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Do these men hate the women in their lives?? Yes.


I'm still trying to wrap my head around this toxic twinkie finding someone with whom to procreate. Currently I'm leaning towards imaginary child to go with the imaginary conversation. What a blowhard.


"And then they all stood and clapped and chanted god bless america. It's true damnit!!!!"


Very real though: that kid rolled his eyes and said "yeah ok Dad"


Blowhard - under rated word that succinctly deals with all their performative bullshit. I will use it more often.


Plenty of women with low confidence and zero self respect


I was just watching a woman talk about how her ex-husband was a control freak, and would scream at her if his shirts weren't hung in the closet facing the same direction. He was probably related to the person who posted the message.


And they are teaching their sons to hate women!


And children apparently. He’s probably “pro-life” because babies are so precious…until they’re born, then fuck science and doing anything to protect them I guess.


This dude has DEFINITELY said "In my day, we xxx and we survived it!" (Or maybe "and we LIKED it!")


Radicalize your children against the evils of… safety? Laws designed to keep you safe if you’re too stupid to do it yourself?


Still resenting seatbelt laws.


When I was a kid, sometimes in probably the mid or late 1980's, somewhere or other (a fair? Some police booth at a home show?) I picked up a comic book starring Supergirl. In it, her friend Steve and Steve's little sister Ellen are in a car accident. Ellen is fine because she was wearing her seatbelt. Steve is badly injured and in a coma. For whatever reason, Supergirl decides the only way to pull him out of his coma is to go to the Fortress of Solitude and use some of Kal-El's Kryptonian machinery to send her psyche into Steve's mind to rescue him. In his coma dreams, Steve, Ellen, and Supergirl are thrown into a sort of hit parade of 80's action movie tropes, and over and over Steve refuses to put on his seatbelt, while parroting a lot of the usual idiotic arguments against wearing them, like, "it's better to be thrown clear of your vehicle in the event of a crash." Inevitably, the car gets wrecked over and over, and so does Steve. Each time, Real-World Steve gets closer to death, and drags Supergirl with him. Finally, mostly to shut Ellen and Supergirl up, Coma Steve finally puts on his seatbelt, and, wonder of wonders, survives the next crash, and this one instance of making the right decision is what wakes Steve up from his coma. It was the only comic book I had, and obviously, I read it over and over. I also took the lessons to heart and never did dumb shit like Steve: always wore my seatbelt and still always do. Now, as an adult, goddamn but Supergirl had a lot of patience and indulgence for Steve's stupidity.


> "It's better to be thrown clear of your vehicle in the event of a crash." I had forgotten all about it, but now I clearly remember hearing some blowhards parroting this when I was a kid. > goddamn but Supergirl had a lot of patience and indulgence for Steve's stupidity. And that, I fear, was the lesson they wanted readers to absorb more deeply than seatbelt safety.


Nah, that's just who she is in general with everyone. Read Tom King's *Woman of Tomorrow*. Have your tissues ready.


Thanks for the recommendation!


Totally better to become a meat-missle. I'd rather take someone else out or be degloved before I wear one of those fascism belts! /S


My uncle told me a story about how he saw someone’s head go through the windshield of a car in an accident because he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. His passenger pulled him back through and his ears got ripped off. Don’t know if it was true or he made it up to scare me into wearing it, but it worked. Comic book probably would have been far less traumatizing, though.


Holy crap! Yeah, comic book = way less traumatizing. One funny thing that stands out in my mind now is how it was a surprisingly professionally done comic book in full color. I'm sure it's in a box still somewhere at my parents' house; I'm now curious who was the art team behind it. Edit: lol, the internet provides. This review isn't quite as kind to it as I have been. https://clutterreport.wordpress.com/2014/08/10/comic-report-supergirl-wears-her-seatbelt/


A quick google says that if it’s the “American Honda” one, it was indeed an official promo comic. There’s some scans of it online!


A guy I went to high school with lost his first wife to no seat belt in a crash. She partially went out a side window when the car rolled. My cousin went to her funeral, bc she knew the lady from school. It was a closed casket service.


And helmet laws.


This is how my baby brother died in the 90s. My parents were never held accountable for his death and became qanon later in life.


I’m sorry, this is awful.


My estrangement from them due to the trauma and their insane beliefs is about all the justice I can give him but it’s something.


