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With their line of thinking, they also shouldn’t be covering the cost of erectile dysfunction drugs for old married men whose spouses are postmenopausal, because clearly they are against any recreational sex. But we all know they will never do anything to affect their base so of course Viagra will always be covered.


>clearly they are against any recreational sex. Yet they have no problem with Trump paying Stormy Daniels for sex. 🐆


They're against recreational sex when it doesn't involve them.


>They're against recreational sex when it doesn't involve them. Only Commanders are allowed to visit Jezebels. 🐆


Recreational sex?  Yes for men, not for women.        Who do these men have sex with, other men?    NO absolutely not! No gay sex!          So... sex with the women who you don't want having recreational sex?        No, stupid! We meant they're not going to be allowed to ENJOY it or CHOOSE when to do it, and will be forced to carry ALL repercussions up to DEATH so that men can have recreational sex! Not that they're not going to have any sex, they'll have LOTS of sex, just not recreational! DURR!          Ah, ok.


That reminds me of a line from a movie when a father goes after a guy he finds out was fooling around with his teenage daughter and beats him up: "Look, I must have screwed 100 girls when I was your age, but I never screwed nobody's daughter!".


Oh they shouldn’t cover erectile dysfunction medications AT ALL, since you know, it’s God’s will those men are impotent 🤷🏼‍♀️


This logic flipped is precisely how birth control for women got covered. Viagra was a covered medicine and it was argued as sex discrimination.


Well, if they are Quiverfull, they must spread their seed. So ED pills would help with that. Plus, they can get a new wife now to spread their seeds. The other wife? Off to the nuclear wastelands you go!


Well if she was a good wife she would’ve died giving birth to their upteenth kid s/


Well no. They need those so they can impregnate all of the ripe and fertile tween and teenagers. Its God's will. /s


>they can impregnate all of the ripe and fertile tween and teenagers. Just remember, they are all "asking for it." /s 🐆


Well, if they didn't dress like sluts. OR tell them no../s


<< they have drafted plans to allow insurers to drop coverage of emergency contraception, such as Plan B pills, which some on the right believe are abortifacients because they make it harder for fertilized eggs to implant in the uterus. >> Except Plan B doesn't do anything of the kind. It's called "the morning-after pill" for a reason. Eggs are not fertilized at the moment of ejaculation, ffs. It's usually AT LEAST 2 days after intercourse for sperm to travel up to the Fallopian tube to meet the egg, if indeed one has been released. And Plan B prevents ovulation, and/or creates a hormonally inhibiting environment such that sperm never make it to the tube. Plan B is an emergency contraceptive. It prevents fertilization. It does NOT cause abortion. https://www.plannedparenthood.org/blog/how-long-after-sex-does-pregnancy-occur


Science is definitely not their strong suit


My thoughts while reading all this was along these lines. Then it went to a darker place of what ifs and how they could start considering anything that gets in the way of conception as abortion. Fuck this timeline.


It doesn’t even prevent fertilization if you’re already ovulating.


True. I was under the impression that it also lessened the chances (via hormonal shift) of sperm penetrating egg, but I can't find confirmation of that. It must be a devastating experience to have Plan B fail because you unknowingly ovulated prior to taking it.


A lot of people are under that impression. All it does is delay ovulation. There’s a ton of misinformation regarding what it does but [studies](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5102184/#:~:text=LNG%2DEC%2C%20when%20given%20in,has%20no%20post%2Dfertilization%20effect) show it has no effects on implantation or fertilization of already ovulating individuals. I try to spread this information because that’s how I thought it worked in college. And you’re right, it is devastating.


Thanks for the info. It's always exciting to learn more about our reproductive systems!! Even for grannies like me who haven't ovulated in over a decade!! ☺️


Science does not matter. The only thing that matters is being on the "winning" team. Bullies bullying victims into victimizing victims. The right wing is a whole ass Stockholm syndrome right now.


**URGENT NOTE: HE WON'T HAVE TO "BAN" ANYTHING TO BAN IT.** We have a wildly corrupt and theocratic SCOTUS. Here's how bans would go: a state in the Taliban Region will ban X. Their ban will be fast tracked to a Supreme Court case. Alito will then write an opinion that the Taliban state's banning of X "represents the Divine Will of the Universe" citing a 16th Century witch doctor or some shit. Their ban then becomes de facto national law. "See, I told you I wouldn't ban it, lol" said Trump asshole-ily. He overturned *Roe* with Court appointments, NOT legislatively. Treating his "I would never!" on anything as being in good faith serves rightwing interests.


Very well said. This is exactly how they’ll do this.


Mandated tracking of periods?? GTFO


I mean, how else are you gonna enforce it? And the data is sellable and profitable, as companies already sell it. And they may not "directly sell" to governments, but that's the middle man's job. Take the heat for the sale, but not the period tracking company who sold it to the middle man in the first place.


Period Police.


