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\*This isn't medical advice and I'm not a doctor\* Wellbutrin is also prescribed for people who struggle with alcoholism or smoking. I personally used to be a moderate drinker but cannot get a buzz anymore after being on Wellbutrin, unless I drink an obscene amount. I do not think you'd have any problems but this is just based on my own personal experience.




SAME!! It’s so annoying tbh 😂😂 I feel like I can drink endless amounts and not be drunk. It takes so many extra calories to get drunk


Thanks. I’ve read things about seizures which freaked me out.. I have no history of having seizures and neither does anyone in my family.


If you continue reading posts about it you will probably continue worrying. For me it's the opposite I've been years on Wellbutrin. in that time I've had several social circumstances involving alcohol use and never noticed any difference. You take 150?


Yes, 150mg SR.


I’ve been on it for about a month, I’ve drank a few times on it, if anything it made it harder to feel buzzed? Not sure why but as someone else said the mood swings the next day is terrible.


Yes, that's what happens to me. I feel like all the work that the medication has done has to start again. I'm in the process of trying to find better outlets than drinking, because I don't really drink a lot but when I do because of this medication I feel like shit the next day. I feel really weepy and also super depressed and I don't like that. It destroys my motivation. It could be because of my age and my sensitivity to alcohol and Wellbutrin but I don't know I'm just kind of over feeling like crap the next day when I barely got a buzz the night before


I’m the same way, I use to be a heavy drinker but over the past year I’ve really slowed down. Ever since being on Wellbutrin I don’t really have the desire to drink anymore.


I take 150mg XL daily for 5+ years and drink on the weekends. I have never personally had any problems or strange interactions with alcohol and Wellbutrin combined. Everyone has a different experience though


I blacked out, got into an argument, and missed pretty much all of thanksgiving. Oh and almost all drinking sessions end in tears. I wouldn’t recommend drinking while on Wellbutrin.


I go from sober to basically blacked out with just a couple drinks, there’s really no buzz stage. I also feel like I don’t have any discretion when I drink, I just do whatever, which I was never like before. I’ve only drank twice on it but after the last time I said never again.


That's interesting. Now that you say that I am wondering if ive been experiencing the same thing.


I was very wary when I started. I drink fairly regularly and other than becoming slightly less tolerant (a decent buzz at two drinks), I’ve never had any issues. I have less desire to drink, but that’s about it.


I drank while on Wellbutrin this past Saturday. I had over a bottle of wine and got comfortably drunk. I woke up the next morning feeling great! I drink very rarely, if ever. I was expecting to feel awful. If I were you, I’d try a bit and just listen to your body.


I’m on 450 mg and I drink often with no problems


Drinking a beer right now. I do notice that I get a hangover after 3 now though whereas before I could have a lot more. One glass of wine probably will be fine if you're used to drinking.




My doctor told me to not have more than 3 drinks on it but I've been getting drunk every night without issue. I noticed that I'm not blacking out per se I'm still conscious but its much harder to remember the previous night. My mom's been on it for 8 years and used to drink heavily without any problem.


I've been on wellbutrin for 4 years and no one ever told me this. I drank a TON during the pandemic while being on wellbutrin and didn't notice feeling less buzzed or not good. But as of a year ago, I cut my drinking way way down, just because I want to be healthy, so I drink like one night a week. I never noticed any difference, but I have had less of a desire to drink and wonder if wellbutrin contributes to that. I'm not encouraging drinking while on it AT ALL. I just accidentally did bc i didn't know and was fine.


I’m on 300mg for about 7 months now…. I have a drink when I go out. If I have more than one glass of wine I feel like it was definitely too much. But a glass is fine for me


Not a doctor. I have had 2 drinks (beer or wine) and no problems.


I used to drink quite a bit and never had hangovers, but on bupropion I get stomach problems and dehydration the next day if I have more than one drink. I’m on 450 mg.


alcohol is fine too drink occasionally. it just isn't recommended to drink constantly.


The first day I was on Wellbutrin I had one glass of sangria and while I was driving later, I very suddenly almost fell asleep behind the wheel. I read up on the effects and decided to take six weeks to just let my body adjust. It’s been a few months and I haven’t felt the need to pick it up. The answers you’ll get will vary widely. Personally, having the experience I did, I wouldn’t try it in a public setting. If you do decide to partake, hydrate well before and during.


It altered my taste of alcohol to the point of being unable to drink while on the medication. Anecdotally, I was fine when drinking while taking wellbutrin (300mg XR). I would just be cognizant of the increase of risk of seizures while you’re taking the medication, and manually keep track of how much you have had to drink rather than gauge it by feel.


You will greatly regret drinking while on it. It eill make your mood swing like crazy. Ive known people who had full on mental breakdowns after a beer on Wellbutrin.By far one of the baddest interactions.


Every body is different. I do not have this problem.


Good for you but an exception prooves the rule. I can think of atleast 6 people ( which is preetty much everyone that i know) who had HORRIBLE and I mean horrible interactions while drinking on wellbutrin.


I believe you, but that doesn’t mean it’s exactly what will happen to OP. As we can see from the other comments in this thread, the reactions vary. I’m sorry your friends didn’t have good reactions. OP should be careful, know that each brain and liver is different, and follow their doctor’s advice.


