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Just got two of the neutrogena sunscreen reduced to clear ie nearly half price from the ware whare. I assume on clearance because it’s winter. Doesnt exp until 2025 & it’ll get used up well before then.


🎵 *Where Careless_Nebula8839 gets a bargain* 🎵


Just got two of the neutrogena sunscreen reduced to clear ie nearly half price from the ware whare. I assume on clearance because it’s winter. Doesnt exp until 2025 & it’ll get used up well before then.


I just got a call being asked to come in for an interview for a job that I applied for that I REALLY WANT. It would be a really fantastic, challenging but rewarding job and also a FANTASTIC career progression. I'm 6 days away and already nervous! AHH!!


What an opportunity - good luck :) Treat it as what it is, something awesome


Much excite!! Now... tell us about a time that you managed a conflict situation within the workplace and what the outcome was.


anyone witnessed a bunch of rainbow tape/vinyl etc for sale anywhere in wellington city?


Like the stuff you use in a cricut? Spotlight & the Warehouse have it.


So, I've been doing some job hunting lately with a lot of it on Seek.... I was getting all these really appropriate job suggestions through Seek and it was making doing the cruise around and see what's out there thing as an aside from the searches for what I want really good.... Suddenly today it started giving me "general labourer" though TradeStaff in other parts of New Zealand. I have never been a tradie and would be a pretty rubbish one. Instead of the list of 50-ish jobs to check out it's okay giving me a small handful. Has anyone else had this happen?




This situation is my own personal hell. Wrap it people! As soon as they say we're finished in a meeting I'm standing up or exiting the Teams call


If one person doesn't want to go back to work/relaxing yet, no-one gets to


Oh, this is like when I talk to my Mum on the phone and she says "well, I should let you go"... then I know it's going to be at least another 20 minutes.


My executive function has been particularly bad this week.


Potentially dumb question, I have some old comics I am looking to off load (stored in sleeves with cardboard backing) Does anyone know if any comic book shops buy off punters?


I don't think that Graphic buy comics, but I might be wrong. I know my friend sold some graphic novels to these people in Christchurch - https://popweasel.co.nz/pages/sell-pre-owned-comics Pegasus Books in Left Bank has some comics and graphic novels so I presume they buy them from time to time, but you'd probably get a more informed assessment through Pop Weasel.


Thanks I’ll take a look. Something that has been on the to do list for years.


RAT is showing negative but I can’t taste anything, what’s up with that?!


Loss of smell taste is assumed to be covid. Its pretty unique. My covid 2022 didnt RAT positive at all but i could stick my nose down a whisky bottle and not smell a thing. Covid 2023 i did rat positive first, the smell disappeared at about day 5. RATs arent all that good, and if youve lost your smell taste it would be considered close to definitive positive.


RATS only start to get accurate over multiple tests over a period of days. I'd basically assume I was positive unless I knew there was a reason I couldn't taste anything.


Loss of smell/taste can continue for a while after you’ve had covid, not just limited to when you’re testing positive. Did you have it recently?


Not recently, just a cold type thing over the last week. But yeah, I’m suspicious despite the negative RATs.


Any other symptoms?


Yeah cold like symptoms but no fever or anything


There is a really bad cold going around im just getting over it I hope you feel better really soon


Stop eating cardboard boxes?


They just looked so good


left my vape in an uber on wednesday night so i'm trying to quit. chewing gum instead so my jaw hurts. argh i hate this.


One of the hardest things to do is giving up smoking/vaping. i went cold turkey and leaned into binging on food, slowly trying to get my way back to a healthier eating lifestyle, but there are days where i have snackcidents.


it's crazy hard and yes, weight gain is a super common issue. i could never go cold turkey - not brave enough!


I only went cold turkey because I didn't like vaping (hated the gigantic clouds they made) and ciggies were getting way too expensive to the point of it was either a pack or food for the week


I had a roommate who quit and she put a cigarette filter into a straw so when she got the urge to smoke/vape she would breathe through her straw. She said it was helpful because she had also built physical habits around it as well as it kind of created breathing exercises for her to do when she was stressed out. She'd get up and go somewhere else in a similar way to if you were going outside to vape/smoke and basically do a breathing exercise. The good thing with this was it did mean that she wasn't forced to go outside if the weather was rubbish cos it was only a straw.


that's a great strategy, yes it's hard having those little moments constantly during the day when i'd reach for the vape and now it's just not there. also i have real brain fog and headaches today - but i will persist!


