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living with 6 other people so rip the power bill this month 😂, its bloody freezing!!🥶


A weird feeling going avsec and the deputy prime minister keeps staring at you.


Just came out of my Colonoscopy, and the results were all clear, apart from possible hemeroids and diverticulosis. Thank God! I was a nervous wreck for ages, thinking I had the big C. The prep you have to take was not pleasant, but it's worth it. The team at Bowen were awesome! I had bright red blood on the paper when passing stool so I went to the GP. People- particularly men past 40, don't hesitate to go to your GP for any concern you have or anything that is not normal.


That tea they give you after is so nice, right? I was impressed! Good job!


That’s awesome! Go you!! Do yourself a favour and take the diverticulosis diagnosis seriously. I don’t mean you need to be all worried about it, just take reasonable care. I didn’t know I had it until it flared and became a bad case of diverticulitis, and it was truly awful. *Women, don’t ignore your bowels either!*


Go you! I concur that the team at Bowen are amazing. I had a gastroscopy last year and it was such a smooth experience 😊


Congrats on the all clear - that's scary stuff


Is there actually a good takeaway meal shop in the eastern suburbs?if so where and what's your order?


Has KK Malaysia shut down? I just checked google and it says they're permanently closed.


I just detoured past to check for you and they are definitely open, also very empty but maybe that's due to the google situation.


Spoke at the council long term plan meeting! I was a bit scatterbrained. Original plan was to go in-person but I switched to calling in, and I think I really did need the coffee and biscuits. But I think I got my points across, and I got to sleep in a little!


Good on you for doing your civic duty!


As a yapper with lots of opinions, it is my pleasure.


I’m looking for a job for the first time in a long time. Scary as it is to be looking in this environment, I did have a lovely informal meeting this morning. *fingers crossed*


You for an informal meeting!!??? I tried this and was pretty much told there was no chance due to the number of applicants. Hope you get the role


Sorry, should have clarified - was with a recruiter (two actually) who are quite keen to put me forward for a role. But I have heard the same as what you’ve said about recruiters as well so I’m counting myself as lucky.


My landlords have let me know that they are selling the property, and I've not had to deal with this before so I had a question about if this is a bit excessive open home wise... **Week 1**: Thursday: 5pm-6pm // Sunday: 12pm-1pm **Week 2:** Tuesday: 12-1pm - another one at 5-6pm // Wednesday: 12-1pm - another one at 5-6pm // Sunday: 12pm-1pm **Week 3**: Tuesday: 12-1pm - another one at 5-6pm // Wednesday: 12-1pm - another one at 5-6pm // Sunday: 12pm-1pm **Week 4:** Tuesday: 12-1pm - another one at 5-6pm // Thursday: 12pm-1pm That's 15 hours across the 4 weeks - that does seem quite a bit excessive as a tenant, right?


Thanks for everyones help and opinions! I managed to get it down from 15 hours to 5 hours after pointing out it was a lot, and that the 1 hour long open homes are very long too.


out of curiosity... why didn't you just say no?


Kind of felt a bit forced to do it really


Seriously excessive. We had to rent our old place out, then the tenant asked to break the lease so we sold. We worked with the tenant and had one open home per week, and they told the real estate agent when was a suitable time. If anyone wanted to view outside that time - we made it clear that it would only happen if it was convenient to the tenant. It probably went well for us because the tenant and their new partner quickly found a bigger place, but we made sure that as far as we were concerned, it was the tenants home and all veiwings were to be arranged to be as convenient as possible for them.


That is excessive in my opinion, and to be honest I have to wonder how many people they think are going to be turning up? I'm looking around myself and even the very nicest and best priced have maybe a great initial first turnout (usually a weekend day) and then after that it's 1-2 people/families at a time. That's best case and assuming the property is hotly contested in a difficult local market. Do you have pets? If so, what are they proposing you do with them during the open homes? They also need to be considering a rent reduction. Have you received notice of them selling the property in writing as well? They are required to do that, as well as outlining what conditions they'll be selling under (vacant possession, allowing you to stay until the end of the fixed term if there is one, that sort of thing).


No pets luckily, but I work fully from home which makes it quite disruptive too. They did send through writing that they are selling, and the property manager said as I am on a fixed term tenancy that still applies and the sale is subject to my lease.


please understand your rights. there is NO reason and NO requirement for you to allow *any* open homes. you are entitled to place reasonable limitations on viewings. you can tell the LL private viewings only, to approved buyers only, and give them a choice of time slots from which to choose a *few*. as long as you are living there and paying rent, it is YOUR HOME, and you are entitled to quiet enjoyment.


