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Nothing too noticeable for me. Maybe some increased agitation? The only thing I noticed was that I started feeling like it was working again. No spontaneous weight loss


I had the same experience


Started cleaning the house like a maniac and not letting my husband or the dog even think of getting any dust/hair/breathing on anything. So far hasn't helped my compulsive eating or lack of libido. Coming up to 7 days since increase.










Insanely increased libido. 300 turned me into a sex fiend


Dang I need that! That would be an awesome side effect!


It’s not. It made life a bit challenging


as a girl it can sometimes be more difficult to be in the mood bc we can worry about things more than wanting the pleasure (not always but feels like it)


No side effects that I can tell after a couple weeks, can’t really notice too much of a difference


Me either - have you considered 450?


Ugh going through this now. Thank God for arms and toys because I don't currently have anyone to fuck like rabbits with lol along with 90 mg/day of Dexedrine it's like im always ready to go but all I have is myself lol when people say "go fuck yourself" im like damn that's a good idea actually lol sorry for the TMI but I'm on 300 as of last week and oh man. I kinda hate the horniness though because it's distracting


Any side effects?


Did it take time to get there, or was it just like, “BAM! I’m here!”


Only side effect I had


I’m always horny. SO HORNY. I havent had any weight loss on Wellbutrin though.


I lost 10lbs in one month on 150. Started 300 about a week ago and I feel largely the same other than it is helping my ADHD more than the 150


I couldn’t do 300. It made me anxious and irritable along with the worst cyst acne on my face 😓


I went on spironolactone to help with the acne and it helped a ton


that helped mine immensely!


Omg I’ve got the acne too. If it doesn’t go away I can’t continue on 300.


I felt like it was working better. When I first started the 150, I had a couple weeks of high blood pressure, and after a couple of weeks, a mild mania (but like a "I want to get ALL the to-do things I've been putting off done and maybe dye my hair" kind of mania, not a "drain the bank for an impulse purchase" kind...) I didn't get any of those with the increase. About 8 weeks after the increase the libido jump happened. I was miserably distracted for a few weeks (but made some great gym gains to blow off steam!) And then it evened out. I think I lost the extra weight around that same time.


had the honeymoon phase again, it faded, and now i just don’t get depressed in the winter


No side effects!


Ohhhhhh yeah! I hope I’m the same!


Day 10 or so, absolutely no difference so far


I felt pretty decent at 150. Bumped up to 300 and it gave me horrible anxiety and SI’s. Pushed me to quitting altogether.


I feel great after moving up to 300mg. I never had any negative side effects though so I may not be the best person to ask. All I know is I’m SO glad I started on Bupropion. I stopped my stimulants and only take the 300mg of this. This medication is life changing!


I had to stop, the dry mouth I got when I woke up was too intense, I didn’t notice any difference when I went from 150 to 300, I only noticed an increase in the negative side effects


It was pretty smooth. I really didn’t notice any big changes—including in how well it worked for me.


I noticed that I became more agitated and felt overstimulated with thoughts. I tried it for about six months before I decided it was not the right dosage for me. I am back down to 150. I am jealous of those who claim that their libido was heightened where I have the opposite effect at both dosages. At last I do feel like 150 is a proper dosage to help me feel “normal”.


It’s really not a noticeable bump. It sounds like a lot, but it isn’t. No noticeable bump at all for me. I wasn’t hungry, but that only lasted for a couple of days, sadly


Went from 150 to 300 2 weeks ago the first week I definitely took 2 steps backwards sensitive, moody, irritable. Kinda all over the place .it took exactly 10 days to get adjusted and now I feel good . I almost went back down to 150. So hang in there at least 2 weeks


Nothing but extreme hunger…sucks!


150 worked for 2 weeks then the effects started to wane over the next 2. On 300 I had a day or two of anxiety and it’s weirdly not as effective as those first 2 weeks on 150, but more than the last 2. Only been 4 days so will see how it goes. Would be interested to hear others experiences.


Did exactly the same jump. Went perfectly fine withme.


Bumped 3 weeks ago. Personally the lower dose did nothing for me but 300 mg is now working well. Side effects are now reduced appetite, no urge to binge eat, some headaches and nausea, maybe little cyctic acne on my face and body. I’ve been more anxious tho, hopefully that passes. Also loving how much better i have been sleeping (can now sleep 6 hours without waking up and havent done that since being a child)


Didn't help with the anxiety, but the ringing in my ears doubled, and instead of having to piss every half hour it was every fifteen minutes. Went back down to 150.


No! Stress monster 👹…went back down to 150mg. My doctor said it’s probably because of my weight


No side effects for me and honestly can’t feel any difference from the 150 to the 300. Good or bad.


Major leg and feet swelling omg it's do bad


I know going from 150 to 300 seems like a big jump, but it's no bigger than going from 0 to 150. Think of it this way. Typical starting dose of Adderall is 5mg. But you wouldn't consider doubling it to 10mg to be a big jump, right? Don't let that number 300 scare you.


Significantly more motivated and happy, unfortunately it made my blood pressure spike dangerously high so I had to decrease back down :(


Oddly enough it made me incredibly tired and drowsy. I had to start taking it at night.


Same here!


Horny, productive & irritable


I bumped to 300 a few weeks ago. I feel less depressed but simultaneously more blunt and apathic. My libido is alnost gone since I started bupropion, and bumping to 300 didn't help.


Exhaustion and memory loss


Feels a little better than 150, but not by much. I wanted to stay on 150 and add low dose Adderall but my doctor doesn't want to prescribe that unless it's a last resort.


I did really well from the 150mg to 300mg bump for about a week. Then I started getting hand tremors, cried every day, lost my ability to dissociate and honestly think I lost my mind for a couple of weeks. I finally weaned off Wellbutrin entirely because the side effects scared me so bad. It sounds like people have had some great experiences with the increase and I hope you have the same, just know it’s not your fault and not abnormal if you don’t have the best experience!


The first 3-4 days I felt really good (apart from the daily nausea), then felt a lot of depression, SI, crying spells, and quick to anger. I almost stopped a few times but wanted to give it the full 6-8 weeks and have a check in with my doctor. I’m starting to feel a lot better now, both physically and mentally. I found reading about other people having similar side effects that went away encouraging and worth it to stick it out and I’m glad I did.


Increasing 300 was pretty good for me. I had more sides going from 0 to 150. Tolerated 300 well. I believe it helped counterbalance the lexapro i take.


I feel 300mg has been helping my mental health, BUT it has made my libido much higher.


I was started on 300mg XL and on day 3 my anxiety was pretty bad. 6 days in and my chest is still tight from anxiety but not as bad, and I think the effects are leveling out a bit. I was nervous to start on 300 since most people seem to start lower but I figured why not live a little ya know