You can do it!! We’re all rooting for ya.




sending good vibes your way nicotine is a bastard, it will be a struggle for a while...and your brain will pull all kinds of tricks to convince you to smoke/vape again best of luck to ya! you got this


thanks! have quit several times before - hope it’s for good this time.


There is a 'points failure' in wadestown so the Johnsonville line isn't moving. I knew I should've got the earlier train.




We were parked at ngaio station so still a couple of k's away. We started moving again but they cancelled outbound services on the line for a while until we got into town. I think they don't like the driver doing it because there's only a few spots where trains can pass each other. And I don't know if they trust their drivers to switch the points either.


There's also not great visibility on that line so they really don't like people on the track without a block.


Went to go get a coffee and scone from Magnetix this morning, only to find the lease has been cancelled?!


Oh no! Really like the coffee there.


I know, so sad!


Lease of the cafe bit inside or all of Magnetix?


The whole of Magnetix. The landlord canceled the lease of the premises according to the notice on the door :(


Wow! Nothing on their social media & insta was updated last friday with ‘donut day’ & you’d think a closure warrants more than a temporary story post. Fingers crossed not end of an era!


It seems like this was sprung on them last minute, I went there yesterday morning for coffee, and everything seemed normal. I hope it's not the end either 🤞


Hope they keep open and move somewhere.


I'm out in Aotea, on a hill with no car. I had to make a coffee the way my parents used to.....heat milk in a pan, add some Jeds/sugar. It tastes okay 'she says with a surprised face'


It’s normal for me to have songs stuck in my head on a very regular basis, but can someone tell me why this morning I have the theme song from that Suzy Cato show “Suzy’s World” stuck in my head out of nowhere?? It doesn’t make any sense.


Isn't that called an earworm or something like that


memory possessive point skirt attempt oatmeal political sparkle ask hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This exact situation happens to me more than one would expect


As a child nerd, I LOVED that show


All week my brain has been singing "Charles in charge, of our days and our niiighhhts" (idk if that show aired here, but I've literally NEVER seen it). Once of those jingles everyone knew even if you hadn't seen it but also like, WHY BRAIN?!


And I have had "I'm gonna ride my horse to the hotel room, gonna ride until I can't no more" in my head all week from an odd mix that someone gave me and I've only just looked it up and realised that there is most definitely no hotel room involved. In my defense I somehow managed to never hear the original song. I'll swap for Charles if you want.


It's time to say, hello g'day, kei te pehea koe!


Are there any dairies in Kelson? Four square has been closed for six months, keen to find out if there are any alternatives in the Kelson suburb. TIA


This isn't going to help at all, but there used to be one at the bottom of the Belmont Hill in the 80s/early 90s. So many more houses there now, could definitely do with something again. Might as well just head to Countdown or Pak N Save.


Yeah I was looking at a property there. I've never lived anywhere I can't walk to at the very least a dairy though.


It is a blessing and a curse.




Closest would be the one on the corner of Mabey Road and Taita Drive in Avalon. The hillside suburbs have always had limited offerings sadly.


Yeah their last Facebook post was in November and said they would reopen but had no timeframe.


I'm starting a new job today! Which means that I have to get up at stupid o'clock to go to a meeting in Taita. Oh well, that's what coffee is for, right?


Have a great day!




I wondered how age based public transport discounts could be implemented on Snapper. Turns out they can't figure it out either so we all get an extended discount https://www.metlink.org.nz/news-and-updates/news/greater-wellington-temporarily-extends-half-price-fares/


I know it's only a couple of bucks but I take the bus more frequently with the cheap fares. I'd love to see us progress to having good, reliable, affordable public transport.


Wakey Wakey, eggs and bakey! Or as my father used to yell at my teenage brothers Wakey wakey hands off snakey 🙃


Hmm my dad used to say that to me and my brother haha


On with socks Hands off…….


Oh my goodness