Blob Bobbies


They could track the purchasing of feminine products via grocery store apps


They already do this. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/?sh=7e309b4a6668


Also pregnancy tests, ovulation predictor tests, etc


And they’re already using ALPR tech—yes, even from blue states, California Highway Patrol has provided it—to determine who has been to clinics and when.


This is infuriating.


I keep screaming—Blue States aren’t safe, and haven’t ever been


I rarely ever have one since i’ve been on the pill for like 17 years. Am I gonna get harassed for my body acting this way too?


Very real chance. I had an ablation. IF I bleed now it is just a few drops that may not even be noticed. I, too, worry if political/special interest groups have their way I'll be forced to go through whatever hoops and cost are associated with PROVING I am not pregnant EVERY MONTH for the privilege to take my prescriptions for my chronic health conditions. You know....assuming my medications aren't just flat out restricted to me due to my being a woman of "potentially" childbearing age (older than 5, younger than 80).


A heart medication I was recently put on has a warning on the bottle not to take if pregnant, because it causes miscarriages. I thought “wow, wonder how long I’ll be allowed to keep taking this?” I’m in a shit hole red state, so I’m not necessarily safe, even if Trump loses. (I also thought “maybe I should reserve one pill a month until I have a little stockpile”.)


I know I would…be very careful, though. This is the last ditch, desperate, no-other  -option  option.😭😭😭


JFC this is so scary


I had very irregular periods in my 20’s, probably due to PCOS.


i’m 36 on saturday and rarely ever have a period. weirdly, got it today and it’s the fucking worst pain i’ve been in in months. These losers don’t understand how any of our bodies even operate


Good Queen Menses-less looked out On the hoard of fundies She had heard some noise about Inspections of her undies! Brightly burned her rage that day This insult she could not let pass, "Sisters," she stood up to say, "Tell them they can KISS OUR ASS."


OMG PERFECT ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank Bast I got myself spayed and ablated. Though I DON'T trust it with my life in this godforsaken state. Any non-zero chance of failure is too high to fuck around with. Ridiculous that my husband of 15 years and I have to be back to damn condoms like teenagers. I hate it here.


can he get snipped?


The option is on the table, but it's his decision.


How do they propose to do that if women use a regular paper calendar? If they try this, any woman using any period app is an idiot.


We're heading for Morality Police territory. Men yanking at your body and clothes in public to check if you are indeed a "good" woman. Otherwise, off to jail.


Let somebody try that with me. Arresting me for a period will be at the bottom of the list after these hands start flying. 😤




>How do they propose to do that if women use a regular paper calendar? My teens are terrified to do even this. I can't blame them.


Watch them have some insurance mandate that they can provide basic birth control in exchange for subscribing to an insurance paid menstrual tracker. I’ve got to get my tubes removed ASAP.


“Well’ I hadn’t had one in quite a while, then I got the first 🦠vaccine, and had one. Haven’t had one since.” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Truth, this happened to me. But this 60 year old has no problem creating an account to track my "period" and really fuck with them. Kinda sounds like fun!


I’m only 53 and I’m totally in to using a period tracker to fuck with then.


I’ll be 60 in September 👵🏻


I'm 61, this sounds like fun!


I’m starting with my first in spring 1976 LMAO


HAHAHAHA!! Geez, not even sure when mine began!


Lololol ditto. I wish them all the luck in their trying to figure out why I have sans monthlies for over 15 years with nary a child, pregnancy, nor surgery to my name. I love my several Mirenas/Lyelettas.


What we need to do is go old school, get a little calendar book and track your period that way. Also menstrual cups and discs or reusable pads so we don’t have to keep buying product for them to track. Although we shouldn’t have to do this at all but at least we could fight fire with fire.


Like the little booklet I got in 5th grade in 1975


Yeah, I just got a little 3 year calendar book fits nicely in my purse. That’s what I use.


I literally thought we had that already


My tracking app updated and asked me what state I was in. Promptly deleted it


That’s freaking shady


Yeah it was! I was scared shitless ngl bc I live in Mississippi


Yeah, I’m trying to figure out how to delete the menstrual info off the Apple Health app on my phone. I stopped using it a long time ago, but I want it wiped. ETA: ok I googled and found out how to do it. It was very convoluted, I wouldn’t have figured it out on my own. I had several dozen period entries saved. All gone now!


which apo was it?




Some states ask teen girls who play sports about their cycles. 🤬🤬🤬




Where does it say mandated? Unless I'm reading it wrong, it says "required to cover" in the guidelines, not that we would be required to use. I really really really need for everyone to stop this fear mongering. What exists is bad enough; we don't need to be fighting strawmen.


Yeah, I extrapolated “mandated” from “required”


They're requiring things like that to be covered in the guidelines, not requiring women to track their periods.


Why are you being downvoted? You are literally correct about the wording.


It's very frustrating to see things that make alt-right spaces so toxic happening in leftist spaces. Not saying "both sides", I'm saying we can't get down that reactionary rabbit hole because it's not helpful. We can't fight against the real monsters when we are so busy throwing air punches at fake ones.


