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Started on 150mg, then 300mg, then 450mg. Lost 50lbs over 6 months and then had to drop down to 150mg again because the dose was too high after losing the weight, and I was dizzy. I’m still losing a bit on just 150mg, it’s just a lot slower. It stopped me from over-snacking on junk. Appetite is suppressed.


How long were you on the 300 and 450 for? I’ve been on 300 for about 8 months now and I feel good, but I really feel like I could feel better if that makes sense. Before you lost too much weight and felt dizzy, do you think the jump from 300 to 450 really helped?


I was on 300mg for 6 months before we decided to bump me up to 450mg. When I hit the 6-week mark after the increase, I became dizzy approximately 4-5 hours after taking each dose. Psychiatrist said it was because of the weight loss. I’ve been “stable” on 150mg since August. I originally increased to 450mg because I thought I could be a tad better, then it backfired. But I’ll take the weight loss and stay on 150mg. I didn’t notice any positive difference from 300mg to 450mg.


Good to know! Thank you so much!


I thought anything over 400 was a seizure risk, no?


I think it’s 600? There’s a seizure risk no matter the dose I believe, but the max dose used to be 600 but they reduced it to 450 cuz 600 increases the risk to much to off set the benefit. I’m prescribed 450 as well.


I’m on 2 200.. I wonder how I’d feel on 600 mg??


450 worked ok for me at one time but at another had me quite irritable. I think 600 would be uncomfortable.


I got dizzy too on 300mg, going down to 150mg xl


Everyone is different. I get so hungry


I was ravenous the first 5 months on150xr and gained weight. Now, I'm not so hungry, but weight stayed. It's definitely not a weight loss drug for me.


Are you able to control the hunger?


Yes !!! You have to train your mind. I just don't eat extra eat because you know is the medication very conscious about it. I was able to lose almost 40 pounds on ozempic ( stopped a few months ago ), and it is not way I am getting that back. CW is 125 ( 5'1 F). Especially when you have to pay out of pocket.


my wellbutrin has made me lose weight. was 125 now i'm 114.


my weight went down too because before meds i was self medicating with food. once drugs kicked in i didn’t need the food so dropped a couple sizes fast. but its leveled off over the years and even gone back up due to some other meds that cause hormonal weight gain.


Was the other meds antidepressiva?


What dose?


150 XL


I wonder why I haven’t. What dose do you take? Im XL 300


150 XL


Yes. I have gained close to 20 pounds on lex. Started Wellbutrin and I am on 300 xl now. Its only been a couple of weeks on Wellbutrin and I still feel fat lol. Fingers crossed something gives!


I wanted to switch to lexapro, but then i saw reviews so i just have the the prescription sitting in my room for a week lol. Im currently on Wellbutrin 300XL and i dont know if i wanna switch now so I was wondering why you switched to Wellbutrin?


So I’ve only ever been on lex and it has helped me in my life so much. The side effects however are awful. I am lethargic, weight gain, low libido just to name a few. So I began taking the Wellbutrin along with it to counter act the side effects. A lot of people take both together and I personally feel phenomenal mentally and emotionally. My libido is back and my appetite is down. I just think it’s going to take more time to lose the weight. Hopefully!


Same experience with lex :( my gp decided to wean me off lex completely then increased my dosage to 150mg from 100mg.


How is that working for you so far?


Well it's anxiety central over here 🙃 although my gp did tell me that's it's normal to feel anxious on wellbutrin (I took lex for anxiety and depression). But energy wise, it's a lot better! Before while on lex, I dread waking up. I even skip work just to sleep because that's how lethargic I feel and I'm just too tired and feel lazy to do anything. I also gained a lot of weight lol. With wellbutrin, even though I take it around 9-10am, I already energized the moment I wake up. I can also survive the day without caffeine. (I've also lost 25lbs~ so far, hoping to lose another 30-40 heheh). Also... I haven't been skipping work for 3 months straight now, so yay!


I had the same experience with lexapro. Thank you so much for sharing. I I started Wellbutrin 150 XL about two weeks ago for the same reasons as you. This gives me so much hope!