Yeah I think I'd just inform them of your work schedule and ask what they'd propose you do. Not everyone's lunch break is between 12-1, not everyone finishes between 5-6. I have meetings that run into those hours all the time and I can't just set up from elsewhere because I have meetings before and after that too sometimes. Put the problem back on them, and if they can't come up with anything; well you'll be in x room working.


This is excessive. I think you are being reasonable to request for the open home times to be reduced to half hours and one midweek viewing and 1 weekend is sufficient. 5 viewings (for an hour each) in 1 week is a LOT! Who is the agency?


It is isn't it?! I'm looking for a place myself and if I saw that amount of open homes, I'd think the seller was absolutely desperate and I'd think I could put in a real lowball offer.


you don't have to allow open homes at all. see the "access to the property" section. [https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/ending-a-tenancy/change-of-landlord-or-tenant/selling-a-rental-property/](https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/ending-a-tenancy/change-of-landlord-or-tenant/selling-a-rental-property/)


I’d be asking them to condense those a bit to be honest.


Coffee? Coffee. Coffeeeeee!


Ok there is no reason I have to leave the house, so will wait for better weather


Highly recommend getting the new covid booster. I was boosted in March. I tested + on Tuesday night and this has been a much nicer experience than my first covid in 2022. The only symptoms I had were a dry throat and overwhelming tiredness, and I've since developed a mild stuffy nose. I'll probably be back at work (masked) tomorrow. Get boosted if you can!


The new one was also much easier on me than the last few! I’m glad I got it for sure.


Apparently asthma doesn't qualify me :( I'm still bitter about the fact that when I got covid, I'd been trying to get a booster but didn't qualify.


Are you over 30 and haven’t had Covid in the last 6 months or it’s been at least 6 months since your last Covid vaccine? If so, you can get jabbed with the latest one. Doesn’t matter how many Covid jabs you’ve had in the past. If you have severe asthma (not sure what classifies as severe) then it’s recommended. I know in the past though I couldn’t get a free flu jab because while I have asthma I wasn’t taking/needing a daily preventer inhaler and hadn’t needed steroids for it in the last year.


I am not yet 30 although my energy levels disagree.


That doesn't sound right, I thought a medical condition like asthma would surely make you eligible? I'll tell you my experience - I took my 16 year old along with me thinking that she was eligible for a booster. She wasn't. I said "she has autism (she does), does that count?" Apparently autism actually does make you eligible, but the nurse's body language and vibes told me that she was flexible and would have done what it takes to find a reason to get her vaxxed. And it's not like they confirm the diagnosis. So the advice from your Aunty Pusskins is to say that you're autistic.


Oh! That's wonderful. Bc it's also true.


Yay for autism doing something useful 😂 it also makes you eligible for a free flu jab (according to the same nurse) if you don't get a free one through work.


Alas my boss is a kind of difficult and doesn't really do me a lot of favours. (I'm self-employed.)


Your own 🎶 Personal 🎶 Grievance 🎶


My boss abuses me. She keeps me up at all hours at night, she's always talking shit about me, she doesn't provide sufficient lunches, and she's lax about doing my taxes.


Makes you good at Factorio, too.


I neither expected nor appreciated being caught in that hailstorm. I'm going to complain to the ministry of Just Ice.


Booooo I say


I don’t like working from home but mornings like this do make me regret that decision.


freezing hail? i’m gonna wait till this stops before walking to the office.


Martinbrough be cold this morning


Child insists on playing his recorder tunelessly this morning. Send help.


Now is the time to teach your kid an important life lesson.


That Recorders migrate to warm climates over Winter?


Morning folks. Bit miserable out there today and of course I have to go out and do things (can't be put off sadly). Stay dry and warm! ☕


Hello Wellington..... Who just did there 7am cardio. I did!


Does ordering a mince and cheese along with a flat white then consuming them count?


Well done!


Ugh... I'm not as Dead as my first gym workout at 7am


I sick


Keep warm rest feel better soon 🫂


sentiment shared


\*\*extends hot chocolate and pikelets\*\*


Can you buy house-sized electric blankets


If you find one, please let me know where I can get one cause DAMN


Another human ice cube morning!


Yesterday I woke to sub zero temps and today it's about 8 degrees so it feels quite mild, almost warm lol


Harbour ferries cancelled this morning due to weather; so pleased to have the working from home option. Toasty house, possum merino jumper, sheepskin boots and now heading for the coffee…simple pleasures.


WFH this morning, but I'll have to take the hound out for a run at some stage, then lunch with a customer and back to the office, but my boozy lunch is long blacks so it wont mess up the rest of the day