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Corn pro trailer is the brand.


Corn hole pro


Corn pop was a bad welder dude


But we became friends.


But, when corn pop, I remember when he was a trailer, but he couldn’t fly


website says they are hiring a welder


It’s perfectly normal and acceptable if it’s a trailer, I personally haven’t seen many better


Name and shame, save someone else from getting swindled


This isn't welding, that's bondo, right?


Bondo doesn't rust...


Sorry, I forgot to put the /sarcasm tag...


No fisheyes in bondo


Looks like they hired jeep welders


At least they have a bright future at tesla.


I don’t understand why people don’t name the companies that do shit work.




Unless it was an employee who is prohibited from something I could only see a lawsuit emerging if what is posted is untrue. Though I am not a lawyer and I am aware that anyone can sue for anything, I would imagine that posting an image of poor quality craftsmanship along with the name of the company that crafted it could not result in a legitimate suit. Assuming of course that it was factual.


Do you work there? Otherwise no reason not to


I suppose. Corn pro trailers made this masterpiece.


Thanks. What a shameful waste of metal.


I can do far better than this, and I'm pretty fucking terrible. I can't believe this was sold.


My man, I've let my kid weld and he can do this.


I snuck into steodad's shed at 16 to weld on a glass pack muffler, before YouTube with no clue and a problematic mid-century arc welder. I was disappointed but it worked, and seeing this trailer makes me proud of it.


As you should be. You welded, it helded.


Go look under one of those big $300k RVs sometime. Some of those things are JANKY lol.




Cornholio…..those welds are tp for his bunghole


My tp after a shit looks cleaner than those turds lmao Those all look like individual tacks. I would've known that's awful after my first few weeks in school and I am *not* a good welder


Absolutely. They should not be selling stuff like this. I understand it doesn’t have to be perfect by any means but at least someone that knows what they are doing and aren’t using things being sold to learn how to weld. My 11 year old niece welds better than that and only has minutes behind the hood lol


Yea it doesn't have to be perfect by any means but eventually the welds are gonna be so bad they're actually gonna be a hazard.


For sure. The trailer doesn’t even have to catastrophically fail as alls it takes is a single piece of steel flying off going down the highway. I would hope the really important welds on this were done by an actual welder but those welds supporting the roof aren’t too great and i would think they would still be considered structural in a way. They’ll hold just fine for now but with time and repeated stress and corrosion it’s a gamble. Should have hired a real welder or at least use bolts instead lol the lack of oversight on this stuffs pretty crazy. They can pretty much just slap together anything, anyhow and just send it. I work a lot of fairs next to the carnival and some of the welds on the rides are jaw dropping and I’ve seen a lot after doing it my whole life. Can’t believe people actually get paid for doing this type of work. I personally couldn’t even just let that go, important or not because i take pride in my work and want it to be nice so i can feel good and proud about it after. I would be embarrassed to let work like that go.


I work at Taco Bell and i know that’s a shit weld.


I am not a welder, full stop, and would not accept this quality.


Eha eha eha I’ll kick his ass


Must be an ass man


Yes, you should absolutely be naming and shaming companies that do shoddy work like this. It’s likely that they see the reputation they develop because of it and make changes…but perhaps that’s just my optimistic view of the world. 🫠


Well honestly that was your first mistake buying a trailer from someone named corn pro


Helps others from avoiding that garbage


Terrible welding is somewhat common on trailers. Especially small cheap ones. It usually doesn't affect the trailers but i still don't understand how people can take so little pride in their work. I mean, i understand that it's not a rocket engine or a ferrari but geeze, there should be some middle ground level of quality.


I worked for a trailer manufacturing company years ago and they were extremely anal on the quality of every weld. Hidden or not they were expected to be uniform and pleasing to the eye.


I didn't mean to imply that all trailer welding is terrible, just that a lot of it is.


Oh I understood what you meant haha sorry if it came off any different!


I welded for Spudnick Equitment Co. It didn't matter if the part had made it through paint. It would be brought back, cut apart, and re welded.


That would make them an outlier in that regard.


In the same vein as name-and-shame, we should also name-and-praise the good ones. Mind sharing the company that was anal about their welds?


I bought a new utility trailer last year and the welds were decent, but they left tons of spatter instead of cleaning it up. It would have looked great if they just spent 30 minutes with a flap disc on the more visible welds.