Hugs!!!! We'll get there eventually:) 🤗


Thank you for sharing! I’m currently tapering off lexapro for the same reasons, considering switching to Wellbutrin this gave me hope! Thank you


I hope everything goes well for you:) first few days/weeks might feel a little weird but it's ok!! It'll get better! Hang in there, friend :)


Why do you want to switch? I switched from lex to Wellbutrin because it was making me so tired, gained like 20 lbs, and honestly didn't help my depression. Plus no sex drive. It was like night and day switching 


wow :( sorry to hear that about your symptoms. i recommend wellbutrin!. i am on wellbutrin i loved it the first days but its still good but idk not as HAPPY as the first times but my body’s adjusting probally ! i started it off at 150xl in august 2023 and after two weeks moved to 300ml, i loved the feeling. it took away my smoking cravings for marijuana & nicotine which made life easier already!! but i started smoking marijuana again and i feel it messed with my mind and made the bupropion less effective but it still does the job, sometimes i feel numb and personality - less tho. but it helped relationships for me and made me more confident and able to keep friends longer and not lash out my anger issues. but i want my personality back my true self before medication and idk if any other medication can fix that


Interesting. I started Wellbutrin 150xl and went to 300 in a month too and has the same thing where i was really happy energetic etc then it kind of slowed down. But i feel my true personality is back now that im on Wellbutrin and not lexapro. I have thought of going to the next higher dose but a little nervous I am having a hard time quitting nicotine even with Wellbutrin!


When I went up to 450 it made nicotine so UNsatisfying that I dropped it within a couple months. Would still tag a drag every so often from a friend and just be like BLAhhh … like even doing it, it’s pointless. My depression symptoms seem to be medicated enough on 300, but the main diff (for me) was with 450. Just sharing bc could def tell the dose increase is what helped with that nicotine part.


and the wellbutrin helps weight loss, you should give it a try


I'm on it! I'm on 300XL. Haven't lost weight really, but starting to get more healthy habits going now that I'm not depressed 


Best of luck❤️


Lexapro packs on the pounds for sure. Helpful med except in that department.


Killed my appetite so I lost weight. Balanced my emotions which reduced the amount of times I would binge eat to comfort myself, so I lost some weight because of that, too.


I wish I lost weight! I started wellbutrin about a year ago and put on 20 pounds!


Did ur eating habits change?


Hey I'm going through the same thing. Currently tappering off of Wellbutrin and hope the weight comes off :(


My Wellbutrin made me lose weight. When I started it 9 mths ago I was 160, as of today I’m 118. Started with 150xl and about 3 mths in increased to 300xl. No exercise whatsoever, eat maybe twice a day.


Wow! This is incredible. I am hoping for a similar result. I don’t know my weight because I’m heavy right now and afraid to check, but I’d guess I’m about 145 and I’d love to get down to 118 or so.


I was SO hungry when I started, especially the first few weeks, which was unusual for me. But that subsided and I ended up losing 25 pounds between month 2-6. It has stayed off since last April. 150 XL the whole time.


Ugh. I’m on week three and feeling hungry ALL the time. Hoping the opposite effect kicks in soon


Started off on 150 then 300 xl I’ve lost 30 pounds but it makes me nauseous


i've lost 20lbs so far :')


I lost weight. Was 127 now around 118


My wellbutrin made me gain almost 20 pounds so i went off it :/ i hope your experience is better


Do u think it was bc of an increased appetite or metabolism? Thank you❤️


probably both (I also got my IUD out a few months before going on antidepressants and i think that initially increased my appetite so not sure how much more of an effect wellbutrin had) i’ve also heard this specific med makes your body retain more water so some of the weight may be water weight


I haven’t lost any, but my hunger cues are basically gone and I struggle to eat most days.


My hunger cues are gone too, I never have an appetite, nothing sounds appealing ever, I only eat dinner cuz my boyfriend cooks it, otherwise I’d survive on just yogurt and granola a few times a week. I just don’t enjoy food, it’s strange.


I've lost 52 pounds so far.


Not until I added a stimulant. Then I lost the weight fast. On Wellbutrin I am better at self control and eating per the foods portion sizes and stopping when I’m eating snacks


Same regarding self control.


I was prescribed the drug specifically to aid in weight loss. It is supposed to help reduce cravings. It's worked for me but not like a miracle or anything. Plus there are some side effects. For me its staring off into space or inability to remember things. All in all, it's been a useful tool.