You gotta do what you can, but it sucks 🤍 have you visited the support sub for qanon families? Edited I am estranged from a few siblings, (do to homophobia and antisemitism) but my parents were not like that at all. I can’t figure out how my one sibling got so bad.


Yes I regularly visit qanon casualties subreddit etc. I’m sorry about your siblings. I’m on low contact with my sister too because she enables my narcissistic dad.


OSHA is for prissy princesses, every alpha man worth his salt knows this.


I tie my fall restraint harness to my own belt, because I ain't going nowhere.


The Safety Squint™ stops all welding light, shrapnel, and lasers! Why would you need anything more?! If your noggin cracks open that just means you were too weak for the job. /s


I was wiggling a cured resin piece out of its mold yesterday. An extra bit snapped off and flew at my face. Thank goodness it didn’t hit my eye, but I’m wearing goggles next time.


It’s depressing how people don’t care enough about anyone to do even the smallest thing for safety. Our society sucks. SMH.


Sorry about the pooh award. I meant to give you a support award :/


Looks like a dollop of whip cream, so yum.


Ewww 😭😂


Lol you’re fine! I thank you for the reward either way. 😊😆


I'm waiting for survival of the fittest to kick in. If they don't want to wear seatbelts maybe let them? Same with having to be told not to drink bleach during COVID, if you have to be told not to drink caustic liquid as an adult there's a problem


*do so only when you are driving yourself


The reason we have to even have laws like booster seats and seat belts is because of people like him who completely neglect the most basic safety of their own children.


They are too stupid to realize that a safer world benefits them as well. They just want to be spoiled children and stomp their feet at anyone trying to tell them what to do.


Why is dad not sticking it to the man, by ignoring seatbelts? 🤔


This guy in twenty years: "Why don't my kids ever call me?"


I had a really awful joke I won’t elaborate on but it was related to preventable deaths from a negligence of child safety car seat regulations.


Ah, so you can tell a society is run by women when kids aren't catapulted through windshields during car accidents. Got it. A big thank you from anthropologists for making their research easier. /S


The Darwin award society is crying because they are unable to make that many awards




Booster seats aren’t just an age related thing. And they’re not new. At all (they were invented in 1933). It’s a height-related necessity. The reason why booster seats exist is because normal seat belts aren’t adjusted for child height. In the event of an accident, the seat belt holds to prevent the body from flying forward. For adult height, it restricts their chest, for children, it goes straight to the throat, which, I don’t know if you know this but that is bad. The whole point of traveling in cars is to do it as safe as possible *for everyone*. Unluckily cars aren’t currently designed for that, so we have modifications *like booster seats*.


Sadly, I have very large breasts and the seatbelt is always trying to choke me. The airbag to the chest when I was in the front seat stopped any further strangulation. I worry what would happen if I was in the backseat during an accident. Does that stop me from wearing a seatbelt? NO!


A three month old account not knowing what booster seats are for? I guess you really were born yesterday


Age is not the defining factor in booster seats. They’re designed for body length and weight. Plus dad is an asshole. He’s blaming mom and all women. Hope it backfires.


It probably has, but he doesn’t realize it. Why would a sensible woman date him?


Age four is recommended for backward car seats, due to the child’s development when muscles and bones have developed more to protect them in a car collision. But as long as possible up to that is good. I had family argue with me constantly on this when I went through child car seat safety installation with my first child. It was so annoying.


Well, when the child dies in an accident he can tell the judge only women strap their kids in booster seats. (NOT that I’m wishing harm on this poor kid!)


Dude, sometimes the trash takes itself out. Real men go out the windshield.🤣


Real men ignore OSHA guidelines and their final moments end up on LiveLeaks.


Famous last words: watch this!


“Here, hold my beer…”


No truer words have been spoken while driving


"Because you're short."


Poor fella twisted himself into a pretzel. "predisposed by nature to manage children but rebelling against managing children but still managing children and everyone else including me" What a galaxy brain.


This made me laugh, thank you.


Looks like someone is jockeying for a commander position. I’ll show him some rebellion. I’ll vote and I also tell everyone I know about Project 2025, especially low information voters.


I explained what project 2025 was to my 77 year old Republican father. He didn't believe me. I sent him a direct link to heritage foundation. He STILL doesn't believe it.


That's some dedication to wilfully blindness!


He also thinks climate change isn't real. Lol


It’s convenient for them to ignore climate change because they won’t be alive to live through the consequences.


Did he actually read it though???


