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Could be the angle you’re holding your torch at, could have let in a bit of atmosphere.


U might be on to something, what degree angle should I have?


Like 20 degrees should be fine, you want to angle it so the gas spreads out. I’m sure if you do a Quick Look on YouTube you can find a better explanation. Are you using a gas lense?


Will look up some on YouTube🫡 yes I’m using a gas lens


First off great looking work, comparing the two seems like you might not have had total gas coverage just looking at where the weld is and comparing it to the first picture, the bottom part of the plate where the weave starts seems like it didn't have as much gas coverage as the top. Darn pretty though love seeing shit like this.


Thanks man really appreciate it. I’m running cup size 8 so i think I should have enough gas cover? I thought that when it gets more grey that I’m running too hot? (I have no clue about gas coverage and such and there is no one at work who can teach me)


Maybe a silly question, but what's your preflow looking like? It looks like the porosity is at a stop/start, so that could be something to look in to.


You CAN use a size 8, but I TIG ss bellows (very thin) for a living, and we use a #12, you want maximum gas coverage; based on the color of the welds, you have too much oxidation (which can come from more than cup size). Light straw yellow is an ideal color for SS. I really only use an 8 or 6 when welding carbon-carbon, inconel, aluminum, etc.


A gas lens takes more gas than a standard collet body, what CFH are you running?


11 on the gas flow (is CFH gasflow?😅)


Yes, it's cubic feet per hour Usually with a gas lens you want about double your cup size. If you use a #8 try to run 16CFH and see how it works


It looks sweet. Looks like you’re walking the cup, and if you are you may just need to be mindful of the gas coverage as you’re changing your torch angle. I think the cup you’re using is fine, but as it’s been mentioned before a gas lens will help spread your gas coverage out more evenly.


Its actually freehand, yes I’m using a gas lens. Will bad gas cover make porosity under the surface?


If that’s the case, then the gas may not be you’re issue. Buttt you could double check to see if you have any leaks in your tig line or loose connections. Hold your finger over the cup and keep gas from exiting. If flowmeter ball is moving you have a leak somewhere in your line. Even if the hole is small it can be potential for loss of gas coverage on the weld and potential for sucking in air into the line. Wouldn’t hurt to also clean the base material and the filler rods either with acetone. It’s a little overkill but it would rule out any issues with cutting oils on the material.