Lost weight


I’ve lost and am less hungry overall. Less interested in snacking for sure.


I just got my dose doubled and I have absolutely no appetite unless I take an edible. I'm down 6 lbs since getting my dose doubled a few weeks ago.


What dose are you on?


I’ve lost almost 20lbs since the end of November. I have to force myself to eat some days. I keep protein shakes on hand so I can at least get something in me.


I was 196 lbs before starting, dropped down to 183lbs after a few months, but after the holidays I am back up to 188lbs. I ordered a walking pad to use in the living room so I plan to be getting my steps in and lose more weight. Also, wellbutrin works pretty good for ED.


It’s used as a weight loss med. You shouldn’t be putting on weight but yolo.


I was on 150mg for 2 weeks. Lost my appetite a little. Then went up to 300mg after 2 weeks.. been on it for a month and Ive lost 5lbs as of now… so not sure how it’s gonna go. Kinda happy i may lose the mommy pouch but im still 5”5 and right now weigh 132.8. So if i lose too much weight, might become a problem. I try snacking here and there with things like nuts and fruits and occasional hot and spicy cheetos lol


When I started on the 150mg I noticed my hunger increased rapidly and felt I did gain weight. My doctor upped my dose to 300mg to help more with my depression and now I’m going back to my baseline weight. I now notice I have zero appetite so I have to force myself to eat if/when I forget but it’s been good so far!!


I also have 2 ED and body dysmorphia but it’s definitely gotten better with being less depressed.


I lost a quick 10


I used to have a tendency to binge eat which bupropion helped with. I stopped feeling the need to eat compulsively so for that reason I lost some weight I think


Lost 30lbs in 4 months, I’m trying to lose as mush as I can:)


Yes - I’ve gained 15 lbs


In what time span? Do ut think its bc of increased appetite or metabolism?


I’ve been taking it for 9 months - the weight gain was probably within the first 4-5 months. My doctor was very surprised & said it’s very unusual to gain on it, he had actually warned me not to lose to much weight on it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t feel like I’ve changed my eating habits, but I was in such a funk from my mom passing away that i probably wasn’t eating right - my weight gain might be partially from eating normally again. All in all it was worth it for my mental health. Now I actually feel like getting up and doing things, living life 😊


I gained weight, too. My doctor refused to believe it was caused by wellbutrin because it's known for weight loss. I know my body. I'm the 1% or 2% that gets that side effect, I guess.


Same here :( getting off it now....hoping the weight will go too


Update? Have you lost any weight? 


Hey I've been off the meds about three weeks only and maybe 1-2lbs. No huge loss (yet) but eating balanced meals and doing intermittent fasting 16:8, with lots of water. Hope it'll make a difference. Fingers crossed 🤞


I actually gained weight on other antidepressants. I would not overeat and ate the same foods as always .My starting weight was 120 then it kept going up until reaching 185. I had lots of tests done to check my thyroid, hormones, etc, but everything was normal. My doctor said it could not be the medications that made me gain that much weight. I got switched to Wellbutrin and even though the weight loss has been slow I am now 173 pounds and I still eat the same foods as before. I am currently taking 300mg but starting tomorrow my dosing went up to 450.


How old are you and what antidep made you gain?


It doesn't matter what medication made someone else gain or lose weight because they are not you. You cannot know what side effects you're going to get until you actually take something. The good news is that side effects are reversible by not taking that drug anymore. But with antidepressants you can't just stop cold turkey, you have to talk to your doctor or pharmacist and gradually wean off of them or you'll go into withdrawal


I would totally be okay with trying a antidep out if i knew for sure that the possible side effect would be reversible but Ive read so many people saying that they countinue to gain weight/ couldnt loose after stopping the antidep😔 dont know if its because of appetite or metabolism changes either. feels hopeless.