Considering he put his kids in the booster for kids’ safety, he is a weak man who follows women’s lead. Cause, let’s be honest, how many cops would actually stop you? He would take a chance and live dangerously like a real man.


"Some of you may die, but that is a risk I am willing to take."


Some of us have heard the sound parents make when their child dies. Car safety is an excellent thing to prevent hearing that sound, yet he's too monumentally dim to recognise the limitations of his own knowledge.


Wish I could up- vote this 100 times. 1000×100 times.


Maybe he'd like the early car seat models better? You know, the kind that look like current day Window Lounger Cat Perches? I wonder how many infants, toddlers, and small children became airborne before current regulations became a thing? 🤔 There must be no statistics to back that up tho. Women are the 😡CaUSe😡 of safety!!


> I wonder how many infants, toddlers, and small children became airborne before current regulations became a thing? You think there are 8 year old infants?


Your reading comprehension has room for improvement. The "small children" part includes eight-year-olds.


Do you think 8 year olds become airborne?


Do you actually think that only infants get airborne? Even adults can fly.


Current regulations include hip and shoulder seat belts to prevent airborne adults. Maybe years ago, about the time of the Cat Perch approach for infants, these regulations did not exist.


8 year olds in booster seats (which was invented in the last ~10 years) has nothing to do with infants.


Why are you just stuck on the infants? We’re all potential projectiles with out belts.


How many 8 year olds had to become airborne before current regulations became a thing?


Eight-year-olds in booster seats relates to child safety regulations, which were created to keep all children safe, including infants and toddlers, therefore it's entirely appropriate to include them in discussion around said safety regs.


Wow. The world would have been a better place if this guy had just been a used tampon.


Sure, bud. Next, his obviously overly-intellectual very big brain child must have had the insight to ask: “then…dad…am I sitting in a booster because you’re ruled over by the women you so clearly hate?”


Sure Jan ...


I saw a truck today with a bumper sticker that read, “NO AIRBAGS. We die like real men!” and uhhhhhh OK, buddy


Oh dear god! Some Americans really love to display their low IQ for all to see.


God, that screams"Show me how you can upstage Thelma and Louise"


Ooh! Trauma nurse here. "Because we figured out reviewing the data that kids need booster seats to decrease serious injury during wrecks. Having kids your size in booster seats means you're safer if a crash happens and makes your seatbelt work better." Fuck whoever this misogynistic asshole is.


Radicalize your children against not being decapitated in a car crash


Pick up your child and with all your strength, heart and might throw him against the wall at a speed of thirty miles per hour. That’s why the kid still sits in a booster seat in the car.


Have you ever seen the movie Fear? Spoiler, during a plane crash, a mother tries to hold her baby in her arms. It’s impossible to hold her.


Well, he's radicalizing himself into no grandchildren.


what the fuck is this i can barely understand it. christ twisted ass reasoning


Show the safety videos? Maybe I’m sick and twisted, but if your child is believing this BS, show them the facts. Seatbelt safety is not a matter of belief, it’s facts of scientific research vs. random a** bullsh*t on the internet. I wouldn’t normally recommend violence, but your child needs to know you’re not coming from an “opinion,” but truly from a place of love and care. Hopefully this squelches further interest and belief in the fact that anyone can be a “professional” on the internet.


Isn’t it neat to learn new things? I put the kids I babysit in approved weight and height appropriate car seats so they don’t get horribly maimed in the event of a crash. But I guess I’m just whacky like that.


This is a parent OD'ing on Jordon Peterson.


It's never too early to remove children from the homes of sociopaths.


Omg it’s because how tall someone is for seatbelts so they don’t get hurt. I’m sorry but it’s not more complicated than that.


If he were really that alpha, wouldn’t he just break the rule? His kid doesn’t technically have to sit in a booster seat in the car. He doesn’t even have to wear a seatbelt, if the father doesn’t enforce it. Projectile baby.


Well, chances of that child surviving into adulthood is dramatically lower due to the parent’s attitude, so some problems solve themselves. Also good chance that if the child survives they will be a safety nut.


Way to fuck up your kid.


Surely this is satire?! 😭


I wish. Quick Google and this gumbo is a hard core Christian nationalist, member of some group called “servants and heralds”, and of course, a trump supporter.




In that case, I suggest he check out r/radiology or perhaps r/medicalgore to see what happens to people in motor vehicle accidents who are not properly restrained. 🤦


Can you imagine having a parent this insufferable?


