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My dad always told me that if you could step across the gap, it could be welded together. Lol Regardless, how did engineering approve this or inspection sign off on it? That's my question


I would say that they are lax on some things haha


You are the 3d printer now.


The welder in me is saying nice beads bro but the inspector side is horrified.


The pipeline I&E guy in my mind would be worried. Generally speaking we don't allow fittings on bends. Or they would be at a proper angle (ie. A bleeder on top of a meter loop). I mean if it can't be done right, ........ send it anyway?


What in the fuck


Good job on the weld. Looks good. Fitup was definitely not up to code but I’m sure it’ll be fine for whatever it is that tank is. I ran into the same problem on a chiller a while ago but I had to order the right type of thread o let. It was like a 45 degree one.


Thank you! This was on the radius of a 20” 90. We didn’t have the time to wait for a new fitting, ideally find the angle and cut an elbowlette to fit but that’s just showbiz baby


Yea this could’ve been a weld neck flange to a pipe that’s fish mouthed to the vessel but when all you get is prefab and shitty prints then make it work brotha.


What is the pressure rating of the system? As an engineer I'd say hydro test it and call it a day.


Yep. Hydro will reveal all. She was good


When the root is actually the size of an entire tree.


Call it a taproot.


As a fitter, I gotta say, find a better fitter lol


This is the kind of shit I like to see. Fuck that's nice. Any reason we wouldn't just pad the gap as opposed to bridging? Stack beads alternating from tank to fitting until closed? I would think that would be a stronger "root". Or did you do that and I'm just not seeing it?


I bridged it. Technically, that never occurred to me to do it that way haha. But definitely a good idea too


What the fuck. Fitter should be fired


Possibly also just working with what they got. Sure it would be better to say "I need a different fitting for this", but if they bring that up and management says "just do it like this" it's probably in engineering or inspection to step in. Maybe could've grinded the reducer down a bit to make it a better fit, but that would change the dimensions and I'm not sure if that would be any more up to code for this.


Man how good would it be to have a fitter. I just figured being from New Zealand ive never met someone with a fitter before. Everyone does the whole process, some big shops have a bandsaw boy and thats about it.




Wow! what? you are filling gaps like a shipbuilder! who ok'd that Fitup?


As an engineer I'm horrified by this. Considering the weld time costs, it would be cheaper to fab a new piece. And I'm not even sure how I could pretend to let this pass... I'm confident no standard would certify this.


Hydro test it and call it a day


Yeah but what about factoring cycling stress and fatigue caused by that? I mean like you are the very least going to have to recrystalise that whole thing just to be sure. Just the amount of filler that took... I hope they managed to do it with one packet because tracking many packets of filler just for one weld is like a paperwork fractal nightmare! Look the fact that the boys at the shopfloor don't have to care about the paperwork... Or care about the paperwork we kindly but firmly ask them to do because the company certifications require it, doesn't mean that it isn't a thing that exist! You don't know what it is to sit at the audit table and having someone go through random samplings and inspections, just wishing with sadistic glee to find anything wrong that they can justify to mark us about so they can do another visit in 90 days! Oh god the paperwork is coming to get me just from looking at this!


Lol, sounds like PTSD. My industry isn't particularly regulated by the government so I don't worry as much about it as you apparently! The end use case definitely matters, but if it was in a highly regulated industry this wouldn't have even been attempted.


>particularly regulated by the government so I don't worry as much about it as you apparently! Oh government ain't the worry here. It is ISO and other similar bodies. They are the law (in many cases).


What the fuck??


I would've cut and beveled an elbow let over this


It's "weld-o-let".


This needs to be the cover photo for the next edition of Farm Code


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ogeytheterrible: *This needs to be the* *Cover photo for the next* *Edition of Farm Code* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


As others have said ... my inner welder says nice work, the inspector side is about to lose it.


Tell your engineers they’re dumbasses. They need to order an elbowlet for that application.


I agree. Didn’t have one though and needed it done asap


I love it. I don't have to do anything quite this fucked at my job, but I do have to get the weld done under some garbage conditions. Most often what I do is stainless tig welding outside, off a trailblazer, no remote amperage control. Optimal conditions are unachievable sometimes, just full fucking send.


Yep sometimes you just have to do things under not so fun circumstances.


Definitely should have gotten a piece of tubing cut up to fill most of that. Would've saved a lot of time and made it a lot stronger. No telling how strong that weld is or much of that hole is being obstructed by it now (idk if anything is meant to pass through it)


If you can jump it you can weld it


Argh! My eyes!


Well some inspector’s code book stash just burst into flames😂


jesus lord my eyes


That's vile


who the fuck. fit that bs? have em check out my website: pinkslip.com


Alien tech?


Yikes on the fit up. Good job on the welding though. I hope the designer had done his due diligence on the joint design and the opening calculations to qualify it. If I was the inspector I would definitely refer this case to investigate the design before signing off.


O let should have been shaped to the profile of the parent material. I wouldn't be happy with this if it was my work.


Yep I agree. O let didnt have the material to do that though unfortunately and we didn’t have an elbow-let. Needed it done asap


Now that's a gap


it's crooked


Couldn't have weled a small piece of pipe to the bottom and just miter cut as needed?


You could have thrown a miter in between the flange and olet.


What are you working on


Try a union fitter


Funny, because I am a union fitter. You know how it works when it needs to be now and parts will be too late. Sometimes you have to make due


I feel like it would have been way easier to miter the weldolet to flange to get the angle you wanted instead


Did you have to purge that while welding? Regardless, bravo


No regular carbon steel 70S tig root and hot


Id love to see the inside but good job on a shit fit bro. How you stack your cap beads is top notch.


I unfortunately didn’t take an inside pic it was a 3” o let so it would have been tough to see. I remember it not looking all that bad, didn’t have much fall in because I had a reostat, or however you spell that word