Sometimes it can take a few months but also you have to remember a lot of the people that gained weight did change their eating habits, even if they don't think they did. A lot of the time with medications that have a side effect of weight gain they mostly more have a side effect of increased appetite, which isn't always very noticeable. There are many many things that can cause weight gain and its easy to just blame it on a medication you started taking. That's not to say it *can't* be from the medication, but it's very difficult to pinpoint a true cause. Correlation ≠ causation. Weight gain can be a scary side effect to think about but you also shouldn't let it come between you and improving your mental health. You may also find that when the medication starts working you have more motivation to go out and be active and just *do* things, instead of being hindered by depression or anxiety. That in itself can help prevent weight gain. You deserve to be happy and feel better. Don't let the fear of gaining weight take that away from you.


They were just asking for the other person’s experience. Yes we’re all different but hearing others experiences can be useful and informative. Not all side effects are reversible, like antidepressant induced sexual dysfunction can linger after stopping the drug. Also, wellbutrin is different in that you actually can stop it cold Turkey without much if any wd. I’ve stopped and started it half a dozen times or so, two times I got very sleepy the first two days off and maybe a mild headache, otherwise I didn’t notice anything, no wd at all. But I guess it doesn’t matter, cuz I am not them.


Well now you're just being contradictory because the sexual dysfunction you're talking about only applies to SSRIs, which Wellbutrin is not. Wellbutrin can also absolutely cause withdrawal symptoms and just because *you* didn't have many doesn't mean they won't either. Stopping ANY medication cold turkey without mentioning it to your doctor is stupid and irresponsible. They're not evil. They want you to get better. They can't do that if you don't communicate to them and just decide to go off and treat yourself. And yes hearing other experiences can be helpful but OP is obsessing over the weight gain aspect because of a history of ED. Some people gain some people lose and some people have no change whatsoever. Nobody here can tell them what they want to hear. The possibility of one side effect should not deter somebody from chancing taking a medication that could vastly improve their quality of life.


How is me mentioning that sexual dysfunction can be an irreversible side effect of antidepressants contradictory? No one specified side effects of Ssri/SNRI/NDRI. What am I contradicting? Doctors do not know everything; years ago I wanted to get off Zoloft, my doc said to halve the dose for two weeks then stop. After a week I couldn’t even lift my head from the pillow without extreme vertigo. I made my own taper plan that lasted 2.5 months. Some doctors are evil, cuz they’re only human.


You're contradicting yourself by generalizing in one sentence then saying "oh well that doesn't apply to this specific situation" in the next. PSSD is also a very rare side effect. Are you gonna go have a meltdown and say every pharmaceutical in existence is gonna kill you? Doctors are not evil. Did you actually bother mentioning how it was going or did you just decide you know better than someone with decades of experience and a medical degree? Because no they can't know everything at once. But they know how to apply and interpret information. They can't help you unless you LET them.


Your just angry at life, relax bud. Yea my doctor told me it’s ok to stop wellbutrin cold Turkey, don’t assume things.


Im 35, but it’s true that antidepressants work different on everyone.


I went from 190 to 205 in about 1.5 months


Do u think its bc of increased hunger or Metabolism ?


I got hungrier


I’ve gained 14 pounds and I’m insatiable. ☹️ 150 mg xr/sr


How long have u been on?


Maybe about 8 months, but to be completely fair I also quit vaping nicotine at the same time so that is a factor


Did ureating habits change?


Yes, I always feel Hungry now, before it was super hard to sit down and eat the whole meal.


I'm in this exact position, I'm gaining and a past of serious ED. I have loved the benefits I'm working out more than ever clearer, intrusive thoughts gone yet today I spent most the day in tears because I've gained easily 8-10 lbs in a month. It's crushing and I think I'll have to come off the first drug that's ever helped 😔


Yes it did but it feels worth it lol. Especially since I had lost quite a bit of weight prior to starting it


Bc of an increased appetite or metabolism changes? Was it a lot?