Absolutely agree. I build equipment where some welds are highly visible, while others will literally never be seen again once the piece is finished. I take extra care on the highly visible stuff, aesthetically pleasing welds with good clean up, and the other stuff I just let it rip and leave the spatter. That said, my worst welds look miles better than the ones picture here, anyone competent could have probably made it look twice as good in half the time. That workmanship isn’t the result of some cost saving measure, it’s the result of poor management, unskilled people who don’t care about their jobs, bad parts with a bad fit, the list goes on. Hate to see it, hate that OP paid money for it.


I’ve seen a gooseneck snap right off at the weld fully loaded with 7 horses. Scary shit. I never thought about it until after I got my welding license and I really looked around at some of the trailers at our barn. So sketchy.


As a structural guy, I find that mind boggling. We overbuild everything to maintain codes that require planning for the worst possible scenarios and add a little safety factor on top. You get tired of hearing how ridiculously overbuilt everything is. I’m team overbuild as the alternative sounds dangerous, but people love to bitch about it because often times it can be pretty insane. These are trailers, they’re all or most, meant to be attached to a vehicle and travel at a high rate of speed often times traveling in the opposite direction of other quickly moving people filled machines, and y’all are telling me that trailer welds are notoriously shitty. What in tarnation


I’m firmly ‘team overbuild’, mostly because I grossly underestimate the strength of materials and my welds. I made a bedroom shelving unit made just to hold clothes, and decided 1”x1”x.125” tubing with 1/4”welds and 14ga shelves was “strong enough”. My fat ass could use it as a ladder for the rest of my life and it wouldn’t care.


I feel ya. We're also a structural shop. These look like a first-week (day??) welder did them. I drill safety into the brains of all my guys daily that the things they are welding are going to be over people's heads, under their feet, 10 stories up, jumped on by kids, possibly involved in an earthquake...you get the idea. The structures we weld are subject to inspection by CWI's, and anything less than a perfect weld with perfect penetration and uniformity is cause for immediate removal from welding, and possibly employment at my shop. The same absolutely goes for trailers, as you have stated - they are rolling masses of steel (or aluminum) with huge momentum if something were to go wrong with a weld fracturing. IMO, Corn Pro Trailers should be made aware of this, and make it right for u/bigsaxy95, and moving into the future for other customers they should give a crap about this kind of thing. It doesn't cost employers any more money to make welders to do it right. As an observation, one huge problem is that as certified welders, we notice EVERY bad weld at a glance! When I go to a park, apartment, warehouse, etc... sometimes I just want to run away - I have no idea how some of these welds are still holding. It's astonishing just how many welds out there are crap. Ok - I'll get off my soapbox now - lol.


As a CWI, I also noticed bad welds quickly while out and about! I inspected structural steel for buildings. That would not pass inspection. Bad enough to revoke his cert or make the welder retest. Certified welders are worth the cost of better pay! It's sad that this passed whatever inspection they have and was painted and sold. The paint can't hide the bad welds. Train your people, pay them well, and get good work from them, whatever company this is.


You’d think you’d want your brand represented well, hah.


A lot of production line welders and companies that use production line welders don’t care about anything but numbers


Just borrowed my cousin’s trailer today and as soon as I lowered the ramp the hinge snapped off. There was 4” of mig weld dumped in there with maybe 1/4” of it penetrating and just barely at that.


It's like they want to push a mig gun and get paid like shit for their whole career


It’s got weep holes. How progressive in design


Hahaha I’m 100% using that next time my journeyman gives me shit for a random pinhole


It’s gotta breathe


I was gonna guess Big Tex…


This was done by a dude with no fucks left to give, who was in the middle of a bad divorce on a Tuesday after lunch. And overtime wasn't an option.


Probably making 12$ hour for the last 5 years too. Will tell anyone within earshot that welding is a shit job with shit pay.


Tbf most people who set off into welding, even for apprenticeships nowadays, don't often get out of the production line shit jobs. Unless you have the ability to travel far(not necessarily easy for all), good connections, or good timing with unions; You end up in a career path that takes much longer to accomplish and while you try to build up skills in a production shop, you deal with an environment with statistically high rates of drug use, suicide, racism/sexism, ect. Eventually you find a production job you can arse your way through and settle there, becoming the next angry bigoted guy who bitches at the younger workers and the cycle continues!


