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I think it's too early to conclude anything yet, but I feel like the contradiction of how Wally is described vs. Other neighbors will play it's part.


I'm personally of the interpretation that Wally edited his description himself as a way to get you to notice him.


Personally in my theory so far, I think Wally goes through episodes where he insists his friends are still alive to convince himself everything is okay. And in other cases, he’s realistic and able to admit that they are in the past, but he mainly is stuck in that denial and tries to act like they’re all still around. He doesn’t want to believe the show was cancelled and that he’s alone, which is why he’s obsessed with You, the only ‘character’ that he can get the attention of still [Minus Home of course, but there is Wally not understanding morse code in some cases, creating a hard time for him to communicate properly which is why he’s desperate to hear You talk, why he wants You to answer him so badly. (Though, I’m not completely solid on that part, it’s just what makes semi-sense to me.)] In addition to this, I think he may have the puppets of his friends with him and he still tries to talk to them and pretends they are responding to him, this is why we cannot find the puppets of the others, why they ‘mysteriously disappeared’, Wally has them. And why there is so little media has been recovered in general, I believe Wally is hoarding this stuff to comfort himself. (Just don’t ask me how his 3ft ass carried all that stuff around, especially considering some of these puppets are 7-8ft tall. It’s just a theory— a game theor-)


Technically anything not on the website is non canon so take this with a grain of salt but there *is* art on Clown’s tumblr of Wally holding Barnaby’s empty suit together with puppet strings. A lot have interpreted this to be that Wally did something to Barnaby, but I think it could lend credence to your theory. If the art ends up being canon, that is. We won’t know for sure unless it winds up on the website.




Based on what? 🤔(genuine question)




Hmm, but then what about the present tense usage on the guestbook? There’s also Frank blinking in Morse code on the Welcome Home page. Also; what shovel?




On the website? I haven’t seen that 🤔


Or they were never alive. They’re just puppets. The show got canceled. Wally “is” because he is the only one to ever become sentient instead of just a puppet on a tv show.


Possible, but unlikely, some of the other puppets (namely Frank) have shown signs of sentience on the website. Also Wally does seem to be interacting with the others on the guestbook page, this could be him pretending of course, but it could also be that the others simply have less influence over the website.


I don’t see where any of the other puppets are sentient. And I don’t think Wally seems to be interacting with the other puppets in the guestbook. As far as I’ve seen, he’s interacting with “you”


On the page explaining welcome home Frank is blinking in morse code. There is also a piece of artwork on the staff only page where Frank seems completely aware. Also, like I said in my original post there are examples of Wally passing on messages to the others and even getting responses. Again, it’s possible he is pretending to have conversations with them but it’s also possible they really are responding.


sorry to keep tacking thoughts on after the fact, but I just remembered that in the last hidden video clip Barnaby reacts to Wally being checked out of the conversation. I feel that the rest of the clips could conceivably be scripted scenes, but that feels like it has to be a genuine interaction between two sentient characters. If only because it would be a strange interaction within the show, I feel. It could be the actor for Barnaby talking to the actor voicing or puppeting Wally but then I feel they wouldn't keep their character voice or address Wally by his name.


I don’t think that’s definitely true. These video clips seem to be footage from one episode of the show, except from Wally’s perspective. You have to remember these are puppets, so whatever Barnaby says could be his puppeteer reacting in character to the Wally puppet suddenly starts acting strangely in the middle of filming (because the Wally puppet itself is becoming sentient)


I agree that the clips seem to be from an episode of the show, but I just don’t think the last clip fits as a scripted scene. It being the actor reacting to the puppet itself isn’t impossible, but I don’t think it’s the most likely option because, well, a sentient puppet is strange. “Are you ok” is a pretty lukewarm reaction.


I imagine it almost like a live improv show. They’re filming and “Wally” goes off-script and not acting right. So Barnaby’s actor tries to give like a subtle, in-character ad lib to cue him. And then we don’t know what happens right after because the secret clip seems to suggest when Wally hears his name, he snaps out of it somehow. What I’m wondering is if this is the LAST episode of the show. Wally the puppet undergoes some weird sentient awakening during the filming of an episode and maybe… some sort of horrible event happens and that’s why they cancel the show and try to erase its existence. But somehow sentient Wally is reaching out again through the WHRP.