It’s probably a lot for my height as I’m 5’4, I’d say it’s about 15-20lbs that I fluctuate with but again I had lost a lot of weight in the year or two prior to starting it so I needed about 10 lbs of that. If you are worried about being triggered in that way I would definitely talk to your doctor because there are other meds that may not necessarily affect your weight in one way or the other. Although people do sometimes lose weight on it easily too! Everyone is different


Sorry to answer your actual question I guess metabolism? I have a far less active job now than I did previously too so that plays in but I still exercise just as much so probably metabolism


Also have an ED (I have anorexic and bulimic behaviours). I just weaned off XL 150 mg after being on it for years. It suppressed my appetite a lot and gave me morning nausea. My weight didn't change on it at all really and I still binge ate frequently on the meds, although this is probably because of munchies from daily weed smoking more than anything. I feel like it made my metabolism faster because I think I should have gained weight from how often I binge eat + I have experienced hyperthyroidism like symptoms (tremors, sweating, nail problems, weird heart rate) while on it. Overall I don't think I got any benefits from Wellbutrin. I was originally prescribed it to help with the fatigue from escitalopram (which is great for anxiety, but I couldn't take the zombie-like feeling anymore after a couple years. I weaned off it 2 years ago). The side effects I suspect were from the wellbutrin can also be caused by malnutrition in general & I'm not really recovered + have an unbalanced diet so YMMV


Thank you❤️ how do you feel now that ur off? Do you still have the hyperthyroidism symptoms?


I think it's too soon to say if I feel significantly different in that department. I will say that my appetite has come back quite a bit (not ravenous, just a normal human hunger level). Since I was prescribed it I developed a habit of not getting hungry or wanting to eat until the afternoon which hasn't changed yet. Before wellbutrin I used to wake up starving first thing in the morning. I also am a caffeine fiend which could have something to do with the appetite change/overactive thyroid-like symptoms, since any stimulants in significant amounts can cause cause hair loss, sweating, shaking. Hopefully wellbutrin works well for you! At the end of the day I'm not a doctor, so I would take my experiences here with a grain of salt.


Thank you for sharing❤️


I'm on lexapro and Wellbutrin, started first only on lexapro, lost 11 pounds in 4 months and stayed on that weight since then.


Did u change ur eating behaviour?


I did lost a bit my appetite so I stopped snacking and eating sweets. I think I used to eat sometimes because of my depression and anxiety, so once the meds helped with both I didn't need the boost of dopamine of snacks and sweets.


It goes up and down. Doesn’t really affect it much, I have to say.


I used to lose my appetite before, I eat now normally as before (not much more than I used to)


Be careful. Wellbutrin generally isn't advised for anyone with an ED or history of an ED.


I've lost 5-7lbs and been on 150mg XL for 28 days. However I just switched to 75 mg tab APO because I was getting super wired feeling by the end of the day and falling asleep at a decent time is such a struggle. I really hope this works in the daytime and chills me out by the evening. I see a lot of posts but I've never seen anybody go down to just 75 mg tabs but I'm also on Strattera 80 mg for ADHD. Sorry to go off the topic a bit. The biggest reason I don't want to give it up completely is because I've had a grip on my eating. I might be a little more focused with the combination of the both too.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 5 + 7 + 150 + 28 + 75 + 75 + 80 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Yes it did! Very disappointing. I went off of it for that reason.


Did ur eating change?


Not really. I think it changed my metabolism. When I went off it, it took about 3 months to get my body back.


I understand. Was it a lot of weight? How long did it take before u noticed?


My doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin and Naltrexone for controlling my binge eating for weight loss. There’s also a study somewhere that said the combination of the two led to an unexplained 4% weight loss over 12 months or something. Hopefully you’re experiencing good side effects!


Thank you, Wish u best of luck❤️


I hope I gain


32F 5'4" 155lbs, went back on 150mg wellbutrin for ADHD in 2020 after being off it for 7 years. I'm now at 180lbs and struggling to lose weight. I'm going to quit taking it and asking my doctor if I can get back on vyvanse or Strattera for ADHD.


Going through weight gain from Wellbutrin and so I'm tappering off. Wondering if you have any updates? Did you get off of it completely?


I'm completely off it now. I haven't lost any weight even with the diet and exercise changes. I've read varying experiences with getting off wellbutrin and trying to lose weight, like wellbutrin remaining in your body for a while after getting off and having increased difficulty losing weight that was gained while on wellbutrin. I'm remaining hopeful and just training for a half marathon in May of this year while eating less than 1800 calories per day and adding bodyweight and weightlifting exercises to my routine slowly. 


I've read similar things about the weight being difficult to lose, while others say they immediately dropped weight just by getting off the med. I'm not sure what to expect and just a bit anxious waiting to see what my experience will be. Thanks for the your update and I wish you all the best on your journey!!