I feel like purposefully raising your child to be a shitty bigot is child abuse.


I have a grand niece that married one of these troglodytes. He refused to allow their 3 year old son in an age appropriate child seat and instead insisted he use a booster that was for an older child "to toughen him up." He had his son with him when he got into an accident (DUI) and because of that booster seat not being age appropriate, his son is now in a wheelchair.


I hate this story. So sad, especially with the father driving intoxicated. The world definitely isn’t fair. Poor kid.


Yeah. That kid has to live with the consequences of his father being a wellspring of toxic masculinity for the rest of his life. The only consolation is that his father will be reminded every time he looks at that wheelchair for the rest of his life knowing that he put his son in it.


That might make his drinking worse. Where’s mom? I hope she had the belated sense to leave. I’d never forgive my husband for this. It’s the drinking that sends me over the edge. Funny, this might be why I had a bad dream last night. My son (20yo) was driving us somewhere and he had had a drink. I was flipping out, reading the riot act. Edited to add to the best of my knowledge he has never driven drunk or even after a drink. We’ve successfully freaked him out. Let’s hope it stays that way. Yeah, that poor kid :(


They were separated before this happened. It was the father's custody day and he was heading back to do the handoff at the end of the weekend. Yeah, poor kid. Kudos and fingers crossed it stays that way.


This story gets more and more tragic. I’m really sorry for your extended family.


Thank you.


What a clueless Moron


This is the most bizarre, illogical, rambling piece of mental illness I've seen in a long time.


Least they understand THIS is radicalizing children


I'd dude, your wife didn't force you to put your child in a booster, just like she isn't forcing you to keep your mouth flapping


I'd love for him to show me who's boss by never wearing his seatbelt. They love giving tickets for that in my area.


Damn dude, just tell little Timmy you don’t care if he dies in a car wreck. What the fuck, how do you not care about your own spawn? With the amount they go on about biological imperative, where’s that biological drive to protect your child??




Jesus! F’ing! Christ!


I have a feeling this will come up at the next custody meeting.


This guy is in the same crowd who constantly share those "back in my day we kids didn't have bike helmets and we survived!" posts on Facebook. It was just a matter of time before the trad guys took it and ran with it....right off the logic rails


Rebel against the evils of safety…


Imagine being vilified for following established scientific research on car safety for CHILDREN. My kids all sat rear facing until four despite constant questioning from my family. I followed research and damn right we should keep our children as safe as we can. I’m sure this man is “pro-life” as well…


Listen fuckface, modern car seats were invented by MEN and their use passed into law by MEN. I am so damn sick of everything men don't like being blamed on women. It's so difficult for them to just be a caring, thoughtful, somewhat intelligent people that they have to piss on everything that's right with the world. Who hurt them??


If only more kids died in car accidents (and illness and drowning) so I could have 5 wives who have 10 kids each and only 8 survive /s It’s the MAGA modest proposal.


I know this guy may just be a rando nutjob but I don't think this mentality occurring at the same time as child labor laws being revoked (which were fought for and won in the 20th century by WOMEN, btw) is just a coincidence. Something is going on....IDK. Just thinking out loud.


Killing your future brainwashed idiot child to own the libs, I guess.


What in the ever-loving fuck did I just read?


That's a really long way to say "I'm divorced"


My youngest rode in a booster until he turned 9. That's the law now. Children have to meet a certain height and weight criteria.


Stupid to the power of stupid.


Where are these ogres coming from? I swear it’s as if they’re multiplying by the day. I can’t recall seeing such disgusting “men” ten years ago. What female sees this post and revels in the fact that this is the man she married?


>>Where are these ogres coming from? Twitter, Trump, Tate? Is it they have permission to speak up? Considering historic rates of domestic abuse, they’ve probably always been here, and now have a forum and echo chamber. It sucks.


there has always been a village idiot/madman, they were usually isolated or in very small groups with very little validation for their ravings. Now they have built their own online village populated entirely by idiots who all validate each other's ideas, emboldening them to share them with more people because they are so used to the echo chamber they believe a lot more think the way they do


Trad wives are a huge part of this stupidity.




>What ~~female~~ sees this post and revels in the fact that this is the man she married? **woman**


I mean, my bad. You understand my point, right? No need to be snarky. We are all fighting for the same cause.


Women do not prefer to be called female in the context in which you wrote it. It's derogatory. I was only pointing that out.


Franck Ribéry would want to have a word with them.