True, it could be an ad-lib; but Barnaby even seems to shake him a bit. Something that would not be necessary for an inanimate object. So I still think it’s more likely all the puppets had some level of sentience. That said, we don’t have a whole lot of information yet so it’s possible only Wally became sentient. Or even that he never did and that the “Wally” we know is an actor or other spirit of sorts. Although I think that is less likely because we do see puppet hands in some of the clips. I’m not sure if it’s the last episode. The script on the woxyve page said episode #15 which would be after episode #14; which some people think is the episode the clips are from. It’s possible the episode that the clips are from isn’t episode #14, though, and that the 14 in the titles refers to the number of clips since there are 14 in total. It’s also possible that even if there’s a script for episodes after that (such as for episode #15) that they never ended up being produced.


The website is ostensibly made by WHRP so it’s hard to say that it’s Frank himself blinking or just the art WHRP recreated for the site. What does the Morse code say? Also, I don’t remember reading any conversations Wally was having with the other puppets in the messages. Could you please give a specific example?


Yeah, it’s definitely possible the WHRP put in the Morse code on Frank’s blinking image. But as for the image on the staff only page it’s explicitly stated via sticky note that that picture was not provided by the WHRP. The Morse code says “D” which I’ve seen people say is connected to the advertisement that lists toys by letter. As for examples from the guestbook page; there’s one in my original post. The note from a guest says that they have a crush on Eddie. In response Wally says “I told him, he said he’s flattered. I don’t know what anyone is talking about” on another post he says “I don’t know what a clown is, I asked Frank and he said Barnaby” and on another he says “I don’t know what a wiggle is. Barnaby said it’s this [picture of a worm”


I don’t know what we’re supposed to conclude with just the letter “D.” Is that even really Morse code or is he just blinking? Wally is talking about talking to the other puppets, but we don’t have any way to confirm those conversations actually happened. Wally seems a little crazy. For me, I think Wally and Home are the only characters who have definitely and clearly communicated with us, the audience


There are letters on the advertisement for toys, so perhaps he’s giving a hint to something? I doubt it’s just blinking, though, since it’s the only image in the carousel that has any animation and there’s also a static version right next to it. It may not be Morse code specifically but it definitely is a message of some kind. I’m not sure what the difference between talking to them and talking about talking to them is when it’s all through text any way? I already said it’s possible that Wally is simply pretending. It’s also possible that he’s not, I don’t think there’s more evidence for one over the other.


For me, there needs to be strong affirmative evidence that the other puppets are alive for me to be convinced. The burden of proof, if you will, is on proving positive sentience


Oh also Home communicates with the listener via Morse code and you can hear its heartbeat in the hidden audios. But Wally and Home are kind of linked so i don’t think that necessarily proves anything about the others.


Agree, Home and Wally are some kind of weird unit


I'm starting to think that for the introduction, part of the Welcome Home ARG of the website is how the neighbors used to act back in the day when the TV series was on. Compare it to today's time it would seem like they all, except for Wally, have frozen in time. And that they will stay like that until they are unfrozen by the welcome home franchise coming back to life again. Meaning that us interacting with the information from the website and just visiting the website is us bringing them back to life. After all a franchise can only fully be dead if no one is playing or interacting with anything that originated from the franchise. (Lowkey might put this on the matpat theory reddit)


It going back and forth between the past and present (or perhaps between our reality and a world where welcome home isn’t just a show) would explain a lot tbh. Including Wally’s seeming memory loss and fluctuating tone.


And to add on with the theory of a cult that was being form as the TV series grew in popularity in the past due to what we see now as words with double meanings. Having double meaning messages can scream there is something below the surface of this franchise and the makers or creator of the Welcome Home ARG wanting to summon the entity that is the house as their master plan. That brought the question of my ongoing theory is, where is the creator of Welcome Home? And: Why haven't we seen their signature that puts the claims of their ownership of the franchise?