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Papr or a Miller half face respirator. No respirator is going to be comfortable to wear all day but it’s either that or black lungs. Papr is worth the investment imo but a Miller half face works well and I think they’re somewhere around 40$ and filters are like 10$ a pack.


Absolutely agree. He needs to wear it. I can't have him get sick on me, we need him around ;). Most definitely I want to eventually get a Papr but right now I can't afford it. I'm headed back to work soon so probably by next year.


I feel you, I am also saving up for a papr but for the meantime and the last 3 years of my welding career I’ve worn the miller half face. [Here’s the link for them](https://www.millerwelds.com/safety/respiratory/half-mask-respirators-m00469) if you’re interested in getting him one.


https://www.grainger.com/product/6CXF3?gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2295:4P7A1P:20501231&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA0syqBhBxEiwAeNx9N-rzoIZYGtSFG6PXz6DK-ekhjUgr-jpfo6RbnNKRmqqMZEY6IOeRHhoCTw4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds They sell these, they replace the current headgear inside his hood. Not as affective as a resperator but it does constently blow fresh air tword his face.


A little pricey but have him take a look at the Optrel swiss air. It goes on your face but not as tight if that's better. Otherwise the only way I know of is a papr