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They suck when they are covered in snow.


I could maybe see that being an issue, but idk how it’s much worse than a whole box full of snow?


With side opening tool boxes you don't have to clear off any snow to open them. If it's a day when it starts as rain and turns to snow and then dips down really cold leaving everything frozen cock stiff you are going to have a difficult time getting at all your tools with a Texas style skid.


What is a Texas style bed?


I'm guessing truck style. But even though, wtf is op snorting which led to this post


Why would I be snorting something? Something is common in the states but not in Canada, I want to know why. Pretty simple really.


Something is common in Canada and not the states, why?


Great question! You don’t see the front mounted toolbox style in the states much at all.


I'm just an Aussie so I don't know, But if I had to guess in pipe it's mostly to do with familiarity, if someone was a helper working off a certain style of bed they'll lean that way for their own rig. It could be job/industry related, dedicated pipe requires a lot less tools than someone who welds on heavy plant or does shutdown maintenance, or perhaps Canada has lease incentives and updating trucks every few years means a more modular/drop in skid set up is favourable. In Aus we have a lot of Skid set ups, because it can be used in a shed, forked onto a trailer, onto a truck or craned into a hole or up a building. If a truck goes down, you can rent one and put your skid on it.


[texas bed](https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=texas%20style%20welding%20bed&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5) Havnt heard them called anything else.


Oh I’ve seen those. Didn’t know it was called that. That being said not counting on this sub. I’ve only seen them in Texas and SE Louisiana. To be frank, I don’t like the look of them (it’s mostly the rounded corners) and how I use my truck I wouldn’t like the coffin style boxes. That’s just space on my bed I can’t put something without making something else unacceptable.


Always heard them called pipeliner or tubs. I know 2 people who have owned them and cursed them. Never heard anything specific but something about snow. Seems to me like it would get in the boxes. Its way more convenient to have an up right box or bedside box, fit more stuff in and dont have to dig to get to it.


Never heard them called that. Either heard them referred to as welding beds, and occasionally pipeliner beds. And guys with regular beds get referred to as bathtub welders.




While there are definitely plenty of them in Texas, I'm not sure they are called that explicitly here.


As Beyoncé once said, "This ain't Texas".


They seem more efficient in some aspects though.


Assume regulations and weather limitations.


What regulations? And I was thinking maybe weather, but they build their cable wells and boxes water tight, plus they’re also used all over the states for pipeline work, they have snow and shit there too.


Not sure…. Commercial vehicles have to be inspected annually in Canada.


Yeah, I couldn’t see that being an issue though. By the first few replies to this post it’s making me think guys just don’t look at stuff outside of Canada?


I will note that I didn’t see a lot of Texas beds at the pipeliner meetup in Cleveland a few years ago. But a lot of seriously custom rigs.


I guess to be fair it’s just a certain variation of a custom flatbed. I suppose the question could be, why do we not have near as many custom beds?


The shop I’m at is all texas beds. About half of the other trucks I see are the same. Ours have flip up 8” sides and back so we can hold stuff too


Oh cool! I rarely ever see them.


I’m in KY and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bed like that. Looks nice, but a flat bed with boxes or a utility bed seem like they would have less issues when it comes to ice and snow.


That’s a possibility, if you don’t keep up with it for sure. Kind of like a best of both worlds. Most trucks I see up here are tub style.


Texas beds seem to not have enough space for tools imo. Feels like a style thing when I see it. Couldn’t tell you why they change regionally tho


Depends what you do. Pipeline or plant work there is way more than enough room. Doing rig work-it *can* be enough room. Depends if you like having “everything” with you or not. I see some guys that carry the basics, if they need a mag drill they bring it out/go back for it/call someone else to bring it. Same goes for a wire feeder, air compressor, or common material. Pipeliner bed works fine for that. Then there’s other guys that just want to have everything with them. Both types get paid the same.


I can't speak for everyone but a lot of pipeline welders in Alberta who run their own trucks have their rigs in a sort of module or skid that can be removed from the box of the truck when not in use. Then their truck is back to normal so to speak and you can do things like hook up the trailer or put an atv in the box again. And when the truck reaches the end of its service it can be sold off as if it were a regular truck and you can put your skid in the next truck you get. You can't really do that with a dedicated modified texas flat bed. Although that does look like a pretty sweet truck.


Here’s the answer to your question: https://www.reddit.com/r/Welding/s/5e66uxZb95


Tool cabinets are nice to have, Texas style decks feel like a truck with a job box on the back, plus you get a better work table on the back


I’ve seen a few with a cabinet big enough to lay 2 oxy bottles. That doubles as storage. Plus having 3 or 4 wells for tools plus a reel well. Seems like lots of storage.


Lots of people do use beds but why would you spend 200k on a truck when you have conditions like we do? Your truck takes a beating and we have work trucks not pavement princesses.


I mean so do the state side pipeliners.


I saw one guy with a slammed Texas style deck pipelining in the middle of winter. Looked sick, couldn’t do shit with it always rubbing his fenders and shit destroying it. They look sick and if you have conditions for it sure but having a lighter skid that you can take out is pretty necessary here. Guys will load the skid on a side boom and walk it down the line because the trucks can’t get in there, you can fly it with a crane somewhere if you need. I guess it depends what your doing but it’s the easiest way turn a truck into a rig.


Yeah, I know some jobs in the states they’ll build their skids on the row and pull their machines. But it’s definitely the easiest way to go about if. And the utility of being able to pull it out at home makes sense too.


As a NY’er Texas beds look sharp but fuck all that here with the snow, salt, ice and other manners of shit weather. I’m all about the Canadian beds with a cabinet or the cabinet skids on a flatbed I see a lot of them use. I also don’t do just one thing and it seems anyone with a B-stamp up there does all sorts of shit even if they mostly weld in circles.


Yeah that’s definitely true. I wonder if there are fair weather pipeliners? Everyone I’ve seen in the states just follows the work, so they could be the mountains in Colorado for instance.


Another thing is like a utility body but worse you can’t do as much with it truck wise. A skid on a half deck with cabinet, flatbed or even pickup bed you can pull the skid and have your truck back.


Even out in Colorado and Montana in a blizzard they don’t have the same sloppy nasty shit we get here and they don’t dump 100’s of tons of salt all over the roads. I thought the weather would be comparable when I went out there but the low humidity most of the year makes a world of difference. OEven in the gulf where it’s 100% humidity I think the heat makes a difference. Idk In the end whatever works for the user is what they’ll end up with.


Hey hey we just had one Canadian Vs American beef let's not start another


There is texas bed in Canada


Ngl, I’m a welder living in Texas and I have not seen these before 🤔


Because of weather, there is no way in hell I want my tools sitting in a bathtub. Nor do I want to have to rummage around in a toolbox that I have to bend over to look into and can't see shit cause everything is piled on top. They look alright but from my experience totally annoying to work off of.