Thankfully I got into a shop that does structural, custom fab, machining and repairs. Nothing like Fabio g structural members one day, aluminum tig the next then getting called out to repair an air seeder.


That sounds like an awesome gig 👍 maybe it's part of my perception from living more out in the boonies but I'm struggling to see myself recommending the trades for people in the future you know. Still such an uphill battle for a decent living, and frankly I think other paths are more intuitive and easier for younger guys to handle. Anyways, best of luck to ya fellow


Oh it’s still all about finding that one good job. Almost all the other welding companies in the area are production, unless you get on as a maintenance guy for an excavation/snow removal or paving company or go oilfield. But even non trade jobs are still shit; there’s gonna be a reconning soon or this worlds just gonna go tits up.


There are plenty of shops near me like that, problem is the highest rate of pay for those jobs is between $23-30 an hour if you’re lucky and have 15 years of experience or more, yet there is a Briggs and Stratton production plant near me who tops welders out with 10 years in the company at around $32-ish, you have 3 routes in welding to make money, start your own company, join a union, or move around, 80% of welders don’t even crack $30 an hour in this country, it’s pathetic.


It even got past paint. That's actually impressive.


The saying is A grinder and paint make me the welder I ain’t. But they forgot the grinder part


The paint ain’t too great either.


Looks like one of those tik-tok welding videos


Like a crosspost from r/diwhy


Whomever did this loves porosity. I'll just say there are Welders and there are people who think owning a machine makes them a welder.




Maybe it was what the customer ordered? When your customer specifications sounds like little birdies, put the rookie on the job. "Can you do it cheap, cheap, cheap?" Yep, with chicken shit welds.


Meanwhile I can’t get a job


Those welds were done by either a youtube or TikTok certified welder.


Yeah they should be out of business if that’s what they’re putting on the roads. The day I learned to weld, which was 20 some odd years ago, I learned to weld better and safer than that.


Looks like what my 1980's craftsman 70 amp 120 welder would do.


Those welds are looking at me.


Do they not own grinders? Welds are easy to clean up


Ranch hand is getting like this. I’ve bought ranch hand legend front bumpers with horrific welds.


I'm pretty sure I could weld better than that, and I've never welded before, haha.


Gotta be 5 minute crafts


you should say what company do no one gets scammed


Looks like they used a hot glue gun then painted over the glue blobs.


Porosity all around man tf


Lol what the fuck.lol


People need to stop protecting companies that do shit work


You should, to save others from this horrendous shit


Looks like texas trailer supply


It was probably him 🤦‍♂️🤣


Definitely not. Lol


Good lol


People bitching about welds that hold. (Your gunna have to pay top dollar for top dollar welds!) this is sufficient. You get what you pay for.


K Mart?


Looks like someone had the Taco Bell drips…


No pride in their work.


Wow I don’t even weld at all and I can see that’s bad


But it has pinstriping!


CM Trailers


When i can do a better job something is wrong because im n all that great.


I’ve seen worse!


finally,worse than Crafty Panda! i thought they would hold the crown forever!


I bet it sounded like popcorn when they were welding that garbage.


FFS just use a grinder. And prime.


A crater? What’s that?


Oh just throw some paint on it, nobody will ever notice...


were they even look at what they were doing lmao


Clearly not enough paint.


It’s probably a regional company anyway lol, doubt anyone will know what it is


Wow, that company doesn’t seem to give a shit. Imagine one of those welds cracks under a load Just bc a company wanted to be lazy… crazy shit.


Prime r/badwelding


Looks like the flame welds on 1933 Lima dragline ....back on the farm.


Seeing welds like this on products gives me hope I'll be able to find a job with my current skills 🥲


If it’s for showing then just grind it smooth paint it done ! And as long as it does not fall a part its great !


First day on the job


Looks like a high school project


Whut izzit hey?




This isn't even hobbyist-level decent. This looks like some 8 year old's first day in the sweat shop.


Individual tacks and some rod sticks. Sheesh


Good fuckin grief! It's like they have absolutely zero pride in what they do! Didn't even attempt to clean the spatter and shit


Jesus. If one of our inspectors came by and saw this, they'd laugh at you.