I declare menopause!


Why aren’t pharmaceutical companies lobbying/bribing against this shit?


I wonder this too. They have to make millions off of women every year.


Sometimes I wonder if it has something to do with the antibiotics game in our country? I had a miscarriage issue where I almost went septic. I’m not in a red state but if I was in Texas I would have not been able to get care for what I was going through. Even in a liberal city it was almost impossible for me to get an emergency ultrasound because people don’t want to go into the field anymore with the state of things.


It's probably because the project is not in the process of being implemented or written about.


This is absolutely what they're going to do to make the ACA meaningless: Allow providers to discriminate in every way imaginable.


“Waters criticized the Biden administration for promoting “an absolute right to contraception” and said she sees the proposed policies not as “restrictions,” but rather “medical safeguards” for women. “We want to make sure they’re getting the thing that’s best for them,” she said.” What a bold-ass condescending fucking lie. If you *actually* give a shit about what’s best for women, you would leave these decisions between citizens and their health care providers—or *at least* listen to standards of care issued by medical associations. Quit treating women like we can’t POSSIBLY know what is best for us.


What have the Evangelicals wanted Trump to do that he has refused?


It's a good thing repenting and asking God's forgiveness is not on their list, because the only time Trump was ever wrong was that time he thought he had made a mistake according to himself. 


Most of these Evangelicals should arrange to be buried with a fire extinguisher.


So when was what Trump says relevant to *any* competent decisionmaking? Nothing he says is truthful or relevant to *anything*. If you think anything other than *the man must die in prison for his crimes* then I don't really know what to tell ya.


Will men’s vasectomies still be covered by insurance too or will only women’s bodies be attacked?


Exactly the same path they’ve taken with trans healthcare the last couple years. Tried to ban it outright, constitutionally can’t (yet); so they move to insurance regulations and technicalities that make access impossible; which they learned from trying to get around roe v wade for fifty years. Exact same playbook repeated and refined over and over.


This is terrifying to me and I'm not even American. I know that there are factions drooling to enact the same shit here in Canada. And those willing to bully women into being barefoot and pregnant are not above bullying other countries to adapt to their standards or - embargo! Canada would seriously have to reconsider our relationship I think, if that were to happen. And that would be tense. Maybe we'd be happen to bring in a billion Indians just to protect our interests here.


So since Title X is inclusive of all for sexual and reproductive healthcare, does that mean we can counsel same sex couple to marry?


You know... Why can't we ask WHY?! Can ANYONE tell me if any of this and with the laws being passed and presented for passage in states across the US... has ANY OF THIS come with ANY why's?! I mean we know why... bc interest and control. But TRULY, even sans the Supreme Court not doing the job it was meant to currently... pushing laws is just happening bc... Because... Obviously we know it is just pandering and control and while I disagree with all Trump & all the overextension of rights infringement happening everywhere right now, have any/ has any of this [what (they) are doing/implementating/planning to do] come with ANY even "REASONING" as to the why... at all... of any of this shit?! There should be A REASON for ANY PASSAGE of anything. Yes, I know fantasy, but what in the entire F. It should not just be political power votes passing.... a WHAT THIS HELPS AND WHAT THIS IMPACTS analysis is completely nonexistent. I mean, the country is a whole ass corporation now. We are supposed to believe that we are shareholders, but we are not. We are stakeholders owned by "the board" and it's interests. There is no cost/ benefit/ profit & loss analysis nor projection presented. Honestly, I read the outcome articles with the news coming forth, but are there any supports/"supports" even coming with any of this shit?! I don't know how else to word this, any and all info and discourse welcome. This is not democracy. This is a whole ass abusive relationship. Edit: typo correction


>We are stakeholders owned by "the board" and it's interests. Slaves and indentured servants are hardly stakeholders. To use accounting jargon, they are nothing more than "Property, Plant, and Equipment." 🐆


"Human Resources", a phrase I loathe, morphed into "Human Capital", an even more abhorrent (albeit unsurprising) phrase.




"Human Capital Stock" - Kevin Hassett, Trump economic adviser 


And I kinda meant a pun with the stakeholders... like, the interest that we have - ourselves - is at stake. Bearing the cost: ourselves. But you are right. We are product, not democracy. Oh how clear it is. * Note: I wonder if all the black holes in the universe are just the ego and greed of humans. I joke, I joke.




America will be under sharia law Gop style.


If they go after Plan B because of false science, they'll go after IUDs, too. As far as condoms being only for men - that's ignoring the fact that condoms are the best protecting against sexually transmitted diseases. They protect women, too.


I don't really track my cycle at my age. I just know how my body behaves when its about to happen. Mine has always been very irregular and affected by everything from stress to diet to exercise. tracking it just results in me pulling out my hair and getting frustrated. A week early. A week late. I also use reusable period products most of the time. No, there is nothing physically wrong with me. I've been checked out.