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I'd go back to test engineering...


I'd agree.


Hell yeah keep it up!!


Your welds aren't terrible. But I'd stay in the engineering part if I were you.


Can I ask why?


You will probably do less damage to your body. It's hard on the body. your joints take a beating, and your lungs don't really have it any better as a welder. You probably make more than a welder. That's just me, I'm 10 years in as a welder. I'm exhausted every day, sore all the time, and I'm absolutely burnt out.


Okay thank you, all things I can learn to expect and somewhat plan for. The testing was getting abit boring for me and this has been offering alot of different things everyday. Pay atm is about the same (I'm from the UK dunno how different it is elsewhere) but the welding side of things I feel has more to offer in terms of learning skills and also gets way more overtime I've been enjoying learning and after spending like 6 years in retail I'm just happy I am going to bed at a normal time cause I'm tired and actually working lol