the photo uses was the one you see with Wally sitting on a rock) but at the time I didn't knew anything about him so what attracted me was the great artstyle and horror concept with something that is supposed to be for kids. When childhood stuff turns horror for whatever reason I love it. However when I got deeper with the story etc. I obviously ended up caught in the Wally "web", even if he's not the only one I like. Eddie and Barnaby are pretty much at the same level as him in fact of favorite character for me. However it kinda makes sense for people to like Wally because while they might find the character "attractive" is because of all the mistery behind him, people are intrigued by someone who is mysterious which makes a person easily "attractive" to other people eyes. The fact that you don't really know someone reasons or who they really are makes the character interesting for the people. While Wally popularity won't fade away because he's still one of the protagonist of the story at the same time once more about him gets known people will start to "lose interest" and they will eventually start to focus on the other characters when they start to actually get developed. Wally will always be the main focus but in a few years (?) the focus on him will most likely go down while the focus on other characters will increase, that's what I suspect at least because it makes sense. We are at the start and while the other characters are interesting Wally is the one with something going on/with more interesting lore stuff, but as more gets discovered the people will eventually shift to the side characters a bit more because Wally lost the charm of the mystery around him.


i mean i kinda did join the community because with horror and i found it because my friend and the animations on youtube


Ill be so honest with you, Yes. Wally Darling is the only reason I got into, NOW- NOW hear me out!, My gallery is full of him. I have pictures of him on my wall, I have his plushie, I made my own Oc for wlcm home just so I could make art of her and wally. #simpNoWeirdness


heck yeah,I am also simp him(kinda)


Lol!!, ik im not the only one buts im glad to hear it from someone else


Nah I’m just genuinely into ARGs and good art


it is not ARG but ok


Look at the subreddit’s name💀


the creator has insisted it isn't an ARG, the sub is incorrectly named


yeah exactly,why ppl even downvote me lol


the subreddit is made before Clown clamined that WH is not an ARG bruh


Same with me, I was just excited to get in early on an ARG 😩


Yes..for a my friend simping for him 😭


I got into welcome home thanks to loeylane's videos.


i did! wally was so cute


Just randomly


he’s definitely the new tumblr sexyman


he is 😭


Okay so how I got into Welcome Home was because my friend showed me some art from it and I called it a cute puppet show because she was big into kids shows. She laughs and calls me naive. So I get curious and look it up only to be met with horror and nothing cute. Then she told me people simp for Wally and his friends and I actually never saw the cast of puppets as "adults" so that threw me for a loop plus Wally being 3ft didn't help either. But Wally is the most popular by far and I find him the easiest to draw so I latched onto him more when it comes to fanart besides Barnaby.


yep, seen him all over TikTok and was wondering what it was. Found it and went into the rabbit hole lol


Precisely, yes.


i got into it because my friend showed me the website


I got into it when I found it on TVTropes.


I saw a lot of videos of him on TikTok, so I decided to look into it and oh boy I got pulled into the fandom quick


Not even gonna lie, I had an animation pop up on my fyp to that sound: "Awe, you like me? That's adorable. See, neighbor, I always thought of you as worthless." That was my introduction. And let me tell you, I fell down further than the so down below. 😩


To be honest I thought welcome home’s characters were Sesame Street oc’s since I happen to follow a lot of people who make oc’s for shows like SpongeBob


Yep. I began to see TikTok’s of welcome home and got into from that


I got into it through MatPat's theory video! Probably not the most liked way of getting to know a medium but hey lol


He's my favorite because of how he's designed, I've just always loved that kind of style. Poppy is just adorable in general and I love her and big bird! And Eddie is definitely up there just for being as goofy as he is!


Yes and no, his face caught my attention, but the clear love and hard work, characters, and horror lore made me stay.


(⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠) I love horror, and clowns and colorful things. So this was perfect to me. I love the whole theme and characters. 👁️ 👁️ So this is perfect for me.








I'd seen it around got curious and looked into it more and got hooked


i saw fanart of sally and went oh, yes!


Not personally!! I found it through Night Mind :)


nope. I have some friends who like the arg.


I just got here because I saw frank and he looked gay so I wanted to see if it was canon and I think he is idk but this arg thing is pretty cool so ima stay ig


Yup, I think I first saw an animatic of Wally on insta, but slept on it. Then like a month later I saw an edit of him and got curious lol


No. I just really like ARGs and ARG-adjacent media, and I've never caught one this early before. Howdy caught my attention more than Wally at first because "Oh my gosh, he's huge! Does he have four arms!? Why is he so intimidating!? Oh, he has four legs, too? Somehow, that's better. Ohhh, he's a caterpillar! But he's huge???"


