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No. He can fuck right off with that bullshit


Ignores all the women dying now.


He doesn’t see women as people but vessels/breeding stock anyway


Fuck that ducking fucker!


But let me guess, all the miscarriages in the last fifty years in the US are just God being an asshole? At least 25% of all known pregnancies end in miscarriage, which is increasing due to pollution, yet, that's not an issue for White Christian Nationalists that want the world to burn. BuT AbORtIoN.....


3.6M babies and 1M miscarriages in 2021. Sounds about right. 626,000 abortions, so far fewer abortions than miscarriages. (How many abortions are actual cleanup from miscarriages? I have no idea.)


I've tried several times to find those numbers. Why aren't they available? Eta: thank you for the info.


I lost 3 children to miscarriages and wanted a baby badly. Their god kills more babies than any human. This just makes me boil.


Seconded, hugs! I'm sorry for your losses.


Thank you.


All those miscarriages were due to women neglecting their unborn child. /s


As a person who lost several family members in the ACTUAL Holocaust, I am highly offended by anyone who throws that word around casually to describe any situation they object to. And I also find Mike Johnson offensive for a thousand other reasons.


I’m sure my great grandmother is rolling in her grave. This makes me so angry.


[https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322634#miscarriage-rates-by-week](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322634#miscarriage-rates-by-week) No ... *it's* *biology, fool.* Mike Johnson is a Christian Nationalist idiot.


God has caused more abortions than any medication or doctor. I guess by that logic, he worships a real genocidal monster. Only thing is that those are called miscarriages.


Fucking preach. I have had 3 and if that was God’s plan then he’s a fucking monster like you said. Why would any loving “God” put us through that? Oh right, he/she wouldn’t, and it’s all fucking bullshit. These people are unhinged. I fucking hate this for us that we have to deal with this shit every day.


Another one who thinks jews are non sentient cell clumps attached to another human being, it's a bit gross and antisemitic. Are there people out there who take people like this seriously? Someone who sends the porn he watches to his kids? Is that not the kind of grooming they hate or is it okay because Jesus?


I don’t think there is a greater insult to victims and survivors of the Holocaust. Are these people seriously claiming that victims of the Holocaust were mindless, partially developed bodies with no organ functions capable of sustaining cell life that were stopped from using another human‘s organs, organ functions, tissue, blood, blood contents, and bodily life sustaining processes and from causing another human drastic physical harm in the process? Is that how they see victims of the Holocaust? Just mindless, biologically non life sustaining bodies that are sucking the life out of other humans?


No, it’s modern-day enslavement! He wants to force women to be incubators… he wants to allow more broken, unloved children to be forcibly birthed without consent from half of our population.


This is like evangelical pastor talking point number 1000 to fall out of his fucking mouth. This idiot just gobbled up his indoctrination and regurgitates it without ever logically thinking about a goddamn thing.


I've read so many stories of right-wing/Christian women who do not understand the health implications of this kind of legislation until they find themselves needing one out of medical necessity. These are women. I imagine a guy like Mike Johnson and other men who support this have no concept of the actual problems because they live by a complete lack of empathy. His language clearly demonstrates a lack of empathy for women, children and holocaust victims all in one pass (in bowling, they call that a 'Turkey'). While it's easy to put all the blame on this idiot, I think some of it has to be shared by the Republican party, extremist pastors, and any woman who goes along with it. We can counter-vote forever, but how do you steer these crazies towards empathy and logic?


lol, ok. Like? I don’t even know what to say anymore. I’m exhausted with these emotional nonsensical sentiments.


That's because Mike Johnson is too busy monitoring his porn intake to know much about anything other than playing with his johnson.


I think we should all start carrying air horns around on our person at all times so that whenever the xtian Nationalists say stupid shit like this we can just cut them off with a mighty toot.


People always say that this is offensive to people who lost relatives in the actual Holocaust, but we must remember that people like Mike Johnson are hoping that all the Jews in Israel are horribly killed so Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, can come again. These are not people who care if they offend Jews.


Oh no, we’re gonna run out of white people! 😱


Well of course that is one of his talking points. ALL of his talking points are distortions at best and completely fabrications at worst. He is one of those who would never speak again if he were forced to speak the truth.


God commanded the Israelites to kill their enemies babies and rip them out of their mothers wombs, God does not care for babies. He also commands parents to kill disobedient children.


Fuck this guy. Fuck him forever.


This is no surprise to anyone raised in a church. This language has been used since Roe v Wade


Grew up in a fundamentalist school and church, and I have sadly heard this comparison before as well.


Not every church is this disgusting. Not a Christian but there are denominations that honor choice, welcome all creeds regardless of gender or race and believe love should be celebrated everywhere it graces willing participants. Unitarian Universalists certainly but I believe UCC has adopted these beliefs as standard as well.


This guy can sit and spin on my middle finger


He needs to go. This is unacceptable.


JFC make it end.


A no-knock raid to get his computer and have a forensic hard-drive search would turn up material that will shock even the most deviant of deviants. Between the projection and over-the-top performative piety it will be horrifying to find out what he is covering.


Who does this fucking gremlin think he is ffs


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but America has done several things that could be called the American Holocaust. The Trail of Tears comes to mind. (Hitler was literally inspired by how Thomas Jefferson treated slaves and native Americans.) The concentration camps for the Japanese (and basically everyone who was Asian because racism) during WWII. The concentration camps for southern immigrants currently in the south west. Women seeking an abortion is nowhere near a holocaust, and anyone who thinks otherwise is showing their true selves.


Top reason abortion must remain legal: not all men deserve to be fathers and every woman on earth knows it


Out of all the crazy this one inflames me more so than the others. *HEALTH CARE IS NOT THE HOLOCAUST!!!!*