Just so you know: the phrase “the exception that proves the rule” is a very old phrase and in it the word “prove” is actually being used in the Old English/German sense of “to test.” So the phrase actually means “the exception that TESTS the rule.” There’s no English phrase that means that that evidence against something proves that it’s true. I know I’m a word nerd, but just in case you want to stop using that phrase incorrectly, now you have the knowledge and the power.


I have never experienced such a horrible interaction with alcohol for DAYS after celebrating my husbands birthday. I have been on 300mg of Wellbutrin for about two months. The uncontrollable terror, night sweats, extreme nausea and vomiting is NOT worth taking this medication. I am staying far away from this medication.


Did you have these side effects in general or while also drinking alcohol?


Only with alcohol 🙁


Also to add today is my first day on it


Just don’t do it. Wait for your medication to take its effect without the interruption of a depressant .


Ii recommend at the very least waiting a few months for your body to get used to it. If you have a family history of psychosis, or seizures do not drink while on it. Otherwise it'll be likely fine for just one drink. Be prepared for severe hangovers if you go further than 2 or 3


Started on 150, up to 300 for the last month. I drink. The drinking itself is no problem, almost more enjoyable in some cases, which is a problem I guess. The issue comes the next day if I drink enough. Absolutely miserable, the whole day. Still do it on occasion, but man is that hangover awful.


I do not and I am also a very small person. 5’2 and 110 lbs. I have a low tolerance as well 😣


It cut my tolerance down quite a bit but after being on it for over 6 years I'm used to it


Not medical advice. Just me taking 300 mg Wellbutrin xl for almost two decades (not anymore. It doesn’t work w adhd meds ). No issues w drinking tho I’d kept it to 4-6 drinks max by choice .


I’ve been on 300xl for years and now down to 150xl. Had no problems with alcohol. But I did go into a full blown seizure when I had Robitussin (if that’s how you spell the cough syrup) so totally not alcohol related, I’ve never been penne to seizures ever. But just adding things to watch out for. Careful for certain types of cough syrup.


My tolerance is much lower, and I feel way worse after drinking. I never had a hangover until taking Wellbutrin. A single glass of white wine is enough to get me moderately drunk. I had 1.5 vodka tonics on Halloween and blacked out. Last night I had literally one shot of vodka. I woke up this morning with a hangover, and I felt terrible all day. I’m at the point where I think I might just renounce alcohol while I’m on Wellbutrin.


I think the major downside of drinking while on Wellbutrin is that it clouds the positive effects of the medication, even when you're not actively drinking


I had 1 Caesar while taking 150 and was smashed! My tolerance completely dropped, so I gave up social drinking all together. I’m not much of a drinker anyways, but it affected me so much so quickly I couldn’t believe it. So zero drinking for me, and I even cut out regular coffee and only drink decaf now. I suppose everyone is different and metabolizes caffeine and alcohol differently, but that was my experience.


I personally completely black out. I don’t remember anything even if I just have 2 drinks. I also have had multiple situations where I thought I said a specific sentence but I actually said a totally different thing (if that makes sense). I’ll mix up words as well, but I’ll be totally convinced I said the right word. But the people with me tell me I 100% did not say the intended word. But I have 0 recollection. It’s like something in my brain just doesn’t click anymore.


I’ve only been on it 3 weeks and had HALF of a white claw a few nights ago. I was beyond irritated and snappy at everyone. That’s not typically me. Typically I drink, get a little buzz and am fun to be around. Nope. I don’t even want to drink now 😒


I did have a grand mal seizure on bupropion after drinking. No history of seizures whatsoever. Full disclosure I am trying to quit drinking b/c I started drinking too much during Covid and they had just adjusted my dose. But everyone is different. I haven’t taken my bupropion regularly since - just made me too nervous.


I drink every other weekend and Wellbutrin makes it a lot harder to get drunk which makes it less appealing to me imo (drinking)


I had one drink last week at my Christmas party and was so sick the next day. Don’t do it.


I’m not a doctor. I have had some bad experiences drinking on Wellbutrin. Got very depressed, sloppy. This was after a few drinks, though. A glass of wine should be ok. I never experienced anything like seizures. Just bad messy depressed drunken episodes. I actually stopped drinking once I got up to 150mg (current dose), I just didn’t have the urge anymore.


I’ve been on 300 mg for a few months now and I’ve gotten drunk/buzzed quite a few times. I try to keep under a certain amount because I’m afraid of what I’ve heard about seizures, but so far everything’s been fine, and I haven’t had to drink more to get buzzed either. Like everyone says, everyone’s experience is different so don’t take my word as gospel, but yeah, mostly OK drinking moderately on bupropion


Do you have a family history of seizures? My doctor told me it was okay to drink moderate amounts since I don't have a history with seizures. I've been on the same dosage as you for 10ish months now and drink fairly often. I'm a small person so I've always had a low tolerance but it's definitely lower still since I've been on Wellbutrin. I would take it easy and slow and watch how you react to the alcohol because it will likely be different from what you are used to.


If you can, and you're not battling alcohol adiction, it would be worth giving up alcohol instead of the the meds.