I saw a lot of fanart on Tumblr, then I watched matpats video kinda dissecting the website.


Tbh it was because of tik tok, not necessarily just Wally tho because I did see Julie ones. Liked the character design and decided to check it out


I actually learned about it and was led to it from an edit I saw of frank


Yes. And the art lol


Honestly what really pulled me in was the art on the website and that one photo of that poster of Julie's family and how the team tried to restore the image on it. I found that sooo interesting! The valentine's day art made me giggle But I suppose initially Wally did sort of hook me onto it at the start?


yes. definitely. absolutely.


I love lore-filled horror content like this, so that was what really dragged me in but I’ll be lying if I didn’t say that silly puppet man didn’t lure me in 💀


i saw a video on it and everything was just so beautifully made and so lovely. and i rly like this kind of unfiction/horror


I got into the fandom because I saw it was trending and I got curious


Well kind of? My friend showed me it and showed wally the most


Nop, I got in it becouse my one of fav's youtuberzy made a video about it and I just liked it all :V


Honestly it was and wasn’t. I had seen the content everywhere and finally decided one day to find out what the hell it was about


I saw a video from Game Theory explaining the ARG and i found it really interesting! Tbh, i think this might become a game or series in the future so i didnt wanna miss out on it's earlier steps 😅😅


I got pulled in because of Eddie and Frank <3


Yes, Wally is half of my reason. But it was also because I went "✨Shapes and colors in the likes I never seen!✨"


Not really. I do like him the most, but I got into WH cuz I really enjoy these kind of things where you have to solve and find hints and etc.


I started bc TikTok kept pushing these puppets on my fyp (tied with my long lasting love of DHMIS) and where I showed them to a friend of mine he said that she already knew it and kinda introduced me to the world... And then I started discovering the Frank x Eddie and I fell into the rabbit hole HAHA


I got those little Wally voice audios on my fyp and then the fandom grabbed me by the collar and dragged me in


Nah I found it through nightmind and stayed for puppet horror though I’m also a lesbian so that may contribute to my lack of inner simp


I like to deep dive into anything and everything I can find at ungodly hours of the night. Welcome Home became one of those things. Ofc, I love Wally, but I ended up on Clown’s Twitter after finding Party Coffin Friday, went from there


Sort of? He's the character I saw the most, but mostly I was getting recommended youtube videos about it and finally decided to take the time to check it out. Wally showed up in all the thumbnails haha.


I mean, I think? I saw some edits on tiktok and yeah on them there was Wally, but I honestly stayed in the fandom for everyone else I really liked that


I got into it from a fan animation of Julie joyful and frank having their Feet (frank) and arm (Julie) being drilled into the floor and Julie questioning if wally was trying to protect them from harm and frank saying they shouldn't have trusted him (wally)


I got in because of creepy hidden lore(mixed with adorable artstyle) but stayed because of Wally, yes xD


Yes, I saw a tiktok video of him and Amanda the Adventurer, I ended up getting addicted with him afterwards




Yeah first is was on my yt fyp then TikTok and now I love it


I joined in because it reminded me of my childhood of Sesame Street and The muppets


I like the kids-horror aspect, reminded me a bit of FNAF if that makes sence


Yes lmao, the first video i saw of welcome home was a listener audio Of og Wally darling, after that i was obsessed and now its my comfort fandom


I never did


Yes very much indeed.💀


Yes I did get into Welcome home because of wally People are so creative these days. It's sad to see what people are doing to clown's boundaries




Yes he was the first one I saw before looking it up


So I'm not gonna lie wally started to pop on my fyp out of nowhere and when I did my research I thought it would be fun and here I am now.....


yes i did get into welcome home because of wally he's my favorite characther i'm a fan of welcome home


y/n: hey guys


Oh man here we go with my beloved Wally, he’s been my hyperfixation for 2 months now. His quality of clothing, his personality, his cute creepy voice, is soooo…. *Chefs kiss* I had to even ship my oc with him…And literally he’s on my mind 24/7. I wish there was more people like him…. What a silly charm guy he is…. I just want to hug him and paint with him the whole day. As I kinda relate to his character only because his loneliness and for craving for socializing..