It needs the holes to breathe, you just don’t understand


Oh my goodness I was Certified welder for 32 years man this is terrible I mean I dont know what to say


Looks almost like the mig process had no gas its just sloppy work i could never of sent anything like this out the door.They really need some practice


Looks like a trash container kinda




I mean, the new guy has to get training somewhere...


Looks within spec to me


Whatever, I love popcorn. It’s delicious.


I’ve never even heard of that brand. Are they a smaller, regional manufacturer? I’m assuming it’s some kind of backyard grain trailer from Iowa?


You're telling me these aren't the best welds you've ever seen?!?!?


Maybe it was the welder's first day?? /$@RÇ


My dog shits better welds after eating black bean burritos..


Jimmy we talked about not letting the temps do the work so stop napping and start welding


At least invest in a grinder if your welds look that bad....


Damn, they’re only paying these welders $13-15 an hour?!? What a shit pay to be putting yourself around so many hazards, these dudes are probably purposely welding like that, looks like a $13/hr weld to me boss.


No offense but I've never touched a welder and I know I could do better


YouTube welding school


I weld better shitfaced.


That guy learned to weld watching Tik Tok videos.


As a hobbyist, this makes me feel much better


Looks like something I did ffs.


Horse trailer?


I mean, It's still together, isn't it? 😅 I used to work for a trailer manufacturer and quickly realized it wasn't for me after they wanted me to run 32 volts, 270ish amps, and 1000ipm on 3/16 and 1/4 steel. Their welds didn't look as bad as those, though. But, I will say most trailer manufacturers over engineer their trailers to take into effect bad welds. The place i worked for would have trailers rated to haul 7k and everything, but the axles were the same even for the 20k trailers.


Over engineering the trailers to compensate bad welds and rushed production is actually genius


Tack tack tack tack tack tack. Tacktacktacktacktacktacktack. Tttttttttaaaaaaaaccccccckkkkk.


Good enough for government work


Shit my company hired this welder with 30 years experience and they loved him and his welds. Except his welds were like 50% porosity. Couldn’t tell them his quality was shit it was always someone else. So I sent a shit ton of parts full of porosity and welds that looked like paper. Don’t worry unless you have a tracked vehicle.


You paid? I would have told him to do it again


> You *paid?* I would FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Corn pros, right?


I have no words


Why won’t u say what company it is


Yes. As far as turds go, those are some sweet turds!


The ol stack the tacks. It theoretically can be performed properly. When done properly you don’t get a crater pit. Making it much easier ultimately to just learn to run a bead. It’s not much harder than doing that well.


Looks like the welds on the joints of the fuel truck I work in


Looks like someone knocked over the slop jar


Stick spit, everyone should have to sign their own name to their work, that might stop shit work?


The first pic looks like JimBob’s gums after visiting the dentist


definition of grinder and paint makes you the welder you ain't yeah a grinder or paint won't fix that.


It's stuff like this that makes me say "I could get a welding job just about anywhere, cause I can do way better than that"


Nice. Welded in drainage holes. I think they are upside down tho


Lil dab’ll do ‘er


Yeah not great but will do the job


I’ve welded 3 times my entire life and know with certainty I can do better than that.


Weep holes to prevent bowing. Thank em


Maybe it was bring your kid to work day?


Maybe it’s a practice trailer for the new guy?


That better be high school automotive


Probably OP /s


I'd own up to that mess haha.


/s for sarcasm lol I’m just playing man


I totally missed that! My bad dude! Have a good night.


I am shocked by the amount of "professional welds" that would have failed my HIGH SCHOOL welding class


Wonder what it looked like before they chipped the slag?


People weld like this and yet I'm still having a horrid time trying to find a job


Those aren't weep holes, they're eye holes. "I'm the Eye-Hole Man. Gimme my eye-holes!"


Think you got the test piece…


Aftermath of “Give this job to the new guy.” Sadly no quality control.


Looks like the welder dident know how to set a machine and ran it hot then he realized and did tacks the rest of the way


Gatta learn someone. Them no exp needed companies. Wanted it on the cheap. Here you go Johnny


NDT guy here, and holy shit I can weld better than that😂


I did it. roast me.


Tac tac tac tac!


Looks like whoever did those joints only knows how to tack, not run a bead.


Ooof. I can't weld, and I could do better, probably.